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synced 2025-03-15 07:32:27 +03:00
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@import '_inputs-size.less';
// label variations
.label {
border-radius: @border-radius-small;
.variations(~".label", ~"", background-color, @grey);
// must be broken out for reuse - webkit selector breaks firefox
.label-static(@label-top, @static-font-size, @static-line-height) {
label.control-label {
top: @label-top;
left: 0;
// must repeat because the selector above is more specific than the general label sizing
font-size: @static-font-size;
line-height: @static-line-height;
.label-size-variant(@placeholder-font-size, @vertical-padding, @line-height, @static-font-size, @static-line-height, @help-block-font-size){
.form-control {
font-size: @placeholder-font-size;
line-height: @line-height;
color: @mdb-input-placeholder-color;
font-weight: 400;
// margin-bottom must be specified to give help-block vertical space.
// @see also form-group padding-bottom (and size variants) re: collapsible margins. These work together.
margin-bottom: @vertical-padding;
// generic labels used anywhere in the form (not control-label)
.checkbox label,
.radio label,
label {
font-size: @placeholder-font-size;
line-height: @line-height;
color: @mdb-input-placeholder-color;
font-weight: 400;
// smaller focused or static size
label.control-label {
font-size: @static-font-size;
line-height: @static-line-height;
color: @mdb-input-placeholder-color;
font-weight: 400;
margin: 16px 0 0 0; // std and lg
.help-block {
margin-top: 0; // allow the input margin to set-off the top of the help-block
font-size: @help-block-font-size;
.form-group-validation-state(@name, @color) {
&.@{name} { // e.g. has-error
.form-control {
box-shadow: none;
&.is-focused .form-control {
background-image: linear-gradient(@color, @color), linear-gradient(@mdb-input-underline-color, @mdb-input-underline-color);
.help-block {
color: @color;
.form-group-size-variant(@parent, @placeholder-font-size, @label-top-margin, @vertical-padding, @line-height, @label-as-placeholder-shim) {
@static-font-size: ceil((@mdb-label-static-size-ratio * @placeholder-font-size));
@static-line-height: (@mdb-label-static-size-ratio * @line-height);
@label-as-placeholder-top: -1 * (@vertical-padding + @label-as-placeholder-shim);
@label-top: @label-as-placeholder-top - (@placeholder-font-size + @vertical-padding);
@help-block-font-size: ceil((@mdb-help-block-size-ratio * @placeholder-font-size));
@help-block-line-height: (@mdb-help-block-size-ratio * @line-height);
// this is outside a form-group
& when not (isstring(@parent)) {
.label-size-variant(@placeholder-font-size, @vertical-padding, @line-height, @static-font-size, @static-line-height, @help-block-font-size);
// this is inside a form-group, may be .form-group.form-group-sm or .form-group.form-group-lg
& when (isstring(@parent)) {
@{parent} {
.label-size-variant(@placeholder-font-size, @vertical-padding, @line-height, @static-font-size, @static-line-height, @help-block-font-size);
// form-group padding-bottom
// upon collapsing margins, the largest margin is honored which collapses the form-control margin-bottom,
// so the form-control margin-bottom must also be expressed as form-group padding
padding-bottom: @vertical-padding;
// form-group margin-top must be large enough for the label and the label's top padding since label is absolutely positioned
margin: (@label-top-margin + @static-font-size) 0 0 0;
// larger labels as placeholders
&.label-placeholder {
label.control-label {
top: @label-as-placeholder-top; // place the floating label to look like a placeholder with input padding
font-size: @placeholder-font-size;
line-height: @line-height;
// static, focused, or autofill floating labels
&.label-floating:not(.is-empty) {
.label-static(@label-top, @static-font-size, @static-line-height);
// #559 Fix for webkit/chrome autofill - rule must be separate because it breaks firefox otherwise #731
&.label-floating input.form-control:-webkit-autofill ~ label.control-label {
.label-static(@label-top, @static-font-size, @static-line-height);
// -----
// Inputs
// Reference http://www.google.com/design/spec/components/text-fields.html
// MDL implementation: http://www.getmdl.io/components/index.html#textfields-section
.form-group .form-control {
border: 0;
background-image: linear-gradient(@brand-primary, @brand-primary), linear-gradient(@mdb-input-underline-color, @mdb-input-underline-color);
background-size: 0 2px, 100% 1px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center bottom, center calc(~"100% - 1px");
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
transition: background 0s ease-out;
float: none;
box-shadow: none;
border-radius: 0;
// Placeholders and and labels-as-placeholders should look the same
color: @mdb-input-placeholder-color;
font-weight: 400;
//&:textarea { // appears to be an invalid selector
// height: 40px;
fieldset[disabled] & {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
fieldset[disabled] & {
background-image: none;
border-bottom: 1px dotted @mdb-input-underline-color;
// -----
// Labels with form-group signalled state
// Reference http://www.google.com/design/spec/components/text-fields.html
// MDL implementation: http://www.getmdl.io/components/index.html#textfields-section
//.variations(~" label.control-label", color, @mdb-input-placeholder-color); // default label color variations
.form-group {
position: relative;
// -----
// Labels with form-group signalled state
// Reference http://www.google.com/design/spec/components/text-fields.html
// MDL implementation: http://www.getmdl.io/components/index.html#textfields-section
&.label-floating {
label.control-label {
position: absolute;
pointer-events: none;
transition: 0.3s ease all;
// hint to browser for optimization
// TODO: evaluate effectiveness - looking for community feedback
&.label-floating label.control-label {
will-change: left, top, contents;
// hide label-placeholders when the field is not empty
display: none;
// Help blocks - position: absolute approach - uses no vertical space, text wrapping - not so good.
.help-block {
position: absolute; // do not use position: absolute because width/wrapping isn't automatic and overflows occur
display: none;
// form-group is-focused display
&.is-focused {
.form-control {
outline: none;
background-image: linear-gradient(@brand-primary, @brand-primary), linear-gradient(@mdb-input-underline-color, @mdb-input-underline-color);
background-size: 100% 2px, 100% 1px;
box-shadow: none;
transition-duration: 0.3s;
.material-input:after {
background-color: @brand-primary;
//.variations(~".is-focused label.control-label", color, @brand-primary); // focused label color variations
label.control-label {
color: @brand-primary;
//.variations(~".is-focused.label-placeholder label.control-label", color, @mdb-input-placeholder-color); // default label color variations
&.label-placeholder {
label.control-label {
color: @mdb-input-placeholder-color;
.help-block {
display: block;
.form-group-validation-state(has-warning, @brand-warning);
.form-group-validation-state(has-error, @brand-danger);
.form-group-validation-state(has-success, @brand-success);
.form-group-validation-state(has-info, @brand-info);
textarea {
resize: none;
& ~ .form-control-highlight {
margin-top: -11px;
select {
appearance: none; // Fix for OS X
& ~ .material-input:after {
display: none;
// default floating size/location without a form-group (will skip form-group styles, and just render default sizing variation)
.form-group-size-variant(null, @mdb-input-font-size-base, @mdb-label-top-margin-base, @mdb-input-padding-base-vertical, @mdb-input-line-height-base, @mdb-label-as-placeholder-shim-base);
// default floating size/location with a form-group (need margin etc from a default form-group)
.form-group-size-variant(~".form-group", @mdb-input-font-size-base, @mdb-label-top-margin-base, @mdb-input-padding-base-vertical, @mdb-input-line-height-base, @mdb-label-as-placeholder-shim-base);
// sm floating size/location
.form-group-size-variant(~".form-group.form-group-sm", @mdb-input-font-size-small, @mdb-label-top-margin-small, @mdb-input-padding-small-vertical, @mdb-input-line-height-small, @mdb-label-as-placeholder-shim-small);
// lg floating size/location
.form-group-size-variant(~".form-group.form-group-lg", @mdb-input-font-size-large, @mdb-label-top-margin-large, @mdb-input-padding-large-vertical, @mdb-input-line-height-large, @mdb-label-as-placeholder-shim-large);
select.form-control {
border: 0;
box-shadow: none;
border-radius: 0;
.form-group.is-focused & {
box-shadow: none;
border-color: @mdb-input-underline-color;
&[multiple] {
.form-group.is-focused & {
height: 85px;
.input-group-button-variation(@vertical-padding) {
.input-group-btn {
.btn {
margin: 0 0 @vertical-padding 0;
// ----------------
// input group/addon related styles
// default margin - no form-group required
.form-group {
//.form-control {
// float: none;
// sm margin
&.form-group-sm {
// lg margin
&.form-group-lg {
.input-group { // may be in or outside of form-group
.input-group-btn {
padding: 0 12px; // match addon spacing
.input-group-addon {
border: 0;
background: transparent;
// Input files - hide actual input - requires specific markup in the sample.
.form-group input[type=file] {
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 100;