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How to make a psycopg2 release
- Edit ``setup.py`` and set a stable version release. Use PEP 440 to choose
version numbers, e.g.
- ``2.7``: a new major release, new features
- ``2.7.1``: a bugfix release
- ````: a release to fix packaging problems
- ``2.7.2.dev0``: version held during development, non-public test packages...
- ``2.8b1``: a beta for public tests
In the rest of this document we assume you have exported the version number
into an environment variable, e.g.::
$ export VERSION=2.7
- In the `Travis settings`__ you may want to be sure that the variables
``TEST_PAST`` and ``TEST_FUTURE`` are set to 1 to check all
the supported postgres version.
.. __: https://travis-ci.org/psycopg/psycopg2/settings
- Push psycopg2 to master or to the maint branch. Make sure tests on Travis__
and AppVeyor__ pass.
.. __: https://travis-ci.org/psycopg/psycopg2
.. __: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/psycopg/psycopg2
- For an extra test merge or rebase the `test_i686`__ branch on the commit to
release and push it too: this will test with Python 32 bits and debug
.. __: https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2/tree/test_i686
- Create a signed tag with the content of the relevant NEWS bit and push it.
$ git tag -a -s 2_7
Psycopg 2.7 released
What's new in psycopg 2.7
New features:
- Added `~psycopg2.sql` module to generate SQL dynamically (:ticket:`#308`).
- Update the `psycopg2-wheels`_ submodule to the tag version and push. This
will build the packages on `Travis CI`__ and `AppVeyor`__ and upload them to
the `initd.org upload`__ dir.
.. _psycopg2-wheels: https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2-wheels
.. __: https://travis-ci.org/psycopg/psycopg2-wheels
.. __: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/psycopg/psycopg2-wheels
.. __: http://initd.org/psycopg/upload/
- Download the packages generated (this assumes ssh configured properly)::
$ rsync -arv initd-upload:psycopg2-${VERSION} .
- Sign the packages and upload the signatures back::
$ for f in psycopg2-${VERSION}/*.{exe,tar.gz,whl}; do \
gpg --armor --detach-sign $f;
$ rsync -arv psycopg2-${VERSION} initd-upload:
- Run the ``copy-tarball.sh`` script on the server to copy the uploaded files
in the `tarballs`__ dir::
$ ssh psycoweb@initd.org copy-tarball.sh ${VERSION}
.. __: http://initd.org/psycopg/tarballs/
- Remove the ``.exe`` from the dir, because we don't want to upload them on
$ rm -v psycopg2-${VERSION}/*.exe{,.asc}
- Only for stable packages: upload the packages and signatures on PyPI::
$ twine upload psycopg2-${VERSION}/*
- Create a release and release notes in the psycopg website, announce to
psycopg and pgsql-announce mailing lists.
- Edit ``setup.py`` changing the version again (e.g. go to ``2.7.1.dev0``).
Releasing test packages
Test packages may be uploaded on the `PyPI testing site`__ using::
$ twine upload -r testpypi psycopg2-${VERSION}/*
assuming `proper configuration`__ of ``~/.pypirc``.
.. __: https://test.pypi.org/project/psycopg2/
.. __: https://wiki.python.org/moin/TestPyPI