Just include the theme right after the Bootstrap CSS and include the javascript at the end of your document, everything will be converted to Material Design (paper) style.
This theme is in early developement and is not ready for production.
There are 17 additional color variations (in addition to the classic 4 variations) for buttons, inputs, checkboxes, radios, alerts, navbars, tabs, labels, paginations, progess bars and more.
They can be used adding to the desired element the class suffix `-material-color` replacing `color` with the desired one.
Material Design for Bootstrap comes with styling support for various Bootstrap plugins, at the moment only one plugin is supported but others will come:
### Toastr
Create snackbars and toasts with Toastr plugin, the default toast style is the squared one (snackbar style), if you like to use the rounded style (toast style) please add the `rounded` class to the `positionClass` option of Toastr.
Currently Material Design for Bootstrap supports Google Chrome (tested v37+), Mozilla Firefox (tested 30+), Internet Explorer (tested 11+). Mobile browsers are not currently tested but may works.