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synced 2025-03-19 17:24:13 +03:00
extensions.rst is shaping up!
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
2005-11-19 Federico Di Gregorio <fog@initd.org>
* doc/extensions.rst: included Daniele's work after minor cosmetic changes
like using the new constants instead of numbers for transaction isolation
2005-11-17 Federico Di Gregorio <fog@initd.org>
* ZPsycopgDA/pool.py: fixed connections leak by using the new name
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ rolling back a transaction will not be explained but just used.
__ http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0249.html
Many objects and extension functions are defined in the `psycopg2.extensions`
Connection and cursor factories
@ -31,16 +34,157 @@ tzinfo factories
Setting transaction isolation levels
psycopg2 connection objects hold informations about the PostgreSQL `transaction
isolation level`_. The current transaction level can be read from the
`connection.isolation_level` attribute. The default isolation level is read
committed. A different isolation level con be set through the
`connection.set_isolation_level()` method. The method takes the new level as
parameter. Isolation levels are defined in the `psycopg2.extensions` module:
No transaction is started when command are issued and no
`.commit()`/`.rollback()` is required. Some PostgreSQL command such as
``CREATE DATABASE`` can't run into a transaction: to run such command use
This is the default value. A new transaction is started at the first
`.execute()` command on a cursor and at each new `.execute()` after a
`.commit()` or a `.rollback()`. The transaction runs in the PostgreSQL
``READ COMMITTED`` isolation level.
``REPEATABLE READ`` isolation level as ``SERIALIZABLE``.
Serializable. Transactions are run at a ``SERIALIZABLE`` isolation level.
.. _transaction isolation level:
Adaptation of Python values to SQL types
psycopg2 casts Python variables to SQL literals by type. Standard Python types
are already adapted to the proper SQL literal.
Example: the Python function::
curs.execute("""INSERT INTO atable (anint, adate, astring)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""",
(10, datetime.date(2005, 11, 18), "O'Reilly"))
is converted into the SQL command::
INSERT INTO atable (anint, adate, astring)
VALUES (10, '2005-11-18', 'O''Reilly');
Notice that:
- The Python string operator ``%`` is not used: the `curs.execute()` function
accepts two parameters.
- The variables placeholder must always be ``%s``, even if a different
placeholder (such as a %d for an integer) may look more appropriate.
- The second argument must always be a tuple, even if it contains a single
- Only variable values should be bound via this method: it shouldn't be used
to set table or field names. For these elements, ordinary string formatting
should be used before running `.execute()`.
Adapting new types
Any Python class or type can be adapted to an SQL string. Adaptation mechanism
is similar to the Object Adaptation proposed in the `PEP-246`_ and is exposed
by the `adapt()` function.
psycopg2 `.execute()` method adapts its ``vars`` arguments to the `ISQLQuote`
protocol. Objects that conform to this protocol expose a `getquoted()` method
returning the SQL representation of the object as a string.
The easiest way to adapt an object to an SQL string is to register an adapter
function via the `register_adapter()` function. The adapter function must take
the value to be adapted as argument and return a conform object. A convenient
object is the `AsIs` wrapper, whose `getquoted()` result is simply the `str()`\
ingification of the wrapped object.
Example: mapping of a ``Point`` class into the ``point`` PostgreSQL geometric
from psycopg2.extensions import adapt, register_adapter, AsIs
class Point(object):
def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def adapt_point(point):
return AsIs("'(%s,%s)'" % (adapt(point.x), adapt(point.y)))
register_adapter(Point, adapt_point)
curs.execute("INSERT INTO atable (apoint) VALUES (%s)",
(Point(1.23, 4.56),))
The above function call results in the SQL command::
INSERT INTO atable (apoint) VALUES ((1.23, 4.56));
.. _PEP-246: http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0246.html
Type casting of SQL types into Python values
Extra type objects
PostgreSQL objects read from the database can be adapted to Python objects. To
create a new mapping from a PostgreSQL type (either standard or user-defined),
first its ``oid`` must be known. It can be retrieved either by the second
column of the cursor description::
curs.execute("SELECT NULL::point")
point_oid = cur.description[0][1] # usually returns 600
or by querying the system catalogs for the type name and namespace (the
namespace for system objects is ``pg_catalog``)::
SELECT pg_type.oid
FROM pg_type JOIN pg_namespace
ON typnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
WHERE typname = %(typename)s
AND nspname = %(namespace)s""",
{'typename': 'point', 'namespace': 'pg_catalog'})
point_oid = curs.fetchone()[0]
After you know the object ``oid``, you must create and register the new type
caster object::
def cast_point(value, curs):
if value is not None:
# Convert from (f1, f2) syntax using a regular expression.
m = re.match("\((.*),(.*)\)", value)
if m:
return Point(float(m.group(1)), float(m.group(2)))
POINT = psycopg2.extensions.new_type((point_oid,), "POINT", cast_point)
The `new_type()` function binds the object oids (more than one can be
specified) to a conversion function. The function is called by psycopg passing
it the string representation of the data as returned by PostgreSQL and the
cursor: it should perform the conversion and return a Python type.
`register_type()` completes the spell::
curs.execute("SELECT '(10.2,20.3)'::point")
point = curs.fetchone()[0]
print type(point), point.x, point.y
# Prints: "<class '__main__.Point'> 10.2 20.3"
Working with times and dates
Reference in New Issue
Block a user