import {Preset, Clean, Copy, Jekyll, CssNano, Sass, RollupEs, RollupUmd, RollupIife, ScssLint, EsLint, Aggregate, Uglify, parallel, series} from 'gulp-pipeline/src/index' const referenceDocNotice = `$1\n [//]: # DO NOT EDIT IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN - copy of bootstrap documentation generated by gulp docs:copy:bs-docs\n {% callout info %}\n**Bootstrap Reference Documentation** This is a part of the reference documentation from Bootstrap. It is included here to demonstrate rendering with Material Design for Bootstrap default styling. See the Material Design section for more elements and customization options. {% endcallout %} \n\n$2` const copyProcessor = (content, srcpath) => { // return content .replace(/(---[\s\S]+?---)([\s\S]+)/mg, referenceDocNotice) // insert docs reference .replace(/Fancy display heading/, 'Fancy heading') // remove sample text 'display' as this is a particular MD style and is confusing } const preset = Preset.baseline({ javascripts: { source: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/js/src'}}, watch: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/js/src'}}, test: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/js/tests'}}, dest: 'docs/dist' }, stylesheets: { source: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/scss'}}, watch: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/scss'}}, dest: 'docs/dist' }, images: { dest: 'docs/dist' }, postProcessor: { dest: 'docs/dist' } }) const prefix = {task: {prefix: 'docs:'}} export default function (gulp, options) { const js = new Aggregate(gulp, 'js', series(gulp, new EsLint(gulp, preset, prefix), parallel(gulp, new RollupIife(gulp, preset, prefix, options.rollupConfig, { options: { dest: 'docs.iife.js', moduleName: 'docs' } }), new Uglify(gulp, preset, prefix, { task: {name: 'vendor:uglify'}, source: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/js/vendor'}}, options: {dest: 'docs-vendor.min.js'} }) ) ), prefix) const css = new Aggregate(gulp, 'css', series(gulp, new ScssLint(gulp, preset, prefix, { source: {glob: ['**/*.scss', '!docs.scss']}, watch: {glob: ['**/*.scss', '!docs.scss']} }), new Sass(gulp, preset, prefix), new CssNano(gulp, preset, prefix) ), prefix) const defaultRecipes = new Aggregate(gulp, 'default', series(gulp, new Clean(gulp, preset, prefix), parallel(gulp, css, js ) ), prefix) // docs copy new Aggregate(gulp, 'copy:bs-docs', parallel(gulp, new Copy(gulp, preset, prefix, { task: false, //{name: 'copy:bs-docs-content'}, source: { options: {cwd: '../bootstrap/docs/content'}, glob: ['**/*'] }, dest: 'docs/content/', process: copyProcessor }), new Copy(gulp, preset, prefix, { task: false, //{name: 'copy:bs-docs-components'}, source: { options: {cwd: '../bootstrap/docs/components'}, glob: ['**/*'] }, dest: 'docs/components/', process: copyProcessor }), new Copy(gulp, preset, prefix, { task: false, //{name: 'copy:bs-docs-scss'}, source: { options: {cwd: '../bootstrap/docs/assets/scss'}, glob: ['**/*', '!docs.scss'] // keep variable customizations }, dest: 'docs/assets/scss/', process: (content, srcpath) => { return content.replace(/([\s\S]+)/mg, '// DO NOT EDIT IT WILL BE OVERWRITTEN - copy of bootstrap documentation generated by gulp docs:copy:bs-docs\n\n$1'); } }), new Copy(gulp, preset, prefix, { task: false, //{name: 'copy:bs-docs-plugins'}, source: { options: {cwd: '../bootstrap/docs/_plugins'}, glob: ['**/*', '!bridge.rb'] }, dest: 'docs/_plugins/' }), new Copy(gulp, preset, prefix, { task: false, //{name: 'copy:bs-docs-js-vendor'}, source: { options: {cwd: '../bootstrap/docs/assets/js/vendor'}, glob: [ '**/*', '!tether.min.js', '!jquery.min.js' ] }, dest: 'docs/assets/js/vendor/' }, prefix) ), prefix) return defaultRecipes }