// DO NOT EDIT IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN - copy of bootstrap documentation generated by grunt docs-copy-bootstrap-docs // scss-lint:disable ImportantRule // // Responsive tests // // Responsive (scrollable) doc tables .table-responsive .highlight pre { white-space: normal; } // Utility classes table .bd-table th small, .responsive-utilities th small { display: block; font-weight: normal; color: #999; } .responsive-utilities tbody th { font-weight: normal; } .responsive-utilities td { text-align: center; } .responsive-utilities .is-visible { color: #468847; background-color: #dff0d8 !important; } .responsive-utilities .is-hidden { color: #ccc; background-color: #f9f9f9 !important; } // Responsive tests .responsive-utilities-test { margin-top: .25rem; } .responsive-utilities-test .col-xs-6 { margin-bottom: .5rem; } .responsive-utilities-test span { display: block; padding: 1rem .5rem; font-size: 1rem; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.1; text-align: center; border-radius: .25rem; } .visible-on, .hidden-on { .col-xs-6 { > .not-visible { color: #999; border: 1px solid #ddd; } } } .visible-on, .hidden-on { .col-xs-6 { .visible { color: #468847; background-color: #dff0d8; border: 1px solid #d6e9c6; } } } @include media-breakpoint-only(xs) { .hidden-xs-only { display: none !important; } } @include media-breakpoint-only(sm) { .hidden-sm-only { display: none !important; } } @include media-breakpoint-only(md) { .hidden-md-only { display: none !important; } } @include media-breakpoint-only(lg) { .hidden-lg-only { display: none !important; } } @include media-breakpoint-only(xl) { .hidden-xl-only { display: none !important; } }