2012-06-06 08:51:56 +04:00
language: python
2014-04-02 14:53:34 +04:00
irc: "chat.freenode.net#pil"
2014-03-26 23:04:54 +04:00
2014-09-24 10:15:58 +04:00
# Run slow PyPy* first, to give them a headstart and reduce waiting time.
2014-09-23 11:59:03 +04:00
# Run latest 3.x and 2.x next, to get quick compatibility results.
# Then run the remainder.
2012-06-06 08:51:56 +04:00
2014-05-14 09:47:13 +04:00
- "pypy"
2014-08-18 00:34:12 +04:00
- "pypy3"
2015-09-14 17:06:13 +03:00
- 3.5
2012-06-06 08:51:56 +04:00
- 2.7
2014-07-21 13:15:23 +04:00
- "2.7_with_system_site_packages" # For PyQt4
2014-03-26 23:04:54 +04:00
- 3.3
2015-09-14 17:06:13 +03:00
- 3.4
2015-07-29 22:55:01 +03:00
- nightly
2012-06-06 08:51:56 +04:00
2014-04-02 12:00:43 +04:00
2015-12-06 18:31:53 +03:00
- "travis_retry sudo apt-get update"
2014-09-10 11:25:17 +04:00
- "travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq install libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev python-qt4 ghostscript libffi-dev libjpeg-turbo-progs cmake imagemagick"
- "travis_retry pip install cffi"
2015-09-22 15:23:20 +03:00
- "travis_retry pip install nose"
2015-06-29 16:58:53 +03:00
- "travis_retry pip install check-manifest"
2016-11-07 15:33:46 +03:00
# Pyroma tests sometimes hang on PyPy; skip
- if [ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION != "pypy" ]; then travis_retry pip install pyroma; fi
2013-03-19 21:18:25 +04:00
2016-11-07 15:35:23 +03:00
- "travis_retry pip install coverage"
2016-09-23 14:12:03 +03:00
2016-04-09 22:29:26 +03:00
# docs only on python 2.7
- if [ "$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" == "2.7" ]; then travis_retry pip install -r requirements.txt ; fi
2015-09-22 15:23:20 +03:00
2016-01-31 19:23:58 +03:00
# clean checkout for manifest
- mkdir /tmp/check-manifest && cp -a . /tmp/check-manifest
2014-04-02 12:00:43 +04:00
# webp
2014-03-27 01:11:41 +04:00
- pushd depends && ./install_webp.sh && popd
2014-03-26 20:29:47 +04:00
2014-03-26 23:04:54 +04:00
# openjpeg
2014-03-27 00:22:37 +04:00
- pushd depends && ./install_openjpeg.sh && popd
2013-03-19 21:18:25 +04:00
2016-05-06 18:33:07 +03:00
# libimagequant
- pushd depends && ./install_imagequant.sh && popd
2016-10-28 12:00:12 +03:00
2016-10-28 12:44:28 +03:00
# Qt needs a display for some of the tests, and it's only run on the system site packages install
2016-10-28 12:00:12 +03:00
- "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
- "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"
2012-06-06 08:51:56 +04:00
2016-10-25 15:33:54 +03:00
- coverage erase
2012-06-06 08:51:56 +04:00
- python setup.py clean
2014-07-31 23:18:09 +04:00
- CFLAGS="-coverage" python setup.py build_ext --inplace
2014-05-14 09:17:49 +04:00
2016-10-25 15:33:54 +03:00
- coverage run --append --include=PIL/* selftest.py
- coverage run --append --include=PIL/* -m nose -vx Tests/test_*.py
2016-01-31 19:23:58 +03:00
- pushd /tmp/check-manifest && check-manifest --ignore ".coveragerc,.editorconfig,*.yml,*.yaml,tox.ini" && popd
2016-04-09 22:29:26 +03:00
# Docs
- if [ "$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" == "2.7" ]; then make install && make doccheck; fi
2014-04-02 12:00:43 +04:00
2014-07-31 23:18:09 +04:00
# gather the coverage data
2014-09-10 11:25:17 +04:00
- travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq install lcov
2014-07-31 23:18:09 +04:00
- lcov --capture --directory . -b . --output-file coverage.info
# filter to remove system headers
2014-08-29 17:03:58 +04:00
- lcov --remove coverage.info '/usr/*' -o coverage.filtered.info
2014-07-31 23:18:09 +04:00
# convert to json
2014-09-10 11:25:17 +04:00
- travis_retry gem install coveralls-lcov
2014-07-31 23:18:09 +04:00
- coveralls-lcov -v -n coverage.filtered.info > coverage.c.json
2014-04-02 12:40:40 +04:00
- coverage report
2014-09-10 11:25:17 +04:00
- travis_retry pip install coveralls-merge
2014-07-31 23:18:09 +04:00
- coveralls-merge coverage.c.json
2014-09-10 11:25:17 +04:00
- travis_retry pip install pep8 pyflakes
2014-06-02 16:57:50 +04:00
- pep8 --statistics --count PIL/*.py
2016-01-31 18:03:40 +03:00
- pep8 --statistics --count Tests/*.py
2014-08-28 18:23:39 +04:00
- pyflakes *.py | tee >(wc -l)
2014-06-02 16:57:50 +04:00
- pyflakes PIL/*.py | tee >(wc -l)
- pyflakes Tests/*.py | tee >(wc -l)
2014-06-28 12:18:33 +04:00
2015-01-04 12:12:36 +03:00
# Coverage and quality reports on just the latest diff.
# (Installation is very slow on Py3, so just do it for Py2.)
2016-01-31 17:58:48 +03:00
- if [ ${TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION:0:1} == "2" ]; then depends/diffcover-install.sh; fi
- if [ ${TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION:0:1} == "2" ]; then depends/diffcover-run.sh; fi
2015-01-04 12:12:36 +03:00
2015-01-04 11:47:35 +03:00
# after_all
- |
2015-01-04 19:47:03 +03:00
if [ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" = "python-pillow/Pillow" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then
2015-01-04 12:29:02 +03:00
curl -Lo travis_after_all.py https://raw.github.com/dmakhno/travis_after_all/master/travis_after_all.py
python travis_after_all.py
export $(cat .to_export_back)
if [ "$BUILD_LEADER" = "YES" ]; then
if [ "$BUILD_AGGREGATE_STATUS" = "others_succeeded" ]; then
2016-09-23 14:12:03 +03:00
echo "All jobs succeded! Triggering macOS build..."
# Trigger a macOS build at the pillow-wheels repo
2015-01-04 12:29:02 +03:00
echo "Some jobs failed"
2015-01-04 11:47:35 +03:00
2014-07-01 00:57:16 +04:00
2015-01-04 11:47:35 +03:00
- |
2015-01-04 19:47:03 +03:00
if [ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" = "python-pillow/Pillow" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then
2015-01-04 12:29:02 +03:00
curl -Lo travis_after_all.py https://raw.github.com/dmakhno/travis_after_all/master/travis_after_all.py
python travis_after_all.py
export $(cat .to_export_back)
if [ "$BUILD_LEADER" = "YES" ]; then
if [ "$BUILD_AGGREGATE_STATUS" = "others_failed" ]; then
echo "All jobs failed"
echo "Some jobs failed"
2015-01-04 11:47:35 +03:00
2015-01-04 12:29:02 +03:00
- |
2015-01-04 21:19:56 +03:00
if [ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" = "python-pillow/Pillow" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then
2015-01-04 12:29:02 +03:00
2015-01-04 11:47:35 +03:00
2014-09-10 11:25:17 +04:00
2014-10-13 11:58:57 +04:00
fast_finish: true
2015-07-29 22:55:01 +03:00
- python: nightly
2015-01-04 11:16:20 +03:00
# travis encrypt AUTH_TOKEN=
2015-01-04 23:01:32 +03:00
secure: "Vzm7aG1Qv0SDQcqiPzZMedNLn5ZmpL7IzF0DYnqcD+/l+zmKU22SnJBcX0uVXumo+r7eZfpsShpqfcdsZvMlvmQnwz+Y6AGKQru9tCKZbTMnuRjWKKXekC+tr8Xt9CKvRVtte5PyXW31paxUI3/e+fQGBwoFjEEC+6EpEOjeRfE="