Daniele Varrazzo f08019e356 Added decorator to clean up the adaptation mappings after tests
Many tests were doing it manually, some weren't doing it and resulted in
failure if run in different order.

Close #948
2019-09-04 18:17:51 +01:00

449 lines
13 KiB

# - utility module for psycopg2 testing.
# Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Daniele Varrazzo <>
# psycopg2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
# permission to link this program with the OpenSSL library (or with
# modified versions of OpenSSL that use the same license as OpenSSL),
# and distribute linked combinations including the two.
# You must obey the GNU Lesser General Public License in all respects for
# all of the code used other than OpenSSL.
# psycopg2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.
import re
import os
import sys
import types
import ctypes
import select
import platform
import unittest
from functools import wraps
from ctypes.util import find_library
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.errors
import psycopg2.extensions
from psycopg2.compat import PY2, PY3, text_type
from .testconfig import green, dsn, repl_dsn
# Python 2/3 compatibility
if PY2:
# Python 2
from StringIO import StringIO
TextIOBase = object
long = long
reload = reload
unichr = unichr
# Python 3
from io import StringIO # noqa
from io import TextIOBase # noqa
from importlib import reload # noqa
long = int
unichr = chr
# Silence warnings caused by the stubbornness of the Python unittest
# maintainers
if (not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, 'assert_')
or unittest.TestCase.assert_ is not unittest.TestCase.assertTrue):
# mavaff...
unittest.TestCase.assert_ = unittest.TestCase.assertTrue
unittest.TestCase.failUnless = unittest.TestCase.assertTrue
unittest.TestCase.assertEquals = unittest.TestCase.assertEqual
unittest.TestCase.failUnlessEqual = unittest.TestCase.assertEqual
def assertDsnEqual(self, dsn1, dsn2, msg=None):
"""Check that two conninfo string have the same content"""
self.assertEqual(set(dsn1.split()), set(dsn2.split()), msg)
unittest.TestCase.assertDsnEqual = assertDsnEqual
class ConnectingTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""A test case providing connections for tests.
A connection for the test is always available as `self.conn`. Others can be
created with `self.connect()`. All are closed on tearDown.
Subclasses needing to customize setUp and tearDown should remember to call
the base class implementations.
def setUp(self):
self._conns = []
def tearDown(self):
# close the connections used in the test
for conn in self._conns:
if not conn.closed:
def assertQuotedEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
"""Compare two quoted strings disregarding eventual E'' quotes"""
def f(s):
if isinstance(s, text_type):
return re.sub(r"\bE'", "'", s)
elif isinstance(first, bytes):
return re.sub(br"\bE'", b"'", s)
return s
return self.assertEqual(f(first), f(second), msg)
def connect(self, **kwargs):
except AttributeError as e:
raise AttributeError(
"%s (did you forget to call ConnectingTestCase.setUp()?)"
% e)
if 'dsn' in kwargs:
conninfo = kwargs.pop('dsn')
conninfo = dsn
conn = psycopg2.connect(conninfo, **kwargs)
return conn
def repl_connect(self, **kwargs):
"""Return a connection set up for replication
The connection is on "PSYCOPG2_TEST_REPL_DSN" unless overridden by
a *dsn* kwarg.
Should raise a skip test if not available, but guard for None on
old Python versions.
if repl_dsn is None:
return self.skipTest("replication tests disabled by default")
if 'dsn' not in kwargs:
kwargs['dsn'] = repl_dsn
conn = self.connect(**kwargs)
if conn.async_ == 1:
except psycopg2.OperationalError as e:
# If pgcode is not set it is a genuine connection error
# Otherwise we tried to run some bad operation in the connection
# (e.g. bug #482) and we'd rather know that.
if e.pgcode is None:
return self.skipTest("replication db not configured: %s" % e)
return conn
def _get_conn(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_the_conn'):
self._the_conn = self.connect()
return self._the_conn
def _set_conn(self, conn):
self._the_conn = conn
conn = property(_get_conn, _set_conn)
# for use with async connections only
def wait(self, cur_or_conn):
pollable = cur_or_conn
if not hasattr(pollable, 'poll'):
pollable = cur_or_conn.connection
while True:
state = pollable.poll()
if state == psycopg2.extensions.POLL_OK:
elif state == psycopg2.extensions.POLL_READ:[pollable], [], [], 1)
elif state == psycopg2.extensions.POLL_WRITE:[], [pollable], [], 1)
raise Exception("Unexpected result from poll: %r", state)
_libpq = None
def libpq(self):
"""Return a ctypes wrapper for the libpq library"""
if ConnectingTestCase._libpq is not None:
return ConnectingTestCase._libpq
libname = find_library('pq')
if libname is None and platform.system() == 'Windows':
raise self.skipTest("can't import libpq on windows")
rv = ConnectingTestCase._libpq = ctypes.pydll.LoadLibrary(libname)
return rv
def decorate_all_tests(obj, *decorators):
Apply all the *decorators* to all the tests defined in the TestCase *obj*.
The decorator can also be applied to a decorator: if *obj* is a function,
return a new decorator which can be applied either to a method or to a
class, in which case it will decorate all the tests.
if isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType):
def decorator(func_or_cls):
if isinstance(func_or_cls, types.FunctionType):
return obj(func_or_cls)
decorate_all_tests(func_or_cls, obj)
return func_or_cls
return decorator
for n in dir(obj):
if n.startswith('test'):
for d in decorators:
setattr(obj, n, d(getattr(obj, n)))
def skip_if_no_uuid(f):
"""Decorator to skip a test if uuid is not supported by PG."""
def skip_if_no_uuid_(self):
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("select typname from pg_type where typname = 'uuid'")
has = cur.fetchone()
if has:
return f(self)
return self.skipTest("uuid type not available on the server")
return skip_if_no_uuid_
def skip_if_tpc_disabled(f):
"""Skip a test if the server has tpc support disabled."""
def skip_if_tpc_disabled_(self):
cnn = self.connect()
cur = cnn.cursor()
cur.execute("SHOW max_prepared_transactions;")
except psycopg2.ProgrammingError:
return self.skipTest(
"server too old: two phase transactions not supported.")
mtp = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
if not mtp:
return self.skipTest(
"server not configured for two phase transactions. "
"set max_prepared_transactions to > 0 to run the test")
return f(self)
return skip_if_tpc_disabled_
def skip_before_postgres(*ver):
"""Skip a test on PostgreSQL before a certain version."""
reason = None
if isinstance(ver[-1], str):
ver, reason = ver[:-1], ver[-1]
ver = ver + (0,) * (3 - len(ver))
def skip_before_postgres_(f):
def skip_before_postgres__(self):
if < int("%d%02d%02d" % ver):
return self.skipTest(
reason or "skipped because PostgreSQL %s"
return f(self)
return skip_before_postgres__
return skip_before_postgres_
def skip_after_postgres(*ver):
"""Skip a test on PostgreSQL after (including) a certain version."""
ver = ver + (0,) * (3 - len(ver))
def skip_after_postgres_(f):
def skip_after_postgres__(self):
if >= int("%d%02d%02d" % ver):
return self.skipTest("skipped because PostgreSQL %s"
return f(self)
return skip_after_postgres__
return skip_after_postgres_
def libpq_version():
v = psycopg2.__libpq_version__
if v >= 90100:
v = min(v, psycopg2.extensions.libpq_version())
return v
def skip_before_libpq(*ver):
"""Skip a test if libpq we're linked to is older than a certain version."""
ver = ver + (0,) * (3 - len(ver))
def skip_before_libpq_(cls):
v = libpq_version()
decorator = unittest.skipIf(
v < int("%d%02d%02d" % ver),
"skipped because libpq %d" % v,
return decorator(cls)
return skip_before_libpq_
def skip_after_libpq(*ver):
"""Skip a test if libpq we're linked to is newer than a certain version."""
ver = ver + (0,) * (3 - len(ver))
def skip_after_libpq_(cls):
v = libpq_version()
decorator = unittest.skipIf(
v >= int("%d%02d%02d" % ver),
"skipped because libpq %s" % v,
return decorator(cls)
return skip_after_libpq_
def skip_before_python(*ver):
"""Skip a test on Python before a certain version."""
def skip_before_python_(cls):
decorator = unittest.skipIf(
sys.version_info[:len(ver)] < ver,
"skipped because Python %s"
% ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:len(ver)])),
return decorator(cls)
return skip_before_python_
def skip_from_python(*ver):
"""Skip a test on Python after (including) a certain version."""
def skip_from_python_(cls):
decorator = unittest.skipIf(
sys.version_info[:len(ver)] >= ver,
"skipped because Python %s"
% ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:len(ver)])),
return decorator(cls)
return skip_from_python_
def skip_if_no_superuser(f):
"""Skip a test if the database user running the test is not a superuser"""
def skip_if_no_superuser_(self):
return f(self)
except psycopg2.errors.InsufficientPrivilege:
self.skipTest("skipped because not superuser")
return skip_if_no_superuser_
def skip_if_green(reason):
def skip_if_green_(cls):
decorator = unittest.skipIf(green, reason)
return decorator(cls)
return skip_if_green_
skip_copy_if_green = skip_if_green("copy in async mode currently not supported")
def skip_if_no_getrefcount(cls):
decorator = unittest.skipUnless(
hasattr(sys, 'getrefcount'),
'no sys.getrefcount()',
return decorator(cls)
def skip_if_windows(cls):
"""Skip a test if run on windows"""
decorator = unittest.skipIf(
platform.system() == 'Windows',
"Not supported on Windows",
return decorator(cls)
class py3_raises_typeerror(object):
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, type, exc, tb):
if PY3:
assert type is TypeError
return True
def slow(f):
"""Decorator to mark slow tests we may want to skip
Note: in order to find slow tests you can run:
make check 2>&1 | ts -i "%.s" | sort -n
def slow_(self):
if os.environ.get('PSYCOPG2_TEST_FAST'):
return self.skipTest("slow test")
return f(self)
return slow_
def restore_types(f):
"""Decorator to restore the adaptation system after running a test"""
def restore_types_(self):
types = psycopg2.extensions.string_types.copy()
adapters = psycopg2.extensions.adapters.copy()
return f(self)
return restore_types_