
set -e -x

# Prepare the test databases in Travis CI.
# The script should be run with sudo.
# The script is not idempotent: it assumes the machine in a clean state
# and is designed for a sudo-enabled Trusty environment.
# The variables TEST_PAST, TEST_FUTURE, DONT_TEST_PRESENT can be used to test
# against unsupported Postgres versions and skip tests with supported ones.
# The variables can be set in the travis configuration
# (https://travis-ci.org/psycopg/psycopg2/settings)

set_param () {
    # Set a parameter in a postgresql.conf file

    sed -i "s/^\s*#\?\s*$param.*/$param = $value/" "$DATADIR/postgresql.conf"

create () {
    export VERSION=$1
    export PACKAGE=${2:-$VERSION}

    # Version as number: 9.6 -> 906
    export VERNUM=$(( $(echo $VERSION \
        | sed 's/\(.\+\)\.\(.\+\)/100 * \1 + \2/') ))

    # Port number: 9.6 -> 50906
    export PORT=$(( 50000 + $VERNUM ))

    export DATADIR="/var/lib/postgresql/$PACKAGE/psycopg"
    export PGDIR="/usr/lib/postgresql/$PACKAGE"
    export PGBIN="$PGDIR/bin"

    # install postgres versions not available on the image
    if (( "$VERNUM" < 902 || "$VERNUM" > 906 )); then
        wget -O - http://initd.org/psycopg/upload/postgresql/postgresql-${PACKAGE}.tar.bz2 \
            | sudo tar xjf - -C /usr/lib/postgresql

    sudo -u postgres "$PGBIN/initdb" -D "$DATADIR"

    set_param port "$PORT"
    if (( "$VERNUM" >= 800 )); then
        set_param listen_addresses "'*'"
        set_param tcpip_socket true

    # for two-phase commit testing
    if (( "$VERNUM" >= 801 )); then set_param max_prepared_transactions 10; fi

    # for replication testing
    if (( "$VERNUM" >= 900 )); then set_param max_wal_senders 5; fi
    if (( "$VERNUM" >= 904 )); then set_param max_replication_slots 5; fi

    if (( "$VERNUM" >= 904 )); then
        set_param wal_level logical
    elif (( "$VERNUM" >= 900 )); then
        set_param wal_level hot_standby

    if (( "$VERNUM" >= 900 )); then
        echo "host replication travis trust" >> "$DATADIR/pg_hba.conf"

    # start the server, wait for start
    sudo -u postgres "$PGBIN/pg_ctl" -w -l /dev/null -D "$DATADIR" start

    # create the test database
    CONNINFO="user=postgres host=localhost port=$PORT dbname=template1"

    if (( "$VERNUM" >= 901 )); then
        psql -c "create user travis createdb createrole replication" "$CONNINFO"
    elif (( "$VERNUM" >= 801 )); then
        psql -c "create user travis createdb createrole" "$CONNINFO"
        psql -c "create user travis createdb createuser" "$CONNINFO"

    psql -c "create database $DBNAME with owner travis" "$CONNINFO"

    # configure global objects on the test database
    CONNINFO="user=postgres host=localhost port=$PORT dbname=$DBNAME"

    if (( "$VERNUM" >= 901 )); then
        psql -c "create extension hstore" "$CONNINFO"
    elif (( "$VERNUM" >= 803 )); then
        psql -f "$PGDIR/share/contrib/hstore.sql" "$CONNINFO"

    if (( "$VERNUM" == 901 )); then
        psql -c "create extension json" "$CONNINFO"

# Would give a permission denied error in the travis build dir
cd /

# Postgres versions supported by Travis CI
if [[ -z "$DONT_TEST_PRESENT" ]]; then
    create 9.6
    create 9.5
    create 9.4
    create 9.3
    create 9.2

# Unsupported postgres versions that we still support
# Images built by https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2-wheels/tree/build-dinosaurs
if [[ -n "$TEST_PAST" ]]; then
    create 7.4
    create 8.0
    create 8.1
    create 8.2
    create 8.3
    create 8.4
    create 9.0
    create 9.1

# Postgres built from master
if [[ -n "$TEST_FUTURE" ]]; then
    create 10.0 10-master