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# Copyright (C) 2006 Fabio Tranchitella <fabio@tranchitella.it>
# psycopg2da is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
# permission to link this program with the OpenSSL library (or with
# modified versions of OpenSSL that use the same license as OpenSSL),
# and distribute linked combinations including the two.
# You must obey the GNU Lesser General Public License in all respects for
# all of the code used other than OpenSSL.
# psycopg2da is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
# If you prefer you can use this package using the ZPL license as
# published on the Zope web site, http://www.zope.org/Resources/ZPL.
"""Unit tests for Psycopg2DA."""
from unittest import TestCase, TestSuite, main, makeSuite
from datetime import tzinfo, timedelta
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extensions
class Stub(object):
def __init__(self, **kw):
class TZStub(tzinfo):
def __init__(self, h, m):
self.offset = h * 60 + m
def utcoffset(self, dt):
return timedelta(minutes=self.offset)
def dst(self, dt):
return 0
def tzname(self, dt):
return ''
def __repr__(self):
return 'tzinfo(%d)' % self.offset
def __reduce__(self):
return type(self), (), self.__dict__
class ConnectionStub(object):
def set_isolation_level(self, level):
class Psycopg2Stub(object):
__shared_state = {} # 'Borg' design pattern
DATE = psycopg2.extensions.DATE
TIME = psycopg2.extensions.TIME
INTERVAL = psycopg2.extensions.INTERVAL
def __init__(self):
self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state
self.types = {}
def connect(self, connection_string):
self.last_connection_string = connection_string
return ConnectionStub()
def new_type(self, values, name, converter):
return Stub(name=name, values=values)
def register_type(self, type):
for typeid in type.values:
self.types[typeid] = type
def getExtensions(self):
return self
extensions = property(getExtensions)
class TestPsycopg2TypeConversion(TestCase):
def test_conv_date(self):
from psycopg2da.adapter import _conv_date
from datetime import date
def c(s):
return _conv_date(s, None)
self.assertEquals(c(''), None)
self.assertEquals(c('2001-03-02'), date(2001, 3, 2))
def test_conv_time(self):
from psycopg2da.adapter import _conv_time
from datetime import time
def c(s):
return _conv_time(s, None)
self.assertEquals(c(''), None)
self.assertEquals(c('23:17:57'), time(23, 17, 57))
self.assertEquals(c('23:17:57.037'), time(23, 17, 57, 37000))
def test_conv_timetz(self):
from psycopg2da.adapter import _conv_timetz
from datetime import time
def c(s):
return _conv_timetz(s, None)
self.assertEquals(c(''), None)
self.assertEquals(c('12:44:01+01:00'), time(12, 44, 01, 0, TZStub(1,0)))
self.assertEquals(c('12:44:01.037-00:30'), time(12, 44, 01, 37000, TZStub(0,-30)))
def test_conv_timestamp(self):
from psycopg2da.adapter import _conv_timestamp
from datetime import datetime
def c(s):
return _conv_timestamp(s, None)
self.assertEquals(c(''), None)
self.assertEquals(c('2001-03-02 12:44:01'),
datetime(2001, 3, 2, 12, 44, 01))
self.assertEquals(c('2001-03-02 12:44:01.037'),
datetime(2001, 3, 2, 12, 44, 01, 37000))
self.assertEquals(c('2001-03-02 12:44:01.000001'),
datetime(2001, 3, 2, 12, 44, 01, 1))
def test_conv_timestamptz(self):
from psycopg2da.adapter import _conv_timestamptz
from datetime import datetime
def c(s):
return _conv_timestamptz(s, None)
self.assertEquals(c(''), None)
self.assertEquals(c('2001-03-02 12:44:01+01:00'),
datetime(2001, 3, 2, 12, 44, 01, 0, TZStub(1,0)))
self.assertEquals(c('2001-03-02 12:44:01.037-00:30'),
datetime(2001, 3, 2, 12, 44, 01, 37000, TZStub(0,-30)))
self.assertEquals(c('2001-03-02 12:44:01.000001+12:00'),
datetime(2001, 3, 2, 12, 44, 01, 1, TZStub(12,0)))
self.assertEquals(c('2001-06-25 12:14:00-07'),
datetime(2001, 6, 25, 12, 14, 00, 0, TZStub(-7,0)))
def test_conv_interval(self):
from psycopg2da.adapter import _conv_interval
from datetime import timedelta
def c(s):
return _conv_interval(s, None)
self.assertEquals(c(''), None)
self.assertEquals(c('01:00'), timedelta(hours=1))
self.assertEquals(c('00:15'), timedelta(minutes=15))
self.assertEquals(c('00:00:47'), timedelta(seconds=47))
self.assertEquals(c('00:00:00.037'), timedelta(microseconds=37000))
self.assertEquals(c('00:00:00.111111'), timedelta(microseconds=111111))
self.assertEquals(c('1 day'), timedelta(days=1))
self.assertEquals(c('2 days'), timedelta(days=2))
self.assertEquals(c('374 days'), timedelta(days=374))
self.assertEquals(c('2 days 03:20:15.123456'),
timedelta(days=2, hours=3, minutes=20,
seconds=15, microseconds=123456))
# XXX There's a problem with years and months. Currently timedelta
# cannot represent them accurately
self.assertEquals(c('1 month'), '1 month')
self.assertEquals(c('2 months'), '2 months')
self.assertEquals(c('1 mon'), '1 mon')
self.assertEquals(c('2 mons'), '2 mons')
self.assertEquals(c('1 year'), '1 year')
self.assertEquals(c('3 years'), '3 years')
# Later we might be able to use
## self.assertEquals(c('1 month'), timedelta(months=1))
## self.assertEquals(c('2 months'), timedelta(months=2))
## self.assertEquals(c('1 year'), timedelta(years=1))
## self.assertEquals(c('3 years'), timedelta(years=3))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, c, '2 day')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, c, '2days')
self.assertRaises(ValueError, c, '123')
def test_conv_string(self):
from psycopg2da.adapter import _get_string_conv
_conv_string = _get_string_conv("utf-8")
def c(s):
return _conv_string(s, None)
self.assertEquals(c(None), None)
self.assertEquals(c(''), u'')
self.assertEquals(c('c'), u'c')
self.assertEquals(c('\xc3\x82\xc2\xa2'), u'\xc2\xa2')
self.assertEquals(c('c\xc3\x82\xc2\xa2'), u'c\xc2\xa2')
class TestPsycopg2Adapter(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
import psycopg2da.adapter as adapter
self.real_psycopg2 = adapter.psycopg2
adapter.psycopg2 = self.psycopg2_stub = Psycopg2Stub()
def tearDown(self):
import psycopg2da.adapter as adapter
adapter.psycopg2 = self.real_psycopg2
def test_connection_factory(self):
from psycopg2da.adapter import Psycopg2Adapter
a = Psycopg2Adapter('dbi://username:password@hostname:port/dbname;junk=ignored')
c = a._connection_factory()
args = self.psycopg2_stub.last_connection_string.split()
self.assertEquals(args, ['dbname=dbname', 'host=hostname',
'password=password', 'port=port',
def test_registerTypes(self):
import psycopg2da.adapter as adapter
from psycopg2da.adapter import Psycopg2Adapter
a = Psycopg2Adapter('dbi://')
for typename in ('DATE', 'TIME', 'TIMETZ', 'TIMESTAMP',
typeid = getattr(adapter, '%s_OID' % typename)
result = self.psycopg2_stub.types.get(typeid, None)
if not result:
# comparing None with psycopg2.type object segfaults
self.fail("did not register %s (%d): got None, not Z%s"
% (typename, typeid, typename))
result_name = getattr(result, 'name', 'None')
self.assertEquals(result, getattr(adapter, typename),
"did not register %s (%d): got %s, not Z%s"
% (typename, typeid, result_name, typename))
class TestISODateTime(TestCase):
# Test if date/time parsing functions accept a sensible subset of ISO-8601
# compliant date/time strings.
# Resources:
# http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html
# http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/technical/software/SGML/doc/iso8601/ISO8601.html
# http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime
# http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt
basic_dates = (('20020304', (2002, 03, 04)),
('20000229', (2000, 02, 29)))
extended_dates = (('2002-03-04', (2002, 03, 04)),
('2000-02-29', (2000, 02, 29)))
basic_times = (('12', (12, 0, 0)),
('1234', (12, 34, 0)),
('123417', (12, 34, 17)),
('123417.5', (12, 34, 17.5)),
('123417,5', (12, 34, 17.5)))
extended_times = (('12', (12, 0, 0)),
('12:34', (12, 34, 0)),
('12:34:17', (12, 34, 17)),
('12:34:17.5', (12, 34, 17.5)),
('12:34:17,5', (12, 34, 17.5)))
basic_tzs = (('Z', 0),
('+02', 2*60),
('+1130', 11*60+30),
('-05', -5*60),
('-0030', -30))
extended_tzs = (('Z', 0),
('+02', 2*60),
('+11:30', 11*60+30),
('-05', -5*60),
('-00:30', -30))
time_separators = (' ', 'T')
bad_dates = ('', 'foo', 'XXXXXXXX', 'XXXX-XX-XX', '2001-2-29',
bad_times = ('', 'foo', 'XXXXXX', '12:34,5', '12:34:56,')
bad_timetzs = ('12+12 34', '15:45 +1234', '18:00-12:34:56', '18:00+123', '18:00Q')
bad_datetimes = ('', 'foo', '2002-03-0412:33')
bad_datetimetzs = ('', 'foo', '2002-03-04T12:33 +1200')
exception_type = ValueError
# We need the following funcions:
# parse_date -> (year, month, day)
# parse_time -> (hour, minute, second)
# parse_timetz -> (hour, minute, second, tzoffset)
# parse_datetime -> (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
# parse_datetimetz -> (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tzoffset)
# second can be a float, all other values are ints
# tzoffset is offset in minutes east of UTC
def setUp(self):
from psycopg2da.adapter import parse_date, parse_time, \
parse_timetz, parse_datetime, parse_datetimetz
self.parse_date = parse_date
self.parse_time = parse_time
self.parse_timetz = parse_timetz
self.parse_datetime = parse_datetime
self.parse_datetimetz = parse_datetimetz
def test_basic_date(self):
for s, d in self.basic_dates:
self.assertEqual(self.parse_date(s), d)
def test_extended_date(self):
for s, d in self.extended_dates:
self.assertEqual(self.parse_date(s), d)
def test_bad_date(self):
for s in self.bad_dates:
self.assertRaises(self.exception_type, self.parse_date, s)
def test_basic_time(self):
for s, t in self.basic_times:
self.assertEqual(self.parse_time(s), t)
def test_extended_time(self):
for s, t in self.extended_times:
self.assertEqual(self.parse_time(s), t)
def test_bad_time(self):
for s in self.bad_times:
self.assertRaises(self.exception_type, self.parse_time, s)
def test_basic_timetz(self):
for s, t in self.basic_times:
for tz, off in self.basic_tzs:
self.assertEqual(self.parse_timetz(s+tz), t + (off,))
def test_extended_timetz(self):
for s, t in self.extended_times:
for tz, off in self.extended_tzs:
self.assertEqual(self.parse_timetz(s+tz), t + (off,))
def test_bad_timetzs(self):
for s in self.bad_timetzs:
self.assertRaises(self.exception_type, self.parse_timetz, s)
def test_basic_datetime(self):
for ds, d in self.basic_dates:
for ts, t in self.basic_times:
for sep in self.time_separators:
self.assertEqual(self.parse_datetime(ds+sep+ts), d + t)
def test_extended_datetime(self):
for ds, d in self.extended_dates:
for ts, t in self.extended_times:
for sep in self.time_separators:
self.assertEqual(self.parse_datetime(ds+sep+ts), d + t)
def test_bad_datetimes(self):
for s in self.bad_datetimes:
self.assertRaises(self.exception_type, self.parse_datetime, s)
def test_basic_datetimetz(self):
for ds, d in self.basic_dates:
for ts, t in self.basic_times:
for tz, off in self.basic_tzs:
for sep in self.time_separators:
d + t + (off,))
def test_extended_datetimetz(self):
for ds, d in self.extended_dates:
for ts, t in self.extended_times:
for tz, off in self.extended_tzs:
for sep in self.time_separators:
d + t + (off,))
def test_bad_datetimetzs(self):
for s in self.bad_datetimetzs:
self.assertRaises(self.exception_type, self.parse_datetimetz, s)
def test_suite():
return TestSuite((
if __name__=='__main__':