Compiling and installing psycopg

While psycopg 1.x used autoconf for its build process psycopg 2 switched to
the more pythoning Currently both psycopg's author and distutils
have some limitations so the file setup.cfg is almost unused and most build
options are hidden in Before building psycopg look at setup.cfg file
and change any settings to follow your system (or taste); then:

    python build

to build in the local directory; and:

    python install
to install system-wide.

Compiling under Windows with mingw32

You can compile psycopg under Windows platform with mingw32 compiler. The
software required is:

 * MinGW ( You also get MinGW installed by installing
   Dev-C++ IDE (;

 * either:
    * a binary PostgreSQL installation with include and libary files, at least
      release 8.0 (;
    * PostgreSQL sources. You will need to compile PostgreSQL, which also
      requires MSYS ( and Flex and Bison
      packages (

I assume all the software installed in the standard way. gcc compiler directory
should be in your path.

Steps required to package your own version of psycopg:

 1. if building from PostgreSQL binaries:

     1.1. create the file libpqdll.a (you should already know how to build
          Python extensions with mingw: see

           1.1.1. cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.0\lib

           1.1.2. pexports C:\WINNT\system32\libpq.dll > libpqdll.def

           1.1.3. dlltool --dllname libpq.dll --def libpqdll.def \
                          --output-lib libpqdll.a

 2. else, if building from PostgreSQL source:

     2.1. compile it:

           2.1.1. unpack postgresql source (ex. in c:\)

           2.1.2. run MSYS

           2.1.3. cd /c/postgresql-8.0

           2.1.4. ./configure --without-zlib

           2.1.5. make

     2.2. create the file libpqdll.a (dlltool is part of MinGW):

           2.2.1. cd postgresql-8.0\src\interfaces\libpq

           2.2.2. dlltool --dllname libpq.dll --def libpqdll.def \
                          --output-lib libpqdll.a

 3. build psycopg:

     3.1. python build_ext --compiler=mingw32 install