# PSYCOPG_DEBUG can be added to enable verbose debug information
# PSYCOPG_OWN_QUOTING can be added above but it is deprecated

# set to 1 to use Python datatime objects for date/time representation

# include_dirs is the preferred method for locating postgresql headers,
# but some extra checks on sys.platform will still be done in setup.py.
# the next line is the default as used on psycopg author Debian system:
# uncomment next line on Mandrake 10.x (and comment previous one):

# if postgresql is installed somewhere weird (i.e., not in your runtime library
# path like /usr/lib), just add the right path in "library_dir" any extra
# libraries required to link in "libraries".

# Windows-only definitions
# ------------------------

# The postgresql directory. It can be either the root of a source tree or the
# location of a binary installation
pgdir=C:\Program files\PostgreSQL\8.0

# Dynamically build against libpq.dll