Scalars ======= Graphene define the following base Scalar Types: - ``graphene.String`` - ``graphene.Int`` - ``graphene.Float`` - ``graphene.Boolean`` - ``graphene.ID`` Graphene also provides custom scalars for Dates and JSON: - ``graphene.types.datetime.DateTime`` - ``graphene.types.json.JSONString`` Custom scalars -------------- You can create a custom scalar for your schema. The following is an example for creating a DateTime scalar: .. code:: python import datetime from graphene.core.classtypes import Scalar from graphql.core.language import ast class DateTime(Scalar): '''DateTime Scalar Description''' @staticmethod def serialize(dt): return dt.isoformat() @staticmethod def parse_literal(node): if isinstance(node, ast.StringValue): return datetime.datetime.strptime( node.value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") @staticmethod def parse_value(value): return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") Mounting Scalars ---------------- This scalars if are mounted in a ``ObjectType``, ``Interface`` or ``Mutation``, would act as ``Field``\ s. .. code:: python class Person(graphene.ObjectType): name = graphene.String() # Is equivalent to: class Person(graphene.ObjectType): name = graphene.Field(graphene.String()) If the types are mounted in a ``Field``, would act as ``Argument``\ s. .. code:: python graphene.Field(graphene.String(), to=graphene.String()) # Is equivalent to: graphene.Field(graphene.String(), to=graphene.Argument(graphene.String()))