There are small typos in:
- doc/src/faq.rst
- psycopg/cursor_type.c
- psycopg/xid_type.c
- scripts/
- scripts/
- tests/
- tests/
- Should read `publicly` rather than `publically`.
- Should read `unicode` rather than `uniconde`.
- Should read `supposed` rather than `suppsed`.
- Should read `something` rather than `somenthing`.
- Should read `portable` rather than `portible`.
- Should read `exhausted` rather than `exausted`.
- Should read `compliance` rather than `compiliance`.
The errcodes.txt file contains all the errors for the currently
maintained server versions. There is only one error code missing,
probably unused, but adding it back anyway to keep the errcode module
Make all library code compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3. Helps
move to modern Python idioms. Can now write for Python 3 (with
workarounds for Python 2) instead of the other way around.
In the future, when it is eventually time to drop Python 2, the library
will be in a better position to remove workarounds
Added a very small comparability module where required. It
includes definitions for:
- text_type -- A type. str on Python 3. unicode on Python 2.
- string_types -- A tuple. Contains only str on Python 3. Contains str &
unicode on Python 2.