//https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/cards.html#cards-content-blocks // Card resting elevation: 2dp .card { border: 0; // Cards have a default elevation of 2dp. @include box-shadow($mdb-shadow-2dp); @extend %std-font; // spec: see "Avatar, Title, and Subtitle area" // Height: 72dp // Padding: 16dp // Top and bottom padding: 16dp .card-header { padding: 1rem; } .card-block { padding: 1.5rem 1rem 1rem; //@extend %std-font; } // Primary title/text // - Title: 24sp or 14sp // - Subtitle: 14sp // non-h* card-titles will be 14sp //&.card-title { // @extend %std-font; //} // any h* will signal the larger size should render as 24sp @include headings() { &.card-title { font-size: 1.5rem; font-weight: 300; } } .bmd-card-actions, // needed? if you have actions in the middle of the card (see spec), it may be necessary .card-footer { // assume footer is the set of actions? padding: .5rem; } &.bmd-card-raised { // Card raised elevation: 8dp @include box-shadow($mdb-shadow-8dp); } @include media-breakpoint-up(lg) { // On desktop, cards can have a resting elevation of 0dp and gain an elevation of 8dp on hover. &.bmd-card-flat { box-shadow: none; } } }