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synced 2025-03-28 22:04:27 +03:00
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/* Copyright 2014+, Federico Zivolo, LICENSE at https://github.com/FezVrasta/bootstrap-material-design/blob/master/LICENSE.md */
/* globals CustomEvent */
window.ripples = {
done: false,
init : function(withRipple) {
"use strict";
if (this.done) {
return console.log("Ripples.js was already initialzied.");
this.done = true;
// Cross browser matches function
function matchesSelector(domElement, selector) {
var matches = domElement.matches ||
domElement.matchesSelector ||
domElement.webkitMatchesSelector ||
domElement.mozMatchesSelector ||
domElement.msMatchesSelector ||
return matches.call(domElement, selector);
// animations time
var rippleOutTime = 100,
rippleStartTime = 500;
// Helper to bind events on dynamically created elements
var bind = function(events, selector, callback) {
if (typeof events === "string") {
events = [events];
events.forEach(function(event) {
document.addEventListener(event, function(e) {
var target = (typeof e.detail !== "number") ? e.detail : e.target;
if (matchesSelector(target, selector)) {
callback(e, target);
var rippleStart = function(e, target, callback) {
// Init variables
var $rippleWrapper = target,
$el = $rippleWrapper.parentNode,
$ripple = document.createElement("div"),
elPos = $el.getBoundingClientRect(),
// Mouse pos in most cases
mousePos = {x: e.clientX - elPos.left, y: ((window.ontouchstart) ? e.clientY - window.scrollY: e.clientY) - elPos.top},
scale = "scale(" + Math.round($rippleWrapper.offsetWidth / 5) + ")",
rippleEnd = new CustomEvent("rippleEnd", {detail: $ripple}),
_rippleOpacity = 0.3,
// If multitouch is detected or some other black magic suff is happening...
if (e.touches) {
mousePos = {x: e.touches[0].clientX - elPos.left, y: e.touches[0].clientY - elPos.top};
$ripplecache = $ripple;
// Set ripple class
$ripple.className = "ripple";
// Move ripple to the mouse position
$ripple.setAttribute("style", "left:" + mousePos.x + "px; top:" + mousePos.y + "px;");
// Get the clicked target's text color, this will be applied to the ripple as background-color.
var targetColor = window.getComputedStyle($el).color;
// Convert the rgb color to an rgba color with opacity set to __rippleOpacity__
if ( targetColor.indexOf("rgba") >= 0 ) {
var alphaPosition = targetColor.lastIndexOf(",") + 1;
targetColor = targetColor.substring(0, alphaPosition) + _rippleOpacity + ")";
} else {
targetColor = targetColor.replace("rgb", "rgba").replace(")", ", " + _rippleOpacity + ")");
// Insert new ripple into ripple wrapper
// Make sure the ripple has the class applied (ugly hack but it works)
refreshElementStyle = window.getComputedStyle($ripple).opacity;
// Let other funtions know that this element is animating
$ripple.dataset.animating = 1;
// Set scale value, background-color and opacity to ripple and animate it
$ripple.className = "ripple ripple-on";
// Prepare the style of the ripple
var rippleStyle = [
"background-color: " + targetColor,
"-ms-transform: " + scale,
"-moz-transform" + scale,
"-webkit-transform" + scale,
"transform: " + scale
// Apply the style
$ripple.setAttribute("style", rippleStyle.join(";"));
// This function is called when the animation is finished
setTimeout(function() {
// Let know to other functions that this element has finished the animation
$ripple.dataset.animating = 0;
if (callback) {
}, rippleStartTime);
var rippleOut = function($ripple) {
// Clear previous animation
$ripple.className = "ripple ripple-on ripple-out";
// Let ripple fade out (with CSS)
setTimeout(function() {
}, rippleOutTime);
// Helper, need to know if mouse is up or down
var mouseDown = false;
bind(["mousedown", "touchstart"], "*", function() {
mouseDown = true;
bind(["mouseup", "touchend", "mouseout"], "*", function() {
mouseDown = false;
// Append ripple wrapper if not exists already
var rippleInit = function(e, target) {
if (target.getElementsByClassName("ripple-wrapper").length === 0) {
target.className += " withripple";
var $rippleWrapper = document.createElement("div");
$rippleWrapper.className = "ripple-wrapper";
var $ripplecache;
// Events handler
// init RippleJS and start ripple effect on mousedown
bind(["mouseover"], withRipple, rippleInit);
// Init if the device is touch screen
bind(["touchstart"], withRipple, rippleInit);
// start ripple effect on mousedown
bind(["mousedown", "touchstart"], ".ripple-wrapper", function(e, $ripple) {
// Start ripple only on left or middle mouse click and touch click
if (e.which === 0 || e.which === 1 || e.which === 2) {
rippleStart(e, $ripple);
// if animation ends and user is not holding mouse then destroy the ripple
bind("rippleEnd", ".ripple-wrapper .ripple", function(e, $ripple) {
var $ripples = $ripple.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("ripple");
if (!mouseDown || ( $ripples[0] == $ripple && $ripples.length > 1)) {
// Destroy ripple when mouse is not holded anymore if the ripple still exists
bind(["mouseup", "touchend", "mouseout"], ".ripple-wrapper", function() {
var $ripple = $ripplecache;
if ($ripple && $ripple.dataset.animating != 1) {