// This is the only customized file in this immediate directory, the rest are copied with: // grunt docs-copy-bootstrap-docs // (perhaps add customizations in subdirectories) /*! * Bootstrap Docs (http://getbootstrap.com) * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc. * Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. For * details, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. */ // Dev notes // // Background information on nomenclature and architecture decisions here. // // - Bootstrap variables and mixins are included for easy reuse. // Doing so gives us access to the same core utilities provided by Bootstrap. // For example, consistent media queries through those mixins. // // - Bootstrap's **docs variables** are prefixed with `%bd-`. // These custom colors avoid collision with the components Bootstrap provides. // // - Classes are prefixed with `.bd-`. // These classes indicate custom-built or modified components for the design // and layout of the Bootstrap docs. They are not included in our builds. // // Happy Bootstrapping! // Load Bootstrap variables and mixins //@import '../../../scss/includes/variables'; //@import '../../../scss/includes/mixins'; @import '../../../scss/includes/colors'; //http://www.materialpalette.com/indigo/light-blue $brand-primary: $indigo-500; // #3F51B5 /* Palette generated by Material Palette - materialpalette.com/indigo/light-blue */ //$primary-color-dark: #303F9F $indigo-700 //$primary-color: #3F51B5 $indigo-500 //$primary-color-light: #C5CAE9 $indigo-100 //$primary-color-text: #FFFFFF //$accent-color: #03A9F4 $light-blue-500 //$primary-text-color: #212121 $grey-900 //$secondary-text-color: #727272 //$divider-color: #B6B6B6 // Import default variables @import '../../../scss/includes/variables'; // Local docs variables or overrides $bd-purple: $brand-primary; // #563d7c; $bd-purple-bright: $light-blue-500; //lighten(saturate($bd-purple, 5%), 15%); $bd-purple-light: $indigo-100; // #C5CAE9; #cdbfe3; $bd-graphite: $indigo-700; // #303F9F; //#2a2730; $bd-graphite-light: lighten($bd-graphite, 40%); $bd-yellow: #ffe484; $bd-danger: $brand-danger; // #d9534f; $bd-warning: $brand-warning; // #f0ad4e; $bd-info: $brand-info; // #5bc0de; // Import material design configured with the above variables @import '../../../scss/includes/bootstrap-material-design'; // Load docs components @import 'booticon'; @import 'nav'; @import 'masthead'; @import 'featurettes'; @import 'featured-sites'; @import 'ads'; @import 'content'; @import 'page-header'; @import 'skiplink'; @import 'sidebar'; @import 'footer'; @import 'component-examples'; @import 'responsive-tests'; @import 'buttons'; @import 'callouts'; @import 'examples'; @import 'team'; @import 'browser-bugs'; @import 'brand'; @import 'clipboard-js'; // Load docs dependencies @import 'syntax'; @import 'anchor'; // MDB customizatinos @import 'mdb/booticon';