mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 17:24:13 +03:00
Added summary data types conversion table to the docs
It allows looking at a glance both basic and extended type casters, with plenty of links to the detailed explanations.
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,3 +26,7 @@ a > tt.sql:hover {
dl.faq dt {
font-weight: bold;
table.data-types div.line-block {
margin-bottom: 0;
@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ Additional data types
.. _adapt-json:
.. index::
pair: JSON; Data types
pair: JSON; Adaptation
.. _adapt-json:
JSON_ adaptation
@ -216,12 +216,12 @@ from :sql:`json` into :py:class:`~decimal.Decimal` you can use::
.. _adapt-hstore:
.. index::
pair: hstore; Data types
pair: dict; Adaptation
.. _adapt-hstore:
Hstore data type
@ -256,13 +256,13 @@ can be enabled using the `register_hstore()` function.
.. _adapt-composite:
.. index::
pair: Composite types; Data types
pair: tuple; Adaptation
pair: namedtuple; Adaptation
.. _adapt-composite:
Composite types casting
@ -373,11 +373,11 @@ requires no adapter registration.
List of component type oids of the type to be casted.
.. _adapt-range:
.. index::
pair: range; Data types
.. _adapt-range:
Range data types
@ -461,6 +461,8 @@ adapted to a custom `Range` subclass:
.. index::
pair: UUID; Data types
.. _adapt-uuid:
UUID data type
@ -204,28 +204,88 @@ Adaptation of Python values to SQL types
Many standard Python types are adapted into SQL and returned as Python
objects when a query is executed.
If you need to convert other Python types to and from PostgreSQL data types,
see :ref:`adapting-new-types` and :ref:`type-casting-from-sql-to-python`. You
can also find a few other specialized adapters in the `psycopg2.extras`
The following table shows the default mapping between Python and PostgreSQL
In the following examples the method `~cursor.mogrify()` is used to show
the SQL string that would be sent to the database.
TODO: The table is not rendered in text output
.. only:: html
.. table::
:class: data-types
| Python | PostgreSQL | See also |
| `!None` | :sql:`NULL` | :ref:`adapt-consts` |
+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| `!bool` | :sql:`bool` | |
| `!float` | | :sql:`real` | :ref:`adapt-numbers` |
| | | :sql:`double` | |
+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| | `!int` | | :sql:`smallint` | |
| | `!long` | | :sql:`integer` | |
| | | :sql:`bigint` | |
+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| `~decimal.Decimal` | :sql:`numeric` | |
| | `!str` | | :sql:`varchar` | :ref:`adapt-string` |
| | `!unicode` | | :sql:`text` | |
| | `buffer` | :sql:`bytea` | :ref:`adapt-binary` |
| | `memoryview` | | |
| | `bytearray` | | |
| | `bytes` | | |
| | Buffer protocol | | |
| `!date` | :sql:`date` | :ref:`adapt-date` |
+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| `!time` | :sql:`time` | |
+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| `!datetime` | | :sql:`timestamp` | |
| | | :sql:`timestamptz` | |
+--------------------+-------------------------+ |
| `!timedelta` | :sql:`interval` | |
| `!list` | :sql:`ARRAY` | :ref:`adapt-list` |
| | `!tuple` | | Composite types | | :ref:`adapt-tuple` |
| | `!namedtuple` | | :sql:`IN` syntax | | :ref:`adapt-composite` |
| `!dict` | :sql:`hstore` | :ref:`adapt-hstore` |
| Psycopg's `!Range` | :sql:`range` | :ref:`adapt-range` |
| Anything\ |tm| | :sql:`json` | :ref:`adapt-json` |
| `uuid` | :sql:`uuid` | :ref:`adapt-uuid` |
.. |tm| unicode:: U+2122
The mapping is fairly customizable: see :ref:`adapting-new-types` and
:ref:`type-casting-from-sql-to-python`. You can also find a few other
specialized adapters in the `psycopg2.extras` module.
.. _adapt-consts:
.. index::
pair: None; Adaptation
single: NULL; Adaptation
pair: Boolean; Adaptation
- Python `None` and boolean values `True` and `False` are converted into the
proper SQL literals::
.. _adapt-consts:
Constants adaptation
Python `None` and boolean values `True` and `False` are converted into the
proper SQL literals::
>>> cur.mogrify("SELECT %s, %s, %s;", (None, True, False))
'SELECT NULL, true, false;'
.. _adapt-numbers:
.. index::
single: Adaptation; numbers
@ -233,168 +293,48 @@ the SQL string that would be sent to the database.
single: Float; Adaptation
single: Decimal; Adaptation
- Numeric objects: `int`, `long`, `float`, `~decimal.Decimal` are converted in
the PostgreSQL numerical representation::
.. _adapt-numbers:
Numbers adaptation
Numeric objects: `int`, `long`, `float`, `~decimal.Decimal` are converted in
the PostgreSQL numerical representation::
>>> cur.mogrify("SELECT %s, %s, %s, %s;", (10, 10L, 10.0, Decimal("10.00")))
'SELECT 10, 10, 10.0, 10.00;'
.. _adapt-string:
Reading from the database, integer types are converted into `!int`, floating
point types are converted into `!float`, :sql:`numeric`\/\ :sql:`decimal` are
converted into `!Decimal`.
.. note::
Sometimes you may prefer to receive :sql:`numeric` data as `!float`
insted, for performance reason or ease of manipulation: you can configure
an adapter to :ref:`cast PostgreSQL numeric to Python float <faq-float>`.
This of course may imply a loss of precision.
.. seealso:: `PostgreSQL numeric types
.. index::
pair: Strings; Adaptation
single: Unicode; Adaptation
- String types: `str`, `unicode` are converted in SQL string syntax.
`!unicode` objects (`!str` in Python 3) are encoded in the connection
`~connection.encoding` to be sent to the backend: trying to send a character
not supported by the encoding will result in an error. Received data can be
converted either as `!str` or `!unicode`: see :ref:`unicode-handling`.
.. _adapt-string:
.. _adapt-binary:
Strings adaptation
.. index::
single: Buffer; Adaptation
single: bytea; Adaptation
single: bytes; Adaptation
single: bytearray; Adaptation
single: memoryview; Adaptation
single: Binary string
- Binary types: Python types representing binary objects are converted into
PostgreSQL binary string syntax, suitable for :sql:`bytea` fields. Such
types are `buffer` (only available in Python 2), `memoryview` (available
from Python 2.7), `bytearray` (available from Python 2.6) and `bytes`
(only from Python 3: the name is available from Python 2.6 but it's only an
alias for the type `!str`). Any object implementing the `Revised Buffer
Protocol`__ should be usable as binary type where the protocol is supported
(i.e. from Python 2.6). Received data is returned as `!buffer` (in Python 2)
or `!memoryview` (in Python 3).
.. __: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3118/
.. versionchanged:: 2.4
only strings were supported before.
.. versionchanged:: 2.4.1
can parse the 'hex' format from 9.0 servers without relying on the
version of the client library.
.. note::
In Python 2, if you have binary data in a `!str` object, you can pass them
to a :sql:`bytea` field using the `psycopg2.Binary` wrapper::
mypic = open('picture.png', 'rb').read()
curs.execute("insert into blobs (file) values (%s)",
.. warning::
Since version 9.0 PostgreSQL uses by default `a new "hex" format`__ to
emit :sql:`bytea` fields. Starting from Psycopg 2.4.1 the format is
correctly supported. If you use a previous version you will need some
extra care when receiving bytea from PostgreSQL: you must have at least
libpq 9.0 installed on the client or alternatively you can set the
`bytea_output`__ configuration parameter to ``escape``, either in the
server configuration file or in the client session (using a query such as
``SET bytea_output TO escape;``) before receiving binary data.
.. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datatype-binary.html
.. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/runtime-config-client.html#GUC-BYTEA-OUTPUT
.. _adapt-date:
.. index::
single: Adaptation; Date/Time objects
single: Date objects; Adaptation
single: Time objects; Adaptation
single: Interval objects; Adaptation
single: mx.DateTime; Adaptation
- Date and time objects: builtin `~datetime.datetime`, `~datetime.date`,
`~datetime.time`, `~datetime.timedelta` are converted into PostgreSQL's
:sql:`timestamp`, :sql:`date`, :sql:`time`, :sql:`interval` data types.
Time zones are supported too. The Egenix `mx.DateTime`_ objects are adapted
the same way::
>>> dt = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> dt
datetime.datetime(2010, 2, 8, 1, 40, 27, 425337)
>>> cur.mogrify("SELECT %s, %s, %s;", (dt, dt.date(), dt.time()))
"SELECT '2010-02-08T01:40:27.425337', '2010-02-08', '01:40:27.425337';"
>>> cur.mogrify("SELECT %s;", (dt - datetime.datetime(2010,1,1),))
"SELECT '38 days 6027.425337 seconds';"
.. _adapt-list:
.. index::
single: Array; Adaptation
double: Lists; Adaptation
- Python lists are converted into PostgreSQL :sql:`ARRAY`\ s::
>>> cur.mogrify("SELECT %s;", ([10, 20, 30], ))
'SELECT ARRAY[10, 20, 30];'
.. note::
Reading back from PostgreSQL, arrays are converted to list of Python
objects as expected, but only if the types are known one. Arrays of
unknown types are returned as represented by the database (e.g.
``{a,b,c}``). You can easily create a typecaster for :ref:`array of
unknown types <cast-array-unknown>`.
.. _adapt-tuple:
.. index::
double: Tuple; Adaptation
single: IN operator
- Python tuples are converted in a syntax suitable for the SQL :sql:`IN`
operator and to represent a composite type::
>>> cur.mogrify("SELECT %s IN %s;", (10, (10, 20, 30)))
'SELECT 10 IN (10, 20, 30);'
.. note::
SQL doesn't allow an empty list in the IN operator, so your code should
guard against empty tuples.
If you want PostgreSQL composite types to be converted into a Python
tuple/namedtuple you can use the `~psycopg2.extras.register_composite()`
.. versionadded:: 2.0.6
the tuple :sql:`IN` adaptation.
.. versionchanged:: 2.0.14
the tuple :sql:`IN` adapter is always active. In previous releases it
was necessary to import the `~psycopg2.extensions` module to have it
.. versionchanged:: 2.3
`~collections.namedtuple` instances are adapted like regular tuples and
can thus be used to represent composite types.
.. _adapt-dict:
.. index::
single: dict; Adaptation
single: hstore; Adaptation
- Python dictionaries are converted into the |hstore|_ data type. By default
the adapter is not enabled: see `~psycopg2.extras.register_hstore()` for
further details.
.. |hstore| replace:: :sql:`hstore`
.. _hstore: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/hstore.html
.. versionadded:: 2.3
the :sql:`hstore` adaptation.
Python `str` and `unicode` are converted into the SQL string syntax.
`!unicode` objects (`!str` in Python 3) are encoded in the connection
`~connection.encoding` before sending to the backend: trying to send a
character not supported by the encoding will result in an error. Data is
usually received as `!str` (*i.e.* it is *decoded* on Python 3, left *encoded*
on Python 2). However it is possible to receive `!unicode` on Python 2 too:
see :ref:`unicode-handling`.
.. index::
@ -403,7 +343,7 @@ the SQL string that would be sent to the database.
.. _unicode-handling:
Unicode handling
Psycopg can exchange Unicode data with a PostgreSQL database. Python
`!unicode` objects are automatically *encoded* in the client encoding
@ -466,20 +406,108 @@ the connection or globally: see the function
and then forget about this story.
and forget about this story.
.. index::
single: Buffer; Adaptation
single: bytea; Adaptation
single: bytes; Adaptation
single: bytearray; Adaptation
single: memoryview; Adaptation
single: Binary string
.. _adapt-binary:
Binary adaptation
Binary types: Python types representing binary objects are converted into
PostgreSQL binary string syntax, suitable for :sql:`bytea` fields. Such
types are `buffer` (only available in Python 2), `memoryview` (available
from Python 2.7), `bytearray` (available from Python 2.6) and `bytes`
(only from Python 3: the name is available from Python 2.6 but it's only an
alias for the type `!str`). Any object implementing the `Revised Buffer
Protocol`__ should be usable as binary type where the protocol is supported
(i.e. from Python 2.6). Received data is returned as `!buffer` (in Python 2)
or `!memoryview` (in Python 3).
.. __: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3118/
.. versionchanged:: 2.4
only strings were supported before.
.. versionchanged:: 2.4.1
can parse the 'hex' format from 9.0 servers without relying on the
version of the client library.
.. note::
In Python 2, if you have binary data in a `!str` object, you can pass them
to a :sql:`bytea` field using the `psycopg2.Binary` wrapper::
mypic = open('picture.png', 'rb').read()
curs.execute("insert into blobs (file) values (%s)",
.. warning::
Since version 9.0 PostgreSQL uses by default `a new "hex" format`__ to
emit :sql:`bytea` fields. Starting from Psycopg 2.4.1 the format is
correctly supported. If you use a previous version you will need some
extra care when receiving bytea from PostgreSQL: you must have at least
libpq 9.0 installed on the client or alternatively you can set the
`bytea_output`__ configuration parameter to ``escape``, either in the
server configuration file or in the client session (using a query such as
``SET bytea_output TO escape;``) before receiving binary data.
.. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datatype-binary.html
.. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/runtime-config-client.html#GUC-BYTEA-OUTPUT
.. index::
single: Adaptation; Date/Time objects
single: Date objects; Adaptation
single: Time objects; Adaptation
single: Interval objects; Adaptation
single: mx.DateTime; Adaptation
.. _adapt-date:
Date/Time objects adaptation
Date and time objects: builtin `~datetime.datetime`, `~datetime.date`,
`~datetime.time`, `~datetime.timedelta` are converted into PostgreSQL's
:sql:`timestamp[tz]`, :sql:`date`, :sql:`time`, :sql:`interval` data types.
Time zones are supported too. The Egenix `mx.DateTime`_ objects are adapted
the same way::
>>> dt = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> dt
datetime.datetime(2010, 2, 8, 1, 40, 27, 425337)
>>> cur.mogrify("SELECT %s, %s, %s;", (dt, dt.date(), dt.time()))
"SELECT '2010-02-08T01:40:27.425337', '2010-02-08', '01:40:27.425337';"
>>> cur.mogrify("SELECT %s;", (dt - datetime.datetime(2010,1,1),))
"SELECT '38 days 6027.425337 seconds';"
.. seealso:: `PostgreSQL date/time types
.. index::
single: Time Zones
.. _tz-handling:
Time zones handling
The PostgreSQL type :sql:`timestamp with time zone` is converted into Python
`~datetime.datetime` objects with a `~datetime.datetime.tzinfo` attribute set
to a `~psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone` instance.
The PostgreSQL type :sql:`timestamp with time zone` (a.k.a.
:sql:`timestamptz`) is converted into Python `~datetime.datetime` objects with
a `~datetime.datetime.tzinfo` attribute set to a
`~psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone` instance.
>>> cur.execute("SET TIME ZONE 'Europe/Rome';") # UTC + 1 hour
>>> cur.execute("SELECT '2010-01-01 10:30:45'::timestamptz;")
@ -502,6 +530,81 @@ rounded to the nearest minute, with an error of up to 30 seconds.
versions use `psycopg2.extras.register_tstz_w_secs()`.
.. _adapt-list:
Lists adaptation
.. index::
single: Array; Adaptation
double: Lists; Adaptation
Python lists are converted into PostgreSQL :sql:`ARRAY`\ s::
>>> cur.mogrify("SELECT %s;", ([10, 20, 30], ))
'SELECT ARRAY[10,20,30];'
.. note::
You can use a Python list as the argument of the :sql:`IN` operator using
`the PostgreSQL ANY operator`__. ::
ids = [10, 20, 30]
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM data WHERE id = ANY(%s);", (ids,))
Furthermore :sql:`ANY` can also work with empty lists, whereas :sql:`IN ()`
is a SQL syntax error.
.. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-subquery.html#FUNCTIONS-SUBQUERY-ANY-SOME
.. note::
Reading back from PostgreSQL, arrays are converted to lists of Python
objects as expected, but only if the items are of a known known type.
Arrays of unknown types are returned as represented by the database (e.g.
``{a,b,c}``). If you want to convert the items into Python objects you can
easily create a typecaster for :ref:`array of unknown types
.. _adapt-tuple:
Tuples adaptation
.. index::
double: Tuple; Adaptation
single: IN operator
Python tuples are converted in a syntax suitable for the SQL :sql:`IN`
operator and to represent a composite type::
>>> cur.mogrify("SELECT %s IN %s;", (10, (10, 20, 30)))
'SELECT 10 IN (10, 20, 30);'
.. note::
SQL doesn't allow an empty list in the :sql:`IN` operator, so your code
should guard against empty tuples. Alternatively you can :ref:`use a
Python list <adapt-list>`.
If you want PostgreSQL composite types to be converted into a Python
tuple/namedtuple you can use the `~psycopg2.extras.register_composite()`
.. versionadded:: 2.0.6
the tuple :sql:`IN` adaptation.
.. versionchanged:: 2.0.14
the tuple :sql:`IN` adapter is always active. In previous releases it
was necessary to import the `~psycopg2.extensions` module to have it
.. versionchanged:: 2.3
`~collections.namedtuple` instances are adapted like regular tuples and
can thus be used to represent composite types.
.. index:: Transaction, Begin, Commit, Rollback, Autocommit, Read only
.. _transactions-control:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user