#!/bin/bash # Build psycopg2-binary wheel packages for Apple M1 (cpNNN-macosx_arm64) # # This script is designed to run on a local machine: it will clone the repos # remotely and execute the `build_macos_arm64.sh` script remotely, then will # download the built packages. A tag to build must be specified. # The script requires a Scaleway secret key in the SCW_SECRET_KEY env var: # It will use scaleway_m1.sh to provision a server and use it. set -euo pipefail # set -x function log { echo "$@" >&2 } function error { # Print an error message and exit. log "ERROR: $@" exit 1 } tag=${1:-} if [[ ! "${tag}" ]]; then error "Usage: $0 REF" fi dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" server=$("${dir}/scaleway_m1.sh" ensure) status=$(echo "$server" | jq -r .status) if [[ "$status" != "ready" ]]; then error "server status is $status" fi # Get user, password, ip from vnc url tmp=$(echo "$server" | jq -r .vnc_url) # vnc://m1:PASS@ tmp=${tmp/vnc:\/\//} # m1:PASS@ user=${tmp%%:*} # m1 tmp=${tmp#*:} # PASS@ password=${tmp%%@*} # PASS tmp=${tmp#*@} # host=${tmp%%:*} # ssh="ssh ${user}@${host} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" # Allow the user to sudo without asking for password. echo "$password" | \ $ssh sh -c "test -f /etc/sudoers.d/${user} \ || sudo -S --prompt= sh -c \ 'echo \"${user} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL\" > /etc/sudoers.d/${user}'" # Clone the repos rdir=psycobuild $ssh rm -rf "${rdir}" $ssh git clone https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2.git --branch ${tag} "${rdir}" # Build the wheel packages $ssh "${rdir}/scripts/build/build_macos_arm64.sh" # Transfer the packages locally scp -r "${user}@${host}:${rdir}/wheelhouse" .