Please read [](/ to learn how to upgrade to Graphene `2.0`. --- # ![Graphene Logo]( [Graphene]( [![Build Status](]( [![PyPI version](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [Graphene]( is a Python library for building GraphQL schemas/types fast and easily. - **Easy to use:** Graphene helps you use GraphQL in Python without effort. - **Relay:** Graphene has builtin support for Relay. - **Data agnostic:** Graphene supports any kind of data source: SQL (Django, SQLAlchemy), NoSQL, custom Python objects, etc. We believe that by providing a complete API you could plug Graphene anywhere your data lives and make your data available through GraphQL. ## Integrations Graphene has multiple integrations with different frameworks: | integration | Package | |---------------|-------------------| | Django | [graphene-django]( | | SQLAlchemy | [graphene-sqlalchemy]( | | Google App Engine | [graphene-gae]( | | Peewee | *In progress* ([Tracking Issue]( | Also, Graphene is fully compatible with the GraphQL spec, working seamlessly with all GraphQL clients, such as [Relay](, [Apollo]( and [gql]( ## Installation For instaling graphene, just run this command in your shell ```bash pip install "graphene>=2.0" ``` ## 2.0 Upgrade Guide Please read [](/ to learn how to upgrade. ## Examples Here is one example for you to get started: ```python class Query(graphene.ObjectType): hello = graphene.String(description='A typical hello world') def resolve_hello(self, info): return 'World' schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) ``` Then Querying `graphene.Schema` is as simple as: ```python query = ''' query SayHello { hello } ''' result = schema.execute(query) ``` If you want to learn even more, you can also check the following [examples](examples/): * **Basic Schema**: [Starwars example](examples/starwars) * **Relay Schema**: [Starwars Relay example](examples/starwars_relay) ## Contributing After cloning this repo, create a [virtualenv]( and ensure dependencies are installed by running: ```sh virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -e ".[test]" ``` Well-written tests and maintaining good test coverage is important to this project. While developing, run new and existing tests with: ```sh py.test PATH/TO/MY/DIR/ # Single file py.test PATH/TO/MY/DIR/ # All tests in directory ``` Add the `-s` flag if you have introduced breakpoints into the code for debugging. Add the `-v` ("verbose") flag to get more detailed test output. For even more detailed output, use `-vv`. Check out the [pytest documentation]( for more options and test running controls. You can also run the benchmarks with: ```sh py.test graphene --benchmark-only ``` Graphene supports several versions of Python. To make sure that changes do not break compatibility with any of those versions, we use `tox` to create virtualenvs for each python version and run tests with that version. To run against all python versions defined in the `tox.ini` config file, just run: ```sh tox ``` If you wish to run against a specific version defined in the `tox.ini` file: ```sh tox -e py36 ``` Tox can only use whatever versions of python are installed on your system. When you create a pull request, Travis will also be running the same tests and report the results, so there is no need for potential contributors to try to install every single version of python on their own system ahead of time. We appreciate opening issues and pull requests to make graphene even more stable & useful! ### Documentation The documentation is generated using the excellent [Sphinx]( and a custom theme. The documentation dependencies are installed by running: ```sh cd docs pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Then to produce a HTML version of the documentation: ```sh make html ```