import {Preset, Clean, Copy, Jekyll, CssNano, Prepublish, PublishBuild, PublishGhPages, Sass, RollupEs, RollupUmd, RollupIife, ScssLint, EsLint, Aggregate, Uglify, series, parallel} from 'gulp-pipeline' import gulp from 'gulp' import findup from 'findup-sync' import pkg from './package.json' import moment from 'moment' import gulpDocs from './gulp-docs' const node_modules = findup('node_modules') // we have a lot of aggregates, which add listeners gulp.setMaxListeners(20) const preset = Preset.baseline({ javascripts: { source: {options: {cwd: 'js/src'}}, watch: {options: {cwd: 'js/src'}}, test: {options: {cwd: 'js/tests'}} }, stylesheets: { source: {options: {cwd: 'scss'}}, watch: {options: {cwd: 'scss'}} }, images: { source: {options: {cwd: 'images'}}, watch: {options: {cwd: 'images'}} }, postProcessor: { dest: 'dist' //'dist/digest' } }) // When converting non-modular dependencies into usable ones using rollup-plugin-commonjs, if they don't have properly read exports add them here. let namedExports = {} //namedExports[`${node_modules}/corejs-typeahead/dist/bloodhound.js`] = ['Bloodhound'] //namedExports[`${node_modules}/anchor-js/anchor.js`] = ['AnchorJS'] const rollupConfig = { options: { external: [ 'anchor-js', 'clipboard' ], globals: { 'anchor-js': 'anchors', clipboard: 'Clipboard' }, banner: `/*! * Bootstrap Material Design v${pkg.version} (${pkg.homepage}) * Copyright 2014-${moment().format("YYYY")} ${} * Licensed under MIT ( */` }, commonjs: { options: { namedExports: namedExports, } } } const copyJsToDocs = new Copy(gulp, preset, { task: {name: 'dist:js->docs'}, source: { options: {cwd: 'dist'}, glob: ['*.iife*.js'] }, dest: 'docs/dist/' }) const copyCssToDocs = new Copy(gulp, preset, { task: {name: 'dist:css->docs'}, source: { options: {cwd: 'dist'}, glob: ['*.css'] }, dest: 'docs/dist/' }) const js = new Aggregate(gulp, 'js', series(gulp, new EsLint(gulp, preset), parallel(gulp, new RollupEs(gulp, preset, rollupConfig, {options: {dest: ''}}), new RollupUmd(gulp, preset, rollupConfig, { options: { dest: 'bootstrap-material-design.umd.js', moduleName: 'bootstrapMaterialDesign' } }), new RollupIife(gulp, preset, rollupConfig, { options: { dest: 'bootstrap-material-design.iife.js', moduleName: 'bootstrapMaterialDesign' } }) ), new Uglify(gulp, preset, { task: {name: 'iife:uglify'}, source: { glob: '*.iife.js' } }), copyJsToDocs ) ) const css = new Aggregate(gulp, 'css', series(gulp, new ScssLint(gulp, preset), new Sass(gulp, preset), new CssNano(gulp, preset), copyCssToDocs ) ) const defaultRecipes = new Aggregate(gulp, 'default', series(gulp, new Clean(gulp, preset), parallel(gulp, css, js ) )) // load all docs tasks let docsDefaultRecipes = gulpDocs(gulp, {rollupConfig: rollupConfig}) // publish new Aggregate(gulp, 'publish', series(gulp, new Prepublish(gulp, preset), // asserts committed defaultRecipes, docsDefaultRecipes, // ^^^docs:default cleans docs/dist, so we need to re-copy dist to docs in this scenario parallel(gulp, copyCssToDocs, copyJsToDocs), new Jekyll(gulp, preset, {options: {raw: 'baseurl: "/bootstrap-material-design"'}}), new PublishBuild(gulp, preset, { npm: { bump: false, publish: false } }), new PublishGhPages(gulp, preset, { debug: true, options: { remote: { repo: '' // FIXME: temporary, remove this option when we are deploying to our home repo } } }) ) )