--- layout: docs title: Images group: content --- [//]: # DO NOT EDIT IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN - copy of bootstrap documentation generated by gulp docs:copy:bs-docs {% callout info %} **Bootstrap Reference Documentation** This is a part of the reference documentation from <a href="http://getbootstrap.com">Bootstrap</a>. It is included here to demonstrate rendering with Material Design for Bootstrap default styling. See the <a href="/material-design/buttons">Material Design</a> section for more elements and customization options. {% endcallout %} Opt your images into responsive behavior (so they never become larger than their parent elements) and add lightweight styles to them—all via classes. ## Contents * Will be replaced with the ToC, excluding the "Contents" header {:toc} ## Responsive images Images in Bootstrap are made responsive with `.img-fluid`. `max-width: 100%;` and `height: auto;` are applied to the image so that it scales with the parent element. <div class="bd-example"> <img data-src="holder.js/100px250" class="img-fluid" alt="Generic responsive image"> </div> {% highlight html %} <img src="..." class="img-fluid" alt="Responsive image"> {% endhighlight %} {% callout warning %} #### SVG images and IE 9-10 In Internet Explorer 9-10, SVG images with `.img-fluid` are disproportionately sized. To fix this, add `width: 100% \9;` where necessary. This fix improperly sizes other image formats, so Bootstrap doesn't apply it automatically. {% endcallout %} ## Image shapes Add classes to an `<img>` element to easily style images in any project. <div class="bd-example bd-example-images"> <img data-src="holder.js/200x200" class="img-rounded" alt="A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners"> <img data-src="holder.js/200x200" class="img-circle" alt="A generic square placeholder image where only the portion within the circle circumscribed about said square is visible"> <img data-src="holder.js/200x200" class="img-thumbnail" alt="A generic square placeholder image with a white border around it, making it resemble a photograph taken with an old instant camera"> </div> {% highlight html %} <img src="..." alt="..." class="img-rounded"> <img src="..." alt="..." class="img-circle"> <img src="..." alt="..." class="img-thumbnail"> {% endhighlight %} ## Aligning images Align images with the [helper float classes]({{ site.baseurl }}/components/utilities/#responsive-floats) or [text alignment classes]({{ site.baseurl }}/components/utilities/#text-alignment). `block`-level images can be centered using [the `.m-x-auto` margin utility class]({{ site.baseurl }}/components/utilities/#horizontal-centering). <div class="bd-example bd-example-images"> <img data-src="holder.js/200x200" class="img-rounded pull-xs-left" alt="A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners"> <img data-src="holder.js/200x200" class="img-rounded pull-xs-right" alt="A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners"> </div> {% highlight html %} <img src="..." class="img-rounded pull-xs-left" alt="..."> <img src="..." class="img-rounded pull-xs-right" alt="..."> {% endhighlight %} <div class="bd-example bd-example-images"> <img data-src="holder.js/200x200" class="img-rounded m-x-auto d-block" alt="A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners"> </div> {% highlight html %} <img src="..." class="img-rounded m-x-auto d-block" alt="..."> {% endhighlight %} <div class="bd-example bd-example-images"> <div class="text-xs-center"> <img data-src="holder.js/200x200" class="img-rounded" alt="A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners"> </div> </div> {% highlight html %} <div class="text-xs-center"> <img src="..." class="img-rounded" alt="..."> </div> {% endhighlight %}