mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 13:54:26 +03:00
330 lines
8.3 KiB
330 lines
8.3 KiB
module.exports = function(grunt) {
"use strict";
// Compile less to .css
// Compile less to .min.css
// Create source maps of both
less: {
material: {
options: {
paths: ["less"],
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapRootpath: "/",
sourceMapFilename: "dist/css/material.css.map",
sourceMapURL: "material.css.map"
files: {
"dist/css/material.css": "less/material.less",
materialfullpalette: {
options: {
paths: ["less"],
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapRootpath: "/",
sourceMapFilename: "dist/css/material-fullpalette.css.map",
sourceMapURL: "material-fullpalette.css.map",
outputSourceFiles: true
files: {
"dist/css/material-fullpalette.css": "less/material-fullpalette.less",
roboto: {
options: {
paths: ["less"],
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapRootpath: "/",
sourceMapFilename: "dist/css/roboto.css.map",
sourceMapURL: "roboto.css.map",
outputSourceFiles: true
files: {
"dist/css/roboto.css": "less/roboto.less",
ripples: {
options: {
paths: ["less"],
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapRootpath: "/",
sourceMapFilename: "dist/css/ripples.css.map",
sourceMapURL: "ripples.css.map",
outputSourceFiles: true
files: {
"dist/css/ripples.css": "less/ripples.less",
// Autoprefix .css and edit its source map
// Autoprefix .min.css an edit its source map
autoprefixer: {
options: {
map: true,
browsers: ["last 3 versions", "ie 8", "ie 9", "ie 10", "ie 11"]
material: {
files: {
"dist/css/material.css": "dist/css/material.css",
"dist/css/material.min.css": "dist/css/material.min.css"
materialfullpalette: {
files: {
"dist/css/material-fullpalette.css": "dist/css/material-fullpalette.css",
"dist/css/material-fullpalette.min.css": "dist/css/material-fullpalette.min.css"
roboto: {
files: {
"dist/css/roboto.css": "dist/css/roboto.css",
"dist/css/roboto.min.css": "dist/css/roboto.min.css"
ripples: {
files: {
"dist/css/ripples.css": "dist/css/ripples.css",
"dist/css/ripples.min.css": "dist/css/ripples.min.css"
// Minify CSS and adapt maps
csswring: {
material: {
src: "dist/css/material.css",
dest: "dist/css/material.min.css"
materialfullpalette: {
src: "dist/css/material-fullpalette.css",
dest: "dist/css/material-fullpalette.min.css"
roboto: {
src: "dist/css/roboto.css",
dest: "dist/css/roboto.min.css"
ripples: {
src: "dist/css/ripples.css",
dest: "dist/css/ripples.min.css"
// Copy .js to dist/js/ folder
copy: {
material: {
src: "scripts/material.js",
dest: "dist/js/material.js"
ripples: {
src: "scripts/ripples.js",
dest: "dist/js/ripples.js"
fonts: {
expand: true,
cwd: "fonts/",
src: "**",
dest: "dist/fonts/",
flatten: true,
filter: "isFile"
// Compile .js to .min.js
uglify: {
options: {
sourceMap: true
material: {
files: {
"dist/js/material.min.js": "dist/js/material.js"
ripples: {
files: {
"dist/js/ripples.min.js": "dist/js/ripples.js"
connect: {
options: {
port: 8040,
hostname: "localhost",
livereload: 35729
livereload: {
options: {
open: true,
base: "."
test: {
options: {
port: 8041,
open: "http://localhost:8041/_SpecRunner.html",
base: "."
jasmine: {
scripts: "scripts/**/*.js",
options: {
build: true,
specs: "test/*Spec.js",
helpers: "test/*Helper.js",
vendor: [
jshint: {
options: {
jshintrc: ".jshintrc",
reporter: require("jshint-stylish")
all: [
test: {
options: {
jshintrc: "test/.jshintrc",
src: ["test/**/*.js"]
watch: {
js: {
files: ["Gruntfile.js", "scripts/**/*.js", "template/**/*.js"],
tasks: ["newer:jshint:all"]
jsTest: {
files: ["test/**/*.js"],
tasks: ["newer:jshint:test", "jasmine"]
less: {
tasks: ["material:less"]
livereload: {
options: {
livereload: "<%= connect.options.livereload %>"
files: [
exec: {
"meteor-init": {
command: [
// Make sure Meteor is installed, per https://meteor.com/install.
// The curl'ed script is safe; takes 2 minutes to read source & check.
"type meteor >/dev/null 2>&1 || { curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh; }",
// Meteor expects package.js to be in the root directory of
// the checkout, so copy it there temporarily
"cp meteor/package.js ."
"meteor-cleanup": {
// remove build files and package.js
command: "rm -rf .build.* versions.json package.js"
"meteor-test": {
command: "node_modules/.bin/spacejam --mongo-url mongodb:// test-packages ./"
"meteor-publish": {
command: [
"ALL_EXIT_CODE=0; for PACKAGE_FILE in meteor/package*.js",
"do cp $PACKAGE_FILE ./package.js && meteor publish $@",
"ALL_EXIT_CODE=$(echo $ALL_EXIT_CODE + $? | bc); done",
grunt.registerTask("default", ["material", "ripples"]);
grunt.registerTask("material", [
grunt.registerTask("material:less", [
grunt.registerTask("material:js", [
grunt.registerTask("ripples", [
grunt.registerTask("ripples:less", [
grunt.registerTask("ripples:js", [
grunt.registerTask("build", function(target) {
var buildType = "default";
if (target && target === "scss") {
buildType = "scss";
grunt.task.run(["newer:jshint", "jasmine:scripts", buildType]);
grunt.registerTask("test", [
grunt.registerTask("serve", function(target){
var buildTarget = "material:less";
if(target && target === "scss") {
buildTarget = "scss";
"build:"+ buildTarget,
// Meteor tasks
grunt.registerTask("meteor-test", ["exec:meteor-init", "exec:meteor-test", "exec:meteor-cleanup"]);
grunt.registerTask("meteor-publish", ["exec:meteor-init", "exec:meteor-publish", "exec:meteor-cleanup"]);
grunt.registerTask("meteor", ["exec:meteor-init", "exec:meteor-test", "exec:meteor-publish", "exec:meteor-cleanup"]);
grunt.registerTask("cibuild", ["newer:jshint", "jasmine:scripts", "meteor-test"]);