module.exports = function (grunt) { "use strict"; require("load-grunt-tasks")(grunt); var path = require('path'); var configBridge = grunt.file.readJSON('./grunt/configBridge.json', {encoding: 'utf8'}); var generateIconsData = require('./grunt/bmd-icons-data-generator.js'); Object.keys(configBridge.paths).forEach(function (key) { configBridge.paths[key].forEach(function (val, i, arr) { arr[i] = path.join('./docs/assets', val); }); }); grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), jqueryCheck: configBridge.config.jqueryCheck.join('\n'), jqueryVersionCheck: configBridge.config.jqueryVersionCheck.join('\n'), // Task configuration. clean: { dist: 'dist', docs: 'docs/dist' }, jekyll: { options: { config: '_config.yml' }, docs: {}, github: { options: { raw: 'github: true' } } }, htmlmin: { dist: { options: { collapseWhitespace: true, conservativeCollapse: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true, removeAttributeQuotes: true, removeComments: true }, expand: true, cwd: '_gh_pages', dest: '_gh_pages', src: [ '**/*.html', '!examples/**/*.html' ] } }, htmllint: { //options: { // stoponerror: false, // relaxerror: [] //}, //files: ['index.html', 'bootstrap-elements.html'] all: { options: { ignore: '“&” did not start a character reference. (“&” probably should have been escaped as “&”.)' }, src: ["*.html"] } }, // Make sure we are structurally correct for bootstrap bootlint: { options: { stoponerror: false, relaxerror: [] }, files: ['index.html', 'bootstrap-elements.html'] }, // Convert from less to sass lessToSass: { convert: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: "less", src: ["**/*.less", "!_mixins.less", "!_import-bs*"], ext: ".scss", dest: "sass" }], options: { replacements: [ // convert bootstrap imports { // pattern: /bower_components\/(bootstrap\/less\/)/gi, replacement: "bower_components\/bootstrap-sass\/assets\/stylesheets\/bootstrap\/", order: 2 }, // convert conditional when not { // pattern: /& when not \(isstring\(\$parent\)\)/gi, replacement: "@if not $parent", order: 2 }, // convert conditional when { // pattern: /& when \(isstring\(\$parent\)\)/gi, replacement: "@else", order: 2 }, // convert conditional when { // pattern: /& when /gi, replacement: "@if ", order: 2 }, // convert all shadow mixins { // pattern: /.shadow-z-(\d+)((?:-hover)?) {/gi, replacement: "@mixin shadow-z-$1$2 {", order: 2 }, // bad conversions of .shadow-z-* { // pattern: /\.shadow-z-(\d+)((?:-hover)?)(?:\(\))?;/gi, replacement: "@include shadow-z-$1$2;", order: 2 }, // bad conversions to @include instead of @extend { pattern: /@include (foo1|foo2)\(\);/gi, replacement: "@extend .$1;", order: 2 }, // hack - (no conditional replacements) { // pattern: /@extend @extend/gi, replacement: "@extend", order: 10 }, // button variations mixin replacement(s) { // pattern: /.generic-variations\(unquote\(".btn", ~("([^"]+)?")\), (\$[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)), {$\n[\s\S]+}\);$\n/mg, replacement: "@include button-variations(unquote(\".btn\"), $1, $3);\n", order: 20 }, //// background-color generic-variations //{ // Multi-line replacement - // pattern: /.generic-variations\(unquote\(("[^"]+")\), (\$[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)), {$\n[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)background-color[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)(\(\d+\/\d+\))[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)}\);$\n/mg, // replacement: "@include bg-color-variations(unquote($1), $2, $3);\n", // order: 21 //}, //// bg-box-shadow generic-variations //{ // Multi-line replacement - // pattern: /.generic-variations\(unquote\(("[^"]+")\), (\$[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)), {$\n[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)box-shadow[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)}\);$\n/mg, // replacement: "@include bg-box-shadow-variations(unquote($1), $2);\n", // order: 22 //}, //// bg-img generic-variations //{ // Multi-line replacement - // pattern: /.generic-variations\(unquote\(("[^"]+")\), (\$[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)), {$\n[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)background-image[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)}\);$\n/mg, // replacement: "@include bg-img-variations(unquote($1), $2);\n", // order: 23 //}, // material-placeholder { // Multi-line replacement - pattern: /.material-placeholder\({$\n([\s\S]+?)}\);$\n/mg, replacement: "@include material-placeholder {\n$1\n}\n", order: 24 }, // navbar generic-variations { // Multi-line replacement - pattern: /.generic-variations\(unquote\((".navbar"), ~("([^"]+)?")\), (\$[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)), {$\n[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)}\);$/mg, replacement: "@include navbar-variations(unquote($1), unquote($2), $4);\n", order: 25 }, // fix calc references { // pattern: /calc\(unquote\("([^"]+)"\)\)/gi, replacement: "calc($1)", order: 100 }, // fix unquote("", ~"") { // pattern: /\(unquote\(("([^"]+)?"), ~("([^"]+)?")\),/gi, replacement: "(unquote($1), unquote($3),", order: 101 }, // alert generic-variations (convert this one last - very broad search) { // Multi-line replacement - pattern: /.generic-variations\(unquote\(".alert"\), unquote\(("([^"]+)?")\), (\$[\s\S]+?(?!\r|\n)), {$\n[\s\S]+}\);$\n/mg, replacement: "@include alert-variations(unquote(\".alert\"), unquote($1), $3);\n", order: 250 // very broad search, do this last }, // auto generated notice { // Multi-line replacement - pattern: /([\s\S]+)/mg, replacement: "\/\/ This file has been autogenerated by grunt task lessToSass. Any changes will be overwritten.\n\n$1", order: 1000 // very broad search, do this last } ] } } }, // Test compile sass sass: { compile: { options:{ loadPath: "bower_components/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets", }, files: [{ expand: true, cwd: "sass", src: ["bootstrap-material-design.scss", "ripples.scss"], dest: "dist/sassc", // added to gitignore, only used for local testing ext: ".css" }] } }, // Compile less to .css // Compile less to .min.css // Create source maps of both less: { material: { options: { paths: ["less"], sourceMap: true, sourceMapRootpath: "/", sourceMapFilename: "dist/css/", sourceMapURL: "" }, files: { "dist/css/bootstrap-material-design.css": "less/bootstrap-material-design.less", } }, ripples: { options: { paths: ["less"], sourceMap: true, sourceMapRootpath: "/", sourceMapFilename: "dist/css/", sourceMapURL: "", outputSourceFiles: true }, files: { "dist/css/ripples.css": "less/ripples.less", } }, docs: { options: { paths: ["less"], sourceMap: true, sourceMapRootpath: "/", sourceMapFilename: "docs/assets/css/src/", sourceMapURL: "" }, files: { "docs/assets/css/src/docs.css": "docs/assets/css/src/docs.less", } } }, // Autoprefix .css and edit its source map // Autoprefix .min.css an edit its source map autoprefixer: { options: { map: true, browsers: configBridge.config.autoprefixerBrowsers }, material: { files: { "dist/css/bootstrap-material-design.css": "dist/css/bootstrap-material-design.css" } }, ripples: { files: { "dist/css/ripples.css": "dist/css/ripples.css" } }, docs: { src: ['docs/assets/css/src/docs.css'] }, examples: { expand: true, cwd: 'docs/examples/', src: ['**/*.css'], dest: 'docs/examples/' } }, csslint: { options: { csslintrc: 'less/.csslintrc' }, dist: [ 'dist/css/bootstrap-material-design.css', 'dist/css/ripples.css', ], distmin: [ 'dist/css/bootstrap-material-design.min.css', 'dist/css/ripples.min.css', ], examples: [ 'docs/examples/**/*.css' ], docs: { options: { ids: false, 'overqualified-elements': false }, src: 'docs/assets/css/src/docs.css' } }, // Minify CSS and adapt maps cssmin: { options: { // TODO: disable `zeroUnits` optimization once clean-css 3.2 is released // and then simplify the fix for accordingly compatibility: 'ie8', keepSpecialComments: '*', sourceMap: true, advanced: false }, material: { src: "dist/css/bootstrap-material-design.css", dest: "dist/css/bootstrap-material-design.min.css" }, ripples: { src: "dist/css/ripples.css", dest: "dist/css/ripples.min.css" }, docs: { src: [ 'docs/assets/css/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.css', 'docs/assets/css/src/pygments-manni.css', 'docs/assets/css/src/docs.css' ], dest: 'docs/assets/css/docs.min.css' } }, // Copy .js to dist/js/ folder copy: { material: { src: "scripts/material.js", dest: "dist/js/material.js" }, ripples: { src: "scripts/ripples.js", dest: "dist/js/ripples.js" }, fonts: { expand: true, cwd: "fonts/", src: "**", dest: "dist/fonts/", flatten: true, filter: "isFile" }, docs: { expand: true, cwd: 'dist/', src: [ '**/*' ], dest: 'docs/dist/' } }, // Compile .js to .min.js uglify: { options: { sourceMap: true }, material: { files: { "dist/js/material.min.js": "dist/js/material.js" } }, ripples: { files: { "dist/js/ripples.min.js": "dist/js/ripples.js" } }, customize: { src: configBridge.paths.customizerJs, dest: 'docs/assets/js/customize.min.js' }, docsJs: { src: configBridge.paths.docsJs, dest: 'docs/assets/js/docs.min.js' } }, connect: { options: { port: 8040, hostname: "localhost", livereload: 35729 }, livereload: { options: { open: true, base: "." } }, test: { options: { port: 8041, open: "http://localhost:8041/_SpecRunner.html", base: "." } } }, jasmine: { scripts: "scripts/**/*.js", options: { build: true, specs: "test/*Spec.js", helpers: "test/*Helper.js", vendor: [ "", "" ] } }, jshint: { options: { jshintrc: "scripts/.jshintrc", reporter: require("jshint-stylish") }, grunt: { options: { jshintrc: 'grunt/.jshintrc' }, src: ['Gruntfile.js', 'package.js'] }, core: { src: ["scripts/**/*.js"] }, test: { src: ["test/**/*.js"] }, assets: { options: { jshintrc: "docs/assets/js/.jshintrc" }, src: ['docs/assets/js/src/*.js', 'docs/assets/js/*.js', '!docs/assets/js/*.min.js'] } }, jscs: { options: { config: 'scripts/.jscsrc' }, grunt: { src: '<%= jshint.grunt.src %>' }, core: { src: '<%= jshint.core.src %>' }, test: { src: '<%= jshint.test.src %>' }, assets: { options: { requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers: null }, src: '<%= jshint.assets.src %>' } }, watch: { html: { files: ["index.html", "bootstrap-elements.html", "testcase.html"], tasks: ["htmllint", "bootlint"] }, //src: { // files: '<%= jshint.core.src %>', // tasks: ['jshint:core', 'dist-js'] // add tests when working again //}, test: { files: ["test/**/*.js"], tasks: ["jshint:test", "jasmine"] }, less: { files: ["less/**/*.less"], tasks: ["dist-less"] }, livereload: { options: { livereload: "<%= connect.options.livereload %>" }, files: [ "index.html", "bootstrap-elements.html", "dist/js/**/*.js", "dist/css/**/*.css", "demo/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif,webp,svg}" ] } }, compress: { main: { options: { archive: 'bootstrap-material-design-<%= pkg.version %>', mode: 'zip', level: 9, pretty: true }, files: [ { expand: true, cwd: 'dist/', src: ['**'], dest: 'bootstrap-material-design-<%= pkg.version %>-dist' } ] } }, exec: { "meteor-init": { command: [ // Make sure Meteor is installed, per // The curl'ed script is safe; takes 2 minutes to read source & check. "type meteor >/dev/null 2>&1 || { curl | sh; }", // Meteor expects package.js to be in the root directory of // the checkout, so copy it there temporarily "cp meteor/package.js ." ].join(";") }, "meteor-cleanup": { // remove build files and package.js command: "rm -rf .build.* versions.json package.js" }, "meteor-test": { command: "node_modules/.bin/spacejam --mongo-url mongodb:// test-packages ./" }, "meteor-publish": { command: [ "ALL_EXIT_CODE=0; for PACKAGE_FILE in meteor/package*.js", "do cp $PACKAGE_FILE ./package.js && meteor publish $@", "ALL_EXIT_CODE=$(echo $ALL_EXIT_CODE + $? | bc); done", "exit $ALL_EXIT_CODE" ].join(";") } } }); require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt, {scope: 'devDependencies'}); //require('time-grunt')(grunt); grunt.registerTask('test-js', ['jshint:core', 'jshint:test', 'jshint:grunt', 'jscs:core', 'jscs:test', 'jscs:grunt', 'qunit']); grunt.registerTask("test", [ "dist", "jasmine:scripts:build", "connect:test:keepalive" ]); // Docs HTML validation task grunt.registerTask('validate-html', ['jekyll:docs', 'htmllint']); grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-less-to-sass"); // CSS distribution tasks grunt.registerTask("dist-sass", [ "lessToSass:convert", "sass:compile" ]); grunt.registerTask('less-compile', [ "less:material", "less:ripples" ]); grunt.registerTask("dist-less", [ "less-compile", "autoprefixer:material", "autoprefixer:ripples", "csslint:dist", "cssmin:material", "cssmin:ripples", "csslint:distmin" ]); grunt.registerTask("dist-js", [ "jshint", "copy:material", "uglify:material", "copy:ripples", "uglify:ripples" ]); grunt.registerTask("dist-fonts", [ "copy:fonts" ]); // Full distribution grunt.registerTask("dist", [ "clean:dist", "htmllint", "bootlint", "dist-less", "dist-js", "dist-fonts", "dist-sass" ]); // Default task. grunt.registerTask('default', ['dist']); // test as well when it works? grunt.registerTask("serve", [ "htmllint", "bootlint", "dist-less", "dist-js", "dist-fonts", "connect:livereload", "watch" ]); // Meteor tasks grunt.registerTask("meteor-test", ["exec:meteor-init", "exec:meteor-test", "exec:meteor-cleanup"]); grunt.registerTask("meteor-publish", ["exec:meteor-init", "exec:meteor-publish", "exec:meteor-cleanup"]); grunt.registerTask("meteor", ["exec:meteor-init", "exec:meteor-test", "exec:meteor-publish", "exec:meteor-cleanup"]); // Docs task. grunt.registerTask('build-icons-data', function () {, grunt); }); grunt.registerTask('docs-css', ['less:docs','autoprefixer:docs', 'autoprefixer:examples', 'cssmin:docs']); grunt.registerTask('lint-docs-css', ['csslint:docs', 'csslint:examples']); grunt.registerTask('docs-js', ['uglify:docsJs', 'uglify:customize']); grunt.registerTask('lint-docs-js', ['jshint:assets', 'jscs:assets']); grunt.registerTask('docs', [ 'docs-css', 'lint-docs-css', 'docs-js', 'lint-docs-js', 'clean:docs', 'copy:docs', 'build-icons-data' ]); grunt.registerTask('prep-release', ['dist', 'docs', 'jekyll:github', 'htmlmin']); //, 'compress']); };