import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { RouteHandler, Link, State } from 'react-router'; import CodeMirror from 'codemirror'; import { graphql } from 'graphql'; import GraphiQL from 'graphiql'; import schema from './schema'; import pypyjs_vm from 'pypyjs'; import 'codemirror/mode/python/python'; import 'codemirror/addon/lint/lint'; import '../css/playground.styl'; if (typeof PUBLIC_PATH === "undefined") { var PUBLIC_PATH = ''; } pypyjs_vm.rootURL = `${PUBLIC_PATH}/playground/lib/`; pypyjs_vm.cacheKey = 'graphene'; CodeMirror.registerHelper('lint', 'python', function (text, options, editor) { return (options.errors || []).map((error) => { var tokens = editor.getLineTokens(error.line - 1); tokens = tokens.filter((token, pos) => { return !!token.type || token.string.trim().length > 0; }); if (!tokens) return []; return { message: `${}: ${error.message}`, severity: 'error', type: 'syntax', from: CodeMirror.Pos(error.line - 1, tokens[0].start), to: CodeMirror.Pos(error.line - 1, tokens[tokens.length-1].end), }; }); }); function graphQLFetcher(graphQLParams) { return graphql(schema, graphQLParams.query); } var default_interpreter; class Playground extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = {pypyjs: false, stdout: '', response:''}; } stdout() { console.log('stdout', arguments); } componentDidMount() { if (default_interpreter) { this.pypy_interpreter = default_interpreter; this.pypy_interpreter.stdout = this.stdout.bind(this); } else { this.pypy_interpreter = new pypyjs_vm({ stdin: function(){}, stdout: this.stdout.bind(this), stderr: function(){}, rootURL: `${PUBLIC_PATH}/playground/lib/` }); default_interpreter = this.pypy_interpreter; } this.pypyjs = this.pypy_interpreter.ready().then(() => { return this.pypy_interpreter.exec(` import graphene import js from collections import OrderedDict from graphql.core.execution.executor import Executor from graphql.core.execution.middlewares.sync import SynchronousExecutionMiddleware from graphql.core.error import GraphQLError, format_error def get_wrapped(f): if hasattr(f, 'func_closure') and f.func_closure: return get_wrapped(f.func_closure[0].cell_contents) return f class TrackResolver(SynchronousExecutionMiddleware): @staticmethod def run_resolve_fn(resolver, original_resolver): if resolver.func.__module__ == '__main__': line = get_wrapped(resolver.func).resolver.func_code.co_firstlineno js.globals.markLine(line-3) return SynchronousExecutionMiddleware.run_resolve_fn(resolver, original_resolver) __graphene_executor = Executor([TrackResolver()], map_type=OrderedDict) `); }).then(() => { this.createSchema(this.props.initialSchema); }).then(() => { this.setState({pypyjs: true, response:'"Execute the query for see the results"'}); }); window.markLine = (lineNo) => { this.markLine(lineNo); } this.editor = CodeMirror(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.schemaCode), { value: this.props.initialSchema, mode: "python", theme: "graphene", lineNumbers: true, tabSize: 4, indentUnit: 4, gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "breakpoints"], lint: { errors: [], }, }); this.editor.on("change", this.onEditorChange.bind(this)); } onEditorChange() { if (this.changeTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.changeTimeout); } if (this.props.onEditSchema) { var value = this.editor.getValue(); if (value != this.props.initialSchema) { this.props.onEditSchema(value) } } this.changeTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.updateSchema() , 300); } updateSchema() { this.createSchema(this.editor.getValue()); } createSchema(code) { if (this.previousCode == code) return; console.log('createSchema'); this.validSchema = null; this.pypyjs.then(() => { return this.pypy_interpreter.exec(` schema = None ${code} assert schema, 'You have to define a schema' `) }).then(() => { console.log('NO ERRORS'); this.removeErrors(); this.validSchema = true; }, (err) => { this.editor.options.lint.errors = []; console.log('ERRORS', err); this.logError(err); this.validSchema = false; }).then(this.updateGraphiQL.bind(this)); this.previousCode = code; } updateGraphiQL() { if (this.validSchema) { this.refs.graphiql.state.schema = null; this.refs.graphiql.componentDidMount(); this.refs.graphiql.forceUpdate(); this.refs.graphiql.refs.docExplorer.forceUpdate(); } } logError(error) { var lines = error.trace.split('\n'); var file_errors = => { return errorLine.match(/File "", line (\d+)/); }).filter((x) => !! x); if (!file_errors.length) return; var line = parseInt(file_errors[file_errors.length-1][1]); error.line = line-2; if ( == "ImportError" && error.message == "No module named django") { error.message = "Django is not supported yet in Playground editor"; } this.editor.options.lint.errors.push(error); CodeMirror.signal(this.editor, 'change', this.editor); } removeErrors() { this.editor.options.lint.errors = []; CodeMirror.signal(this.editor, 'change', this.editor); } fetcher (graphQLParams) { if (!this.validSchema) { return graphQLFetcher(arguments); } return this.execute(graphQLParams.query); } execute(query) { // console.log('execute', query); return this.pypyjs.then(() => { var x = ` import json result = __graphene_executor.execute(schema.schema, '''${query}''') result_dict = {}; if result.errors: result_dict['errors'] = [format_error(e) for e in result.errors] if result_dict['data'] = result_json = json.dumps(result_dict) `; return this.pypy_interpreter.exec(x) } ).then(() => this.pypy_interpreter.get(`result_json`) ).then((data) => { var json_data = JSON.parse(data); return json_data; }); } markLine(lineNo) { console.log(lineNo); var hlLine = this.editor.addLineClass(lineNo, "text", "activeline"); // var mark = this.editor.markText({line: lineNo, ch: 0}, {line: lineNo, ch: 10}, {className: "called-function"}); setTimeout(() => { this.editor.removeLineClass(lineNo, "text", "activeline"); }, 1200); } render() { return (
); } } module.exports = Playground;