Material Design for Bootstrap 4 is a major rewrite of almost the entire project.
The most notable changes are summarized immediately below, followed by more specific class and behavioral changes to relevant components.
{% callout info %}
**Heads up!** This will be in flux as work on the v4 alphas progresses. Until then consider it incomplete, and we'd love pull requests to help keep it up to date.
These migration changes are for BMD, and should be considered **in addition** to the [Bootstrap migration guidelines](
- Dropped IE8 and iOS 6 support. v4 is now only IE9+ and iOS 7+. For sites needing either of those, use v3.
- Added official support for Android v5.0 Lollipop's Browser and WebView. Earlier versions of the Android Browser and WebView remain only unofficially supported.
### Global changes
- Switched from [Less]( to [SCSS]( for our source CSS files.
- No longer a theme that overrides Bootstrap, instead it is a full customization of Bootstrap.
- Switched from `px` to `rem` as our primary CSS unit.
- Global font-size increased from `14px` to `16px`.
- Introduced `.bmd-form-group` to provide demarcation for label/input combinations, disconnecting it explicitly from `.form-group` so that they can be used independently.
- Initial focus on `nav-tabs`, `nav-pills`, and `navbar-nav`
#### Panels
Guidance included from Bootstrap's documentation:
-`.panel` to `.card`
-`.panel-default` removed and no replacement
-`.panel-heading` to `.card-header`
-`.panel-title` to `.card-title`
-`.panel-body` to `.card-block`
-`.panel-footer` to `.card-footer`
-`.panel-primary` to `.card-primary` and `.card-inverse`
-`.panel-success` to `.card-success` and `.card-inverse`
-`.panel-info` to `.card-info` and `.card-inverse`
-`.panel-warning` to `.card-warning` and `.card-inverse`
-`.panel-danger` to `.card-danger` and `.card-inverse`
### Cards
- Started over with the introduction of cards in Bootstrap V4.
## Documentation
Our documentation received an upgrade across the board as well. Here's the low down:
- We're using Jekyll (seeded from Bootstrap's project itself) and we have custom plugins in the mix:
-`example.rb` is a fork of the default `highlight.rb` plugin, allowing for easier example-code handling.
-`callout.rb` is a similar fork of that, but designed for our special docs callouts.
-`variables.rb` which gathers the version from (`package.json`), dependencies from `node_modules` (`package.json`) and makes them available to render text and links in the documentation ``. No more SED to replace versions everywhere!
- All docs content has been rewritten in Markdown (instead of HTML) for easier editing.
- Pages have been reorganized for simpler content and a more approachable hierarchy.
- We moved from regular CSS to SCSS to take full advantage of variables, mixins, and more.
## What's new
## What's removed
The following components have been removed in v4.0.0.