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#!/usr/bin/env python
# test_dates.py - unit test for dates handling
# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 James Henstridge <james@jamesh.id.au>
# psycopg2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
# permission to link this program with the OpenSSL library (or with
# modified versions of OpenSSL that use the same license as OpenSSL),
# and distribute linked combinations including the two.
# You must obey the GNU Lesser General Public License in all respects for
# all of the code used other than OpenSSL.
# psycopg2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
import math
import psycopg2
from psycopg2.tz import FixedOffsetTimezone, ZERO
import unittest
from .testutils import ConnectingTestCase, skip_before_postgres
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
def total_seconds(d):
"""Return total number of seconds of a timedelta as a float."""
return d.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + d.seconds + d.microseconds / 1000000.0
class CommonDatetimeTestsMixin:
def execute(self, *args):
return self.curs.fetchone()[0]
def test_parse_date(self):
value = self.DATE('2007-01-01', self.curs)
self.assert_(value is not None)
self.assertEqual(value.year, 2007)
self.assertEqual(value.month, 1)
self.assertEqual(value.day, 1)
def test_parse_null_date(self):
value = self.DATE(None, self.curs)
self.assertEqual(value, None)
def test_parse_incomplete_date(self):
self.assertRaises(psycopg2.DataError, self.DATE, '2007', self.curs)
self.assertRaises(psycopg2.DataError, self.DATE, '2007-01', self.curs)
def test_parse_time(self):
value = self.TIME('13:30:29', self.curs)
self.assert_(value is not None)
self.assertEqual(value.hour, 13)
self.assertEqual(value.minute, 30)
self.assertEqual(value.second, 29)
def test_parse_null_time(self):
value = self.TIME(None, self.curs)
self.assertEqual(value, None)
def test_parse_incomplete_time(self):
self.assertRaises(psycopg2.DataError, self.TIME, '13', self.curs)
self.assertRaises(psycopg2.DataError, self.TIME, '13:30', self.curs)
def test_parse_datetime(self):
value = self.DATETIME('2007-01-01 13:30:29', self.curs)
self.assert_(value is not None)
self.assertEqual(value.year, 2007)
self.assertEqual(value.month, 1)
self.assertEqual(value.day, 1)
self.assertEqual(value.hour, 13)
self.assertEqual(value.minute, 30)
self.assertEqual(value.second, 29)
def test_parse_null_datetime(self):
value = self.DATETIME(None, self.curs)
self.assertEqual(value, None)
2012-01-17 19:51:26 +04:00
def test_parse_incomplete_datetime(self):
self.DATETIME, '2007', self.curs)
self.DATETIME, '2007-01', self.curs)
self.DATETIME, '2007-01-01 13', self.curs)
self.DATETIME, '2007-01-01 13:30', self.curs)
def test_parse_null_interval(self):
value = self.INTERVAL(None, self.curs)
self.assertEqual(value, None)
class DatetimeTests(ConnectingTestCase, CommonDatetimeTestsMixin):
"""Tests for the datetime based date handling in psycopg2."""
def setUp(self):
self.curs = self.conn.cursor()
self.DATE = psycopg2.extensions.PYDATE
self.TIME = psycopg2.extensions.PYTIME
self.DATETIME = psycopg2.extensions.PYDATETIME
self.INTERVAL = psycopg2.extensions.PYINTERVAL
def test_parse_bc_date(self):
# datetime does not support BC dates
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.DATE, '00042-01-01 BC', self.curs)
def test_parse_bc_datetime(self):
# datetime does not support BC dates
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.DATETIME,
'00042-01-01 13:30:29 BC', self.curs)
def test_parse_time_microseconds(self):
value = self.TIME('13:30:29.123456', self.curs)
self.assertEqual(value.second, 29)
self.assertEqual(value.microsecond, 123456)
def test_parse_datetime_microseconds(self):
value = self.DATETIME('2007-01-01 13:30:29.123456', self.curs)
self.assertEqual(value.second, 29)
self.assertEqual(value.microsecond, 123456)
def check_time_tz(self, str_offset, offset):
from datetime import time, timedelta
base = time(13, 30, 29)
base_str = '13:30:29'
value = self.TIME(base_str + str_offset, self.curs)
# Value has time zone info and correct UTC offset.
self.assertNotEqual(value.tzinfo, None),
self.assertEqual(value.utcoffset(), timedelta(seconds=offset))
# Time portion is correct.
self.assertEqual(value.replace(tzinfo=None), base)
def test_parse_time_timezone(self):
self.check_time_tz("+01", 3600)
self.check_time_tz("-01", -3600)
self.check_time_tz("+01:15", 4500)
self.check_time_tz("-01:15", -4500)
# The Python datetime module does not support time zone
# offsets that are not a whole number of minutes.
# We round the offset to the nearest minute.
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
self.check_time_tz("+01:15:00", 60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_time_tz("+01:15:29", 60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_time_tz("+01:15:30", 60 * (60 + 16))
self.check_time_tz("+01:15:59", 60 * (60 + 16))
self.check_time_tz("-01:15:00", -60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_time_tz("-01:15:29", -60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_time_tz("-01:15:30", -60 * (60 + 16))
self.check_time_tz("-01:15:59", -60 * (60 + 16))
def check_datetime_tz(self, str_offset, offset):
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
base = datetime(2007, 1, 1, 13, 30, 29)
base_str = '2007-01-01 13:30:29'
value = self.DATETIME(base_str + str_offset, self.curs)
# Value has time zone info and correct UTC offset.
self.assertNotEqual(value.tzinfo, None),
self.assertEqual(value.utcoffset(), timedelta(seconds=offset))
# Datetime is correct.
self.assertEqual(value.replace(tzinfo=None), base)
# Conversion to UTC produces the expected offset.
UTC = FixedOffsetTimezone(0, "UTC")
value_utc = value.astimezone(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None)
self.assertEqual(base - value_utc, timedelta(seconds=offset))
def test_parse_datetime_timezone(self):
self.check_datetime_tz("+01", 3600)
self.check_datetime_tz("-01", -3600)
self.check_datetime_tz("+01:15", 4500)
self.check_datetime_tz("-01:15", -4500)
# The Python datetime module does not support time zone
# offsets that are not a whole number of minutes.
# We round the offset to the nearest minute.
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
self.check_datetime_tz("+01:15:00", 60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_datetime_tz("+01:15:29", 60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_datetime_tz("+01:15:30", 60 * (60 + 16))
self.check_datetime_tz("+01:15:59", 60 * (60 + 16))
self.check_datetime_tz("-01:15:00", -60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_datetime_tz("-01:15:29", -60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_datetime_tz("-01:15:30", -60 * (60 + 16))
self.check_datetime_tz("-01:15:59", -60 * (60 + 16))
def test_parse_time_no_timezone(self):
self.assertEqual(self.TIME("13:30:29", self.curs).tzinfo, None)
self.assertEqual(self.TIME("13:30:29.123456", self.curs).tzinfo, None)
def test_parse_datetime_no_timezone(self):
self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29", self.curs).tzinfo, None)
self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29.123456", self.curs).tzinfo, None)
def test_parse_interval(self):
value = self.INTERVAL('42 days 12:34:56.123456', self.curs)
self.assertNotEqual(value, None)
self.assertEqual(value.days, 42)
self.assertEqual(value.seconds, 45296)
self.assertEqual(value.microseconds, 123456)
def test_parse_negative_interval(self):
value = self.INTERVAL('-42 days -12:34:56.123456', self.curs)
self.assertNotEqual(value, None)
self.assertEqual(value.days, -43)
self.assertEqual(value.seconds, 41103)
self.assertEqual(value.microseconds, 876544)
def test_parse_infinity(self):
value = self.DATETIME('-infinity', self.curs)
self.assertEqual(str(value), '0001-01-01 00:00:00')
value = self.DATETIME('infinity', self.curs)
self.assertEqual(str(value), '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999')
value = self.DATE('infinity', self.curs)
self.assertEqual(str(value), '9999-12-31')
def test_adapt_date(self):
from datetime import date
value = self.execute('select (%s)::date::text',
[date(2007, 1, 1)])
self.assertEqual(value, '2007-01-01')
def test_adapt_time(self):
from datetime import time
value = self.execute('select (%s)::time::text',
[time(13, 30, 29)])
self.assertEqual(value, '13:30:29')
def test_adapt_datetime(self):
from datetime import datetime
value = self.execute('select (%s)::timestamp::text',
[datetime(2007, 1, 1, 13, 30, 29)])
self.assertEqual(value, '2007-01-01 13:30:29')
def test_adapt_timedelta(self):
from datetime import timedelta
value = self.execute('select extract(epoch from (%s)::interval)',
[timedelta(days=42, seconds=45296,
seconds = math.floor(value)
self.assertEqual(seconds, 3674096)
self.assertEqual(int(round((value - seconds) * 1000000)), 123456)
def test_adapt_negative_timedelta(self):
from datetime import timedelta
value = self.execute('select extract(epoch from (%s)::interval)',
[timedelta(days=-42, seconds=45296,
seconds = math.floor(value)
self.assertEqual(seconds, -3583504)
self.assertEqual(int(round((value - seconds) * 1000000)), 123456)
def _test_type_roundtrip(self, o1):
o2 = self.execute("select %s;", (o1,))
self.assertEqual(type(o1), type(o2))
return o2
def _test_type_roundtrip_array(self, o1):
o1 = [o1]
o2 = self.execute("select %s;", (o1,))
self.assertEqual(type(o1[0]), type(o2[0]))
def test_type_roundtrip_date(self):
from datetime import date
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
self._test_type_roundtrip(date(2010, 5, 3))
def test_type_roundtrip_datetime(self):
from datetime import datetime
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
dt = self._test_type_roundtrip(datetime(2010, 5, 3, 10, 20, 30))
self.assertEqual(None, dt.tzinfo)
def test_type_roundtrip_datetimetz(self):
from datetime import datetime
import psycopg2.tz
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
tz = psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone(8 * 60)
dt1 = datetime(2010, 5, 3, 10, 20, 30, tzinfo=tz)
dt2 = self._test_type_roundtrip(dt1)
self.assertNotEqual(None, dt2.tzinfo)
self.assertEqual(dt1, dt2)
def test_type_roundtrip_time(self):
from datetime import time
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
tm = self._test_type_roundtrip(time(10, 20, 30))
self.assertEqual(None, tm.tzinfo)
def test_type_roundtrip_timetz(self):
from datetime import time
import psycopg2.tz
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
tz = psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone(8 * 60)
tm1 = time(10, 20, 30, tzinfo=tz)
tm2 = self._test_type_roundtrip(tm1)
self.assertNotEqual(None, tm2.tzinfo)
self.assertEqual(tm1, tm2)
def test_type_roundtrip_interval(self):
from datetime import timedelta
def test_type_roundtrip_date_array(self):
from datetime import date
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
self._test_type_roundtrip_array(date(2010, 5, 3))
def test_type_roundtrip_datetime_array(self):
from datetime import datetime
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
self._test_type_roundtrip_array(datetime(2010, 5, 3, 10, 20, 30))
def test_type_roundtrip_datetimetz_array(self):
from datetime import datetime
datetime(2010, 5, 3, 10, 20, 30, tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(0)))
def test_type_roundtrip_time_array(self):
from datetime import time
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
self._test_type_roundtrip_array(time(10, 20, 30))
def test_type_roundtrip_interval_array(self):
from datetime import timedelta
@skip_before_postgres(8, 1)
def test_time_24(self):
from datetime import time
t = self.execute("select '24:00'::time;")
self.assertEqual(t, time(0, 0))
t = self.execute("select '24:00+05'::timetz;")
self.assertEqual(t, time(0, 0, tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(300)))
t = self.execute("select '24:00+05:30'::timetz;")
self.assertEqual(t, time(0, 0, tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(330)))
@skip_before_postgres(8, 1)
def test_large_interval(self):
t = self.execute("select '999999:00:00'::interval")
self.assertEqual(total_seconds(t), 999999 * 60 * 60)
t = self.execute("select '-999999:00:00'::interval")
self.assertEqual(total_seconds(t), -999999 * 60 * 60)
t = self.execute("select '999999:00:00.1'::interval")
self.assertEqual(total_seconds(t), 999999 * 60 * 60 + 0.1)
t = self.execute("select '999999:00:00.9'::interval")
self.assertEqual(total_seconds(t), 999999 * 60 * 60 + 0.9)
t = self.execute("select '-999999:00:00.1'::interval")
self.assertEqual(total_seconds(t), -999999 * 60 * 60 - 0.1)
t = self.execute("select '-999999:00:00.9'::interval")
self.assertEqual(total_seconds(t), -999999 * 60 * 60 - 0.9)
def test_micros_rounding(self):
t = self.execute("select '0.1'::interval")
self.assertEqual(total_seconds(t), 0.1)
t = self.execute("select '0.01'::interval")
self.assertEqual(total_seconds(t), 0.01)
t = self.execute("select '0.000001'::interval")
self.assertEqual(total_seconds(t), 1e-6)
t = self.execute("select '0.0000004'::interval")
self.assertEqual(total_seconds(t), 0)
t = self.execute("select '0.0000006'::interval")
self.assertEqual(total_seconds(t), 1e-6)
2017-02-24 16:03:54 +03:00
def test_interval_overflow(self):
cur = self.conn.cursor()
# hack a cursor to receive values too extreme to be represented
# but still I want an error, not a random number
psycopg2.STRING.values, 'WAT', psycopg2.extensions.INTERVAL),
def f(val):
cur.execute("select '%s'::text" % val)
return cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, f, '100000000000000000:00:00')
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, f, '00:100000000000000000:00:00')
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, f, '00:00:100000000000000000:00')
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, f, '00:00:00.100000000000000000')
def test_adapt_infinity_tz(self):
from datetime import datetime
t = self.execute("select 'infinity'::timestamp")
self.assert_(t.tzinfo is None)
self.assert_(t > datetime(4000, 1, 1))
t = self.execute("select '-infinity'::timestamp")
self.assert_(t.tzinfo is None)
self.assert_(t < datetime(1000, 1, 1))
t = self.execute("select 'infinity'::timestamptz")
self.assert_(t.tzinfo is not None)
self.assert_(t > datetime(4000, 1, 1, tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone()))
t = self.execute("select '-infinity'::timestamptz")
self.assert_(t.tzinfo is not None)
self.assert_(t < datetime(1000, 1, 1, tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone()))
def test_redshift_day(self):
# Redshift is reported returning 1 day interval as microsec (bug #558)
cur = self.conn.cursor()
psycopg2.STRING.values, 'WAT', psycopg2.extensions.INTERVAL),
from datetime import timedelta
for s, v in [
('0', timedelta(0)),
('1', timedelta(microseconds=1)),
('-1', timedelta(microseconds=-1)),
('1000000', timedelta(seconds=1)),
('86400000000', timedelta(days=1)),
('-86400000000', timedelta(days=-1)),
cur.execute("select %s::text", (s,))
r = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assertEqual(r, v, "%s -> %s != %s" % (s, r, v))
@skip_before_postgres(8, 4)
def test_interval_iso_8601_not_supported(self):
# We may end up supporting, but no pressure for it
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("set local intervalstyle to iso_8601")
cur.execute("select '1 day 2 hours'::interval")
self.assertRaises(psycopg2.NotSupportedError, cur.fetchone)
# Only run the datetime tests if psycopg was compiled with support.
if not hasattr(psycopg2.extensions, 'PYDATETIME'):
del DatetimeTests
class mxDateTimeTests(ConnectingTestCase, CommonDatetimeTestsMixin):
"""Tests for the mx.DateTime based date handling in psycopg2."""
def setUp(self):
self.curs = self.conn.cursor()
self.DATE = psycopg2._psycopg.MXDATE
self.TIME = psycopg2._psycopg.MXTIME
self.DATETIME = psycopg2._psycopg.MXDATETIME
self.INTERVAL = psycopg2._psycopg.MXINTERVAL
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(self.DATE, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(self.TIME, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(self.DATETIME, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(self.INTERVAL, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.MXDATEARRAY, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.MXTIMEARRAY, self.conn)
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
psycopg2.extensions.MXDATETIMEARRAY, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.MXINTERVALARRAY, self.conn)
def tearDown(self):
def test_parse_bc_date(self):
value = self.DATE('00042-01-01 BC', self.curs)
self.assert_(value is not None)
# mx.DateTime numbers BC dates from 0 rather than 1.
self.assertEqual(value.year, -41)
self.assertEqual(value.month, 1)
self.assertEqual(value.day, 1)
def test_parse_bc_datetime(self):
value = self.DATETIME('00042-01-01 13:30:29 BC', self.curs)
self.assert_(value is not None)
# mx.DateTime numbers BC dates from 0 rather than 1.
self.assertEqual(value.year, -41)
self.assertEqual(value.month, 1)
self.assertEqual(value.day, 1)
self.assertEqual(value.hour, 13)
self.assertEqual(value.minute, 30)
self.assertEqual(value.second, 29)
def test_parse_time_microseconds(self):
value = self.TIME('13:30:29.123456', self.curs)
self.assertEqual(math.floor(value.second), 29)
int((value.second - math.floor(value.second)) * 1000000), 123456)
def test_parse_datetime_microseconds(self):
value = self.DATETIME('2007-01-01 13:30:29.123456', self.curs)
self.assertEqual(math.floor(value.second), 29)
int((value.second - math.floor(value.second)) * 1000000), 123456)
def test_parse_time_timezone(self):
# Time zone information is ignored.
from mx.DateTime import Time
expected = Time(13, 30, 29)
self.assertEqual(expected, self.TIME("13:30:29+01", self.curs))
self.assertEqual(expected, self.TIME("13:30:29-01", self.curs))
self.assertEqual(expected, self.TIME("13:30:29+01:15", self.curs))
self.assertEqual(expected, self.TIME("13:30:29-01:15", self.curs))
self.assertEqual(expected, self.TIME("13:30:29+01:15:42", self.curs))
self.assertEqual(expected, self.TIME("13:30:29-01:15:42", self.curs))
def test_parse_datetime_timezone(self):
# Time zone information is ignored.
from mx.DateTime import DateTime
expected = DateTime(2007, 1, 1, 13, 30, 29)
expected, self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29+01", self.curs))
expected, self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29-01", self.curs))
expected, self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29+01:15", self.curs))
expected, self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29-01:15", self.curs))
expected, self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29+01:15:42", self.curs))
expected, self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29-01:15:42", self.curs))
def test_parse_interval(self):
value = self.INTERVAL('42 days 05:50:05', self.curs)
self.assert_(value is not None)
self.assertEqual(value.day, 42)
self.assertEqual(value.hour, 5)
self.assertEqual(value.minute, 50)
self.assertEqual(value.second, 5)
def test_adapt_time(self):
from mx.DateTime import Time
value = self.execute('select (%s)::time::text',
[Time(13, 30, 29)])
self.assertEqual(value, '13:30:29')
def test_adapt_datetime(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTime
value = self.execute('select (%s)::timestamp::text',
[DateTime(2007, 1, 1, 13, 30, 29.123456)])
self.assertEqual(value, '2007-01-01 13:30:29.123456')
def test_adapt_bc_datetime(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTime
value = self.execute('select (%s)::timestamp::text',
[DateTime(-41, 1, 1, 13, 30, 29.123456)])
# microsecs for BC timestamps look not available in PG < 8.4
# but more likely it's determined at compile time.
self.assert_(value in (
'0042-01-01 13:30:29.123456 BC',
'0042-01-01 13:30:29 BC'), value)
def test_adapt_timedelta(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTimeDeltaFrom
value = self.execute('select extract(epoch from (%s)::interval)',
seconds = math.floor(value)
self.assertEqual(seconds, 3674096)
self.assertEqual(int(round((value - seconds) * 1000000)), 123456)
def test_adapt_negative_timedelta(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTimeDeltaFrom
value = self.execute('select extract(epoch from (%s)::interval)',
seconds = math.floor(value)
self.assertEqual(seconds, -3583504)
self.assertEqual(int(round((value - seconds) * 1000000)), 123456)
def _test_type_roundtrip(self, o1):
o2 = self.execute("select %s;", (o1,))
self.assertEqual(type(o1), type(o2))
def _test_type_roundtrip_array(self, o1):
o1 = [o1]
o2 = self.execute("select %s;", (o1,))
self.assertEqual(type(o1[0]), type(o2[0]))
def test_type_roundtrip_date(self):
from mx.DateTime import Date
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
self._test_type_roundtrip(Date(2010, 5, 3))
def test_type_roundtrip_datetime(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTime
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
self._test_type_roundtrip(DateTime(2010, 5, 3, 10, 20, 30))
def test_type_roundtrip_time(self):
from mx.DateTime import Time
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
self._test_type_roundtrip(Time(10, 20, 30))
def test_type_roundtrip_interval(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTimeDeltaFrom
def test_type_roundtrip_date_array(self):
from mx.DateTime import Date
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
self._test_type_roundtrip_array(Date(2010, 5, 3))
def test_type_roundtrip_datetime_array(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTime
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
self._test_type_roundtrip_array(DateTime(2010, 5, 3, 10, 20, 30))
def test_type_roundtrip_time_array(self):
from mx.DateTime import Time
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
self._test_type_roundtrip_array(Time(10, 20, 30))
def test_type_roundtrip_interval_array(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTimeDeltaFrom
# Only run the mx.DateTime tests if psycopg was compiled with support.
if not hasattr(psycopg2._psycopg, 'MXDATETIME'):
del mxDateTimeTests
except AttributeError:
del mxDateTimeTests
class FromTicksTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
# bug "TimestampFromTicks() throws ValueError (2-2.0.14)"
# reported by Jozsef Szalay on 2010-05-06
def test_timestamp_value_error_sec_59_99(self):
from datetime import datetime
s = psycopg2.TimestampFromTicks(1273173119.99992)
datetime(2010, 5, 6, 14, 11, 59, 999920,
tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(-5 * 60)))
def test_date_value_error_sec_59_99(self):
from datetime import date
s = psycopg2.DateFromTicks(1273173119.99992)
# The returned date is local
self.assert_(s.adapted in [date(2010, 5, 6), date(2010, 5, 7)])
def test_time_value_error_sec_59_99(self):
from datetime import time
s = psycopg2.TimeFromTicks(1273173119.99992)
time(0, 11, 59, 999920))
class FixedOffsetTimezoneTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_init_with_no_args(self):
tzinfo = FixedOffsetTimezone()
self.assert_(tzinfo._offset is ZERO)
self.assert_(tzinfo._name is None)
def test_repr_with_positive_offset(self):
tzinfo = FixedOffsetTimezone(5 * 60)
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
"psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone(offset=300, name=None)")
def test_repr_with_negative_offset(self):
tzinfo = FixedOffsetTimezone(-5 * 60)
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
"psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone(offset=-300, name=None)")
def test_repr_with_name(self):
tzinfo = FixedOffsetTimezone(name="FOO")
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
"psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone(offset=0, name='FOO')")
def test_instance_caching(self):
2016-10-11 02:10:53 +03:00
is FixedOffsetTimezone(name="FOO"))
self.assert_(FixedOffsetTimezone(7 * 60)
is FixedOffsetTimezone(7 * 60))
self.assert_(FixedOffsetTimezone(-9 * 60, 'FOO')
is FixedOffsetTimezone(-9 * 60, 'FOO'))
self.assert_(FixedOffsetTimezone(9 * 60)
is not FixedOffsetTimezone(9 * 60, 'FOO'))
is not FixedOffsetTimezone(9 * 60, 'FOO'))
def test_pickle(self):
# ticket #135
import pickle
tz11 = FixedOffsetTimezone(60)
tz12 = FixedOffsetTimezone(120)
for proto in [-1, 0, 1, 2]:
tz21, tz22 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps([tz11, tz12], proto))
self.assertEqual(tz11, tz21)
self.assertEqual(tz12, tz22)
tz11 = FixedOffsetTimezone(60, name='foo')
tz12 = FixedOffsetTimezone(120, name='bar')
for proto in [-1, 0, 1, 2]:
tz21, tz22 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps([tz11, tz12], proto))
self.assertEqual(tz11, tz21)
self.assertEqual(tz12, tz22)
def test_suite():
return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)
2018-10-23 02:39:14 +03:00
if __name__ == "__main__":