mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 16:05:46 +03:00
Several improvements to the sql objects
Comparable, iterable, content accessible
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,12 +58,32 @@ from the query parameters::
.. autoclass:: Composable
.. automethod:: as_string
.. autoclass:: SQL
.. autoattribute:: string
.. automethod:: format
.. automethod:: join
.. autoclass:: Identifier
.. autoattribute:: string
.. autoclass:: Literal
.. autoattribute:: wrapped
.. autoclass:: Placeholder
.. autoattribute:: name
.. autoclass:: Composed
.. autoattribute:: seq
.. automethod:: join
@ -37,23 +37,28 @@ class Composable(object):
Abstract base class for objects that can be used to compose an SQL string.
`!Composable` objects can be passed directly to `~cursor.execute()` and
`~cursor.executemany()` in place of the query string.
`!Composable` objects can be joined using the ``+`` operator: the result
will be a `Composed` instance containing the objects joined. The operator
``*`` is also supported with an integer argument: the result is a
`!Composed` instance containing the left argument repeated as many times as
.. automethod:: as_string
def as_string(self, conn_or_curs):
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self._wrapped = wrapped
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._wrapped)
def as_string(self, context):
Return the string value of the object.
The object is evaluated in the context of the *conn_or_curs* argument.
:param context: the context to evaluate the string into.
:type context: `connection` or `cursor`
The function is automatically invoked by `~cursor.execute()` and
The method is automatically invoked by `~cursor.execute()` and
`~cursor.executemany()` if a `!Composable` is passed instead of the
query string.
@ -70,14 +75,20 @@ class Composable(object):
def __mul__(self, n):
return Composed([self] * n)
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(self) is type(other) and self._wrapped == other._wrapped
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
class Composed(Composable):
A `Composable` object obtained concatenating a sequence of `Composable`.
A `Composable` object made of a sequence of `Composable`.
The object is usually created using `Composable` operators. However it is
possible to create a `!Composed` directly specifying a sequence of
`Composable` as arguments.
The object is usually created using `Composable` operators and methods.
However it is possible to create a `!Composed` directly specifying a
sequence of `Composable` as arguments.
@ -86,30 +97,38 @@ class Composed(Composable):
>>> print(comp.as_string(conn))
insert into "table"
.. automethod:: join
`!Composed` objects are iterable (so they can be used in `SQL.join` for
def __init__(self, seq):
self._seq = []
wrapped = []
for i in seq:
if not isinstance(i, Composable):
raise TypeError(
"Composed elements must be Composable, got %r instead" % i)
def __repr__(self):
return "sql.Composed(%r)" % (self._seq,)
super(Composed, self).__init__(wrapped)
def as_string(self, conn_or_curs):
def seq(self):
"""The list of the content of the `!Composed`."""
return list(self._wrapped)
def as_string(self, context):
rv = []
for i in self._seq:
for i in self._wrapped:
return ''.join(rv)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._wrapped)
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Composed):
return Composed(self._seq + other._seq)
return Composed(self._wrapped + other._wrapped)
if isinstance(other, Composable):
return Composed(self._seq + [other])
return Composed(self._wrapped + [other])
return NotImplemented
@ -133,16 +152,7 @@ class Composed(Composable):
raise TypeError(
"Composed.join() argument must be a string or an SQL")
if len(self._seq) <= 1:
return self
it = iter(self._seq)
rv = [it.next()]
for i in it:
return Composed(rv)
return joiner.join(self)
class SQL(Composable):
@ -153,6 +163,12 @@ class SQL(Composable):
where to merge variable parts of a query (for instance field or table
The *string* doesn't undergo any form of escaping, so it is not suitable to
represent variable identifiers or values: you should only use it to pass
constant strings representing templates or snippets of SQL statements; use
other objects such as `Identifier` or `Literal` to represent variable
>>> query = sql.SQL("select {} from {}").format(
@ -160,20 +176,18 @@ class SQL(Composable):
... sql.Identifier('table'))
>>> print(query.as_string(conn))
select "foo", "bar" from "table"
.. automethod:: format
.. automethod:: join
def __init__(self, string):
if not isinstance(string, basestring):
raise TypeError("SQL values must be strings")
self._wrapped = string
super(SQL, self).__init__(string)
def __repr__(self):
return "sql.SQL(%r)" % (self._wrapped,)
def string(self):
"""The string wrapped by the `!SQL` object."""
return self._wrapped
def as_string(self, conn_or_curs):
def as_string(self, context):
return self._wrapped
def format(self, *args, **kwargs):
@ -191,9 +205,9 @@ class SQL(Composable):
template supports auto-numbered (``{}``), numbered (``{0}``,
``{1}``...), and named placeholders (``{name}``), with positional
arguments replacing the numbered placeholders and keywords replacing
the named ones. However placeholder modifiers (``{{0!r}}``,
``{{0:<10}}``) are not supported. Only `!Composable` objects can be
passed to the template.
the named ones. However placeholder modifiers (``{0!r}``, ``{0:<10}``)
are not supported. Only `!Composable` objects can be passed to the
@ -242,9 +256,14 @@ class SQL(Composable):
def join(self, seq):
Join a sequence of `Composable` or a `Composed` and return a `!Composed`.
Join a sequence of `Composable`.
Use the object *string* to separate the *seq* elements.
:param seq: the elements to join.
:type seq: iterable of `!Composable`
Use the `!SQL` object's *string* to separate the elements in *seq*.
Note that `Composed` objects are iterable too, so they can be used as
argument for this method.
@ -253,9 +272,6 @@ class SQL(Composable):
>>> print(snip.as_string(conn))
"foo", "bar", "baz"
if isinstance(seq, Composed):
seq = seq._seq
rv = []
it = iter(seq)
@ -294,13 +310,15 @@ class Identifier(Composable):
if not isinstance(string, basestring):
raise TypeError("SQL identifiers must be strings")
self._wrapped = string
super(Identifier, self).__init__(string)
def __repr__(self):
return "sql.Identifier(%r)" % (self._wrapped,)
def string(self):
"""The string wrapped by the `Identifier`."""
return self._wrapped
def as_string(self, conn_or_curs):
return ext.quote_ident(self._wrapped, conn_or_curs)
def as_string(self, context):
return ext.quote_ident(self._wrapped, context)
class Literal(Composable):
@ -323,20 +341,19 @@ class Literal(Composable):
'foo', 'ba''r', 42
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self._wrapped = wrapped
def wrapped(self):
"""The object wrapped by the `!Literal`."""
return self._wrapped
def __repr__(self):
return "sql.Literal(%r)" % (self._wrapped,)
def as_string(self, conn_or_curs):
def as_string(self, context):
# is it a connection or cursor?
if isinstance(conn_or_curs, ext.connection):
conn = conn_or_curs
elif isinstance(conn_or_curs, ext.cursor):
conn = conn_or_curs.connection
if isinstance(context, ext.connection):
conn = context
elif isinstance(context, ext.cursor):
conn = context.connection
raise TypeError("conn_or_curs must be a connection or a cursor")
raise TypeError("context must be a connection or a cursor")
a = ext.adapt(self._wrapped)
if hasattr(a, 'prepare'):
@ -362,15 +379,15 @@ class Placeholder(Composable):
>>> names = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
>>> q1 = sql.SQL("insert into table (%s) values (%s)") % [
>>> q1 = sql.SQL("insert into table ({}) values ({})").format(
... sql.SQL(', ').join(map(sql.Identifier, names)),
... sql.SQL(', ').join(sql.Placeholder() * 3)]
... sql.SQL(', ').join(sql.Placeholder() * len(names)))
>>> print(q1.as_string(conn))
insert into table ("foo", "bar", "baz") values (%s, %s, %s)
>>> q2 = sql.SQL("insert into table (%s) values (%s)") % [
... sql.SQL(', ').join(map(sql.Identifier, names)),
... sql.SQL(', ').join(map(sql.Placeholder, names))]
>>> q2 = sql.SQL("insert into table ({}) values ({})").format(
... sql.SQL(', ').join(map(sql.Identifier, names)),
... sql.SQL(', ').join(map(sql.Placeholder, names)))
>>> print(q2.as_string(conn))
insert into table ("foo", "bar", "baz") values (%(foo)s, %(bar)s, %(baz)s)
@ -384,22 +401,24 @@ class Placeholder(Composable):
elif name is not None:
raise TypeError("expected string or None as name, got %r" % name)
self._name = name
super(Placeholder, self).__init__(name)
def name(self):
"""The name of the `!Placeholder`."""
return self._wrapped
def __repr__(self):
return "sql.Placeholder(%r)" % (
self._name if self._name is not None else '',)
return "Placeholder(%r)" % (
self._wrapped if self._wrapped is not None else '',)
def as_string(self, conn_or_curs):
if self._name is not None:
return "%%(%s)s" % self._name
def as_string(self, context):
if self._wrapped is not None:
return "%%(%s)s" % self._wrapped
return "%s"
# Alias
PH = Placeholder
# Literals
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class SqlFormatTests(ConnectingTestCase):
sql.SQL("insert into {} (id, {}) values (%s, {})").format(
sql.SQL(', ').join(map(sql.Identifier, ['foo', 'bar', "ba'z"])),
(sql.PH() * 3).join(', ')),
(sql.Placeholder() * 3).join(', ')),
(10, 'a', 'b', 'c'))
cur.execute("select * from test_compose")
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class SqlFormatTests(ConnectingTestCase):
sql.SQL("insert into {} (id, {}) values (%s, {})").format(
sql.SQL(', ').join(map(sql.Identifier, ['foo', 'bar', "ba'z"])),
(sql.PH() * 3).join(', ')),
(sql.Placeholder() * 3).join(', ')),
[(10, 'a', 'b', 'c'), (20, 'd', 'e', 'f')])
cur.execute("select * from test_compose")
@ -155,11 +155,20 @@ class IdentifierTests(ConnectingTestCase):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, sql.Identifier, 10)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, sql.Identifier, dt.date(2016, 12, 31))
def test_string(self):
self.assertEqual(sql.Identifier('foo').string, 'foo')
def test_repr(self):
obj = sql.Identifier("fo'o")
self.assertEqual(repr(obj), 'sql.Identifier("fo\'o")')
self.assertEqual(repr(obj), 'Identifier("fo\'o")')
self.assertEqual(repr(obj), str(obj))
def test_eq(self):
self.assert_(sql.Identifier('foo') == sql.Identifier('foo'))
self.assert_(sql.Identifier('foo') != sql.Identifier('bar'))
self.assert_(sql.Identifier('foo') != 'foo')
self.assert_(sql.Identifier('foo') != sql.SQL('foo'))
def test_as_str(self):
self.assertEqual(sql.Identifier('foo').as_string(self.conn), '"foo"')
self.assertEqual(sql.Identifier("fo'o").as_string(self.conn), '"fo\'o"')
@ -180,9 +189,12 @@ class LiteralTests(ConnectingTestCase):
sql.Literal(dt.date(2016, 12, 31)), sql.Literal))
def test_wrapped(self):
self.assertEqual(sql.Literal('foo').wrapped, 'foo')
def test_repr(self):
self.assertEqual(repr(sql.Literal("foo")), "sql.Literal('foo')")
self.assertEqual(str(sql.Literal("foo")), "sql.Literal('foo')")
self.assertEqual(repr(sql.Literal("foo")), "Literal('foo')")
self.assertEqual(str(sql.Literal("foo")), "Literal('foo')")
sql.Literal("foo").as_string(self.conn).replace("E'", "'"),
@ -191,6 +203,12 @@ class LiteralTests(ConnectingTestCase):
sql.Literal(dt.date(2017, 1, 1)).as_string(self.conn),
def test_eq(self):
self.assert_(sql.Literal('foo') == sql.Literal('foo'))
self.assert_(sql.Literal('foo') != sql.Literal('bar'))
self.assert_(sql.Literal('foo') != 'foo')
self.assert_(sql.Literal('foo') != sql.SQL('foo'))
def test_must_be_adaptable(self):
class Foo(object):
@ -209,11 +227,20 @@ class SQLTests(ConnectingTestCase):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, sql.SQL, 10)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, sql.SQL, dt.date(2016, 12, 31))
def test_str(self):
self.assertEqual(repr(sql.SQL("foo")), "sql.SQL('foo')")
self.assertEqual(str(sql.SQL("foo")), "sql.SQL('foo')")
def test_string(self):
self.assertEqual(sql.SQL('foo').string, 'foo')
def test_repr(self):
self.assertEqual(repr(sql.SQL("foo")), "SQL('foo')")
self.assertEqual(str(sql.SQL("foo")), "SQL('foo')")
self.assertEqual(sql.SQL("foo").as_string(self.conn), "foo")
def test_eq(self):
self.assert_(sql.SQL('foo') == sql.SQL('foo'))
self.assert_(sql.SQL('foo') != sql.SQL('bar'))
self.assert_(sql.SQL('foo') != 'foo')
self.assert_(sql.SQL('foo') != sql.Literal('foo'))
def test_sum(self):
obj = sql.SQL("foo") + sql.SQL("bar")
self.assert_(isinstance(obj, sql.Composed))
@ -241,6 +268,9 @@ class SQLTests(ConnectingTestCase):
self.assert_(isinstance(obj, sql.Composed))
self.assertEqual(obj.as_string(self.conn), '"foo", bar, 42')
obj = sql.SQL(", ").join([])
self.assertEqual(obj, sql.Composed([]))
class ComposedTest(ConnectingTestCase):
def test_class(self):
@ -249,9 +279,20 @@ class ComposedTest(ConnectingTestCase):
def test_repr(self):
obj = sql.Composed([sql.Literal("foo"), sql.Identifier("b'ar")])
"""sql.Composed([sql.Literal('foo'), sql.Identifier("b'ar")])""")
"""Composed([Literal('foo'), Identifier("b'ar")])""")
self.assertEqual(str(obj), repr(obj))
def test_seq(self):
l = [sql.SQL('foo'), sql.Literal('bar'), sql.Identifier('baz')]
self.assertEqual(sql.Composed(l).seq, l)
def test_eq(self):
l = [sql.Literal("foo"), sql.Identifier("b'ar")]
l2 = [sql.Literal("foo"), sql.Literal("b'ar")]
self.assert_(sql.Composed(l) == sql.Composed(list(l)))
self.assert_(sql.Composed(l) != l)
self.assert_(sql.Composed(l) != sql.Composed(l2))
def test_join(self):
obj = sql.Composed([sql.Literal("foo"), sql.Identifier("b'ar")])
obj = obj.join(", ")
@ -275,27 +316,45 @@ class ComposedTest(ConnectingTestCase):
self.assert_(isinstance(obj, sql.Composed))
self.assertEqual(obj.as_string(self.conn), "foo 'bar'")
def test_iter(self):
obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo"), sql.SQL('bar')])
it = iter(obj)
i = it.next()
self.assertEqual(i, sql.SQL('foo'))
i = it.next()
self.assertEqual(i, sql.SQL('bar'))
self.assertRaises(StopIteration, it.next)
class PlaceholderTest(ConnectingTestCase):
def test_class(self):
self.assert_(issubclass(sql.Placeholder, sql.Composable))
def test_alias(self):
self.assert_(sql.Placeholder is sql.PH)
def test_name(self):
self.assertEqual(sql.Placeholder().name, None)
self.assertEqual(sql.Placeholder('foo').name, 'foo')
def test_repr(self):
self.assert_(str(sql.Placeholder()), 'sql.Placeholder()')
self.assert_(repr(sql.Placeholder()), 'sql.Placeholder()')
self.assert_(str(sql.Placeholder()), 'Placeholder()')
self.assert_(repr(sql.Placeholder()), 'Placeholder()')
self.assert_(sql.Placeholder().as_string(self.conn), '%s')
def test_repr_name(self):
self.assert_(str(sql.Placeholder('foo')), "sql.Placeholder('foo')")
self.assert_(repr(sql.Placeholder('foo')), "sql.Placeholder('foo')")
self.assert_(str(sql.Placeholder('foo')), "Placeholder('foo')")
self.assert_(repr(sql.Placeholder('foo')), "Placeholder('foo')")
self.assert_(sql.Placeholder('foo').as_string(self.conn), '%(foo)s')
def test_bad_name(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, sql.Placeholder, ')')
def test_eq(self):
self.assert_(sql.Placeholder('foo') == sql.Placeholder('foo'))
self.assert_(sql.Placeholder('foo') != sql.Placeholder('bar'))
self.assert_(sql.Placeholder('foo') != 'foo')
self.assert_(sql.Placeholder() == sql.Placeholder())
self.assert_(sql.Placeholder('foo') != sql.Placeholder())
self.assert_(sql.Placeholder('foo') != sql.Literal('foo'))
class ValuesTest(ConnectingTestCase):
def test_null(self):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user