// Mixins to allow creation of additional custom drawer sizes when using the defaults at the same time

@mixin bmd-drawer-x-out($size) {
  @each $side, $abbrev in (left: l, right: r) {
    &.bmd-drawer-f-#{$abbrev} {
      > .bmd-layout-drawer {
        // position
        top: 0;
        #{$side}: 0;

        width: $size;
        height: 100%;

        @if $side == left {
          transform: translateX(-$size - 10px); // initial position of drawer (closed), way off screen
        } @else {
          transform: translateX($size + 10px); // initial position of drawer (closed), way off screen

      > .bmd-layout-header,
      > .bmd-layout-content {
        margin-#{$side}: 0;

@mixin bmd-drawer-y-out($size) {
  @each $side, $abbrev in (top: t, bottom: b) {
    &.bmd-drawer-f-#{$abbrev} {
      > .bmd-layout-drawer {
        // position
        #{$side}: 0;
        left: 0;

        width: 100%;
        height: $size;

        @if $side == top {
          transform: translateY(-$size - 10px); // initial position of drawer (closed), way off screen
        } @else {
          transform: translateY($size + 10px); // initial position of drawer (closed), way off screen

      > .bmd-layout-content {
        margin-#{$side}: 0;

@function bmd-drawer-breakpoint-name($breakpoint, $suffix: "") {
  // e.g. &, &-sm, &-md, &-lg
  $name: "&-#{$breakpoint}#{$suffix}";
  @if $breakpoint == xs {
    $name: "&";
  @return $name;

@mixin bmd-drawer-x-in($size) {
  @each $side, $abbrev in (left: l, right: r) {
    &.bmd-drawer-f-#{$abbrev} {
      // Push - drawer will push the header and content (default behavior)
      > .bmd-layout-header {
        width: calc(100% - #{$size});
        margin-#{$side}: $size;

      > .bmd-layout-drawer {
        transform: translateX(0);

      > .bmd-layout-content {
        margin-#{$side}: $size;

@mixin bmd-drawer-y-in($size) {
  @each $side, $abbrev in (top: t, bottom: b) {
    &.bmd-drawer-f-#{$abbrev} {

      // 1. Push - drawer will push the header or content
      > .bmd-layout-header {
        @if $side == top { // only add margin-top on a header when the drawer is at the top
          margin-#{$side}: $size;

      > .bmd-layout-drawer {
        transform: translateY(0);

      > .bmd-layout-content {
        @if $side == bottom { // only add margin-bottom on content when the drawer is at the bottom
          margin-#{$side}: $size;

// breakpoint based open to a particular size
@mixin bmd-drawer-x-in-up($size, $breakpoint) {
  // e.g. &, &-sm, &-md, &-lg
  $name: bmd-drawer-breakpoint-name($breakpoint, "-up");

  &.bmd-drawer-in {
    #{unquote($name)} { // bmd-drawer-in, bmd-drawer-in-sm, bmd-drawer-in-md, bmd-drawer-in-lg

      @if $breakpoint == xs {
        // bmd-drawer-in marker class (non-responsive)
        @include bmd-drawer-x-in($size);
      } @else {

        // responsive class
        @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
          // bmd-drawer-f-(left and right) styles
          @include bmd-drawer-x-in($size);

// breakpoint based open to a particular size
@mixin bmd-drawer-y-in-up($size, $breakpoint) {
  // e.g. &, &-sm, &-md, &-lg
  $name: bmd-drawer-breakpoint-name($breakpoint, "-up");

  &.bmd-drawer-in {
    #{unquote($name)} { // bmd-drawer-in, bmd-drawer-in-sm, bmd-drawer-in-md, bmd-drawer-in-lg

      @if $breakpoint == xs {
        // bmd-drawer-in marker class (non-responsive)
        @include bmd-drawer-y-in($size);
      } @else {

        // responsive class
        @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
          // bmd-drawer-f-(left and right) styles
          @include bmd-drawer-y-in($size);

@mixin bmd-drawer-x-overlay() {
  @include bmd-layout-backdrop-in();

  @each $side, $abbrev in (left: l, right: r) {
    &.bmd-drawer-f-#{$abbrev} {
      > .bmd-layout-header,
      > .bmd-layout-content {
        width: 100%;
        margin-#{$side}: 0;

@mixin bmd-drawer-y-overlay() {
  @include bmd-layout-backdrop-in();

  @each $side, $abbrev in (top: t, bottom: b) {
    &.bmd-drawer-f-#{$abbrev} {
      > .bmd-layout-header {
        @if $side == top { // only add margin-top on a header when the drawer is at the top
          margin-#{$side}: 0;

      > .bmd-layout-content {
        @if $side == bottom { // only add margin-bottom on content when the drawer is at the bottom
          margin-#{$side}: 0;

// Overlay - left/right responsive overlay classes and marker class
@mixin bmd-drawer-x-overlay-down($breakpoint) {
  // e.g. &, &-sm, &-md, &-lg
  $name: bmd-drawer-breakpoint-name($breakpoint, "-down");

  &.bmd-drawer-overlay {
    #{unquote($name)} { // bmd-drawer-overlay, bmd-drawer-overlay-sm, bmd-drawer-overlay-md, bmd-drawer-overlay-lg

      // x - left/right

      @if $breakpoint == xs { // overlay marker class (non-responsive)

        // Must double up on the .bmd-drawer-overlay class to increase specificity otherwise the
        //  responsive bmd-drawer-in-* media queries above win (and overlay is ignored)
        &.bmd-drawer-overlay {
          @include bmd-drawer-x-overlay();
      } @else {
        @include media-breakpoint-down($breakpoint) { // overlay responsive class
          @include bmd-drawer-x-overlay();

// Overlay - top/bottom responsive overlay classes and marker class
@mixin bmd-drawer-y-overlay-down($breakpoint) {
  // e.g. &, &-sm, &-md, &-lg
  $name: bmd-drawer-breakpoint-name($breakpoint, "-down");

  &.bmd-drawer-overlay {
    #{unquote($name)} { // bmd-drawer-overlay, bmd-drawer-overlay-sm, bmd-drawer-overlay-md, bmd-drawer-overlay-lg
      //// y - top/bottom

      @if $breakpoint == xs { // overlay marker class (non-responsive)

        // Must double up on the .bmd-drawer-overlay class to increase specificity otherwise the
        //  responsive bmd-drawer-in-* media queries above win (and overlay is ignored)
        &.bmd-drawer-overlay {
          @include bmd-drawer-y-overlay();
      } @else {
        @include media-breakpoint-down($breakpoint) { // overlay responsive class
          @include bmd-drawer-y-overlay();