'use strict'; var packageName; // there seems to be no official way of finding out the name of the very package we're testing - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27180709/in-a-tinytest-test-file-how-do-i-get-the-name-of-the-package // Check that the font files are downloadable. Meteor places assets at /packages/<packageName>/. // Only 'woff' for now, but 'woff2' may become available - https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/pull/5062#discussion_r20936453 ['eot', 'svg', 'ttf', 'woff'].forEach(function (font) { Tinytest.addAsync(font + ' fonts are shipped', function (test, done) { // curiously enough, the 'local-test:...' package isn't loaded into Package before calling Tinytest, so we can't do this determination outside this loop if (!packageName) Object.keys(Package).forEach(function(p) { if (p.search(/local-test/) > -1) packageName = p.replace('local-test:', ''); // we should stop the loop, but forEach can't do that }) if (!packageName) { test.exception({message: 'Package not quite loaded... go figure'}); return } var packagePath = packageName.replace(':', '_') // e.g. meteorpackaging_bootstrap-material-design HTTP.get( '/packages/' + packagePath + '/dist/fonts/Material-Design-Icons.' + font, { headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache' // because Meteor has cached fonts even after they were removed from package.js (!) - https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/3196 } }, function callback(error, result) { if (error) { test.fail({message: 'Font failed to load'}); } else { // if the file is 404, Meteor will redirect to / and return the Meteor.js boilerplate test.isTrue(result.content.length > 100000, font + ' font could not be downloaded'); } done(); } ); }); }) var plugins = ['affix', 'alert', 'button', 'carousel', 'collapse', 'dropdown', 'modal', 'popover', 'scrollspy', 'tab', 'tooltip']; // test plugins plugins.forEach(function (plugin) { Tinytest.add('Plugin - ' + plugin, function (test) { test.instanceOf($(document.body)[plugin], Function, 'instantiated correctly'); }); }); // visual check plugins.forEach(function (plugin) { Tinytest.addAsync('Visual check - ' + plugin, function (test, done) { var bootstrapDropZone = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(bootstrapDropZone); HTTP.get('http://rawgit.com/twbs/bootstrap/master/js/tests/visual/' + plugin + '.html', function callback(error, result) { if (error) { test.fail('Error getting the test file. Do we have an Internet connection to rawgit.com?'); } else { // [^] matches across newlines. Stay within the container div, or else the fragment will attempt to load resources on its own. bootstrapDropZone.innerHTML = result.content.match(/<div[^]+<\/div>/); test.ok({message: 'Test passed if the display looks OK *and* clicking dropdowns/popovers/tooltips works.'}); } done(); }); }); }); Tinytest.addAsync('Visual check - Material Design', function (test, done) { var bootstrapDropZone = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(bootstrapDropZone); HTTP.get('http://rawgit.com/FezVrasta/bootstrap-material-design/master/bootstrap-elements.html', function callback(error, result) { if (error) { test.fail('Error getting the FezVrasta test file. Do we have an Internet connection to rawgit.com?'); } else { // [^] matches across newlines. Stay within the container div, or else the fragment will attempt to load resources on its own. bootstrapDropZone.innerHTML = result.content.match(/<meta name="viewport"[^]+<script src=/); test.ok({message: 'Test passed if the display looks OK *and* clicking dropdowns/popovers/tooltips works.'}); // only does anything after loading the 'dropdown' plugin test $('[data-toggle="dropdown"]').dropdown(); // only does anything after loading the 'popover' plugin test $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover(); // only does anything after loading the 'tooltip' plugin test $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); // don't initialize the modals because that messes up the Tinytest runner HTML $.material.init(); } done(); }); });