Daniele Varrazzo 4ea9dbdcf0 Typo fixed
2010-11-06 04:40:47 +00:00

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`psycopg2.extras` -- Miscellaneous goodies for Psycopg 2
.. sectionauthor:: Daniele Varrazzo <>
.. module:: psycopg2.extras
.. testsetup::
import psycopg2.extras
from psycopg2.extras import Inet
This module is a generic place used to hold little helper functions and
classes until a better place in the distribution is found.
.. index::
pair: Cursor; Dictionary
.. _dict-cursor:
Connection and cursor subclasses
A few objects that change the way the results are returned by the cursor or
modify the object behavior in some other way. Typically `!connection`
subclasses are passed as *connection_factory* argument to
`~psycopg2.connect()` so that the connection will generate the matching
`!cursor` subclass. Alternatively a `!cursor` subclass can be used one-off by
passing it as the *cursor_factory* argument to the `~connection.cursor()`
method of a regular `!connection`.
Dictionary-like cursor
The dict cursors allow to access to the retrieved records using an iterface
similar to the Python dictionaries instead of the tuples.
>>> dict_cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
>>> dict_cur.execute("INSERT INTO test (num, data) VALUES(%s, %s)",
... (100, "abc'def"))
>>> dict_cur.execute("SELECT * FROM test")
>>> rec = dict_cur.fetchone()
>>> rec['id']
>>> rec['num']
>>> rec['data']
The records still support indexing as the original tuple:
>>> rec[2]
.. autoclass:: DictCursor
.. autoclass:: DictConnection
.. autoclass:: DictRow
Real dictionary cursor
.. autoclass:: RealDictCursor
.. autoclass:: RealDictConnection
.. autoclass:: RealDictRow
.. index::
pair: Cursor; namedtuple
`namedtuple` cursor
.. versionadded:: 2.3
These objects require `!collection.namedtuple()` to be found, so it is
available out-of-the-box only from Python 2.6. Anyway, the namedtuple
implementation is compatible with previous Python versions, so all you
have to do is to `download it`__ and make it available where we
expect it to be... ::
from somewhere import namedtuple
import collections
collections.namedtuple = namedtuple
from psycopg.extras import NamedTupleConnection
# ...
.. __:
.. autoclass:: NamedTupleCursor
.. autoclass:: NamedTupleConnection
.. index::
pair: Cursor; Logging
Logging cursor
.. autoclass:: LoggingConnection
:members: initialize,filter
.. autoclass:: LoggingCursor
.. autoclass:: MinTimeLoggingConnection
:members: initialize,filter
.. autoclass:: MinTimeLoggingCursor
.. index::
single: Data types; Additional
Additional data types
.. index::
pair: hstore; Data types
pair: dict; Adaptation
Hstore data type
.. versionadded:: 2.3
The |hstore|_ data type is a key-value store embedded in PostgreSQL. It has
been available for several server versions but with the release 9.0 it has
been greatly improved in capacity and usefulness with the addiction of many
functions. It supports GiST or GIN indexes allowing search by keys or
key/value pairs as well as regular BTree indexes for equality, uniqueness etc.
Psycopg can convert Python `dict` objects to and from |hstore| structures.
Only dictionaries with string/unicode keys and values are supported. `None`
is also allowed as value. Psycopg uses a more efficient |hstore|
representation when dealing with PostgreSQL 9.0 but previous server versions
are supportes as well. By default the adapter/typecaster are disabled: they
can be enabled using the `register_hstore()` function.
.. autofunction:: register_hstore
.. |hstore| replace:: :sql:`hstore`
.. _hstore:
.. index::
pair: UUID; Data types
UUID data type
.. versionadded:: 2.0.9
.. versionchanged:: 2.0.13 added UUID array support.
.. doctest::
>>> psycopg2.extras.register_uuid()
<psycopg2._psycopg.type object at 0x...>
>>> # Python UUID can be used in SQL queries
>>> import uuid
>>> my_uuid = uuid.UUID('{12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678}')
>>> psycopg2.extensions.adapt(my_uuid).getquoted()
>>> # PostgreSQL UUID are transformed into Python UUID objects.
>>> cur.execute("SELECT 'a0eebc99-9c0b-4ef8-bb6d-6bb9bd380a11'::uuid")
>>> cur.fetchone()[0]
.. autofunction:: register_uuid
.. autoclass:: UUID_adapter
.. index::
pair: INET; Data types
:sql:`inet` data type
.. versionadded:: 2.0.9
.. doctest::
>>> psycopg2.extras.register_inet()
<psycopg2._psycopg.type object at 0x...>
>>> cur.mogrify("SELECT %s", (Inet(''),))
"SELECT E''::inet"
>>> cur.execute("SELECT ''::inet")
>>> cur.fetchone()[0].addr
.. autofunction:: register_inet()
.. autoclass:: Inet
.. index::
single: Time zones; Fractional
Fractional time zones
.. autofunction:: register_tstz_w_secs
.. versionadded:: 2.0.9
.. versionchanged:: 2.2.2
function is no-op: see :ref:`tz-handling`.
.. index::
pair: Example; Coroutine;
Coroutine support
.. autofunction:: wait_select(conn)