mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 19:05:48 +03:00
Avoid creating new a new FixedOffsetTimezone instance if one with the same offset and name has been created before. This will save memory when returning many rows containing "timestamp with timezone" columns, and also improves comparability.
547 lines
22 KiB
Executable File
547 lines
22 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# test_dates.py - unit test for dates handling
# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 James Henstridge <james@jamesh.id.au>
# psycopg2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
# permission to link this program with the OpenSSL library (or with
# modified versions of OpenSSL that use the same license as OpenSSL),
# and distribute linked combinations including the two.
# You must obey the GNU Lesser General Public License in all respects for
# all of the code used other than OpenSSL.
# psycopg2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
import math
import unittest
import psycopg2
from psycopg2.tz import FixedOffsetTimezone, ZERO
from testconfig import dsn
class CommonDatetimeTestsMixin:
def execute(self, *args):
return self.curs.fetchone()[0]
def test_parse_date(self):
value = self.DATE('2007-01-01', self.curs)
self.assert_(value is not None)
self.assertEqual(value.year, 2007)
self.assertEqual(value.month, 1)
self.assertEqual(value.day, 1)
def test_parse_null_date(self):
value = self.DATE(None, self.curs)
self.assertEqual(value, None)
def test_parse_incomplete_date(self):
self.assertRaises(psycopg2.DataError, self.DATE, '2007', self.curs)
self.assertRaises(psycopg2.DataError, self.DATE, '2007-01', self.curs)
def test_parse_time(self):
value = self.TIME('13:30:29', self.curs)
self.assert_(value is not None)
self.assertEqual(value.hour, 13)
self.assertEqual(value.minute, 30)
self.assertEqual(value.second, 29)
def test_parse_null_time(self):
value = self.TIME(None, self.curs)
self.assertEqual(value, None)
def test_parse_incomplete_time(self):
self.assertRaises(psycopg2.DataError, self.TIME, '13', self.curs)
self.assertRaises(psycopg2.DataError, self.TIME, '13:30', self.curs)
def test_parse_datetime(self):
value = self.DATETIME('2007-01-01 13:30:29', self.curs)
self.assert_(value is not None)
self.assertEqual(value.year, 2007)
self.assertEqual(value.month, 1)
self.assertEqual(value.day, 1)
self.assertEqual(value.hour, 13)
self.assertEqual(value.minute, 30)
self.assertEqual(value.second, 29)
def test_parse_null_datetime(self):
value = self.DATETIME(None, self.curs)
self.assertEqual(value, None)
def test_parse_incomplete_datetime(self):
self.DATETIME, '2007', self.curs)
self.DATETIME, '2007-01', self.curs)
self.DATETIME, '2007-01-01 13', self.curs)
self.DATETIME, '2007-01-01 13:30', self.curs)
def test_parse_null_interval(self):
value = self.INTERVAL(None, self.curs)
self.assertEqual(value, None)
class DatetimeTests(unittest.TestCase, CommonDatetimeTestsMixin):
"""Tests for the datetime based date handling in psycopg2."""
def setUp(self):
self.conn = psycopg2.connect(dsn)
self.curs = self.conn.cursor()
self.DATE = psycopg2.extensions.PYDATE
self.TIME = psycopg2.extensions.PYTIME
self.DATETIME = psycopg2.extensions.PYDATETIME
self.INTERVAL = psycopg2.extensions.PYINTERVAL
def tearDown(self):
def test_parse_bc_date(self):
# datetime does not support BC dates
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.DATE, '00042-01-01 BC', self.curs)
def test_parse_bc_datetime(self):
# datetime does not support BC dates
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.DATETIME,
'00042-01-01 13:30:29 BC', self.curs)
def test_parse_time_microseconds(self):
value = self.TIME('13:30:29.123456', self.curs)
self.assertEqual(value.second, 29)
self.assertEqual(value.microsecond, 123456)
def test_parse_datetime_microseconds(self):
value = self.DATETIME('2007-01-01 13:30:29.123456', self.curs)
self.assertEqual(value.second, 29)
self.assertEqual(value.microsecond, 123456)
def check_time_tz(self, str_offset, offset):
from datetime import time, timedelta
base = time(13, 30, 29)
base_str = '13:30:29'
value = self.TIME(base_str + str_offset, self.curs)
# Value has time zone info and correct UTC offset.
self.assertNotEqual(value.tzinfo, None),
self.assertEqual(value.utcoffset(), timedelta(seconds=offset))
# Time portion is correct.
self.assertEqual(value.replace(tzinfo=None), base)
def test_parse_time_timezone(self):
self.check_time_tz("+01", 3600)
self.check_time_tz("-01", -3600)
self.check_time_tz("+01:15", 4500)
self.check_time_tz("-01:15", -4500)
# The Python datetime module does not support time zone
# offsets that are not a whole number of minutes.
# We round the offset to the nearest minute.
self.check_time_tz("+01:15:00", 60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_time_tz("+01:15:29", 60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_time_tz("+01:15:30", 60 * (60 + 16))
self.check_time_tz("+01:15:59", 60 * (60 + 16))
self.check_time_tz("-01:15:00", -60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_time_tz("-01:15:29", -60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_time_tz("-01:15:30", -60 * (60 + 16))
self.check_time_tz("-01:15:59", -60 * (60 + 16))
def check_datetime_tz(self, str_offset, offset):
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
base = datetime(2007, 1, 1, 13, 30, 29)
base_str = '2007-01-01 13:30:29'
value = self.DATETIME(base_str + str_offset, self.curs)
# Value has time zone info and correct UTC offset.
self.assertNotEqual(value.tzinfo, None),
self.assertEqual(value.utcoffset(), timedelta(seconds=offset))
# Datetime is correct.
self.assertEqual(value.replace(tzinfo=None), base)
# Conversion to UTC produces the expected offset.
UTC = FixedOffsetTimezone(0, "UTC")
value_utc = value.astimezone(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None)
self.assertEqual(base - value_utc, timedelta(seconds=offset))
def test_parse_datetime_timezone(self):
self.check_datetime_tz("+01", 3600)
self.check_datetime_tz("-01", -3600)
self.check_datetime_tz("+01:15", 4500)
self.check_datetime_tz("-01:15", -4500)
# The Python datetime module does not support time zone
# offsets that are not a whole number of minutes.
# We round the offset to the nearest minute.
self.check_datetime_tz("+01:15:00", 60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_datetime_tz("+01:15:29", 60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_datetime_tz("+01:15:30", 60 * (60 + 16))
self.check_datetime_tz("+01:15:59", 60 * (60 + 16))
self.check_datetime_tz("-01:15:00", -60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_datetime_tz("-01:15:29", -60 * (60 + 15))
self.check_datetime_tz("-01:15:30", -60 * (60 + 16))
self.check_datetime_tz("-01:15:59", -60 * (60 + 16))
def test_parse_time_no_timezone(self):
self.assertEqual(self.TIME("13:30:29", self.curs).tzinfo, None)
self.assertEqual(self.TIME("13:30:29.123456", self.curs).tzinfo, None)
def test_parse_datetime_no_timezone(self):
self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29", self.curs).tzinfo, None)
self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29.123456", self.curs).tzinfo, None)
def test_parse_interval(self):
value = self.INTERVAL('42 days 12:34:56.123456', self.curs)
self.assertNotEqual(value, None)
self.assertEqual(value.days, 42)
self.assertEqual(value.seconds, 45296)
self.assertEqual(value.microseconds, 123456)
def test_parse_negative_interval(self):
value = self.INTERVAL('-42 days -12:34:56.123456', self.curs)
self.assertNotEqual(value, None)
self.assertEqual(value.days, -43)
self.assertEqual(value.seconds, 41103)
self.assertEqual(value.microseconds, 876544)
def test_adapt_date(self):
from datetime import date
value = self.execute('select (%s)::date::text',
[date(2007, 1, 1)])
self.assertEqual(value, '2007-01-01')
def test_adapt_time(self):
from datetime import time
value = self.execute('select (%s)::time::text',
[time(13, 30, 29)])
self.assertEqual(value, '13:30:29')
def test_adapt_datetime(self):
from datetime import datetime
value = self.execute('select (%s)::timestamp::text',
[datetime(2007, 1, 1, 13, 30, 29)])
self.assertEqual(value, '2007-01-01 13:30:29')
def test_adapt_timedelta(self):
from datetime import timedelta
value = self.execute('select extract(epoch from (%s)::interval)',
[timedelta(days=42, seconds=45296,
seconds = math.floor(value)
self.assertEqual(seconds, 3674096)
self.assertEqual(int(round((value - seconds) * 1000000)), 123456)
def test_adapt_megative_timedelta(self):
from datetime import timedelta
value = self.execute('select extract(epoch from (%s)::interval)',
[timedelta(days=-42, seconds=45296,
seconds = math.floor(value)
self.assertEqual(seconds, -3583504)
self.assertEqual(int(round((value - seconds) * 1000000)), 123456)
def _test_type_roundtrip(self, o1):
o2 = self.execute("select %s;", (o1,))
self.assertEqual(type(o1), type(o2))
return o2
def _test_type_roundtrip_array(self, o1):
o1 = [o1]
o2 = self.execute("select %s;", (o1,))
self.assertEqual(type(o1[0]), type(o2[0]))
def test_type_roundtrip_date(self):
from datetime import date
def test_type_roundtrip_datetime(self):
from datetime import datetime
dt = self._test_type_roundtrip(datetime(2010,5,3,10,20,30))
self.assertEqual(None, dt.tzinfo)
def test_type_roundtrip_datetimetz(self):
from datetime import datetime
import psycopg2.tz
tz = psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone(8*60)
dt1 = datetime(2010,5,3,10,20,30, tzinfo=tz)
dt2 = self._test_type_roundtrip(dt1)
self.assertNotEqual(None, dt2.tzinfo)
self.assertEqual(dt1, dt2)
def test_type_roundtrip_time(self):
from datetime import time
def test_type_roundtrip_interval(self):
from datetime import timedelta
def test_type_roundtrip_date_array(self):
from datetime import date
def test_type_roundtrip_datetime_array(self):
from datetime import datetime
def test_type_roundtrip_time_array(self):
from datetime import time
def test_type_roundtrip_interval_array(self):
from datetime import timedelta
# Only run the datetime tests if psycopg was compiled with support.
if not hasattr(psycopg2.extensions, 'PYDATETIME'):
del DatetimeTests
class mxDateTimeTests(unittest.TestCase, CommonDatetimeTestsMixin):
"""Tests for the mx.DateTime based date handling in psycopg2."""
def setUp(self):
self.conn = psycopg2.connect(dsn)
self.curs = self.conn.cursor()
self.DATE = psycopg2._psycopg.MXDATE
self.TIME = psycopg2._psycopg.MXTIME
self.DATETIME = psycopg2._psycopg.MXDATETIME
self.INTERVAL = psycopg2._psycopg.MXINTERVAL
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(self.DATE, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(self.TIME, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(self.DATETIME, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(self.INTERVAL, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.MXDATEARRAY, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.MXTIMEARRAY, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.MXDATETIMEARRAY, self.conn)
psycopg2.extensions.register_type(psycopg2.extensions.MXINTERVALARRAY, self.conn)
def tearDown(self):
def test_parse_bc_date(self):
value = self.DATE('00042-01-01 BC', self.curs)
self.assert_(value is not None)
# mx.DateTime numbers BC dates from 0 rather than 1.
self.assertEqual(value.year, -41)
self.assertEqual(value.month, 1)
self.assertEqual(value.day, 1)
def test_parse_bc_datetime(self):
value = self.DATETIME('00042-01-01 13:30:29 BC', self.curs)
self.assert_(value is not None)
# mx.DateTime numbers BC dates from 0 rather than 1.
self.assertEqual(value.year, -41)
self.assertEqual(value.month, 1)
self.assertEqual(value.day, 1)
self.assertEqual(value.hour, 13)
self.assertEqual(value.minute, 30)
self.assertEqual(value.second, 29)
def test_parse_time_microseconds(self):
value = self.TIME('13:30:29.123456', self.curs)
self.assertEqual(math.floor(value.second), 29)
int((value.second - math.floor(value.second)) * 1000000), 123456)
def test_parse_datetime_microseconds(self):
value = self.DATETIME('2007-01-01 13:30:29.123456', self.curs)
self.assertEqual(math.floor(value.second), 29)
int((value.second - math.floor(value.second)) * 1000000), 123456)
def test_parse_time_timezone(self):
# Time zone information is ignored.
from mx.DateTime import Time
expected = Time(13, 30, 29)
self.assertEqual(expected, self.TIME("13:30:29+01", self.curs))
self.assertEqual(expected, self.TIME("13:30:29-01", self.curs))
self.assertEqual(expected, self.TIME("13:30:29+01:15", self.curs))
self.assertEqual(expected, self.TIME("13:30:29-01:15", self.curs))
self.assertEqual(expected, self.TIME("13:30:29+01:15:42", self.curs))
self.assertEqual(expected, self.TIME("13:30:29-01:15:42", self.curs))
def test_parse_datetime_timezone(self):
# Time zone information is ignored.
from mx.DateTime import DateTime
expected = DateTime(2007, 1, 1, 13, 30, 29)
expected, self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29+01", self.curs))
expected, self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29-01", self.curs))
expected, self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29+01:15", self.curs))
expected, self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29-01:15", self.curs))
expected, self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29+01:15:42", self.curs))
expected, self.DATETIME("2007-01-01 13:30:29-01:15:42", self.curs))
def test_parse_interval(self):
value = self.INTERVAL('42 days 05:50:05', self.curs)
self.assert_(value is not None)
self.assertEqual(value.day, 42)
self.assertEqual(value.hour, 5)
self.assertEqual(value.minute, 50)
self.assertEqual(value.second, 5)
def test_adapt_time(self):
from mx.DateTime import Time
value = self.execute('select (%s)::time::text',
[Time(13, 30, 29)])
self.assertEqual(value, '13:30:29')
def test_adapt_datetime(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTime
value = self.execute('select (%s)::timestamp::text',
[DateTime(2007, 1, 1, 13, 30, 29.123456)])
self.assertEqual(value, '2007-01-01 13:30:29.123456')
def test_adapt_bc_datetime(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTime
value = self.execute('select (%s)::timestamp::text',
[DateTime(-41, 1, 1, 13, 30, 29.123456)])
# microsecs for BC timestamps look not available in PG < 8.4
# but more likely it's determined at compile time.
self.assert_(value in (
'0042-01-01 13:30:29.123456 BC',
'0042-01-01 13:30:29 BC'), value)
def test_adapt_timedelta(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTimeDeltaFrom
value = self.execute('select extract(epoch from (%s)::interval)',
seconds = math.floor(value)
self.assertEqual(seconds, 3674096)
self.assertEqual(int(round((value - seconds) * 1000000)), 123456)
def test_adapt_megative_timedelta(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTimeDeltaFrom
value = self.execute('select extract(epoch from (%s)::interval)',
seconds = math.floor(value)
self.assertEqual(seconds, -3583504)
self.assertEqual(int(round((value - seconds) * 1000000)), 123456)
def _test_type_roundtrip(self, o1):
o2 = self.execute("select %s;", (o1,))
self.assertEqual(type(o1), type(o2))
def _test_type_roundtrip_array(self, o1):
o1 = [o1]
o2 = self.execute("select %s;", (o1,))
self.assertEqual(type(o1[0]), type(o2[0]))
def test_type_roundtrip_date(self):
from mx.DateTime import Date
def test_type_roundtrip_datetime(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTime
def test_type_roundtrip_time(self):
from mx.DateTime import Time
def test_type_roundtrip_interval(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTimeDeltaFrom
def test_type_roundtrip_date_array(self):
from mx.DateTime import Date
def test_type_roundtrip_datetime_array(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTime
def test_type_roundtrip_time_array(self):
from mx.DateTime import Time
def test_type_roundtrip_interval_array(self):
from mx.DateTime import DateTimeDeltaFrom
# Only run the mx.DateTime tests if psycopg was compiled with support.
if not hasattr(psycopg2._psycopg, 'MXDATETIME'):
del mxDateTimeTests
except AttributeError:
del mxDateTimeTests
class FromTicksTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
# bug "TimestampFromTicks() throws ValueError (2-2.0.14)"
# reported by Jozsef Szalay on 2010-05-06
def test_timestamp_value_error_sec_59_99(self):
from datetime import datetime
s = psycopg2.TimestampFromTicks(1273173119.99992)
datetime(2010, 5, 6, 14, 11, 59, 999920,
tzinfo=FixedOffsetTimezone(-5 * 60)))
def test_date_value_error_sec_59_99(self):
from datetime import date
s = psycopg2.DateFromTicks(1273173119.99992)
self.assertEqual(s.adapted, date(2010, 5, 6))
def test_time_value_error_sec_59_99(self):
from datetime import time
s = psycopg2.TimeFromTicks(1273173119.99992)
time(0, 11, 59, 999920))
class FixedOffsetTimezoneTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_init_with_no_args(self):
tzinfo = FixedOffsetTimezone()
self.assert_(tzinfo._offset is ZERO)
self.assert_(tzinfo._name is None)
def test_repr_with_positive_offset(self):
tzinfo = FixedOffsetTimezone(5 * 60)
self.assertEqual(repr(tzinfo), "psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone(offset=300, name=None)")
def test_repr_with_negative_offset(self):
tzinfo = FixedOffsetTimezone(-5 * 60)
self.assertEqual(repr(tzinfo), "psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone(offset=-300, name=None)")
def test_repr_with_name(self):
tzinfo = FixedOffsetTimezone(name="FOO")
self.assertEqual(repr(tzinfo), "psycopg2.tz.FixedOffsetTimezone(offset=0, name='FOO')")
def test_instance_caching(self):
self.assert_(FixedOffsetTimezone(name="FOO") is FixedOffsetTimezone(name="FOO"))
self.assert_(FixedOffsetTimezone(7 * 60) is FixedOffsetTimezone(7 * 60))
self.assert_(FixedOffsetTimezone(-9 * 60, 'FOO') is FixedOffsetTimezone(-9 * 60, 'FOO'))
self.assert_(FixedOffsetTimezone(9 * 60) is not FixedOffsetTimezone(9 * 60, 'FOO'))
self.assert_(FixedOffsetTimezone(name='FOO') is not FixedOffsetTimezone(9 * 60, 'FOO'))
def test_suite():
return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName(__name__)
if __name__ == "__main__":