#!/usr/bin/env python # test_ctxman.py - unit test for connection and cursor used as context manager # # Copyright (C) 2012 Daniele Varrazzo <daniele.varrazzo@gmail.com> # # psycopg2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give # permission to link this program with the OpenSSL library (or with # modified versions of OpenSSL that use the same license as OpenSSL), # and distribute linked combinations including the two. # # You must obey the GNU Lesser General Public License in all respects for # all of the code used other than OpenSSL. # # psycopg2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public # License for more details. import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extensions as ext from testutils import unittest, ConnectingTestCase class WithTestCase(ConnectingTestCase): def setUp(self): ConnectingTestCase.setUp(self) curs = self.conn.cursor() try: curs.execute("delete from test_with") self.conn.commit() except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: # assume table doesn't exist self.conn.rollback() curs.execute("create table test_with (id integer primary key)") self.conn.commit() class WithConnectionTestCase(WithTestCase): def test_with_ok(self): with self.conn as conn: self.assert_(self.conn is conn) self.assertEqual(conn.status, ext.STATUS_READY) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("insert into test_with values (1)") self.assertEqual(conn.status, ext.STATUS_BEGIN) self.assertEqual(self.conn.status, ext.STATUS_READY) self.assert_(not self.conn.closed) curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute("select * from test_with") self.assertEqual(curs.fetchall(), [(1,)]) def test_with_connect_idiom(self): with self.connect() as conn: self.assertEqual(conn.status, ext.STATUS_READY) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("insert into test_with values (2)") self.assertEqual(conn.status, ext.STATUS_BEGIN) self.assertEqual(self.conn.status, ext.STATUS_READY) self.assert_(not self.conn.closed) curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute("select * from test_with") self.assertEqual(curs.fetchall(), [(2,)]) def test_with_error_db(self): def f(): with self.conn as conn: curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("insert into test_with values ('a')") self.assertRaises(psycopg2.DataError, f) self.assertEqual(self.conn.status, ext.STATUS_READY) self.assert_(not self.conn.closed) curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute("select * from test_with") self.assertEqual(curs.fetchall(), []) def test_with_error_python(self): def f(): with self.conn as conn: curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("insert into test_with values (3)") 1 / 0 self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, f) self.assertEqual(self.conn.status, ext.STATUS_READY) self.assert_(not self.conn.closed) curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute("select * from test_with") self.assertEqual(curs.fetchall(), []) def test_with_closed(self): def f(): with self.conn: pass self.conn.close() self.assertRaises(psycopg2.InterfaceError, f) def test_subclass_commit(self): commits = [] class MyConn(ext.connection): def commit(self): commits.append(None) super(MyConn, self).commit() with self.connect(connection_factory=MyConn) as conn: curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("insert into test_with values (10)") self.assertEqual(conn.status, ext.STATUS_READY) self.assert_(commits) curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute("select * from test_with") self.assertEqual(curs.fetchall(), [(10,)]) def test_subclass_rollback(self): rollbacks = [] class MyConn(ext.connection): def rollback(self): rollbacks.append(None) super(MyConn, self).rollback() try: with self.connect(connection_factory=MyConn) as conn: curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("insert into test_with values (11)") 1 / 0 except ZeroDivisionError: pass else: self.assert_("exception not raised") self.assertEqual(conn.status, ext.STATUS_READY) self.assert_(rollbacks) curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute("select * from test_with") self.assertEqual(curs.fetchall(), []) class WithCursorTestCase(WithTestCase): def test_with_ok(self): with self.conn as conn: with conn.cursor() as curs: curs.execute("insert into test_with values (4)") self.assert_(not curs.closed) self.assertEqual(self.conn.status, ext.STATUS_BEGIN) self.assert_(curs.closed) self.assertEqual(self.conn.status, ext.STATUS_READY) self.assert_(not self.conn.closed) curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute("select * from test_with") self.assertEqual(curs.fetchall(), [(4,)]) def test_with_error(self): try: with self.conn as conn: with conn.cursor() as curs: curs.execute("insert into test_with values (5)") 1 / 0 except ZeroDivisionError: pass self.assertEqual(self.conn.status, ext.STATUS_READY) self.assert_(not self.conn.closed) self.assert_(curs.closed) curs = self.conn.cursor() curs.execute("select * from test_with") self.assertEqual(curs.fetchall(), []) def test_subclass(self): closes = [] class MyCurs(ext.cursor): def close(self): closes.append(None) super(MyCurs, self).close() with self.conn.cursor(cursor_factory=MyCurs) as curs: self.assert_(isinstance(curs, MyCurs)) self.assert_(curs.closed) self.assert_(closes) def test_exception_swallow(self): # bug #262: __exit__ calls cur.close() that hides the exception # with another error. try: with self.conn as conn: with conn.cursor('named') as cur: cur.execute("select 1/0") cur.fetchone() except psycopg2.DataError as e: self.assertEqual(e.pgcode, '22012') else: self.fail("where is my exception?") def test_suite(): return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()