Compiling and installing psycopg

** Important note: if you plan to use psyopg2 in a multithreaed application
   make sure that your libpq has been compiled with the --with-thread-safety
   option. psycopg2 will work correctly even with a non-thread-safe libpq but
   libpq will leak memory.

While psycopg 1.x used autoconf for its build process psycopg 2 switched to
the more pythoning Currently both psycopg's author and distutils
have some limitations so the file setup.cfg is almost unused and most build
options are hidden in Before building psycopg look at setup.cfg file
and change any settings to follow your system (or taste); then:

    python build

to build in the local directory; and:

    python install
to install system-wide.

Using setuptools and EasyInstall

If setuptools are installed on your system you can easily create an egg for
psycopg and install it. Download the source distribution (if you're reading
this file you probably already have) and then edit setup.cfg to your taste
and build from the source distribution top-level directory using:

    easy_install .

Compiling under Windows with mingw32

You can compile psycopg under Windows platform with mingw32
( compiler. MinGW is also shipped with IDEs such as
Dev-C++ ( and Code::Blocks
( gcc binaries should be in your PATH.

You need a PostgreSQL with include and libary files installed. At least v8.0 is required.

First you need to create a libpython2X.a as described in Then run:

    python build_ext --compiler=mingw32 install