// package metadata file for Meteor.js 'use strict'; var packageName = 'fezvrasta:bootstrap-material-design-noglyph'; // https://atmospherejs.com/fezvrasta/bootstrap-material-design-noglyph var where = 'client'; // where to install: 'client' or 'server'. For both, pass nothing. var packageJson = JSON.parse(Npm.require("fs").readFileSync('package.json')); Package.describe({ name: packageName, summary: 'FezVrasta\'s Bootstrap Google Material Design theme. Material icons instead of Bootstrap glyphicons.', version: packageJson.version, git: 'https://github.com/fezvrasta/bootstrap-material-design.git' }); Package.onUse(function (api) { api.versionsFrom(['METEOR@0.9.0', 'METEOR@1.0']); api.use('twbs:bootstrap-noglyph@3.3.1'); api.use('jquery'); api.addFiles([ // we bundle all font files, but the client will request only one of them via the CSS @font-face rule 'dist/fonts/Material-Design-Icons.eot', // IE8 or older 'dist/fonts/Material-Design-Icons.svg', // SVG fallback for iOS < 5 - http://caniuse.com/#feat=svg-fonts, http://stackoverflow.com/a/11002874/126903 'dist/fonts/Material-Design-Icons.ttf', // Android Browers 4.1, 4.3 - http://caniuse.com/#feat=ttf 'dist/fonts/Material-Design-Icons.woff', // Supported by all modern browsers 'dist/css/material-wfont.css', // includes @font-face rules to load the Roboto font 'dist/css/ripples.css', 'dist/js/material.js', 'dist/js/ripples.js' ], where); }); Package.onTest(function (api) { api.use(packageName, where); api.use(['tinytest', 'http'], where); api.addFiles('meteor/test.js', where); // same test because we don't test the glyphicons in particular (that's the job of twbs:bootstrap) });