
125 lines
3.4 KiB

import {Preset, Clean, MinifyCss, Sass, RollupEs, RollupUmd, RollupIife, ScssLint, EsLint, TaskSeries} from 'gulp-pipeline/src/index'
// debug the project source - remove for repo
//import {Clean, CleanDigest, Images, MinifyCss, Sass, RollupIife, ScssLint, EsLint, Rev, TaskSeries} from 'gulp-pipeline'
//import Preset from '../../../gulp-pipeline/src/preset'
import extend from 'extend'
import stringify from 'stringify-object'
import gulp from 'gulp'
import findup from 'findup-sync'
const node_modules = findup('node_modules')
let preset = Preset.baseline({
javascripts: {
source: {options: {cwd: 'js/src'}},
watch: {options: {cwd: 'js/src'}},
test: {options: {cwd: 'js/tests'}}
stylesheets: {
source: {options: {cwd: 'scss'}},
watch: {options: {cwd: 'scss'}}
images: {
source: {options: {cwd: 'images'}},
watch: {options: {cwd: 'images'}}
// When converting non-modular dependencies into usable ones using rollup-plugin-commonjs, if they don't have properly read exports add them here.
let namedExports = {}
//namedExports[`${node_modules}/corejs-typeahead/dist/bloodhound.js`] = ['Bloodhound']
//namedExports[`${node_modules}/anchor-js/anchor.js`] = ['AnchorJS']
let rollupConfig = {
debug: true,
options: {
external: [
globals: {
'anchor-js': 'anchors',
clipboard: 'Clipboard'
commonjs: {
options: {
namedExports: namedExports,
let rollups = [
new RollupEs(gulp, preset, extend(true, {}, rollupConfig, {options: {dest: ''}})),
new RollupUmd(gulp, preset, extend(true, {}, rollupConfig, {
options: {
dest: 'bootstrap-material-design.umd.js',
moduleName: 'bootstrapMaterialDesign'
new RollupIife(gulp, preset, extend(true, {}, rollupConfig, {
options: {
dest: 'bootstrap-material-design.iife.js',
moduleName: 'bootstrapMaterialDesign'
let eslint = new EsLint(gulp, preset)
let scsslint = new ScssLint(gulp, preset)
let sass = new Sass(gulp, preset)
let lint = [scsslint, eslint]
// instantiate ordered array of recipes (for each instantiation the tasks will be created e.g. sass and sass:watch)
let recipes = [
new Clean(gulp, preset),
new MinifyCss(gulp, preset)
// Simple helper to create the default and watch tasks as a sequence of the recipes already defined
new TaskSeries(gulp, 'default', recipes)
new TaskSeries(gulp, 'lint', lint)
new TaskSeries(gulp, 'js', [eslint, rollups])
new TaskSeries(gulp, 'css', [scsslint, sass])
let docsPreset = Preset.baseline({
javascripts: {
source: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/js/src'}},
watch: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/js/src'}},
test: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/js/tests'}},
dest: 'docs/dist'
stylesheets: {
source: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/scss'}},
watch: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/scss'}},
dest: 'docs/dist'
images: {
source: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/img'}},
watch: {options: {cwd: 'docs/assets/img'}},
dest: 'docs/dist'
} */
const docsConfig = {task: {prefix: 'docs:'}}
let docs = [
new EsLint(gulp, docsPreset, docsConfig),
new RollupIife(gulp, docsPreset, extend(true, {}, docsConfig, rollupConfig, {
options: {
dest: 'docs.iife.js',
moduleName: 'docs'