<smallclass="text-muted">This is some placeholder block-level help text for the above input. It's a bit lighter and easily wraps to a new line.</small>
Below is a complete list of options supported by Material Design for Bootstrap and the classes that customize them. Additional documentation is available for each group.
The `.bmd-form-group` class is usually added to the `.form-group` element. Whereas the `.form-group` adds structure to forms by providing `margin-bottom` around a label and control pairing,
the only purpose of the `.bmd-form-group` is to demarcate Material Design behaviors for a combination of label/input. Focus/hover styling for the label/input is determined based on the `.bmd-form-group`.
The `.bmd-form-group` is added automatically by javascript through basic discovery of the outer demarcation of the component defined by the Bootstrap standard
markup. If your code is templated, you may want to add `.bmd-form-group` to the markup directly to prevent any rendering churn from the javascript determining
and adding the class to the markup. In custom situations, the javascript may not be able to properly resolve the location for the `.bmd-form-group`, so in rare or complex cases
you may need to wrap your markup in an `.bmd-form-group` to get appropriate focus/hover behavior.
Use the `.form-inline` class to to display a series of labels, form controls, and buttons on a single horizontal row. Form controls within inline forms behave differently:
- Controls are `display: inline-block` to provide alignment control via `vertical-align` and `margin`.
- Controls receive `width: auto` to override the Bootstrap default `width: 100%`.
- Controls **only appear inline in viewports that are at least 768px wide** to account for narrow viewports on mobile devices.
Because of this, you may need to manually address the width and alignment of individual form controls. Lastly, as shown below, you should always include a `<label>` with each form control.
`bmd-help` can be used for form tips (known as `help-block` in v3 which has been removed in v4). These elements are absolutely positioned but hidden, they occupy the space when hidden to prevent form bouncing.
### Multiple
Multiple help blocks will cause the form to bounce because subsequent blocks are relatively positioned. The space used when hidden is that of a single help comment only.
{% example html %}
<labelfor="exampleInputEmail1"class="bmd-label-floating">Email address (two help blocks)</label>