// This is the main scss file, provided as an underscored file so that variable contexts remain in-tact when importing from the source. @import 'colors'; @import 'variables'; // FIXME: V4 SCSS inclusion via an underscored file https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/18350 @import 'bootstrap'; @import 'mixins'; @import 'mixins/shadows'; // these are mixins only, and must be placed at the top before use (sass requiremnt) @import 'scaffolding'; // include the material content given the mixins above (sass requirement for inclusion order of mixins) @import 'welljumbo'; @import 'buttons'; @import 'checkboxes'; @import 'togglebutton'; @import 'radios'; @import 'inputs'; @import 'form'; @import 'lists'; @import 'navbar'; @import 'alerts'; @import 'progress'; @import 'typography'; @import 'tabs'; @import 'popups'; @import 'cards'; @import 'dialogs'; @import 'panels'; @import 'dividers'; @import 'themes'; @import 'plugins';