# ZPsycopgDA/db.py - query execution # # Copyright (C) 2004 Federico Di Gregorio # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Or, at your option this program (ZPsycopgDA) can be distributed under the # Zope Public License (ZPL) Version 1.0, as published on the Zope web site, # http://www.zope.org/Resources/ZPL. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # See the LICENSE file for details. from Shared.DC.ZRDB.TM import TM from Shared.DC.ZRDB import dbi_db from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError import site import pool import psycopg2 from psycopg2.extensions import INTEGER, LONGINTEGER, FLOAT, BOOLEAN, DATE, TIME from psycopg2 import NUMBER, STRING, ROWID, DATETIME # the DB object, managing all the real query work class DB(TM, dbi_db.DB): _p_oid = _p_changed = _registered = None def __init__(self, dsn, tilevel, enc='utf-8'): self.dsn = dsn self.tilevel = tilevel self.encoding = enc self.failures = 0 self.calls = 0 def getconn(self, create=True): conn = pool.getconn(self.dsn) conn.set_isolation_level(int(self.tilevel)) return conn def putconn(self, close=False): try: conn = pool.getconn(self.dsn, False) except AttributeError: pass pool.putconn(self.dsn, conn, close) def getcursor(self): conn = self.getconn() return conn.cursor() def _finish(self, *ignored): try: conn = self.getconn(False) conn.commit() self.putconn() except AttributeError: pass def _abort(self, *ignored): try: conn = self.getconn(False) conn.rollback() self.putconn() except AttributeError: pass def open(self): # this will create a new pool for our DSN if not already existing, # then get and immediately release a connection self.getconn() self.putconn() def close(self): # FIXME: if this connection is closed we flush all the pool associated # with the current DSN; does this makes sense? pool.flushpool(self.dsn) def sortKey(self): return 1 def convert_description(self, desc, use_psycopg_types=False): """Convert DBAPI-2.0 description field to Zope format.""" items = [] for name, typ, width, ds, p, scale, null_ok in desc: if typ == NUMBER: if typ == INTEGER or typ == LONGINTEGER: typs = 'i' else: typs = 'n' typp = NUMBER elif typ == BOOLEAN: typs = 'n' typp = BOOLEAN elif typ == ROWID: typs = 'i' typp = ROWID # FIXME: shouldn't DATETIME include other types? elif typ == DATETIME or typ == DATE or typ == TIME: typs = 'd' typp = DATETIME else: typs = 's' typp = STRING items.append({ 'name': name, 'type': use_psycopg_types and typp or typs, 'width': width, 'precision': p, 'scale': scale, 'null': null_ok, }) return items ## tables and rows ## def tables(self, rdb=0, _care=('TABLE', 'VIEW')): self._register() c = self.getcursor() c.execute( "SELECT t.tablename AS NAME, 'TABLE' AS TYPE " " FROM pg_tables t WHERE tableowner <> 'postgres' " "UNION SELECT v.viewname AS NAME, 'VIEW' AS TYPE " " FROM pg_views v WHERE viewowner <> 'postgres' " "UNION SELECT t.tablename AS NAME, 'SYSTEM_TABLE\' AS TYPE " " FROM pg_tables t WHERE tableowner = 'postgres' " "UNION SELECT v.viewname AS NAME, 'SYSTEM_TABLE' AS TYPE " "FROM pg_views v WHERE viewowner = 'postgres'") res = [] for name, typ in c.fetchall(): if typ in _care: res.append({'TABLE_NAME': name, 'TABLE_TYPE': typ}) self.putconn() return res def columns(self, table_name): self._register() c = self.getcursor() try: r = c.execute('SELECT * FROM "%s" WHERE 1=0' % table_name) except: return () self.putconn() return self.convert_description(c.description, True) ## query execution ## def query(self, query_string, max_rows=None, query_data=None): self._register() self.calls = self.calls+1 desc = () res = [] nselects = 0 c = self.getcursor() try: for qs in [x for x in query_string.split('\0') if x]: if type(qs) == unicode: if self.encoding: qs = qs.encode(self.encoding) try: if query_data: c.execute(qs, query_data) else: c.execute(qs) except psycopg2.OperationalError, e: try: self.close() except: pass self.open() try: if query_data: c.execute(qs, query_data) else: c.execute(qs) except (psycopg2.ProgrammingError, psycopg2.IntegrityError), e: if e.args[0].find("concurrent update") > -1: raise ConflictError raise e except (psycopg2.ProgrammingError, psycopg2.IntegrityError), e: if e.args[0].find("concurrent update") > -1: raise ConflictError raise e if c.description is not None: nselects += 1 if c.description != desc and nselects > 1: raise psycopg2.ProgrammingError( 'multiple selects in single query not allowed') if max_rows: res = c.fetchmany(max_rows) else: res = c.fetchall() desc = c.description self.failures = 0 except StandardError, err: self._abort() raise err return self.convert_description(desc), res