diff --git a/dist/js/bootstrap-material-design.es2015.js b/dist/js/bootstrap-material-design.es2015.js index 4aab1e04..13df2a65 100644 --- a/dist/js/bootstrap-material-design.es2015.js +++ b/dist/js/bootstrap-material-design.es2015.js @@ -6633,9 +6633,6 @@ const BootstrapMaterialDesign = (($) => { file: { selector: 'input[type=file]' }, - //layout: { - // selector: '.mdb-layout-container' - //}, radio: { selector: '.radio > label > input[type=radio]' }, @@ -6661,8 +6658,8 @@ const BootstrapMaterialDesign = (($) => { selector: '.switch > label > input[type=checkbox]' }, text: { - // omit inputs we have specialized components to handle - selector: [`input[type!='hidden'][type!='checkbox'][type!='radio'][type!='file']`] + // omit inputs we have specialized components to handle - we need to match text, email, etc. The easiest way to do this appears to be just omit the ones we don't want to match and let the rest fall through to this. + selector: [`input[type!='hidden'][type!='checkbox'][type!='radio'][type!='file'][type!='button'][type!='submit'][type!='reset']`] }, textarea: { selector: ['textarea'] @@ -6674,7 +6671,6 @@ const BootstrapMaterialDesign = (($) => { 'checkbox', 'checkboxInline', 'collapseInline', - //'layout', 'drawer', 'file', 'radio', diff --git a/dist/js/bootstrap-material-design.es2015.js.map b/dist/js/bootstrap-material-design.es2015.js.map index e8d7086b..d4ab0c59 100644 --- a/dist/js/bootstrap-material-design.es2015.js.map +++ b/dist/js/bootstrap-material-design.es2015.js.map @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"version":3,"file":"bootstrap-material-design.es2015.js","sources":["../../node_modules/babel-polyfill/dist/polyfill.js","../../js/src/util.js","../../js/src/base.js","../../js/src/baseInput.js","../../js/src/baseSelection.js","../../js/src/checkbox.js","../../js/src/checkboxInline.js","../../js/src/collapseInline.js","../../js/src/file.js","../../js/src/radio.js","../../js/src/radioInline.js","../../js/src/baseFormControl.js","../../js/src/select.js","../../js/src/switch.js","../../js/src/text.js","../../js/src/textarea.js","../../js/src/baseLayout.js","../../js/src/drawer.js","../../js/src/ripples.js","../../js/src/autofill.js","../../js/src/bootstrapMaterialDesign.js"],"sourcesContent":["(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require==\"function\"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error(\"Cannot find module '\"+o+\"'\");throw f.code=\"MODULE_NOT_FOUND\",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require==\"function\"&&require;for(var o=0;o 2 ? $$[2] : undefined\n , count = Math.min((end === undefined ? len : toIndex(end, len)) - from, len - to)\n , inc = 1;\n if(from < to && to < from + count){\n inc = -1;\n from += count - 1;\n to += count - 1;\n }\n while(count-- > 0){\n if(from in O)O[to] = O[from];\n else delete O[to];\n to += inc;\n from += inc;\n } return O;\n};\n},{\"77\":77,\"80\":80,\"81\":81}],7:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// Array.prototype.fill(value, start = 0, end = this.length)\n'use strict';\nvar toObject = _dereq_(81)\n , toIndex = _dereq_(77)\n , toLength = _dereq_(80);\nmodule.exports = [].fill || function fill(value /*, start = 0, end = @length */){\n var O = toObject(this, true)\n , length = toLength(O.length)\n , $$ = arguments\n , $$len = $$.length\n , index = toIndex($$len > 1 ? $$[1] : undefined, length)\n , end = $$len > 2 ? $$[2] : undefined\n , endPos = end === undefined ? length : toIndex(end, length);\n while(endPos > index)O[index++] = value;\n return O;\n};\n},{\"77\":77,\"80\":80,\"81\":81}],8:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// false -> Array#indexOf\n// true -> Array#includes\nvar toIObject = _dereq_(79)\n , toLength = _dereq_(80)\n , toIndex = _dereq_(77);\nmodule.exports = function(IS_INCLUDES){\n return function($this, el, fromIndex){\n var O = toIObject($this)\n , length = toLength(O.length)\n , index = toIndex(fromIndex, length)\n , value;\n // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm\n if(IS_INCLUDES && el != el)while(length > index){\n value = O[index++];\n if(value != value)return true;\n // Array#toIndex ignores holes, Array#includes - not\n } else for(;length > index; index++)if(IS_INCLUDES || index in O){\n if(O[index] === el)return IS_INCLUDES || index;\n } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1;\n };\n};\n},{\"77\":77,\"79\":79,\"80\":80}],9:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// 0 -> Array#forEach\n// 1 -> Array#map\n// 2 -> Array#filter\n// 3 -> Array#some\n// 4 -> Array#every\n// 5 -> Array#find\n// 6 -> Array#findIndex\nvar ctx = _dereq_(18)\n , IObject = _dereq_(35)\n , toObject = _dereq_(81)\n , toLength = _dereq_(80)\n , asc = _dereq_(10);\nmodule.exports = function(TYPE){\n var IS_MAP = TYPE == 1\n , IS_FILTER = TYPE == 2\n , IS_SOME = TYPE == 3\n , IS_EVERY = TYPE == 4\n , IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE == 6\n , NO_HOLES = TYPE == 5 || IS_FIND_INDEX;\n return function($this, callbackfn, that){\n var O = toObject($this)\n , self = IObject(O)\n , f = ctx(callbackfn, that, 3)\n , length = toLength(self.length)\n , index = 0\n , result = IS_MAP ? asc($this, length) : IS_FILTER ? asc($this, 0) : undefined\n , val, res;\n for(;length > index; index++)if(NO_HOLES || index in self){\n val = self[index];\n res = f(val, index, O);\n if(TYPE){\n if(IS_MAP)result[index] = res; // map\n else if(res)switch(TYPE){\n case 3: return true; // some\n case 5: return val; // find\n case 6: return index; // findIndex\n case 2: result.push(val); // filter\n } else if(IS_EVERY)return false; // every\n }\n }\n return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : result;\n };\n};\n},{\"10\":10,\"18\":18,\"35\":35,\"80\":80,\"81\":81}],10:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// ArraySpeciesCreate(originalArray, length)\nvar isObject = _dereq_(39)\n , isArray = _dereq_(37)\n , SPECIES = _dereq_(84)('species');\nmodule.exports = function(original, length){\n var C;\n if(isArray(original)){\n C = original.constructor;\n // cross-realm fallback\n if(typeof C == 'function' && (C === Array || isArray(C.prototype)))C = undefined;\n if(isObject(C)){\n C = C[SPECIES];\n if(C === null)C = undefined;\n }\n } return new (C === undefined ? Array : C)(length);\n};\n},{\"37\":37,\"39\":39,\"84\":84}],11:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// getting tag from Object.prototype.toString()\nvar cof = _dereq_(12)\n , TAG = _dereq_(84)('toStringTag')\n // ES3 wrong here\n , ARG = cof(function(){ return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments';\n\nmodule.exports = function(it){\n var O, T, B;\n return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null'\n // @@toStringTag case\n : typeof (T = (O = Object(it))[TAG]) == 'string' ? T\n // builtinTag case\n : ARG ? cof(O)\n // ES3 arguments fallback\n : (B = cof(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : B;\n};\n},{\"12\":12,\"84\":84}],12:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar toString = {}.toString;\n\nmodule.exports = function(it){\n return toString.call(it).slice(8, -1);\n};\n},{}],13:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n'use strict';\nvar $ = _dereq_(47)\n , hide = _dereq_(32)\n , mix = _dereq_(54)\n , ctx = _dereq_(18)\n , strictNew = _dereq_(70)\n , defined = _dereq_(20)\n , forOf = _dereq_(28)\n , $iterDefine = _dereq_(43)\n , step = _dereq_(45)\n , ID = _dereq_(83)('id')\n , $has = _dereq_(31)\n , isObject = _dereq_(39)\n , setSpecies = _dereq_(66)\n , DESCRIPTORS = _dereq_(21)\n , isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || isObject\n , SIZE = DESCRIPTORS ? '_s' : 'size'\n , id = 0;\n\nvar fastKey = function(it, create){\n // return primitive with prefix\n if(!isObject(it))return typeof it == 'symbol' ? it : (typeof it == 'string' ? 'S' : 'P') + it;\n if(!$has(it, ID)){\n // can't set id to frozen object\n if(!isExtensible(it))return 'F';\n // not necessary to add id\n if(!create)return 'E';\n // add missing object id\n hide(it, ID, ++id);\n // return object id with prefix\n } return 'O' + it[ID];\n};\n\nvar getEntry = function(that, key){\n // fast case\n var index = fastKey(key), entry;\n if(index !== 'F')return that._i[index];\n // frozen object case\n for(entry = that._f; entry; entry = entry.n){\n if(entry.k == key)return entry;\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n getConstructor: function(wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER){\n var C = wrapper(function(that, iterable){\n strictNew(that, C, NAME);\n that._i = $.create(null); // index\n that._f = undefined; // first entry\n that._l = undefined; // last entry\n that[SIZE] = 0; // size\n if(iterable != undefined)forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that);\n });\n mix(C.prototype, {\n // Map.prototype.clear()\n // Set.prototype.clear()\n clear: function clear(){\n for(var that = this, data = that._i, entry = that._f; entry; entry = entry.n){\n entry.r = true;\n if(entry.p)entry.p = entry.p.n = undefined;\n delete data[entry.i];\n }\n that._f = that._l = undefined;\n that[SIZE] = 0;\n },\n // Map.prototype.delete(key)\n // Set.prototype.delete(value)\n 'delete': function(key){\n var that = this\n , entry = getEntry(that, key);\n if(entry){\n var next = entry.n\n , prev = entry.p;\n delete that._i[entry.i];\n entry.r = true;\n if(prev)prev.n = next;\n if(next)next.p = prev;\n if(that._f == entry)that._f = next;\n if(that._l == entry)that._l = prev;\n that[SIZE]--;\n } return !!entry;\n },\n // Set.prototype.forEach(callbackfn, thisArg = undefined)\n // Map.prototype.forEach(callbackfn, thisArg = undefined)\n forEach: function forEach(callbackfn /*, that = undefined */){\n var f = ctx(callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined, 3)\n , entry;\n while(entry = entry ? entry.n : this._f){\n f(entry.v, entry.k, this);\n // revert to the last existing entry\n while(entry && entry.r)entry = entry.p;\n }\n },\n // Map.prototype.has(key)\n // Set.prototype.has(value)\n has: function has(key){\n return !!getEntry(this, key);\n }\n });\n if(DESCRIPTORS)$.setDesc(C.prototype, 'size', {\n get: function(){\n return defined(this[SIZE]);\n }\n });\n return C;\n },\n def: function(that, key, value){\n var entry = getEntry(that, key)\n , prev, index;\n // change existing entry\n if(entry){\n entry.v = value;\n // create new entry\n } else {\n that._l = entry = {\n i: index = fastKey(key, true), // <- index\n k: key, // <- key\n v: value, // <- value\n p: prev = that._l, // <- previous entry\n n: undefined, // <- next entry\n r: false // <- removed\n };\n if(!that._f)that._f = entry;\n if(prev)prev.n = entry;\n that[SIZE]++;\n // add to index\n if(index !== 'F')that._i[index] = entry;\n } return that;\n },\n getEntry: getEntry,\n setStrong: function(C, NAME, IS_MAP){\n // add .keys, .values, .entries, [@@iterator]\n //,,,,,,,\n $iterDefine(C, NAME, function(iterated, kind){\n this._t = iterated; // target\n this._k = kind; // kind\n this._l = undefined; // previous\n }, function(){\n var that = this\n , kind = that._k\n , entry = that._l;\n // revert to the last existing entry\n while(entry && entry.r)entry = entry.p;\n // get next entry\n if(!that._t || !(that._l = entry = entry ? entry.n : that._t._f)){\n // or finish the iteration\n that._t = undefined;\n return step(1);\n }\n // return step by kind\n if(kind == 'keys' )return step(0, entry.k);\n if(kind == 'values')return step(0, entry.v);\n return step(0, [entry.k, entry.v]);\n }, IS_MAP ? 'entries' : 'values' , !IS_MAP, true);\n\n // add [@@species],,\n setSpecies(NAME);\n }\n};\n},{\"18\":18,\"20\":20,\"21\":21,\"28\":28,\"31\":31,\"32\":32,\"39\":39,\"43\":43,\"45\":45,\"47\":47,\"54\":54,\"66\":66,\"70\":70,\"83\":83}],14:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// https://github.com/DavidBruant/Map-Set.prototype.toJSON\nvar forOf = _dereq_(28)\n , classof = _dereq_(11);\nmodule.exports = function(NAME){\n return function toJSON(){\n if(classof(this) != NAME)throw TypeError(NAME + \"#toJSON isn't generic\");\n var arr = [];\n forOf(this, false, arr.push, arr);\n return arr;\n };\n};\n},{\"11\":11,\"28\":28}],15:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n'use strict';\nvar hide = _dereq_(32)\n , mix = _dereq_(54)\n , anObject = _dereq_(5)\n , strictNew = _dereq_(70)\n , forOf = _dereq_(28)\n , method = _dereq_(9)\n , WEAK = _dereq_(83)('weak')\n , isObject = _dereq_(39)\n , $has = _dereq_(31)\n , isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || isObject\n , find = method(5)\n , findIndex = method(6)\n , id = 0;\n\n// fallback for frozen keys\nvar frozenStore = function(that){\n return that._l || (that._l = new FrozenStore);\n};\nvar FrozenStore = function(){\n this.a = [];\n};\nvar findFrozen = function(store, key){\n return find(store.a, function(it){\n return it[0] === key;\n });\n};\nFrozenStore.prototype = {\n get: function(key){\n var entry = findFrozen(this, key);\n if(entry)return entry[1];\n },\n has: function(key){\n return !!findFrozen(this, key);\n },\n set: function(key, value){\n var entry = findFrozen(this, key);\n if(entry)entry[1] = value;\n else this.a.push([key, value]);\n },\n 'delete': function(key){\n var index = findIndex(this.a, function(it){\n return it[0] === key;\n });\n if(~index)this.a.splice(index, 1);\n return !!~index;\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n getConstructor: function(wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER){\n var C = wrapper(function(that, iterable){\n strictNew(that, C, NAME);\n that._i = id++; // collection id\n that._l = undefined; // leak store for frozen objects\n if(iterable != undefined)forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that);\n });\n mix(C.prototype, {\n // WeakMap.prototype.delete(key)\n // WeakSet.prototype.delete(value)\n 'delete': function(key){\n if(!isObject(key))return false;\n if(!isExtensible(key))return frozenStore(this)['delete'](key);\n return $has(key, WEAK) && $has(key[WEAK], this._i) && delete key[WEAK][this._i];\n },\n // WeakMap.prototype.has(key)\n // WeakSet.prototype.has(value)\n has: function has(key){\n if(!isObject(key))return false;\n if(!isExtensible(key))return frozenStore(this).has(key);\n return $has(key, WEAK) && $has(key[WEAK], this._i);\n }\n });\n return C;\n },\n def: function(that, key, value){\n if(!isExtensible(anObject(key))){\n frozenStore(that).set(key, value);\n } else {\n $has(key, WEAK) || hide(key, WEAK, {});\n key[WEAK][that._i] = value;\n } return that;\n },\n frozenStore: frozenStore,\n WEAK: WEAK\n};\n},{\"28\":28,\"31\":31,\"32\":32,\"39\":39,\"5\":5,\"54\":54,\"70\":70,\"83\":83,\"9\":9}],16:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n'use strict';\nvar global = _dereq_(30)\n , $def = _dereq_(19)\n , $redef = _dereq_(62)\n , mix = _dereq_(54)\n , forOf = _dereq_(28)\n , strictNew = _dereq_(70)\n , isObject = _dereq_(39)\n , fails = _dereq_(25)\n , $iterDetect = _dereq_(44)\n , setToStringTag = _dereq_(67);\n\nmodule.exports = function(NAME, wrapper, methods, common, IS_MAP, IS_WEAK){\n var Base = global[NAME]\n , C = Base\n , ADDER = IS_MAP ? 'set' : 'add'\n , proto = C && C.prototype\n , O = {};\n var fixMethod = function(KEY){\n var fn = proto[KEY];\n $redef(proto, KEY,\n KEY == 'delete' ? function(a){\n return IS_WEAK && !isObject(a) ? false : fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a);\n } : KEY == 'has' ? function has(a){\n return IS_WEAK && !isObject(a) ? false : fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a);\n } : KEY == 'get' ? function get(a){\n return IS_WEAK && !isObject(a) ? undefined : fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a);\n } : KEY == 'add' ? function add(a){ fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a); return this; }\n : function set(a, b){ fn.call(this, a === 0 ? 0 : a, b); return this; }\n );\n };\n if(typeof C != 'function' || !(IS_WEAK || proto.forEach && !fails(function(){\n new C().entries().next();\n }))){\n // create collection constructor\n C = common.getConstructor(wrapper, NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER);\n mix(C.prototype, methods);\n } else {\n var instance = new C\n // early implementations not supports chaining\n , HASNT_CHAINING = instance[ADDER](IS_WEAK ? {} : -0, 1) != instance\n // V8 ~ Chromium 40- weak-collections throws on primitives, but should return false\n , THROWS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function(){ instance.has(1); })\n // most early implementations doesn't supports iterables, most modern - not close it correctly\n , ACCEPT_ITERABLES = $iterDetect(function(iter){ new C(iter); }) // eslint-disable-line no-new\n // for early implementations -0 and +0 not the same\n , BUGGY_ZERO;\n if(!ACCEPT_ITERABLES){ \n C = wrapper(function(target, iterable){\n strictNew(target, C, NAME);\n var that = new Base;\n if(iterable != undefined)forOf(iterable, IS_MAP, that[ADDER], that);\n return that;\n });\n C.prototype = proto;\n proto.constructor = C;\n }\n IS_WEAK || instance.forEach(function(val, key){\n BUGGY_ZERO = 1 / key === -Infinity;\n });\n if(THROWS_ON_PRIMITIVES || BUGGY_ZERO){\n fixMethod('delete');\n fixMethod('has');\n IS_MAP && fixMethod('get');\n }\n if(BUGGY_ZERO || HASNT_CHAINING)fixMethod(ADDER);\n // weak collections should not contains .clear method\n if(IS_WEAK && proto.clear)delete proto.clear;\n }\n\n setToStringTag(C, NAME);\n\n O[NAME] = C;\n $def($def.G + $def.W + $def.F * (C != Base), O);\n\n if(!IS_WEAK)common.setStrong(C, NAME, IS_MAP);\n\n return C;\n};\n},{\"19\":19,\"25\":25,\"28\":28,\"30\":30,\"39\":39,\"44\":44,\"54\":54,\"62\":62,\"67\":67,\"70\":70}],17:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar core = module.exports = {version: '1.2.5'};\nif(typeof __e == 'number')__e = core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef\n},{}],18:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// optional / simple context binding\nvar aFunction = _dereq_(3);\nmodule.exports = function(fn, that, length){\n aFunction(fn);\n if(that === undefined)return fn;\n switch(length){\n case 1: return function(a){\n return fn.call(that, a);\n };\n case 2: return function(a, b){\n return fn.call(that, a, b);\n };\n case 3: return function(a, b, c){\n return fn.call(that, a, b, c);\n };\n }\n return function(/* ...args */){\n return fn.apply(that, arguments);\n };\n};\n},{\"3\":3}],19:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar global = _dereq_(30)\n , core = _dereq_(17)\n , hide = _dereq_(32)\n , $redef = _dereq_(62)\n , PROTOTYPE = 'prototype';\nvar ctx = function(fn, that){\n return function(){\n return fn.apply(that, arguments);\n };\n};\nvar $def = function(type, name, source){\n var key, own, out, exp\n , isGlobal = type & $def.G\n , isProto = type & $def.P\n , target = isGlobal ? global : type & $def.S\n ? global[name] || (global[name] = {}) : (global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE]\n , exports = isGlobal ? core : core[name] || (core[name] = {});\n if(isGlobal)source = name;\n for(key in source){\n // contains in native\n own = !(type & $def.F) && target && key in target;\n // export native or passed\n out = (own ? target : source)[key];\n // bind timers to global for call from export context\n if(type & $def.B && own)exp = ctx(out, global);\n else exp = isProto && typeof out == 'function' ? ctx(Function.call, out) : out;\n // extend global\n if(target && !own)$redef(target, key, out);\n // export\n if(exports[key] != out)hide(exports, key, exp);\n if(isProto)(exports[PROTOTYPE] || (exports[PROTOTYPE] = {}))[key] = out;\n }\n};\nglobal.core = core;\n// type bitmap\n$def.F = 1; // forced\n$def.G = 2; // global\n$def.S = 4; // static\n$def.P = 8; // proto\n$def.B = 16; // bind\n$def.W = 32; // wrap\nmodule.exports = $def;\n},{\"17\":17,\"30\":30,\"32\":32,\"62\":62}],20:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// 7.2.1 RequireObjectCoercible(argument)\nmodule.exports = function(it){\n if(it == undefined)throw TypeError(\"Can't call method on \" + it);\n return it;\n};\n},{}],21:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty\nmodule.exports = !_dereq_(25)(function(){\n return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', {get: function(){ return 7; }}).a != 7;\n});\n},{\"25\":25}],22:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar isObject = _dereq_(39)\n , document = _dereq_(30).document\n // in old IE typeof document.createElement is 'object'\n , is = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement);\nmodule.exports = function(it){\n return is ? document.createElement(it) : {};\n};\n},{\"30\":30,\"39\":39}],23:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// all enumerable object keys, includes symbols\nvar $ = _dereq_(47);\nmodule.exports = function(it){\n var keys = $.getKeys(it)\n , getSymbols = $.getSymbols;\n if(getSymbols){\n var symbols = getSymbols(it)\n , isEnum = $.isEnum\n , i = 0\n , key;\n while(symbols.length > i)if(isEnum.call(it, key = symbols[i++]))keys.push(key);\n }\n return keys;\n};\n},{\"47\":47}],24:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar MATCH = _dereq_(84)('match');\nmodule.exports = function(KEY){\n var re = /./;\n try {\n '/./'[KEY](re);\n } catch(e){\n try {\n re[MATCH] = false;\n return !'/./'[KEY](re);\n } catch(f){ /* empty */ }\n } return true;\n};\n},{\"84\":84}],25:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nmodule.exports = function(exec){\n try {\n return !!exec();\n } catch(e){\n return true;\n }\n};\n},{}],26:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n'use strict';\nvar hide = _dereq_(32)\n , redef = _dereq_(62)\n , fails = _dereq_(25)\n , defined = _dereq_(20)\n , wks = _dereq_(84);\nmodule.exports = function(KEY, length, exec){\n var SYMBOL = wks(KEY)\n , original = ''[KEY];\n if(fails(function(){\n var O = {};\n O[SYMBOL] = function(){ return 7; };\n return ''[KEY](O) != 7;\n })){\n redef(String.prototype, KEY, exec(defined, SYMBOL, original));\n hide(RegExp.prototype, SYMBOL, length == 2\n // RegExp.prototype[@@replace](string, replaceValue)\n // RegExp.prototype[@@split](string, limit)\n ? function(string, arg){ return original.call(string, this, arg); }\n // RegExp.prototype[@@match](string)\n // RegExp.prototype[@@search](string)\n : function(string){ return original.call(string, this); }\n );\n }\n};\n},{\"20\":20,\"25\":25,\"32\":32,\"62\":62,\"84\":84}],27:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n'use strict';\n// get RegExp.prototype.flags\nvar anObject = _dereq_(5);\nmodule.exports = function(){\n var that = anObject(this)\n , result = '';\n if(that.global) result += 'g';\n if(that.ignoreCase) result += 'i';\n if(that.multiline) result += 'm';\n if(that.unicode) result += 'u';\n if(that.sticky) result += 'y';\n return result;\n};\n},{\"5\":5}],28:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar ctx = _dereq_(18)\n , call = _dereq_(41)\n , isArrayIter = _dereq_(36)\n , anObject = _dereq_(5)\n , toLength = _dereq_(80)\n , getIterFn = _dereq_(85);\nmodule.exports = function(iterable, entries, fn, that){\n var iterFn = getIterFn(iterable)\n , f = ctx(fn, that, entries ? 2 : 1)\n , index = 0\n , length, step, iterator;\n if(typeof iterFn != 'function')throw TypeError(iterable + ' is not iterable!');\n // fast case for arrays with default iterator\n if(isArrayIter(iterFn))for(length = toLength(iterable.length); length > index; index++){\n entries ? f(anObject(step = iterable[index])[0], step[1]) : f(iterable[index]);\n } else for(iterator = iterFn.call(iterable); !(step = iterator.next()).done; ){\n call(iterator, f, step.value, entries);\n }\n};\n},{\"18\":18,\"36\":36,\"41\":41,\"5\":5,\"80\":80,\"85\":85}],29:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// fallback for IE11 buggy Object.getOwnPropertyNames with iframe and window\nvar toString = {}.toString\n , toIObject = _dereq_(79)\n , getNames = _dereq_(47).getNames;\n\nvar windowNames = typeof window == 'object' && Object.getOwnPropertyNames\n ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [];\n\nvar getWindowNames = function(it){\n try {\n return getNames(it);\n } catch(e){\n return windowNames.slice();\n }\n};\n\nmodule.exports.get = function getOwnPropertyNames(it){\n if(windowNames && toString.call(it) == '[object Window]')return getWindowNames(it);\n return getNames(toIObject(it));\n};\n},{\"47\":47,\"79\":79}],30:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028\nvar global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math\n ? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self : Function('return this')();\nif(typeof __g == 'number')__g = global; // eslint-disable-line no-undef\n},{}],31:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty;\nmodule.exports = function(it, key){\n return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key);\n};\n},{}],32:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar $ = _dereq_(47)\n , createDesc = _dereq_(61);\nmodule.exports = _dereq_(21) ? function(object, key, value){\n return $.setDesc(object, key, createDesc(1, value));\n} : function(object, key, value){\n object[key] = value;\n return object;\n};\n},{\"21\":21,\"47\":47,\"61\":61}],33:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nmodule.exports = _dereq_(30).document && document.documentElement;\n},{\"30\":30}],34:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// fast apply, http://jsperf.lnkit.com/fast-apply/5\nmodule.exports = function(fn, args, that){\n var un = that === undefined;\n switch(args.length){\n case 0: return un ? fn()\n : fn.call(that);\n case 1: return un ? fn(args[0])\n : fn.call(that, args[0]);\n case 2: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1])\n : fn.call(that, args[0], args[1]);\n case 3: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2])\n : fn.call(that, args[0], args[1], args[2]);\n case 4: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3])\n : fn.call(that, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);\n } return fn.apply(that, args);\n};\n},{}],35:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings\nvar cof = _dereq_(12);\nmodule.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function(it){\n return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it);\n};\n},{\"12\":12}],36:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// check on default Array iterator\nvar Iterators = _dereq_(46)\n , ITERATOR = _dereq_(84)('iterator')\n , ArrayProto = Array.prototype;\n\nmodule.exports = function(it){\n return (Iterators.Array || ArrayProto[ITERATOR]) === it;\n};\n},{\"46\":46,\"84\":84}],37:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// 7.2.2 IsArray(argument)\nvar cof = _dereq_(12);\nmodule.exports = Array.isArray || function(arg){\n return cof(arg) == 'Array';\n};\n},{\"12\":12}],38:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// Number.isInteger(number)\nvar isObject = _dereq_(39)\n , floor = Math.floor;\nmodule.exports = function isInteger(it){\n return !isObject(it) && isFinite(it) && floor(it) === it;\n};\n},{\"39\":39}],39:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nmodule.exports = function(it){\n return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function';\n};\n},{}],40:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// 7.2.8 IsRegExp(argument)\nvar isObject = _dereq_(39)\n , cof = _dereq_(12)\n , MATCH = _dereq_(84)('match');\nmodule.exports = function(it){\n var isRegExp;\n return isObject(it) && ((isRegExp = it[MATCH]) !== undefined ? !!isRegExp : cof(it) == 'RegExp');\n};\n},{\"12\":12,\"39\":39,\"84\":84}],41:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// call something on iterator step with safe closing on error\nvar anObject = _dereq_(5);\nmodule.exports = function(iterator, fn, value, entries){\n try {\n return entries ? fn(anObject(value)[0], value[1]) : fn(value);\n // 7.4.6 IteratorClose(iterator, completion)\n } catch(e){\n var ret = iterator['return'];\n if(ret !== undefined)anObject(ret.call(iterator));\n throw e;\n }\n};\n},{\"5\":5}],42:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n'use strict';\nvar $ = _dereq_(47)\n , descriptor = _dereq_(61)\n , setToStringTag = _dereq_(67)\n , IteratorPrototype = {};\n\n// %IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]()\n_dereq_(32)(IteratorPrototype, _dereq_(84)('iterator'), function(){ return this; });\n\nmodule.exports = function(Constructor, NAME, next){\n Constructor.prototype = $.create(IteratorPrototype, {next: descriptor(1, next)});\n setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator');\n};\n},{\"32\":32,\"47\":47,\"61\":61,\"67\":67,\"84\":84}],43:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n'use strict';\nvar LIBRARY = _dereq_(49)\n , $def = _dereq_(19)\n , $redef = _dereq_(62)\n , hide = _dereq_(32)\n , has = _dereq_(31)\n , SYMBOL_ITERATOR = _dereq_(84)('iterator')\n , Iterators = _dereq_(46)\n , $iterCreate = _dereq_(42)\n , setToStringTag = _dereq_(67)\n , getProto = _dereq_(47).getProto\n , BUGGY = !([].keys && 'next' in [].keys()) // Safari has buggy iterators w/o `next`\n , FF_ITERATOR = '@@iterator'\n , KEYS = 'keys'\n , VALUES = 'values';\nvar returnThis = function(){ return this; };\nmodule.exports = function(Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCE){\n $iterCreate(Constructor, NAME, next);\n var getMethod = function(kind){\n if(!BUGGY && kind in proto)return proto[kind];\n switch(kind){\n case KEYS: return function keys(){ return new Constructor(this, kind); };\n case VALUES: return function values(){ return new Constructor(this, kind); };\n } return function entries(){ return new Constructor(this, kind); };\n };\n var TAG = NAME + ' Iterator'\n , proto = Base.prototype\n , _native = proto[SYMBOL_ITERATOR] || proto[FF_ITERATOR] || DEFAULT && proto[DEFAULT]\n , _default = _native || getMethod(DEFAULT)\n , methods, key;\n // Fix native\n if(_native){\n var IteratorPrototype = getProto(_default.call(new Base));\n // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators\n setToStringTag(IteratorPrototype, TAG, true);\n // FF fix\n if(!LIBRARY && has(proto, FF_ITERATOR))hide(IteratorPrototype, SYMBOL_ITERATOR, returnThis);\n }\n // Define iterator\n if((!LIBRARY || FORCE) && (BUGGY || !(SYMBOL_ITERATOR in proto))){\n hide(proto, SYMBOL_ITERATOR, _default);\n }\n // Plug for library\n Iterators[NAME] = _default;\n Iterators[TAG] = returnThis;\n if(DEFAULT){\n methods = {\n values: DEFAULT == VALUES ? _default : getMethod(VALUES),\n keys: IS_SET ? _default : getMethod(KEYS),\n entries: DEFAULT != VALUES ? _default : getMethod('entries')\n };\n if(FORCE)for(key in methods){\n if(!(key in proto))$redef(proto, key, methods[key]);\n } else $def($def.P + $def.F * BUGGY, NAME, methods);\n }\n return methods;\n};\n},{\"19\":19,\"31\":31,\"32\":32,\"42\":42,\"46\":46,\"47\":47,\"49\":49,\"62\":62,\"67\":67,\"84\":84}],44:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar ITERATOR = _dereq_(84)('iterator')\n , SAFE_CLOSING = false;\n\ntry {\n var riter = [7][ITERATOR]();\n riter['return'] = function(){ SAFE_CLOSING = true; };\n Array.from(riter, function(){ throw 2; });\n} catch(e){ /* empty */ }\n\nmodule.exports = function(exec, skipClosing){\n if(!skipClosing && !SAFE_CLOSING)return false;\n var safe = false;\n try {\n var arr = [7]\n , iter = arr[ITERATOR]();\n iter.next = function(){ safe = true; };\n arr[ITERATOR] = function(){ return iter; };\n exec(arr);\n } catch(e){ /* empty */ }\n return safe;\n};\n},{\"84\":84}],45:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nmodule.exports = function(done, value){\n return {value: value, done: !!done};\n};\n},{}],46:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nmodule.exports = {};\n},{}],47:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar $Object = Object;\nmodule.exports = {\n create: $Object.create,\n getProto: $Object.getPrototypeOf,\n isEnum: {}.propertyIsEnumerable,\n getDesc: $Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,\n setDesc: $Object.defineProperty,\n setDescs: $Object.defineProperties,\n getKeys: $Object.keys,\n getNames: $Object.getOwnPropertyNames,\n getSymbols: $Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,\n each: [].forEach\n};\n},{}],48:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar $ = _dereq_(47)\n , toIObject = _dereq_(79);\nmodule.exports = function(object, el){\n var O = toIObject(object)\n , keys = $.getKeys(O)\n , length = keys.length\n , index = 0\n , key;\n while(length > index)if(O[key = keys[index++]] === el)return key;\n};\n},{\"47\":47,\"79\":79}],49:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nmodule.exports = false;\n},{}],50:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// Math.expm1(x)\nmodule.exports = Math.expm1 || function expm1(x){\n return (x = +x) == 0 ? x : x > -1e-6 && x < 1e-6 ? x + x * x / 2 : Math.exp(x) - 1;\n};\n},{}],51:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// Math.log1p(x)\nmodule.exports = Math.log1p || function log1p(x){\n return (x = +x) > -1e-8 && x < 1e-8 ? x - x * x / 2 : Math.log(1 + x);\n};\n},{}],52:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// Math.sign(x)\nmodule.exports = Math.sign || function sign(x){\n return (x = +x) == 0 || x != x ? x : x < 0 ? -1 : 1;\n};\n},{}],53:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar global = _dereq_(30)\n , macrotask = _dereq_(76).set\n , Observer = global.MutationObserver || global.WebKitMutationObserver\n , process = global.process\n , isNode = _dereq_(12)(process) == 'process'\n , head, last, notify;\n\nvar flush = function(){\n var parent, domain;\n if(isNode && (parent = process.domain)){\n process.domain = null;\n parent.exit();\n }\n while(head){\n domain = head.domain;\n if(domain)domain.enter();\n head.fn.call(); // <- currently we use it only for Promise - try / catch not required\n if(domain)domain.exit();\n head = head.next;\n } last = undefined;\n if(parent)parent.enter();\n};\n\n// Node.js\nif(isNode){\n notify = function(){\n process.nextTick(flush);\n };\n// browsers with MutationObserver\n} else if(Observer){\n var toggle = 1\n , node = document.createTextNode('');\n new Observer(flush).observe(node, {characterData: true}); // eslint-disable-line no-new\n notify = function(){\n node.data = toggle = -toggle;\n };\n// for other environments - macrotask based on:\n// - setImmediate\n// - MessageChannel\n// - window.postMessag\n// - onreadystatechange\n// - setTimeout\n} else {\n notify = function(){\n // strange IE + webpack dev server bug - use .call(global)\n macrotask.call(global, flush);\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = function asap(fn){\n var task = {fn: fn, next: undefined, domain: isNode && process.domain};\n if(last)last.next = task;\n if(!head){\n head = task;\n notify();\n } last = task;\n};\n},{\"12\":12,\"30\":30,\"76\":76}],54:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar $redef = _dereq_(62);\nmodule.exports = function(target, src){\n for(var key in src)$redef(target, key, src[key]);\n return target;\n};\n},{\"62\":62}],55:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// Object.assign(target, source, ...)\nvar $ = _dereq_(47)\n , toObject = _dereq_(81)\n , IObject = _dereq_(35);\n\n// should work with symbols and should have deterministic property order (V8 bug)\nmodule.exports = _dereq_(25)(function(){\n var a = Object.assign\n , A = {}\n , B = {}\n , S = Symbol()\n , K = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst';\n A[S] = 7;\n K.split('').forEach(function(k){ B[k] = k; });\n return a({}, A)[S] != 7 || Object.keys(a({}, B)).join('') != K;\n}) ? function assign(target, source){ // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars\n var T = toObject(target)\n , $$ = arguments\n , $$len = $$.length\n , index = 1\n , getKeys = $.getKeys\n , getSymbols = $.getSymbols\n , isEnum = $.isEnum;\n while($$len > index){\n var S = IObject($$[index++])\n , keys = getSymbols ? getKeys(S).concat(getSymbols(S)) : getKeys(S)\n , length = keys.length\n , j = 0\n , key;\n while(length > j)if(isEnum.call(S, key = keys[j++]))T[key] = S[key];\n }\n return T;\n} : Object.assign;\n},{\"25\":25,\"35\":35,\"47\":47,\"81\":81}],56:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// most Object methods by ES6 should accept primitives\nvar $def = _dereq_(19)\n , core = _dereq_(17)\n , fails = _dereq_(25);\nmodule.exports = function(KEY, exec){\n var $def = _dereq_(19)\n , fn = (core.Object || {})[KEY] || Object[KEY]\n , exp = {};\n exp[KEY] = exec(fn);\n $def($def.S + $def.F * fails(function(){ fn(1); }), 'Object', exp);\n};\n},{\"17\":17,\"19\":19,\"25\":25}],57:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar $ = _dereq_(47)\n , toIObject = _dereq_(79)\n , isEnum = $.isEnum;\nmodule.exports = function(isEntries){\n return function(it){\n var O = toIObject(it)\n , keys = $.getKeys(O)\n , length = keys.length\n , i = 0\n , result = []\n , key;\n while(length > i)if(isEnum.call(O, key = keys[i++])){\n result.push(isEntries ? [key, O[key]] : O[key]);\n } return result;\n };\n};\n},{\"47\":47,\"79\":79}],58:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// all object keys, includes non-enumerable and symbols\nvar $ = _dereq_(47)\n , anObject = _dereq_(5)\n , Reflect = _dereq_(30).Reflect;\nmodule.exports = Reflect && Reflect.ownKeys || function ownKeys(it){\n var keys = $.getNames(anObject(it))\n , getSymbols = $.getSymbols;\n return getSymbols ? keys.concat(getSymbols(it)) : keys;\n};\n},{\"30\":30,\"47\":47,\"5\":5}],59:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n'use strict';\nvar path = _dereq_(60)\n , invoke = _dereq_(34)\n , aFunction = _dereq_(3);\nmodule.exports = function(/* ...pargs */){\n var fn = aFunction(this)\n , length = arguments.length\n , pargs = Array(length)\n , i = 0\n , _ = path._\n , holder = false;\n while(length > i)if((pargs[i] = arguments[i++]) === _)holder = true;\n return function(/* ...args */){\n var that = this\n , $$ = arguments\n , $$len = $$.length\n , j = 0, k = 0, args;\n if(!holder && !$$len)return invoke(fn, pargs, that);\n args = pargs.slice();\n if(holder)for(;length > j; j++)if(args[j] === _)args[j] = $$[k++];\n while($$len > k)args.push($$[k++]);\n return invoke(fn, args, that);\n };\n};\n},{\"3\":3,\"34\":34,\"60\":60}],60:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nmodule.exports = _dereq_(30);\n},{\"30\":30}],61:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nmodule.exports = function(bitmap, value){\n return {\n enumerable : !(bitmap & 1),\n configurable: !(bitmap & 2),\n writable : !(bitmap & 4),\n value : value\n };\n};\n},{}],62:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// add fake Function#toString\n// for correct work wrapped methods / constructors with methods like LoDash isNative\nvar global = _dereq_(30)\n , hide = _dereq_(32)\n , SRC = _dereq_(83)('src')\n , TO_STRING = 'toString'\n , $toString = Function[TO_STRING]\n , TPL = ('' + $toString).split(TO_STRING);\n\n_dereq_(17).inspectSource = function(it){\n return $toString.call(it);\n};\n\n(module.exports = function(O, key, val, safe){\n if(typeof val == 'function'){\n val.hasOwnProperty(SRC) || hide(val, SRC, O[key] ? '' + O[key] : TPL.join(String(key)));\n val.hasOwnProperty('name') || hide(val, 'name', key);\n }\n if(O === global){\n O[key] = val;\n } else {\n if(!safe)delete O[key];\n hide(O, key, val);\n }\n})(Function.prototype, TO_STRING, function toString(){\n return typeof this == 'function' && this[SRC] || $toString.call(this);\n});\n},{\"17\":17,\"30\":30,\"32\":32,\"83\":83}],63:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nmodule.exports = function(regExp, replace){\n var replacer = replace === Object(replace) ? function(part){\n return replace[part];\n } : replace;\n return function(it){\n return String(it).replace(regExp, replacer);\n };\n};\n},{}],64:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// 7.2.9 SameValue(x, y)\nmodule.exports = Object.is || function is(x, y){\n return x === y ? x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y : x != x && y != y;\n};\n},{}],65:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// Works with __proto__ only. Old v8 can't work with null proto objects.\n/* eslint-disable no-proto */\nvar getDesc = _dereq_(47).getDesc\n , isObject = _dereq_(39)\n , anObject = _dereq_(5);\nvar check = function(O, proto){\n anObject(O);\n if(!isObject(proto) && proto !== null)throw TypeError(proto + \": can't set as prototype!\");\n};\nmodule.exports = {\n set: Object.setPrototypeOf || ('__proto__' in {} ? // eslint-disable-line\n function(test, buggy, set){\n try {\n set = _dereq_(18)(Function.call, getDesc(Object.prototype, '__proto__').set, 2);\n set(test, []);\n buggy = !(test instanceof Array);\n } catch(e){ buggy = true; }\n return function setPrototypeOf(O, proto){\n check(O, proto);\n if(buggy)O.__proto__ = proto;\n else set(O, proto);\n return O;\n };\n }({}, false) : undefined),\n check: check\n};\n},{\"18\":18,\"39\":39,\"47\":47,\"5\":5}],66:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n'use strict';\nvar global = _dereq_(30)\n , $ = _dereq_(47)\n , DESCRIPTORS = _dereq_(21)\n , SPECIES = _dereq_(84)('species');\n\nmodule.exports = function(KEY){\n var C = global[KEY];\n if(DESCRIPTORS && C && !C[SPECIES])$.setDesc(C, SPECIES, {\n configurable: true,\n get: function(){ return this; }\n });\n};\n},{\"21\":21,\"30\":30,\"47\":47,\"84\":84}],67:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar def = _dereq_(47).setDesc\n , has = _dereq_(31)\n , TAG = _dereq_(84)('toStringTag');\n\nmodule.exports = function(it, tag, stat){\n if(it && !has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG))def(it, TAG, {configurable: true, value: tag});\n};\n},{\"31\":31,\"47\":47,\"84\":84}],68:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar global = _dereq_(30)\n , SHARED = '__core-js_shared__'\n , store = global[SHARED] || (global[SHARED] = {});\nmodule.exports = function(key){\n return store[key] || (store[key] = {});\n};\n},{\"30\":30}],69:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// 7.3.20 SpeciesConstructor(O, defaultConstructor)\nvar anObject = _dereq_(5)\n , aFunction = _dereq_(3)\n , SPECIES = _dereq_(84)('species');\nmodule.exports = function(O, D){\n var C = anObject(O).constructor, S;\n return C === undefined || (S = anObject(C)[SPECIES]) == undefined ? D : aFunction(S);\n};\n},{\"3\":3,\"5\":5,\"84\":84}],70:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nmodule.exports = function(it, Constructor, name){\n if(!(it instanceof Constructor))throw TypeError(name + \": use the 'new' operator!\");\n return it;\n};\n},{}],71:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar toInteger = _dereq_(78)\n , defined = _dereq_(20);\n// true -> String#at\n// false -> String#codePointAt\nmodule.exports = function(TO_STRING){\n return function(that, pos){\n var s = String(defined(that))\n , i = toInteger(pos)\n , l = s.length\n , a, b;\n if(i < 0 || i >= l)return TO_STRING ? '' : undefined;\n a = s.charCodeAt(i);\n return a < 0xd800 || a > 0xdbff || i + 1 === l\n || (b = s.charCodeAt(i + 1)) < 0xdc00 || b > 0xdfff\n ? TO_STRING ? s.charAt(i) : a\n : TO_STRING ? s.slice(i, i + 2) : (a - 0xd800 << 10) + (b - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;\n };\n};\n},{\"20\":20,\"78\":78}],72:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// helper for String#{startsWith, endsWith, includes}\nvar isRegExp = _dereq_(40)\n , defined = _dereq_(20);\n\nmodule.exports = function(that, searchString, NAME){\n if(isRegExp(searchString))throw TypeError('String#' + NAME + \" doesn't accept regex!\");\n return String(defined(that));\n};\n},{\"20\":20,\"40\":40}],73:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// https://github.com/ljharb/proposal-string-pad-left-right\nvar toLength = _dereq_(80)\n , repeat = _dereq_(74)\n , defined = _dereq_(20);\n\nmodule.exports = function(that, maxLength, fillString, left){\n var S = String(defined(that))\n , stringLength = S.length\n , fillStr = fillString === undefined ? ' ' : String(fillString)\n , intMaxLength = toLength(maxLength);\n if(intMaxLength <= stringLength)return S;\n if(fillStr == '')fillStr = ' ';\n var fillLen = intMaxLength - stringLength\n , stringFiller = repeat.call(fillStr, Math.ceil(fillLen / fillStr.length));\n if(stringFiller.length > fillLen)stringFiller = stringFiller.slice(0, fillLen);\n return left ? stringFiller + S : S + stringFiller;\n};\n},{\"20\":20,\"74\":74,\"80\":80}],74:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n'use strict';\nvar toInteger = _dereq_(78)\n , defined = _dereq_(20);\n\nmodule.exports = function repeat(count){\n var str = String(defined(this))\n , res = ''\n , n = toInteger(count);\n if(n < 0 || n == Infinity)throw RangeError(\"Count can't be negative\");\n for(;n > 0; (n >>>= 1) && (str += str))if(n & 1)res += str;\n return res;\n};\n},{\"20\":20,\"78\":78}],75:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar $def = _dereq_(19)\n , defined = _dereq_(20)\n , fails = _dereq_(25)\n , spaces = '\\x09\\x0A\\x0B\\x0C\\x0D\\x20\\xA0\\u1680\\u180E\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003' +\n '\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200A\\u202F\\u205F\\u3000\\u2028\\u2029\\uFEFF'\n , space = '[' + spaces + ']'\n , non = '\\u200b\\u0085'\n , ltrim = RegExp('^' + space + space + '*')\n , rtrim = RegExp(space + space + '*$');\n\nvar $export = function(KEY, exec){\n var exp = {};\n exp[KEY] = exec(trim);\n $def($def.P + $def.F * fails(function(){\n return !!spaces[KEY]() || non[KEY]() != non;\n }), 'String', exp);\n};\n\n// 1 -> String#trimLeft\n// 2 -> String#trimRight\n// 3 -> String#trim\nvar trim = $export.trim = function(string, TYPE){\n string = String(defined(string));\n if(TYPE & 1)string = string.replace(ltrim, '');\n if(TYPE & 2)string = string.replace(rtrim, '');\n return string;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = $export;\n},{\"19\":19,\"20\":20,\"25\":25}],76:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n'use strict';\nvar ctx = _dereq_(18)\n , invoke = _dereq_(34)\n , html = _dereq_(33)\n , cel = _dereq_(22)\n , global = _dereq_(30)\n , process = global.process\n , setTask = global.setImmediate\n , clearTask = global.clearImmediate\n , MessageChannel = global.MessageChannel\n , counter = 0\n , queue = {}\n , ONREADYSTATECHANGE = 'onreadystatechange'\n , defer, channel, port;\nvar run = function(){\n var id = +this;\n if(queue.hasOwnProperty(id)){\n var fn = queue[id];\n delete queue[id];\n fn();\n }\n};\nvar listner = function(event){\n run.call(event.data);\n};\n// Node.js 0.9+ & IE10+ has setImmediate, otherwise:\nif(!setTask || !clearTask){\n setTask = function setImmediate(fn){\n var args = [], i = 1;\n while(arguments.length > i)args.push(arguments[i++]);\n queue[++counter] = function(){\n invoke(typeof fn == 'function' ? fn : Function(fn), args);\n };\n defer(counter);\n return counter;\n };\n clearTask = function clearImmediate(id){\n delete queue[id];\n };\n // Node.js 0.8-\n if(_dereq_(12)(process) == 'process'){\n defer = function(id){\n process.nextTick(ctx(run, id, 1));\n };\n // Browsers with MessageChannel, includes WebWorkers\n } else if(MessageChannel){\n channel = new MessageChannel;\n port = channel.port2;\n channel.port1.onmessage = listner;\n defer = ctx(port.postMessage, port, 1);\n // Browsers with postMessage, skip WebWorkers\n // IE8 has postMessage, but it's sync & typeof its postMessage is 'object'\n } else if(global.addEventListener && typeof postMessage == 'function' && !global.importScripts){\n defer = function(id){\n global.postMessage(id + '', '*');\n };\n global.addEventListener('message', listner, false);\n // IE8-\n } else if(ONREADYSTATECHANGE in cel('script')){\n defer = function(id){\n html.appendChild(cel('script'))[ONREADYSTATECHANGE] = function(){\n html.removeChild(this);\n run.call(id);\n };\n };\n // Rest old browsers\n } else {\n defer = function(id){\n setTimeout(ctx(run, id, 1), 0);\n };\n }\n}\nmodule.exports = {\n set: setTask,\n clear: clearTask\n};\n},{\"12\":12,\"18\":18,\"22\":22,\"30\":30,\"33\":33,\"34\":34}],77:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar toInteger = _dereq_(78)\n , max = Math.max\n , min = Math.min;\nmodule.exports = function(index, length){\n index = toInteger(index);\n return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min(index, length);\n};\n},{\"78\":78}],78:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// 7.1.4 ToInteger\nvar ceil = Math.ceil\n , floor = Math.floor;\nmodule.exports = function(it){\n return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it);\n};\n},{}],79:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// to indexed object, toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings\nvar IObject = _dereq_(35)\n , defined = _dereq_(20);\nmodule.exports = function(it){\n return IObject(defined(it));\n};\n},{\"20\":20,\"35\":35}],80:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// 7.1.15 ToLength\nvar toInteger = _dereq_(78)\n , min = Math.min;\nmodule.exports = function(it){\n return it > 0 ? min(toInteger(it), 0x1fffffffffffff) : 0; // pow(2, 53) - 1 == 9007199254740991\n};\n},{\"78\":78}],81:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// 7.1.13 ToObject(argument)\nvar defined = _dereq_(20);\nmodule.exports = function(it){\n return Object(defined(it));\n};\n},{\"20\":20}],82:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n// 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType])\r\nvar isObject = _dereq_(39);\r\n// instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case\r\n// and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string\r\nmodule.exports = function(it, S){\r\n if(!isObject(it))return it;\r\n var fn, val;\r\n if(S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it)))return val;\r\n if(typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it)))return val;\r\n if(!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it)))return val;\r\n throw TypeError(\"Can't convert object to primitive value\");\r\n};\n},{\"39\":39}],83:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar id = 0\n , px = Math.random();\nmodule.exports = function(key){\n return 'Symbol('.concat(key === undefined ? '' : key, ')_', (++id + px).toString(36));\n};\n},{}],84:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar store = _dereq_(68)('wks')\n , uid = _dereq_(83)\n , Symbol = _dereq_(30).Symbol;\nmodule.exports = function(name){\n return store[name] || (store[name] =\n Symbol && Symbol[name] || (Symbol || uid)('Symbol.' + name));\n};\n},{\"30\":30,\"68\":68,\"83\":83}],85:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\nvar classof = _dereq_(11)\n , ITERATOR = _dereq_(84)('iterator')\n , Iterators = _dereq_(46);\nmodule.exports = _dereq_(17).getIteratorMethod = function(it){\n if(it != undefined)return it[ITERATOR]\n || it['@@iterator']\n || Iterators[classof(it)];\n};\n},{\"11\":11,\"17\":17,\"46\":46,\"84\":84}],86:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){\n'use strict';\nvar $ = _dereq_(47)\n , DESCRIPTORS = _dereq_(21)\n , createDesc = _dereq_(61)\n , html = _dereq_(33)\n , cel = _dereq_(22)\n , has = _dereq_(31)\n , cof = _dereq_(12)\n , $def = _dereq_(19)\n , invoke = _dereq_(34)\n , arrayMethod = _dereq_(9)\n , IE_PROTO = _dereq_(83)('__proto__')\n , isObject = _dereq_(39)\n , anObject = _dereq_(5)\n , aFunction = _dereq_(3)\n , toObject = _dereq_(81)\n , toIObject = _dereq_(79)\n , toInteger = _dereq_(78)\n , toIndex = _dereq_(77)\n , toLength = _dereq_(80)\n , IObject = _dereq_(35)\n , fails = _dereq_(25)\n , ObjectProto = Object.prototype\n , A = []\n , _slice = A.slice\n , _join = A.join\n , defineProperty = $.setDesc\n , getOwnDescriptor = $.getDesc\n , defineProperties = $.setDescs\n , $indexOf = _dereq_(8)(false)\n , factories = {}\n , IE8_DOM_DEFINE;\n\nif(!DESCRIPTORS){\n IE8_DOM_DEFINE = !fails(function(){\n return defineProperty(cel('div'), 'a', {get: function(){ return 7; }}).a != 7;\n });\n $.setDesc = function(O, P, Attributes){\n if(IE8_DOM_DEFINE)try {\n return defineProperty(O, P, Attributes);\n } catch(e){ /* empty */ }\n if('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes)throw TypeError('Accessors not supported!');\n if('value' in Attributes)anObject(O)[P] = Attributes.value;\n return O;\n };\n $.getDesc = function(O, P){\n if(IE8_DOM_DEFINE)try {\n return getOwnDescriptor(O, P);\n } catch(e){ /* empty */ }\n if(has(O, P))return createDesc(!ObjectProto.propertyIsEnumerable.call(O, P), O[P]);\n };\n $.setDescs = defineProperties = function(O, Properties){\n anObject(O);\n var keys = $.getKeys(Properties)\n , length = keys.length\n , i = 0\n , P;\n while(length > i)$.setDesc(O, P = keys[i++], Properties[P]);\n return O;\n };\n}\n$def($def.S + $def.F * !DESCRIPTORS, 'Object', {\n // / Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P)\n getOwnPropertyDescriptor: $.getDesc,\n // / Object.defineProperty(O, P, Attributes)\n defineProperty: $.setDesc,\n // / Object.defineProperties(O, Properties)\n defineProperties: defineProperties\n});\n\n // IE 8- don't enum bug keys\nvar keys1 = ('constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,' +\n 'toLocaleString,toString,valueOf').split(',')\n // Additional keys for getOwnPropertyNames\n , keys2 = keys1.concat('length', 'prototype')\n , keysLen1 = keys1.length;\n\n// Create object with `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype\nvar createDict = function(){\n // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug\n var iframe = cel('iframe')\n , i = keysLen1\n , gt = '>'\n , iframeDocument;\n iframe.style.display = 'none';\n html.appendChild(iframe);\n iframe.src = 'javascript:'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url\n // createDict = iframe.contentWindow.Object;\n // html.removeChild(iframe);\n iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;\n iframeDocument.open();\n iframeDocument.write('