mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 00:45:47 +03:00
Merge branch 'range-type' into devel
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ What's new in psycopg 2.4.6
- Added JSON adaptation.
- Added support for PostgreSQL 9.2 range types.
- Added support for backward scrollable cursors. Thanks to Jon Nelson
for the initial patch (ticket #108).
- Added a simple way to customize casting of composite types into Python
@ -373,6 +373,89 @@ requires no adapter registration.
List of component type oids of the type to be casted.
.. index::
pair: range; Data types
Range data types
.. versionadded:: 2.4.6
Psycopg offers a `Range` Python type and supports adaptation between them and
PostgreSQL |range|_ types. Builtin |range| types are supported out-of-the-box;
user-defined |range| types can be adapted using `register_range()`.
.. |range| replace:: :sql:`range`
.. _range: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/rangetypes.html
.. autoclass:: Range
This Python type is only used to pass and retrieve range values to and
from PostgreSQL and doesn't attempt to replicate the PostgreSQL range
features: it doesn't perform normalization and doesn't implement all the
operators__ supported by the database.
.. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-range.html#RANGE-OPERATORS-TABLE
`!Range` objects are immutable, hashable, and support the ``in`` operator
(checking if an element is within the range). They can be tested for
equivalence but not for ordering. Empty ranges evaluate to `!False` in
boolean context, nonempty evaluate to `!True`.
Although it is possible to instantiate `!Range` objects, the class doesn't
have an adapter registered, so you cannot normally pass these instances as
query arguments. To use range objects as query arguments you can either
use one of the provided subclasses, such as `NumericRange` or create a
custom subclass using `register_range()`.
Object attributes:
.. autoattribute:: isempty
.. autoattribute:: lower
.. autoattribute:: upper
.. autoattribute:: lower_inc
.. autoattribute:: upper_inc
.. autoattribute:: lower_inf
.. autoattribute:: upper_inf
The following `Range` subclasses map builtin PostgreSQL |range| types to
Python objects: they have an adapter registered so their instances can be
passed as query arguments. |range| values read from database queries are
automatically casted into instances of these classes.
.. autoclass:: NumericRange
.. autoclass:: DateRange
.. autoclass:: DateTimeRange
.. autoclass:: DateTimeTZRange
Custom |range| types (created with |CREATE TYPE|_ :sql:`... AS RANGE`) can be
adapted to a custom `Range` subclass:
.. autofunction:: register_range
.. autoclass:: RangeCaster
Object attributes:
.. attribute:: range
The `!Range` subclass adapted.
.. attribute:: adapter
The `~psycopg2.extensions.ISQLQuote` responsible to adapt `!range`.
.. attribute:: typecaster
The object responsible for casting.
.. attribute:: array_typecaster
The object responsible to cast arrays, if available, else `!None`.
.. index::
pair: UUID; Data types
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
"""Implementation of the Range type and adaptation
# psycopg/_range.py - Implementation of the Range type and adaptation
# Copyright (C) 2012 Daniele Varrazzo <daniele.varrazzo@gmail.com>
# psycopg2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
# permission to link this program with the OpenSSL library (or with
# modified versions of OpenSSL that use the same license as OpenSSL),
# and distribute linked combinations including the two.
# You must obey the GNU Lesser General Public License in all respects for
# all of the code used other than OpenSSL.
# psycopg2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
import re
from psycopg2._psycopg import ProgrammingError, InterfaceError
from psycopg2.extensions import ISQLQuote, adapt, register_adapter
from psycopg2.extensions import new_type, new_array_type, register_type
class Range(object):
"""Python representation for a PostgreSQL |range|_ type.
:param lower: lower bound for the range. `!None` means unbound
:param upper: upper bound for the range. `!None` means unbound
:param bounds: one of the literal strings ``()``, ``[)``, ``(]``, ``[]``,
representing whether the lower or upper bounds are included
:param empty: if `!True`, the range is empty
__slots__ = ('_lower', '_upper', '_bounds')
def __init__(self, lower=None, upper=None, bounds='[)', empty=False):
if not empty:
if bounds not in ('[)', '(]', '()', '[]'):
raise ValueError("bound flags not valid: %r" % bounds)
self._lower = lower
self._upper = upper
self._bounds = bounds
self._lower = self._upper = self._bounds = None
def __repr__(self):
if self._bounds is None:
return "%s(empty=True)" % self.__class__.__name__
return "%s(%r, %r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
self._lower, self._upper, self._bounds)
def lower(self):
"""The lower bound of the range. `!None` if empty or unbound."""
return self._lower
def upper(self):
"""The upper bound of the range. `!None` if empty or unbound."""
return self._upper
def isempty(self):
"""`!True` if the range is empty."""
return self._bounds is None
def lower_inf(self):
"""`!True` if the range doesn't have a lower bound."""
if self._bounds is None: return False
return self._lower is None
def upper_inf(self):
"""`!True` if the range doesn't have an upper bound."""
if self._bounds is None: return False
return self._upper is None
def lower_inc(self):
"""`!True` if the lower bound is included in the range."""
if self._bounds is None: return False
if self._lower is None: return False
return self._bounds[0] == '['
def upper_inc(self):
"""`!True` if the upper bound is included in the range."""
if self._bounds is None: return False
if self._upper is None: return False
return self._bounds[1] == ']'
def __contains__(self, x):
if self._bounds is None: return False
if self._lower is not None:
if self._bounds[0] == '[':
if x < self._lower: return False
if x <= self._lower: return False
if self._upper is not None:
if self._bounds[1] == ']':
if x > self._upper: return False
if x >= self._upper: return False
return True
def __nonzero__(self):
return self._bounds is not None
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self._lower == other._lower
and self._upper == other._upper
and self._bounds == other._bounds)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self._lower, self._upper, self._bounds))
def __lt__(self, other):
raise TypeError(
'Range objects cannot be ordered; please refer to the PostgreSQL'
' documentation to perform this operation in the database')
__le__ = __gt__ = __ge__ = __lt__
def register_range(pgrange, pyrange, conn_or_curs, globally=False):
"""Create and register an adapter and the typecasters to convert between
a PostgreSQL |range|_ type and a PostgreSQL `Range` subclass.
:param pgrange: the name of the PostgreSQL |range| type. Can be
:param pyrange: a `Range` strict subclass, or just a name to give to a new
:param conn_or_curs: a connection or cursor used to find the oid of the
range and its subtype; the typecaster is registered in a scope limited
to this object, unless *globally* is set to `!True`
:param globally: if `!False` (default) register the typecaster only on
*conn_or_curs*, otherwise register it globally
:return: `RangeCaster` instance responsible for the conversion
If a string is passed to *pyrange*, a new `Range` subclass is created
with such name and will be available as the `~RangeCaster.range` attribute
of the returned `RangeCaster` object.
The function queries the database on *conn_or_curs* to inspect the
*pgrange* type. Raise `~psycopg2.ProgrammingError` if the type is not
found. If querying the database is not advisable, use directly the
`RangeCaster` class and register the adapter and typecasters using the
provided functions.
caster = RangeCaster._from_db(pgrange, pyrange, conn_or_curs)
caster._register(not globally and conn_or_curs or None)
return caster
class RangeAdapter(object):
"""`ISQLQuote` adapter for `Range` subclasses.
This is an abstract class: concrete classes must set a `name` class
attribute or override `getquoted()`.
name = None
def __init__(self, adapted):
self.adapted = adapted
def __conform__(self, proto):
if self._proto is ISQLQuote:
return self
def prepare(self, conn):
self._conn = conn
def getquoted(self):
if self.name is None:
raise NotImplementedError(
'RangeAdapter must be subclassed overriding its name '
'or the getquoted() method')
r = self.adapted
if r.isempty:
return "'empty'::%s" % self.name
if r.lower is not None:
a = adapt(r.lower)
if hasattr(a, 'prepare'):
lower = a.getquoted()
lower = 'NULL'
if r.upper is not None:
a = adapt(r.upper)
if hasattr(a, 'prepare'):
upper = a.getquoted()
upper = 'NULL'
return "%s(%s, %s, '%s')" % (
self.name, lower, upper, r._bounds)
class RangeCaster(object):
"""Helper class to convert between `Range` and PostgreSQL range types.
Objects of this class are usually created by `register_range()`. Manual
creation could be useful if querying the database is not advisable: in
this case the oids must be provided.
def __init__(self, pgrange, pyrange, oid, subtype_oid, array_oid=None):
self.subtype_oid = subtype_oid
self._create_ranges(pgrange, pyrange)
name = self.adapter.name or self.adapter.__class__.__name__
self.typecaster = new_type((oid,), name, self.parse)
if array_oid is not None:
self.array_typecaster = new_array_type(
(array_oid,), name + "ARRAY", self.typecaster)
self.array_typecaster = None
def _create_ranges(self, pgrange, pyrange):
"""Create Range and RangeAdapter classes if needed."""
# if got a string create a new RangeAdapter concrete type (with a name)
# else take it as an adapter. Passing an adapter should be considered
# an implementation detail and is not documented. It is currently used
# for the numeric ranges.
self.adapter = None
if isinstance(pgrange, basestring):
self.adapter = type(pgrange, (RangeAdapter,), {})
self.adapter.name = pgrange
if issubclass(pgrange, RangeAdapter) and pgrange is not RangeAdapter:
self.adapter = pgrange
except TypeError:
if self.adapter is None:
raise TypeError(
'pgrange must be a string or a RangeAdapter strict subclass')
self.range = None
if isinstance(pyrange, basestring):
self.range = type(pyrange, (Range,), {})
if issubclass(pyrange, Range) and pyrange is not Range:
self.range = pyrange
except TypeError:
if self.range is None:
raise TypeError(
'pyrange must be a type or a Range strict subclass')
def _from_db(self, name, pyrange, conn_or_curs):
"""Return a `RangeCaster` instance for the type *pgrange*.
Raise `ProgrammingError` if the type is not found.
from psycopg2.extensions import STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION
from psycopg2.extras import _solve_conn_curs
conn, curs = _solve_conn_curs(conn_or_curs)
if conn.server_version < 90200:
raise ProgrammingError("range types not available in version %s"
% conn.server_version)
# Store the transaction status of the connection to revert it after use
conn_status = conn.status
# Use the correct schema
if '.' in name:
schema, tname = name.split('.', 1)
tname = name
schema = 'public'
# get the type oid and attributes
select rngtypid, rngsubtype,
(select typarray from pg_type where oid = rngtypid)
from pg_range r
join pg_type t on t.oid = rngtypid
join pg_namespace ns on ns.oid = typnamespace
where typname = %s and ns.nspname = %s;
""", (tname, schema))
except ProgrammingError:
if not conn.autocommit:
rec = curs.fetchone()
# revert the status of the connection as before the command
if (conn_status != STATUS_IN_TRANSACTION
and not conn.autocommit):
if not rec:
raise ProgrammingError(
"PostgreSQL type '%s' not found" % name)
type, subtype, array = rec
return RangeCaster(name, pyrange,
oid=type, subtype_oid=subtype, array_oid=array)
_re_range = re.compile(r"""
( \(|\[ ) # lower bound flag
(?: # lower bound:
" ( (?: [^"] | "")* ) " # - a quoted string
| ( [^",]+ ) # - or an unquoted string
)? # - or empty (not catched)
(?: # upper bound:
" ( (?: [^"] | "")* ) " # - a quoted string
| ( [^"\)\]]+ ) # - or an unquoted string
)? # - or empty (not catched)
( \)|\] ) # upper bound flag
""", re.VERBOSE)
_re_undouble = re.compile(r'(["\\])\1')
def parse(self, s, cur=None):
if s is None:
return None
if s == 'empty':
return self.range(empty=True)
m = self._re_range.match(s)
if m is None:
raise InterfaceError("failed to parse range: %s")
lower = m.group(3)
if lower is None:
lower = m.group(2)
if lower is not None:
lower = self._re_undouble.sub(r"\1", lower)
upper = m.group(5)
if upper is None:
upper = m.group(4)
if upper is not None:
upper = self._re_undouble.sub(r"\1", upper)
if cur is not None:
lower = cur.cast(self.subtype_oid, lower)
upper = cur.cast(self.subtype_oid, upper)
bounds = m.group(1) + m.group(6)
return self.range(lower, upper, bounds)
def _register(self, scope=None):
register_type(self.typecaster, scope)
if self.array_typecaster is not None:
register_type(self.array_typecaster, scope)
register_adapter(self.range, self.adapter)
class NumericRange(Range):
"""A `Range` suitable to pass Python numeric types to a PostgreSQL range.
PostgreSQL types :sql:`int4range`, :sql:`int8range`, :sql:`numrange` are
casted into `!NumericRange` instances.
class DateRange(Range):
"""Represents :sql:`daterange` values."""
class DateTimeRange(Range):
"""Represents :sql:`tsrange` values."""
class DateTimeTZRange(Range):
"""Represents :sql:`tstzrange` values."""
# Special adaptation for NumericRange. Allows to pass number range regardless
# of whether they are ints, floats and what size of ints are, which are
# pointless in Python world. On the way back, no numeric range is casted to
# NumericRange, but only to their subclasses
class NumberRangeAdapter(RangeAdapter):
"""Adapt a range if the subtype doesn't need quotes."""
def getquoted(self):
r = self.adapted
if r.isempty:
return "'empty'"
if not r.lower_inf:
# not exactly: we are relying that none of these object is really
# quoted (they are numbers). Also, I'm lazy and not preparing the
# adapter because I assume encoding doesn't matter for these
# objects.
lower = adapt(r.lower).getquoted()
lower = ''
if not r.upper_inf:
upper = adapt(r.upper).getquoted()
upper = ''
return "'%s%s,%s%s'" % (
r._bounds[0], lower, upper, r._bounds[1])
# TODO: probably won't work with infs, nans and other tricky cases.
register_adapter(NumericRange, NumberRangeAdapter)
# Register globally typecasters and adapters for builtin range types.
# note: the adapter is registered more than once, but this is harmless.
int4range_caster = RangeCaster(NumberRangeAdapter, NumericRange,
oid=3904, subtype_oid=23, array_oid=3905)
int8range_caster = RangeCaster(NumberRangeAdapter, NumericRange,
oid=3926, subtype_oid=20, array_oid=3927)
numrange_caster = RangeCaster(NumberRangeAdapter, NumericRange,
oid=3906, subtype_oid=1700, array_oid=3907)
daterange_caster = RangeCaster('daterange', DateRange,
oid=3912, subtype_oid=1082, array_oid=3913)
tsrange_caster = RangeCaster('tsrange', DateTimeRange,
oid=3908, subtype_oid=1114, array_oid=3909)
tstzrange_caster = RangeCaster('tstzrange', DateTimeTZRange,
oid=3910, subtype_oid=1184, array_oid=3911)
@ -952,5 +952,12 @@ def register_composite(name, conn_or_curs, globally=False, factory=None):
# expose the json adaptation stuff into the module
from psycopg2._json import json, Json, register_json, register_default_json
# Expose range-related objects
from psycopg2._range import Range, NumericRange
from psycopg2._range import DateRange, DateTimeRange, DateTimeTZRange
from psycopg2._range import register_range, RangeAdapter, RangeCaster
__all__ = filter(lambda k: not k.startswith('_'), locals().keys())
@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
import re
import sys
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import date
from datetime import date, datetime
from testutils import unittest, skip_if_no_uuid, skip_before_postgres
from testutils import decorate_all_tests
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
@ -1055,6 +1056,496 @@ class JsonTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(data['b'], None)
class RangeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_noparam(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range
r = Range()
self.assert_(not r.isempty)
self.assertEqual(r.lower, None)
self.assertEqual(r.upper, None)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inc)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inc)
def test_empty(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range
r = Range(empty=True)
self.assertEqual(r.lower, None)
self.assertEqual(r.upper, None)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inf)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inf)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inc)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inc)
def test_nobounds(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range
r = Range(10, 20)
self.assertEqual(r.lower, 10)
self.assertEqual(r.upper, 20)
self.assert_(not r.isempty)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inf)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inf)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inc)
def test_bounds(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range
for bounds, lower_inc, upper_inc in [
('[)', True, False),
('(]', False, True),
('()', False, False),
('[]', True, True),]:
r = Range(10, 20, bounds)
self.assertEqual(r.lower, 10)
self.assertEqual(r.upper, 20)
self.assert_(not r.isempty)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inf)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inf)
self.assertEqual(r.lower_inc, lower_inc)
self.assertEqual(r.upper_inc, upper_inc)
def test_keywords(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range
r = Range(upper=20)
self.assertEqual(r.lower, None)
self.assertEqual(r.upper, 20)
self.assert_(not r.isempty)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inf)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inc)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inc)
r = Range(lower=10, bounds='(]')
self.assertEqual(r.lower, 10)
self.assertEqual(r.upper, None)
self.assert_(not r.isempty)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inf)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inc)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inc)
def test_bad_bounds(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range
self.assertRaises(ValueError, Range, bounds='(')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, Range, bounds='[}')
def test_in(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range
r = Range(empty=True)
self.assert_(10 not in r)
r = Range()
self.assert_(10 in r)
r = Range(lower=10, bounds='[)')
self.assert_(9 not in r)
self.assert_(10 in r)
self.assert_(11 in r)
r = Range(lower=10, bounds='()')
self.assert_(9 not in r)
self.assert_(10 not in r)
self.assert_(11 in r)
r = Range(upper=20, bounds='()')
self.assert_(19 in r)
self.assert_(20 not in r)
self.assert_(21 not in r)
r = Range(upper=20, bounds='(]')
self.assert_(19 in r)
self.assert_(20 in r)
self.assert_(21 not in r)
r = Range(10, 20)
self.assert_(9 not in r)
self.assert_(10 in r)
self.assert_(11 in r)
self.assert_(19 in r)
self.assert_(20 not in r)
self.assert_(21 not in r)
r = Range(10, 20, '(]')
self.assert_(9 not in r)
self.assert_(10 not in r)
self.assert_(11 in r)
self.assert_(19 in r)
self.assert_(20 in r)
self.assert_(21 not in r)
r = Range(20, 10)
self.assert_(9 not in r)
self.assert_(10 not in r)
self.assert_(11 not in r)
self.assert_(19 not in r)
self.assert_(20 not in r)
self.assert_(21 not in r)
def test_nonzero(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range
self.assert_(Range(10, 20))
self.assert_(not Range(empty=True))
def test_eq_hash(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range
def assert_equal(r1, r2):
self.assert_(r1 == r2)
self.assert_(hash(r1) == hash(r2))
assert_equal(Range(empty=True), Range(empty=True))
assert_equal(Range(), Range())
assert_equal(Range(10, None), Range(10, None))
assert_equal(Range(10, 20), Range(10, 20))
assert_equal(Range(10, 20), Range(10, 20, '[)'))
assert_equal(Range(10, 20, '[]'), Range(10, 20, '[]'))
def assert_not_equal(r1, r2):
self.assert_(r1 != r2)
self.assert_(hash(r1) != hash(r2))
assert_not_equal(Range(10, 20), Range(10, 21))
assert_not_equal(Range(10, 20), Range(11, 20))
assert_not_equal(Range(10, 20, '[)'), Range(10, 20, '[]'))
def test_not_ordered(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: Range(empty=True) < Range(0,4))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: Range(1,2) > Range(0,4))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: Range(1,2) <= Range())
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: Range(1,2) >= Range())
def skip_if_no_range(f):
def skip_if_no_range_(self):
if self.conn.server_version < 90200:
return self.skipTest(
"server version %s doesn't support range types"
% self.conn.server_version)
return f(self)
skip_if_no_range_.__name__ = f.__name__
return skip_if_no_range_
class RangeCasterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.conn = psycopg2.connect(dsn)
def tearDown(self):
builtin_ranges = ('int4range', 'int8range', 'numrange',
'daterange', 'tsrange', 'tstzrange')
def test_cast_null(self):
cur = self.conn.cursor()
for type in self.builtin_ranges:
cur.execute("select NULL::%s" % type)
r = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assertEqual(r, None)
def test_cast_empty(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range
cur = self.conn.cursor()
for type in self.builtin_ranges:
cur.execute("select 'empty'::%s" % type)
r = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r, Range), type)
def test_cast_inf(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range
cur = self.conn.cursor()
for type in self.builtin_ranges:
cur.execute("select '(,)'::%s" % type)
r = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r, Range), type)
self.assert_(not r.isempty)
def test_cast_numbers(self):
from psycopg2.extras import NumericRange
cur = self.conn.cursor()
for type in ('int4range', 'int8range'):
cur.execute("select '(10,20)'::%s" % type)
r = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r, NumericRange))
self.assert_(not r.isempty)
self.assertEqual(r.lower, 11)
self.assertEqual(r.upper, 20)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inf)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inf)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inc)
cur.execute("select '(10.2,20.6)'::numrange")
r = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r, NumericRange))
self.assert_(not r.isempty)
self.assertEqual(r.lower, Decimal('10.2'))
self.assertEqual(r.upper, Decimal('20.6'))
self.assert_(not r.lower_inf)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inf)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inc)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inc)
def test_cast_date(self):
from psycopg2.extras import DateRange
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("select '(2000-01-01,2012-12-31)'::daterange")
r = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r, DateRange))
self.assert_(not r.isempty)
self.assertEqual(r.lower, date(2000,1,2))
self.assertEqual(r.upper, date(2012,12,31))
self.assert_(not r.lower_inf)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inf)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inc)
def test_cast_timestamp(self):
from psycopg2.extras import DateTimeRange
cur = self.conn.cursor()
ts1 = datetime(2000,1,1)
ts2 = datetime(2000,12,31,23,59,59,999)
cur.execute("select tsrange(%s, %s, '()')", (ts1, ts2))
r = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r, DateTimeRange))
self.assert_(not r.isempty)
self.assertEqual(r.lower, ts1)
self.assertEqual(r.upper, ts2)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inf)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inf)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inc)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inc)
def test_cast_timestamptz(self):
from psycopg2.extras import DateTimeTZRange
from psycopg2.tz import FixedOffsetTimezone
cur = self.conn.cursor()
ts1 = datetime(2000,1,1, tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(600))
ts2 = datetime(2000,12,31,23,59,59,999, tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(600))
cur.execute("select tstzrange(%s, %s, '[]')", (ts1, ts2))
r = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r, DateTimeTZRange))
self.assert_(not r.isempty)
self.assertEqual(r.lower, ts1)
self.assertEqual(r.upper, ts2)
self.assert_(not r.lower_inf)
self.assert_(not r.upper_inf)
def test_adapt_number_range(self):
from psycopg2.extras import NumericRange
cur = self.conn.cursor()
r = NumericRange(empty=True)
cur.execute("select %s::int4range", (r,))
r1 = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r1, NumericRange))
r = NumericRange(10, 20)
cur.execute("select %s::int8range", (r,))
r1 = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r1, NumericRange))
self.assertEqual(r1.lower, 10)
self.assertEqual(r1.upper, 20)
self.assert_(not r1.upper_inc)
r = NumericRange(10.2, 20.5, '(]')
cur.execute("select %s::numrange", (r,))
r1 = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r1, NumericRange))
self.assertEqual(r1.lower, Decimal('10.2'))
self.assertEqual(r1.upper, Decimal('20.5'))
self.assert_(not r1.lower_inc)
def test_adapt_numeric_range(self):
from psycopg2.extras import NumericRange
cur = self.conn.cursor()
r = NumericRange(empty=True)
cur.execute("select %s::int4range", (r,))
r1 = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r1, NumericRange), r1)
r = NumericRange(10, 20)
cur.execute("select %s::int8range", (r,))
r1 = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r1, NumericRange))
self.assertEqual(r1.lower, 10)
self.assertEqual(r1.upper, 20)
self.assert_(not r1.upper_inc)
r = NumericRange(10.2, 20.5, '(]')
cur.execute("select %s::numrange", (r,))
r1 = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r1, NumericRange))
self.assertEqual(r1.lower, Decimal('10.2'))
self.assertEqual(r1.upper, Decimal('20.5'))
self.assert_(not r1.lower_inc)
def test_adapt_date_range(self):
from psycopg2.extras import DateRange, DateTimeRange, DateTimeTZRange
from psycopg2.tz import FixedOffsetTimezone
cur = self.conn.cursor()
d1 = date(2012, 01, 01)
d2 = date(2012, 12, 31)
r = DateRange(d1, d2)
cur.execute("select %s", (r,))
r1 = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r1, DateRange))
self.assertEqual(r1.lower, d1)
self.assertEqual(r1.upper, d2)
self.assert_(not r1.upper_inc)
r = DateTimeRange(empty=True)
cur.execute("select %s", (r,))
r1 = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r1, DateTimeRange))
ts1 = datetime(2000,1,1, tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(600))
ts2 = datetime(2000,12,31,23,59,59,999, tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(600))
r = DateTimeTZRange(ts1, ts2, '(]')
cur.execute("select %s", (r,))
r1 = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assert_(isinstance(r1, DateTimeTZRange))
self.assertEqual(r1.lower, ts1)
self.assertEqual(r1.upper, ts2)
self.assert_(not r1.lower_inc)
def test_register_range_adapter(self):
from psycopg2.extras import Range, register_range
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("create type textrange as range (subtype=text)")
rc = register_range('textrange', 'TextRange', cur)
TextRange = rc.range
self.assert_(issubclass(TextRange, Range))
self.assertEqual(TextRange.__name__, 'TextRange')
r = TextRange('a', 'b', '(]')
cur.execute("select %s", (r,))
r1 = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assertEqual(r1.lower, 'a')
self.assertEqual(r1.upper, 'b')
self.assert_(not r1.lower_inc)
cur.execute("select %s", ([r,r,r],))
rs = cur.fetchone()[0]
self.assertEqual(len(rs), 3)
for r1 in rs:
self.assertEqual(r1.lower, 'a')
self.assertEqual(r1.upper, 'b')
self.assert_(not r1.lower_inc)
def test_range_escaping(self):
from psycopg2.extras import register_range
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("create type textrange as range (subtype=text)")
rc = register_range('textrange', 'TextRange', cur)
TextRange = rc.range
create table rangetest (
id integer primary key,
range textrange)""")
bounds = [ '[)', '(]', '()', '[]' ]
ranges = [ TextRange(low, up, bounds[i % 4])
for i, (low, up) in enumerate(zip(
[None] + map(chr, range(1, 128)),
map(chr, range(1,128)) + [None],
errs = 0
for i, r in enumerate(ranges):
# not all the ranges make sense:
# fun fact: select ascii('#') < ascii('$'), '#' < '$'
# yelds... t, f! At least in en_GB.UTF-8 collation.
# which seems suggesting a supremacy of the pound on the dollar.
# So some of these ranges will fail to insert. Be prepared but...
savepoint x;
insert into rangetest (id, range) values (%s, %s);
""", (i, r))
except psycopg2.DataError:
errs += 1
cur.execute("rollback to savepoint x;")
# ...not too many errors! in the above collate there are 17 errors:
# assume in other collates we won't find more than 30
self.assert_(errs < 30,
"too many collate errors. Is the test working?")
cur.execute("select id, range from rangetest order by id")
for i, r in cur:
self.assertEqual(ranges[i].lower, r.lower)
self.assertEqual(ranges[i].upper, r.upper)
self.assertEqual(ranges[i].lower_inc, r.lower_inc)
self.assertEqual(ranges[i].upper_inc, r.upper_inc)
self.assertEqual(ranges[i].lower_inf, r.lower_inf)
self.assertEqual(ranges[i].upper_inf, r.upper_inf)
def test_range_not_found(self):
from psycopg2.extras import register_range
cur = self.conn.cursor()
register_range, 'nosuchrange', 'FailRange', cur)
def test_schema_range(self):
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("create schema rs")
cur.execute("create type r1 as range (subtype=text)")
cur.execute("create type r2 as range (subtype=text)")
cur.execute("create type rs.r2 as range (subtype=text)")
cur.execute("create type rs.r3 as range (subtype=text)")
cur.execute("savepoint x")
from psycopg2.extras import register_range
ra1 = register_range('r1', 'r1', cur)
ra2 = register_range('r2', 'r2', cur)
rars2 = register_range('rs.r2', 'r2', cur)
rars3 = register_range('rs.r3', 'r3', cur)
register_range, 'r3', 'FailRange', cur)
cur.execute("rollback to savepoint x;")
register_range, 'rs.r1', 'FailRange', cur)
cur.execute("rollback to savepoint x;")
decorate_all_tests(RangeCasterTestCase, skip_if_no_range)
def test_suite():
return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)
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