#!/usr/bin/env python # test_copy.py - unit test for COPY support # # Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Daniele Varrazzo # Copyright (C) 2020 The Psycopg Team # # psycopg2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give # permission to link this program with the OpenSSL library (or with # modified versions of OpenSSL that use the same license as OpenSSL), # and distribute linked combinations including the two. # # You must obey the GNU Lesser General Public License in all respects for # all of the code used other than OpenSSL. # # psycopg2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public # License for more details. import io import sys import string import unittest from .testutils import ConnectingTestCase, skip_before_postgres, slow, StringIO from .testutils import skip_if_crdb from itertools import cycle from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extensions from .testutils import skip_copy_if_green, TextIOBase from .testconfig import dsn class MinimalRead(TextIOBase): """A file wrapper exposing the minimal interface to copy from.""" def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def read(self, size): return self.f.read(size) def readline(self): return self.f.readline() class MinimalWrite(TextIOBase): """A file wrapper exposing the minimal interface to copy to.""" def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def write(self, data): return self.f.write(data) @skip_copy_if_green class CopyTests(ConnectingTestCase): def setUp(self): ConnectingTestCase.setUp(self) self._create_temp_table() def _create_temp_table(self): skip_if_crdb("copy", self.conn) curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute(''' CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tcopy ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, data text )''') @slow def test_copy_from(self): curs = self.conn.cursor() try: self._copy_from(curs, nrecs=1024, srec=10 * 1024, copykw={}) finally: curs.close() @slow def test_copy_from_insane_size(self): # Trying to trigger a "would block" error curs = self.conn.cursor() try: self._copy_from(curs, nrecs=10 * 1024, srec=10 * 1024, copykw={'size': 20 * 1024 * 1024}) finally: curs.close() def test_copy_from_cols(self): curs = self.conn.cursor() f = StringIO() for i in range(10): f.write(f"{i}\n") f.seek(0) curs.copy_from(MinimalRead(f), "tcopy", columns=['id']) curs.execute("select * from tcopy order by id") self.assertEqual([(i, None) for i in range(10)], curs.fetchall()) def test_copy_from_cols_err(self): curs = self.conn.cursor() f = StringIO() for i in range(10): f.write(f"{i}\n") f.seek(0) def cols(): raise ZeroDivisionError() yield 'id' self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, curs.copy_from, MinimalRead(f), "tcopy", columns=cols()) @slow def test_copy_to(self): curs = self.conn.cursor() try: self._copy_from(curs, nrecs=1024, srec=10 * 1024, copykw={}) self._copy_to(curs, srec=10 * 1024) finally: curs.close() def test_copy_text(self): self.conn.set_client_encoding('latin1') self._create_temp_table() # the above call closed the xn abin = bytes(list(range(32, 127)) + list(range(160, 256))).decode('latin1') about = abin.replace('\\', '\\\\') curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute('insert into tcopy values (%s, %s)', (42, abin)) f = io.StringIO() curs.copy_to(f, 'tcopy', columns=('data',)) f.seek(0) self.assertEqual(f.readline().rstrip(), about) def test_copy_bytes(self): self.conn.set_client_encoding('latin1') self._create_temp_table() # the above call closed the xn abin = bytes(list(range(32, 127)) + list(range(160, 255))).decode('latin1') about = abin.replace('\\', '\\\\').encode('latin1') curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute('insert into tcopy values (%s, %s)', (42, abin)) f = io.BytesIO() curs.copy_to(f, 'tcopy', columns=('data',)) f.seek(0) self.assertEqual(f.readline().rstrip(), about) def test_copy_expert_textiobase(self): self.conn.set_client_encoding('latin1') self._create_temp_table() # the above call closed the xn abin = bytes(list(range(32, 127)) + list(range(160, 256))).decode('latin1') about = abin.replace('\\', '\\\\') f = io.StringIO() f.write(about) f.seek(0) curs = self.conn.cursor() psycopg2.extensions.register_type( psycopg2.extensions.UNICODE, curs) curs.copy_expert('COPY tcopy (data) FROM STDIN', f) curs.execute("select data from tcopy;") self.assertEqual(curs.fetchone()[0], abin) f = io.StringIO() curs.copy_expert('COPY tcopy (data) TO STDOUT', f) f.seek(0) self.assertEqual(f.readline().rstrip(), about) # same tests with setting size f = io.StringIO() f.write(about) f.seek(0) exp_size = 123 # hack here to leave file as is, only check size when reading real_read = f.read def read(_size, f=f, exp_size=exp_size): self.assertEqual(_size, exp_size) return real_read(_size) f.read = read curs.copy_expert('COPY tcopy (data) FROM STDIN', f, size=exp_size) curs.execute("select data from tcopy;") self.assertEqual(curs.fetchone()[0], abin) def _copy_from(self, curs, nrecs, srec, copykw): f = StringIO() for i, c in zip(range(nrecs), cycle(string.ascii_letters)): l = c * srec f.write(f"{i}\t{l}\n") f.seek(0) curs.copy_from(MinimalRead(f), "tcopy", **copykw) curs.execute("select count(*) from tcopy") self.assertEqual(nrecs, curs.fetchone()[0]) curs.execute("select data from tcopy where id < %s order by id", (len(string.ascii_letters),)) for i, (l,) in enumerate(curs): self.assertEqual(l, string.ascii_letters[i] * srec) def _copy_to(self, curs, srec): f = StringIO() curs.copy_to(MinimalWrite(f), "tcopy") f.seek(0) ntests = 0 for line in f: n, s = line.split() if int(n) < len(string.ascii_letters): self.assertEqual(s, string.ascii_letters[int(n)] * srec) ntests += 1 self.assertEqual(ntests, len(string.ascii_letters)) def test_copy_expert_file_refcount(self): class Whatever: pass f = Whatever() curs = self.conn.cursor() self.assertRaises(TypeError, curs.copy_expert, 'COPY tcopy (data) FROM STDIN', f) def test_copy_no_column_limit(self): cols = [f"c{i:050}" for i in range(200)] curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE manycols (%s)' % ',\n'.join( ["%s int" % c for c in cols])) curs.execute("INSERT INTO manycols DEFAULT VALUES") f = StringIO() curs.copy_to(f, "manycols", columns=cols) f.seek(0) self.assertEqual(f.read().split(), ['\\N'] * len(cols)) f.seek(0) curs.copy_from(f, "manycols", columns=cols) curs.execute("select count(*) from manycols;") self.assertEqual(curs.fetchone()[0], 2) def test_copy_funny_names(self): cols = ["select", "insert", "group"] curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "select" (%s)' % ',\n'.join( ['"%s" int' % c for c in cols])) curs.execute('INSERT INTO "select" DEFAULT VALUES') f = StringIO() curs.copy_to(f, "select", columns=cols) f.seek(0) self.assertEqual(f.read().split(), ['\\N'] * len(cols)) f.seek(0) curs.copy_from(f, "select", columns=cols) curs.execute('select count(*) from "select";') self.assertEqual(curs.fetchone()[0], 2) @skip_before_postgres(8, 2) # they don't send the count def test_copy_rowcount(self): curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.copy_from(StringIO('aaa\nbbb\nccc\n'), 'tcopy', columns=['data']) self.assertEqual(curs.rowcount, 3) curs.copy_expert( "copy tcopy (data) from stdin", StringIO('ddd\neee\n')) self.assertEqual(curs.rowcount, 2) curs.copy_to(StringIO(), "tcopy") self.assertEqual(curs.rowcount, 5) curs.execute("insert into tcopy (data) values ('fff')") curs.copy_expert("copy tcopy to stdout", StringIO()) self.assertEqual(curs.rowcount, 6) def test_copy_rowcount_error(self): curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute("insert into tcopy (data) values ('fff')") self.assertEqual(curs.rowcount, 1) self.assertRaises(psycopg2.DataError, curs.copy_from, StringIO('aaa\nbbb\nccc\n'), 'tcopy') self.assertEqual(curs.rowcount, -1) def test_copy_query(self): curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.copy_from(StringIO('aaa\nbbb\nccc\n'), 'tcopy', columns=['data']) self.assert_(b"copy " in curs.query.lower()) self.assert_(b" from stdin" in curs.query.lower()) curs.copy_expert( "copy tcopy (data) from stdin", StringIO('ddd\neee\n')) self.assert_(b"copy " in curs.query.lower()) self.assert_(b" from stdin" in curs.query.lower()) curs.copy_to(StringIO(), "tcopy") self.assert_(b"copy " in curs.query.lower()) self.assert_(b" to stdout" in curs.query.lower()) curs.execute("insert into tcopy (data) values ('fff')") curs.copy_expert("copy tcopy to stdout", StringIO()) self.assert_(b"copy " in curs.query.lower()) self.assert_(b" to stdout" in curs.query.lower()) @slow def test_copy_from_segfault(self): # issue #219 script = f"""import psycopg2 conn = psycopg2.connect({dsn!r}) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("create table copy_segf (id int)") try: curs.execute("copy copy_segf from stdin") except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: pass conn.close() """ proc = Popen([sys.executable, '-c', script]) proc.communicate() self.assertEqual(0, proc.returncode) @slow def test_copy_to_segfault(self): # issue #219 script = f"""import psycopg2 conn = psycopg2.connect({dsn!r}) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("create table copy_segf (id int)") try: curs.execute("copy copy_segf to stdout") except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: pass conn.close() """ proc = Popen([sys.executable, '-c', script], stdout=PIPE) proc.communicate() self.assertEqual(0, proc.returncode) def test_copy_from_propagate_error(self): class BrokenRead(TextIOBase): def read(self, size): return 1 / 0 def readline(self): return 1 / 0 curs = self.conn.cursor() # It seems we cannot do this, but now at least we propagate the error # self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, # curs.copy_from, BrokenRead(), "tcopy") try: curs.copy_from(BrokenRead(), "tcopy") except Exception as e: self.assert_('ZeroDivisionError' in str(e)) def test_copy_to_propagate_error(self): class BrokenWrite(TextIOBase): def write(self, data): return 1 / 0 curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute("insert into tcopy values (10, 'hi')") self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, curs.copy_to, BrokenWrite(), "tcopy") def test_suite(): return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()