Michał Bagiński 54b79ecd18 attach document-level delegated event handlers only once
These handlers were wrongly attached on every input(...) or autofill(...) call, which resulted in redundant attachments in certain scenarios (e.g. when using arrive). Now they are attached only on init().
2015-08-22 16:17:50 +02:00

237 lines
7.6 KiB

/* globals jQuery */
(function($) {
// Selector to select only not already processed elements
$.expr[":"].notmdproc = function(obj){
if ($(obj).data("mdproc")) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
function _isChar(evt) {
if (typeof evt.which == "undefined") {
return true;
} else if (typeof evt.which == "number" && evt.which > 0) {
return !evt.ctrlKey && !evt.metaKey && !evt.altKey && evt.which != 8 && evt.which != 9;
return false;
$.material = {
"options": {
// These options set what will be started by $.material.init()
"input": true,
"ripples": true,
"checkbox": true,
"togglebutton": true,
"radio": true,
"arrive": true,
"autofill": false,
"withRipples": [
".navbar a:not(.withoutripple)",
".dropdown-menu a",
".nav-tabs a:not(.withoutripple)",
".pagination li:not(.active, .disabled) a:not(.withoutripple)"
"inputElements": "input.form-control, textarea.form-control, select.form-control",
"checkboxElements": ".checkbox > label > input[type=checkbox]",
"togglebuttonElements": ".togglebutton > label > input[type=checkbox]",
"radioElements": ".radio > label > input[type=radio]"
"checkbox": function(selector) {
// Add fake-checkbox to material checkboxes
$((selector) ? selector : this.options.checkboxElements)
.data("mdproc", true)
.after("<span class=checkbox-material><span class=check></span></span>");
"togglebutton": function(selector) {
// Add fake-checkbox to material checkboxes
$((selector) ? selector : this.options.togglebuttonElements)
.data("mdproc", true)
.after("<span class=toggle></span>");
"radio": function(selector) {
// Add fake-radio to material radios
$((selector) ? selector : this.options.radioElements)
.data("mdproc", true)
.after("<span class=circle></span><span class=check></span>");
"input": function(selector) {
$((selector) ? selector : this.options.inputElements)
.data("mdproc", true)
.each( function() {
var $this = $(this);
if (!$this.attr("data-hint") && !$this.hasClass("floating-label")) {
$this.wrap("<div class=form-control-wrapper></div>");
$this.after("<span class=material-input></span>");
// Add floating label if required
if ($this.hasClass("floating-label")) {
var placeholder = $this.attr("placeholder");
$this.attr("placeholder", null).removeClass("floating-label");
$this.after("<div class=floating-label>" + placeholder + "</div>");
// Add hint label if required
if ($this.attr("data-hint")) {
$this.after("<div class=hint>" + $this.attr("data-hint") + "</div>");
// Set as empty if is empty (damn I must improve this...)
if ($this.val() === null || $this.val() == "undefined" || $this.val() === "") {
// Support for file input
if ($this.parent().next().is("[type=file]")) {
var $input = $this.parent().next().detach();
"attachInputEventHandlers": function() {
.on("change", ".checkbox input[type=checkbox]", function() { $(this).blur(); })
.on("keydown paste", ".form-control", function(e) {
if(_isChar(e)) {
.on("keyup change", ".form-control", function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.val() === "" && (typeof $this[0].checkValidity != "undefined" && !$this[0].checkValidity())) {
} else {
.on("focus", ".form-control-wrapper.fileinput", function() {
.on("blur", ".form-control-wrapper.fileinput", function() {
.on("change", ".form-control-wrapper.fileinput [type=file]", function() {
var $this = $(this);
var value = "";
$.each(this.files, function(i, file) {
value += + ", ";
value = value.substring(0, value.length - 2);
if (value) {
} else {
"ripples": function(selector) {
$((selector) ? selector : this.options.withRipples).ripples();
"autofill": function() {
// This part of code will detect autofill when the page is loading (username and password inputs for example)
var loading = setInterval(function() {
$("input[type!=checkbox]").each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.val() && $this.val() !== $this.attr("value")) {
}, 100);
// After 10 seconds we are quite sure all the needed inputs are autofilled then we can stop checking them
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10000);
"attachAutofillEventHandlers": function() {
// Listen on inputs of the focused form (because user can select from the autofill dropdown only when the input has focus)
var focused;
.on("focus", "input", function() {
var $inputs = $(this).parents("form").find("input").not("[type=file]");
focused = setInterval(function() {
$inputs.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.val() !== $this.attr("value")) {
}, 100);
.on("blur", "input", function() {
"init": function() {
var $document = $(document);
if ($.fn.ripples && this.options.ripples) {
if (this.options.input) {
if (this.options.checkbox) {
if (this.options.togglebutton) {
if ( {;
if (this.options.autofill) {
if (document.arrive && this.options.arrive) {
if ($.fn.ripples && this.options.ripples) {
$document.arrive(this.options.withRipples, function() {
if (this.options.input) {
$document.arrive(this.options.inputElements, function() {
if (this.options.checkbox) {
$document.arrive(this.options.checkboxElements, function() {
if ( {
$document.arrive(this.options.radioElements, function() {
if (this.options.togglebutton) {
$document.arrive(this.options.togglebuttonElements, function() {