@import "variables/colors"; // redefine ? TODO: do we need this mdb variant? This is used as $body-color $gray-lighter: rgba($black, 0.12) !default; $gray-light: rgba($black, 0.26) !default; $gray: rgba($black, .54) !default; // spec color $gray-dark: rgba($black, 0.87) !default; // used for text color - others use grey-600 which is considerably lighter $mdb-font-weight-base: 400; // wondering if any of these could still be refactored out, but are definitely in use. $mdb-text-color-inverse: rgba($white, 0.84) !default; $mdb-text-color-inverse-light: rgba($white, 0.54) !default; $mdb-label-color: $gray-light !default; $mdb-label-color-focus: $brand-primary !default; $mdb-label-color-inner-focus: $gray !default; // e.g. radio label or text-muted not a control-label which is primary //--- // Customized BS variables @import "variables/bootstrap/components"; @import "variables/bootstrap/spacing"; @import "variables/bootstrap/body"; @import "variables/bootstrap/brand"; @import "variables/bootstrap/buttons"; @import "variables/bootstrap/card"; @import "variables/bootstrap/code"; @import "variables/bootstrap/forms"; @import "variables/bootstrap/list-group"; @import "variables/bootstrap/nav"; @import "variables/bootstrap/state"; @import "variables/bootstrap/type"; @import "variables/bootstrap/modals"; // import their vars after customization for use below $enable-flex: true; @import "../bower_components/bootstrap/scss/variables"; //--- // verified in use with refactoring to v4 //--- //-- unverified below here $mdb-brand-inverse: $indigo !default; // Typography elements FIXME: review to see if we actually need these $icon-color: rgba($black, 0.5) !default; // ANIMATION $mdb-animation-curve-fast-out-slow-in: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) !default; $mdb-animation-curve-linear-out-slow-in: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) !default; $mdb-animation-curve-fast-out-linear-in: cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1) !default; $mdb-animation-curve-default: $mdb-animation-curve-fast-out-slow-in !default; //--- // FIXME: Similar but not quite the same as Bootstrap variables // FIXME: these need to either a) be converted to $mdb- or b) converted to bs variables $contrast-factor: 40% !default; //--- // -------------------- // inputs $mdb-mdb-label-static-size-ratio: 75 / 100 !default; $mdb-help-size-ratio: 75 / 100 !default; // sizing $mdb-form-line-height: 1 !default; // set as 1x font-size so that padding is easier calculated to match the spec. $mdb-label-top-margin-base: 1rem !default; $mdb-form-line-height-lg: 1 !default; // set as 1x font-size so that padding is easier calculated to match the spec. $mdb-label-top-margin-lg: 1rem !default; // 16px $mdb-form-line-height-sm: 1 !default; // set as 1x font-size so that padding is easier calculated to match the spec. $mdb-label-top-margin-sm: .75rem !default; // 12px $text-disabled: #a8a8a8 !default; $background-disabled: #eaeaea !default; // Checkboxes $mdb-checkbox-size: 1.25rem !default; $mdb-checkbox-animation-ripple: 500ms !default; $mdb-checkbox-animation-check: 0.3s !default; $mdb-checkbox-checked-color: $brand-primary !default; $mdb-checkbox-border-color: $mdb-label-color-inner-focus !default; $mdb-checkbox-border-color-disabled: $gray-light !default; //#bdbdbd !default; // Switches $mdb-switch-label-padding: .3125rem !default; // 5px $mdb-switch-width: 2.125rem !default; // 34px $mdb-switch-height: .875rem !default; // 14px $mdb-switch-handle-size: 1.25rem !default; // 20px (was 18px) $mdb-switch-handle-checked-bg: $brand-primary !default; $mdb-switch-handle-unchecked-bg: #f1f1f1 !default; $mdb-switch-handle-disabled-bg: #bdbdbd !default; $mdb-switch-unchecked-bg: $gray-light !default; $mdb-switch-checked-bg: desaturate(lighten($mdb-switch-handle-checked-bg, 28%), 32%); // kind of magic recipe $mdb-switch-disabled-bg: $gray-lighter !default; // Popovers and Popups $mdb-popover-background: rgba(101, 101, 101, 0.9) !default; $mdb-popover-color: #ececec !default; // Dropdown Menu //$mdb-dropdown-font-size: 1rem !default; // Radio: $mdb-radio-border: .125rem !default; // 2px $mdb-radio-size: 1.25rem !default; $mdb-radio-label-padding: .3125rem !default; // 5px $mdb-radio-color-off: $mdb-label-color-inner-focus !default; // FIXME seems inconsistent, check spec $mdb-radio-color-on: $brand-primary !default; $mdb-radio-color-disabled: $gray-light; // light theme spec: Disabled: #000000, Opacity 26% $mdb-radio-color-disabled-inverse: rgba($white, 0.30); // dark theme spec: Disabled: #FFFFFF, Opacity 30% // Shadows $mdb-shadow-key-umbra-opacity: 0.2 !default; $mdb-shadow-key-penumbra-opacity: 0.14 !default; $mdb-shadow-ambient-shadow-opacity: 0.12 !default;