// https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/lists.html#lists-specs // - single line 48dp // - single line avatar 56dp // - double line (with and w/o avatar) 72dp // - triple line 88dp .list-group { // Add 8dp of padding at the top and bottom of a list. One exception is at the top of a list with a subheader, //because subheaders contain their own padding. padding: .5rem 0; // dense size variation &.mdb-list-group-sm { padding: .25rem 0; .mdb-list-group-item { padding: .5rem 1rem; } } } // Flex layout on a list group (some of this code could be omitted if BS v4 actually implements flex on list-group) .mdb-list-group-col { display: flex; min-width: 0; flex-direction: column; //flex-shrink: 0; } .mdb-list-group-item { @extend .list-group-item; display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-flow: row wrap; //flex-shrink: 0; //flex-shrink: 1; align-items: center; padding: 1rem; line-height: 1; .list-group-item-text { // word wrap? http://stackoverflow.com/a/26535469/2363935 //flex-flow: row wrap; min-width: 0; max-height: 2.188rem; // 88dp tile total height //flex: 0 1 auto; // important http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12022288/how-to-keep-a-flex-item-from-overflowing-due-to-its-text overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } //------ // NOTE: there are many variations of icons/labels in a list, each one of these rules exist for a reason. // first icon/label on the left :first-child { margin-right: 2rem; // single line icon is 72dp to text (16 pad + 24 icon + 32 margin) } // second icon/label, or only icon/label marked as 'right', or any direct child element marked as right > .right, > * ~ .label:last-child, > * ~ .material-icons:last-child { margin-right: 0; // some variations actually match the first-child margin-left: auto; } // add the padding to icons, don't try on generic use of `right` because it may not be appropriate for some elements i.e. label-pill .material-icons.right, // need the specificity .material-icons ~ .material-icons:last-child { padding-left: 1rem; // guarantee space per spec } //------ .list-group-item-heading { //font-size: 1rem; } .list-group-item-text { font-size: .875rem; color: $gray; } }