mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 03:25:53 +03:00
Flake8 fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -256,11 +256,14 @@ __version__ = '0.42b'
import io
import sys
import struct, array, os.path, datetime
import struct
import array
import os.path
import datetime
#=== COMPATIBILITY WORKAROUNDS ================================================
#[PL] Define explicitly the public API to avoid private objects in pydoc:
# [PL] Define explicitly the public API to avoid private objects in pydoc:
#TODO: add more
# __all__ = ['OleFileIO', 'isOleFile', 'MAGIC']
@ -276,7 +279,7 @@ except:
# no xrange, for Python 3 it was renamed as range:
iterrange = range
#[PL] workaround to fix an issue with array item size on 64 bits systems:
# [PL] workaround to fix an issue with array item size on 64 bits systems:
if array.array('L').itemsize == 4:
# on 32 bits platforms, long integers in an array are 32 bits:
UINT32 = 'L'
@ -300,14 +303,14 @@ else:
raise ValueError('Need to fix a bug with 32 bit arrays, please contact author...')
#[PL] These workarounds were inspired from the Path module
# [PL] These workarounds were inspired from the Path module
# (see http://www.jorendorff.com/articles/python/path/)
except NameError:
basestring = str
#[PL] Experimental setting: if True, OLE filenames will be kept in Unicode
# [PL] Experimental setting: if True, OLE filenames will be kept in Unicode
# if False (default PIL behaviour), all filenames are converted to Latin-1.
@ -323,15 +326,22 @@ else:
#TODO: replace this by proper logging
#[PL] DEBUG display mode: False by default, use set_debug_mode() or "-d" on
# [PL] DEBUG display mode: False by default, use set_debug_mode() or "-d" on
# command line to change it.
def debug_print(msg):
def debug_pass(msg):
debug = debug_pass
def set_debug_mode(debug_mode):
Set debug mode on or off, to control display of debugging messages.
@ -350,39 +360,39 @@ def set_debug_mode(debug_mode):
# magic bytes that should be at the beginning of every OLE file:
MAGIC = b'\xD0\xCF\x11\xE0\xA1\xB1\x1A\xE1'
#[PL]: added constants for Sector IDs (from AAF specifications)
DIFSECT = 0xFFFFFFFC # (-4) denotes a DIFAT sector in a FAT
FATSECT = 0xFFFFFFFD # (-3) denotes a FAT sector in a FAT
ENDOFCHAIN = 0xFFFFFFFE # (-2) end of a virtual stream chain
FREESECT = 0xFFFFFFFF # (-1) unallocated sector
# [PL]: added constants for Sector IDs (from AAF specifications)
DIFSECT = 0xFFFFFFFC # (-4) denotes a DIFAT sector in a FAT
FATSECT = 0xFFFFFFFD # (-3) denotes a FAT sector in a FAT
ENDOFCHAIN = 0xFFFFFFFE # (-2) end of a virtual stream chain
FREESECT = 0xFFFFFFFF # (-1) unallocated sector
#[PL]: added constants for Directory Entry IDs (from AAF specifications)
MAXREGSID = 0xFFFFFFFA # (-6) maximum directory entry ID
NOSTREAM = 0xFFFFFFFF # (-1) unallocated directory entry
# [PL]: added constants for Directory Entry IDs (from AAF specifications)
MAXREGSID = 0xFFFFFFFA # (-6) maximum directory entry ID
NOSTREAM = 0xFFFFFFFF # (-1) unallocated directory entry
#[PL] object types in storage (from AAF specifications)
STGTY_EMPTY = 0 # empty directory entry (according to OpenOffice.org doc)
STGTY_STORAGE = 1 # element is a storage object
STGTY_STREAM = 2 # element is a stream object
STGTY_LOCKBYTES = 3 # element is an ILockBytes object
STGTY_PROPERTY = 4 # element is an IPropertyStorage object
STGTY_ROOT = 5 # element is a root storage
# [PL] object types in storage (from AAF specifications)
STGTY_EMPTY = 0 # empty directory entry (according to OpenOffice.org doc)
STGTY_STORAGE = 1 # element is a storage object
STGTY_STREAM = 2 # element is a stream object
STGTY_LOCKBYTES = 3 # element is an ILockBytes object
STGTY_PROPERTY = 4 # element is an IPropertyStorage object
STGTY_ROOT = 5 # element is a root storage
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# property types
VT_EMPTY=0; VT_NULL=1; VT_I2=2; VT_I4=3; VT_R4=4; VT_R8=5; VT_CY=6;
VT_UI2=18; VT_UI4=19; VT_I8=20; VT_UI8=21; VT_INT=22; VT_UINT=23;
VT_EMPTY = 0; VT_NULL = 1; VT_I2 = 2; VT_I4 = 3; VT_R4 = 4; VT_R8 = 5; VT_CY = 6;
VT_DATE = 7; VT_BSTR = 8; VT_DISPATCH = 9; VT_ERROR = 10; VT_BOOL = 11;
VT_VARIANT = 12; VT_UNKNOWN = 13; VT_DECIMAL = 14; VT_I1 = 16; VT_UI1 = 17;
VT_UI2 = 18; VT_UI4 = 19; VT_I8 = 20; VT_UI8 = 21; VT_INT = 22; VT_UINT = 23;
VT_VOID = 24; VT_HRESULT = 25; VT_PTR = 26; VT_SAFEARRAY = 27; VT_CARRAY = 28;
VT_VECTOR = 0x1000;
# map property id to name (for debugging purposes)
@ -398,7 +408,7 @@ for keyword, var in list(vars().items()):
WORD_CLSID = "00020900-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
#TODO: check Excel, PPT, ...
#[PL]: Defect levels to classify parsing errors - see OleFileIO._raise_defect()
# [PL]: Defect levels to classify parsing errors - see OleFileIO._raise_defect()
DEFECT_UNSURE = 10 # a case which looks weird, but not sure it's a defect
DEFECT_POTENTIAL = 20 # a potential defect
DEFECT_INCORRECT = 30 # an error according to specifications, but parsing
@ -410,7 +420,7 @@ DEFECT_FATAL = 40 # an error which cannot be ignored, parsing is
# (this is used in isOleFile and OleFile.open)
#[PL] add useful constants to __all__:
# [PL] add useful constants to __all__:
# for key in list(vars().keys()):
# if key.startswith('STGTY_') or key.startswith('DEFECT_'):
# __all__.append(key)
@ -418,7 +428,7 @@ MINIMAL_OLEFILE_SIZE = 1536
#=== FUNCTIONS ===============================================================
def isOleFile (filename):
def isOleFile(filename):
Test if a file is an OLE container (according to the magic bytes in its header).
@ -502,7 +512,6 @@ def _clsid(clsid):
tuple(map(i8, clsid[8:16]))))
def filetime2datetime(filetime):
convert FILETIME (64 bits int) to Python datetime.datetime
@ -514,7 +523,6 @@ def filetime2datetime(filetime):
return _FILETIME_null_date + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=filetime//10)
#=== CLASSES ==================================================================
class OleMetadata(object):
@ -622,7 +630,6 @@ class OleMetadata(object):
self.language = None
self.doc_version = None
def parse_properties(self, olefile):
Parse standard properties of an OLE file, from the streams
@ -707,11 +714,11 @@ class _OleStream(io.BytesIO):
debug(' sect=%d (%X), size=%d, offset=%d, sectorsize=%d, len(fat)=%d, fp=%s'
%(sect,sect,size,offset,sectorsize,len(fat), repr(fp)))
#[PL] To detect malformed documents with FAT loops, we compute the
% (sect, sect, size, offset, sectorsize, len(fat), repr(fp)))
# [PL] To detect malformed documents with FAT loops, we compute the
# expected number of sectors in the stream:
unknown_size = False
if size==0x7FFFFFFF:
if size == 0x7FFFFFFF:
# this is the case when called from OleFileIO._open(), and stream
# size is not known in advance (for example when reading the
# Directory stream). Then we can only guess maximum size:
@ -733,7 +740,7 @@ class _OleStream(io.BytesIO):
if size == 0 and sect != ENDOFCHAIN:
debug('size == 0 and sect != ENDOFCHAIN:')
raise IOError('incorrect OLE sector index for empty stream')
#[PL] A fixed-length for loop is used instead of an undefined while
# [PL] A fixed-length for loop is used instead of an undefined while
# loop to avoid DoS attacks:
for i in range(nb_sectors):
# Sector index may be ENDOFCHAIN, but only if size was unknown
@ -745,9 +752,9 @@ class _OleStream(io.BytesIO):
debug('sect=ENDOFCHAIN before expected size')
raise IOError('incomplete OLE stream')
# sector index should be within FAT:
if sect<0 or sect>=len(fat):
if sect < 0 or sect >= len(fat):
debug('sect=%d (%X) / len(fat)=%d' % (sect, sect, len(fat)))
debug('i=%d / nb_sectors=%d' %(i, nb_sectors))
debug('i=%d / nb_sectors=%d' % (i, nb_sectors))
## tmp_data = b"".join(data)
## f = open('test_debug.bin', 'wb')
## f.write(tmp_data)
@ -767,7 +774,7 @@ class _OleStream(io.BytesIO):
# Note: if sector is the last of the file, sometimes it is not a
# complete sector (of 512 or 4K), so we may read less than
# sectorsize.
if len(sector_data)!=sectorsize and sect!=(len(fat)-1):
if len(sector_data) != sectorsize and sect != (len(fat)-1):
debug('sect=%d / len(fat)=%d, seek=%d / filesize=%d, len read=%d' %
(sect, len(fat), offset+sectorsize*sect, filesize, len(sector_data)))
debug('seek+len(read)=%d' % (offset+sectorsize*sect+len(sector_data)))
@ -779,7 +786,7 @@ class _OleStream(io.BytesIO):
except IndexError:
# [PL] if pointer is out of the FAT an exception is raised
raise IOError('incorrect OLE FAT, sector index out of range')
#[PL] Last sector should be a "end of chain" marker:
# [PL] Last sector should be a "end of chain" marker:
if sect != ENDOFCHAIN:
raise IOError('incorrect last sector index in OLE stream')
data = b"".join(data)
@ -808,7 +815,7 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry(object):
OLE2 Directory Entry
#[PL] parsing code moved from OleFileIO.loaddirectory
# [PL] parsing code moved from OleFileIO.loaddirectory
# struct to parse directory entries:
# <: little-endian byte order, standard sizes
@ -833,7 +840,6 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry(object):
assert struct.calcsize(STRUCT_DIRENTRY) == DIRENTRY_SIZE
def __init__(self, entry, sid, olefile):
Constructor for an _OleDirectoryEntry object.
@ -883,7 +889,7 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry(object):
#debug (struct.unpack(fmt_entry, entry[:len_entry]))
# name should be at most 31 unicode characters + null character,
# so 64 bytes in total (31*2 + 2):
if namelength>64:
if namelength > 64:
olefile.raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, 'incorrect DirEntry name length')
# if exception not raised, namelength is set to the maximum value:
namelength = 64
@ -911,7 +917,7 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry(object):
olefile.raise_defect(DEFECT_UNSURE, 'incorrect OLE stream size')
self.size = sizeLow
self.size = sizeLow + (long(sizeHigh)<<32)
self.size = sizeLow + (long(sizeHigh) << 32)
debug(' - size: %d (sizeLow=%d, sizeHigh=%d)' % (self.size, sizeLow, sizeHigh))
self.clsid = _clsid(clsid)
@ -920,17 +926,15 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry(object):
if self.entry_type == STGTY_STORAGE and self.size != 0:
olefile.raise_defect(DEFECT_POTENTIAL, 'OLE storage with size>0')
# check if stream is not already referenced elsewhere:
if self.entry_type in (STGTY_ROOT, STGTY_STREAM) and self.size>0:
if self.entry_type in (STGTY_ROOT, STGTY_STREAM) and self.size > 0:
if self.size < olefile.minisectorcutoff \
and self.entry_type==STGTY_STREAM: # only streams can be in MiniFAT
and self.entry_type == STGTY_STREAM: # only streams can be in MiniFAT
# ministream object
minifat = True
minifat = False
olefile._check_duplicate_stream(self.isectStart, minifat)
def build_storage_tree(self):
Read and build the red-black tree attached to this _OleDirectoryEntry
@ -954,7 +958,6 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry(object):
# (see rich comparison methods in this class)
def append_kids(self, child_sid):
Walk through red-black tree of children of this directory entry to add
@ -963,13 +966,13 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry(object):
:param child_sid : index of child directory entry to use, or None when called
first time for the root. (only used during recursion)
#[PL] this method was added to use simple recursion instead of a complex
# [PL] this method was added to use simple recursion instead of a complex
# algorithm.
# if this is not a storage or a leaf of the tree, nothing to do:
if child_sid == NOSTREAM:
# check if child SID is in the proper range:
if child_sid<0 or child_sid>=len(self.olefile.direntries):
if child_sid < 0 or child_sid >= len(self.olefile.direntries):
self.olefile.raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, 'OLE DirEntry index out of range')
# get child direntry:
child = self.olefile._load_direntry(child_sid) #direntries[child_sid]
@ -998,7 +1001,6 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry(object):
# Afterwards build kid's own tree if it's also a storage:
def __eq__(self, other):
"Compare entries by name"
return self.name == other.name
@ -1018,7 +1020,6 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry(object):
#TODO: replace by the same function as MS implementation ?
# (order by name length first, then case-insensitive order)
def dump(self, tab = 0):
"Dump this entry, and all its subentries (for debug purposes only)"
TYPES = ["(invalid)", "(storage)", "(stream)", "(lockbytes)",
@ -1033,7 +1034,6 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry(object):
for kid in self.kids:
kid.dump(tab + 2)
def getmtime(self):
Return modification time of a directory entry.
@ -1047,7 +1047,6 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry(object):
return None
return filetime2datetime(self.modifyTime)
def getctime(self):
Return creation time of a directory entry.
@ -1134,7 +1133,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
if filename:
self.open(filename, write_mode=write_mode)
def raise_defect(self, defect_level, message, exception_type=IOError):
This method should be called for any defect found during file parsing.
@ -1158,7 +1156,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
# just record the issue, no exception raised:
self.parsing_issues.append((exception_type, message))
def _decode_utf16_str(self, utf16_str, errors='replace'):
Decode a string encoded in UTF-16 LE format, as found in the OLE
@ -1177,7 +1174,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
# path_encoding=None, return the Unicode string as-is:
return unicode_str
def open(self, filename, write_mode=False):
Open an OLE2 file in read-only or read/write mode.
@ -1196,7 +1192,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
of read-only by default. (ignored if filename is not a path)
self.write_mode = write_mode
#[PL] check if filename is a string-like or file-like object:
# [PL] check if filename is a string-like or file-like object:
# (it is better to check for a read() method)
if hasattr(filename, 'read'):
#TODO: also check seek and tell methods?
@ -1221,7 +1217,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
# file-like objects:
#TODO: do it above, using getsize with filename when possible?
#TODO: fix code to fail with clear exception when filesize cannot be obtained
filesize = 0
self.fp.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
filesize = self.fp.tell()
@ -1278,7 +1274,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
# '<' indicates little-endian byte ordering for Intel (cf. struct module help)
fmt_header = '<8s16sHHHHHHLLLLLLLLLL'
header_size = struct.calcsize(fmt_header)
debug( "fmt_header size = %d, +FAT = %d" % (header_size, header_size + 109*4) )
debug("fmt_header size = %d, +FAT = %d" % (header_size, header_size + 109*4))
header1 = header[:header_size]
@ -1299,7 +1295,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
) = struct.unpack(fmt_header, header1)
debug( struct.unpack(fmt_header, header1))
debug(struct.unpack(fmt_header, header1))
if self.Sig != MAGIC:
# OLE signature should always be present
@ -1307,47 +1303,47 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
if self.clsid != bytearray(16):
# according to AAF specs, CLSID should always be zero
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect CLSID in OLE header")
debug( "MinorVersion = %d" % self.MinorVersion )
debug( "DllVersion = %d" % self.DllVersion )
debug("MinorVersion = %d" % self.MinorVersion)
debug("DllVersion = %d" % self.DllVersion)
if self.DllVersion not in [3, 4]:
# version 3: usual format, 512 bytes per sector
# version 4: large format, 4K per sector
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect DllVersion in OLE header")
debug( "ByteOrder = %X" % self.ByteOrder )
debug("ByteOrder = %X" % self.ByteOrder)
if self.ByteOrder != 0xFFFE:
# For now only common little-endian documents are handled correctly
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, "incorrect ByteOrder in OLE header")
# TODO: add big-endian support for documents created on Mac ?
# But according to [MS-CFB] ? v20140502, ByteOrder MUST be 0xFFFE.
self.SectorSize = 2**self.SectorShift
debug( "SectorSize = %d" % self.SectorSize )
debug("SectorSize = %d" % self.SectorSize)
if self.SectorSize not in [512, 4096]:
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect SectorSize in OLE header")
if (self.DllVersion==3 and self.SectorSize!=512) \
or (self.DllVersion==4 and self.SectorSize!=4096):
if (self.DllVersion == 3 and self.SectorSize != 512) \
or (self.DllVersion == 4 and self.SectorSize != 4096):
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "SectorSize does not match DllVersion in OLE header")
self.MiniSectorSize = 2**self.MiniSectorShift
debug( "MiniSectorSize = %d" % self.MiniSectorSize )
debug("MiniSectorSize = %d" % self.MiniSectorSize)
if self.MiniSectorSize not in [64]:
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect MiniSectorSize in OLE header")
if self.Reserved != 0 or self.Reserved1 != 0:
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect OLE header (non-null reserved bytes)")
debug( "csectDir = %d" % self.csectDir )
debug("csectDir = %d" % self.csectDir)
# Number of directory sectors (only allowed if DllVersion != 3)
if self.SectorSize==512 and self.csectDir!=0:
if self.SectorSize == 512 and self.csectDir != 0:
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect csectDir in OLE header")
debug( "csectFat = %d" % self.csectFat )
debug("csectFat = %d" % self.csectFat)
# csectFat = number of FAT sectors in the file
debug( "sectDirStart = %X" % self.sectDirStart )
debug("sectDirStart = %X" % self.sectDirStart)
# sectDirStart = 1st sector containing the directory
debug( "signature = %d" % self.signature )
debug("signature = %d" % self.signature)
# Signature should be zero, BUT some implementations do not follow this
# rule => only a potential defect:
# (according to MS-CFB, may be != 0 for applications supporting file
# transactions)
if self.signature != 0:
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_POTENTIAL, "incorrect OLE header (signature>0)")
debug( "MiniSectorCutoff = %d" % self.MiniSectorCutoff )
debug("MiniSectorCutoff = %d" % self.MiniSectorCutoff)
# MS-CFB: This integer field MUST be set to 0x00001000. This field
# specifies the maximum size of a user-defined data stream allocated
# from the mini FAT and mini stream, and that cutoff is 4096 bytes.
@ -1355,15 +1351,15 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
# must be allocated as normal sectors from the FAT.
if self.MiniSectorCutoff != 0x1000:
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect MiniSectorCutoff in OLE header")
debug( "MiniFatStart = %X" % self.MiniFatStart )
debug( "csectMiniFat = %d" % self.csectMiniFat )
debug( "sectDifStart = %X" % self.sectDifStart )
debug( "csectDif = %d" % self.csectDif )
debug("MiniFatStart = %X" % self.MiniFatStart)
debug("csectMiniFat = %d" % self.csectMiniFat)
debug("sectDifStart = %X" % self.sectDifStart)
debug("csectDif = %d" % self.csectDif)
# calculate the number of sectors in the file
# (-1 because header doesn't count)
self.nb_sect = ( (filesize + self.SectorSize-1) // self.SectorSize) - 1
debug( "Number of sectors in the file: %d" % self.nb_sect )
self.nb_sect = ((filesize + self.SectorSize-1) // self.SectorSize) - 1
debug("Number of sectors in the file: %d" % self.nb_sect)
#TODO: change this test, because an OLE file MAY contain other data
# after the last sector.
@ -1393,14 +1389,12 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
self.ministream = None
self.minifatsect = self.MiniFatStart #i32(header, 60)
def close(self):
close the OLE file, to release the file object
def _check_duplicate_stream(self, first_sect, minifat=False):
Checks if a stream has not been already referenced elsewhere.
@ -1416,7 +1410,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
debug('_check_duplicate_stream: sect=%d in FAT' % first_sect)
# some values can be safely ignored (not a real stream):
used_streams = self._used_streams_fat
#TODO: would it be more efficient using a dict or hash values, instead
@ -1426,7 +1420,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
def dumpfat(self, fat, firstindex=0):
"Displays a part of FAT in human-readable form for debugging purpose"
# [PL] added only for debug
@ -1450,7 +1443,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
index = l*VPL
print("%8X:" % (firstindex+index), end=" ")
for i in range(index, index+VPL):
if i>=nbsect:
if i >= nbsect:
sect = fat[i]
@ -1464,12 +1457,11 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
print(name, end=" ")
def dumpsect(self, sector, firstindex=0):
"Displays a sector in a human-readable form, for debugging purpose."
if not DEBUG_MODE:
VPL=8 # number of values per line (8+1 * 8+1 = 81)
VPL = 8 # number of values per line (8+1 * 8+1 = 81)
tab = array.array(UINT32, sector)
if sys.byteorder == 'big':
@ -1483,7 +1475,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
index = l*VPL
print("%8X:" % (firstindex+index), end=" ")
for i in range(index, index+VPL):
if i>=nbsect:
if i >= nbsect:
sect = tab[i]
name = "%8X" % sect
@ -1501,7 +1493,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
return a
def loadfat_sect(self, sect):
Adds the indexes of the given sector to the FAT
@ -1533,7 +1524,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
self.fat = self.fat + nextfat
return isect
def loadfat(self, header):
Load the FAT table.
@ -1544,7 +1534,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
# Additional sectors are described by DIF blocks
sect = header[76:512]
debug( "len(sect)=%d, so %d integers" % (len(sect), len(sect)//4) )
debug("len(sect)=%d, so %d integers" % (len(sect), len(sect)//4))
#fat = []
# [PL] FAT is an array of 32 bits unsigned ints, it's more effective
# to use an array than a list in Python.
@ -1554,7 +1544,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
## for i in range(0, len(sect), 4):
## ix = i32(sect, i)
## #[PL] if ix == -2 or ix == -1: # ix == 0xFFFFFFFE or ix == 0xFFFFFFFF:
## # [PL] if ix == -2 or ix == -1: # ix == 0xFFFFFFFE or ix == 0xFFFFFFFF:
## if ix == 0xFFFFFFFE or ix == 0xFFFFFFFF:
## break
## s = self.getsect(ix)
@ -1570,19 +1560,19 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
if self.sectDifStart >= self.nb_sect:
# initial DIFAT block index must be valid
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, 'incorrect DIFAT, first index out of range')
debug( "DIFAT analysis..." )
debug("DIFAT analysis...")
# We compute the necessary number of DIFAT sectors :
# Number of pointers per DIFAT sector = (sectorsize/4)-1
# (-1 because the last pointer is the next DIFAT sector number)
nb_difat_sectors = (self.sectorsize//4)-1
# (if 512 bytes: each DIFAT sector = 127 pointers + 1 towards next DIFAT sector)
nb_difat = (self.csectFat-109 + nb_difat_sectors-1)//nb_difat_sectors
debug( "nb_difat = %d" % nb_difat )
debug("nb_difat = %d" % nb_difat)
if self.csectDif != nb_difat:
raise IOError('incorrect DIFAT')
isect_difat = self.sectDifStart
for i in iterrange(nb_difat):
debug( "DIFAT block %d, sector %X" % (i, isect_difat) )
debug("DIFAT block %d, sector %X" % (i, isect_difat))
#TODO: check if corresponding FAT SID = DIFSECT
sector_difat = self.getsect(isect_difat)
difat = self.sect2array(sector_difat)
@ -1590,7 +1580,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
# last DIFAT pointer is next DIFAT sector:
isect_difat = difat[nb_difat_sectors]
debug( "next DIFAT sector: %X" % isect_difat )
debug("next DIFAT sector: %X" % isect_difat)
# checks:
if isect_difat not in [ENDOFCHAIN, FREESECT]:
# last DIFAT pointer value must be ENDOFCHAIN or FREESECT
@ -1608,7 +1598,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
def loadminifat(self):
Load the MiniFAT table.
@ -1633,8 +1622,8 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, 'OLE MiniStream is larger than MiniFAT')
# In any case, first read stream_size:
s = self._open(self.minifatsect, stream_size, force_FAT=True).read()
#[PL] Old code replaced by an array:
#self.minifat = [i32(s, i) for i in range(0, len(s), 4)]
# [PL] Old code replaced by an array:
# self.minifat = [i32(s, i) for i in range(0, len(s), 4)]
self.minifat = self.sect2array(s)
# Then shrink the array to used size, to avoid indexes out of MiniStream:
debug('MiniFAT shrunk from %d to %d sectors' % (len(self.minifat), nb_minisectors))
@ -1658,9 +1647,9 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
# [PL] the original code in PIL was wrong when sectors are 4KB instead of
# 512 bytes:
#self.fp.seek(512 + self.sectorsize * sect)
#[PL]: added safety checks:
#print("getsect(%X)" % sect)
# self.fp.seek(512 + self.sectorsize * sect)
# [PL]: added safety checks:
# print("getsect(%X)" % sect)
self.fp.seek(self.sectorsize * (sect+1))
@ -1674,7 +1663,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, 'incomplete OLE sector')
return sector
def write_sect(self, sect, data, padding=b'\x00'):
Write given sector to file on disk.
@ -1685,7 +1673,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
if not isinstance(data, bytes):
raise TypeError("write_sect: data must be a bytes string")
if not isinstance(padding, bytes) or len(padding)!=1:
if not isinstance(padding, bytes) or len(padding) != 1:
raise TypeError("write_sect: padding must be a bytes string of 1 char")
#TODO: we could allow padding=None for no padding at all
@ -1701,7 +1689,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
raise ValueError("Data is larger than sector size")
def loaddirectory(self, sect):
Load the directory.
@ -1715,14 +1702,14 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
# (stream size is not known in advance)
self.directory_fp = self._open(sect)
#[PL] to detect malformed documents and avoid DoS attacks, the maximum
# [PL] to detect malformed documents and avoid DoS attacks, the maximum
# number of directory entries can be calculated:
max_entries = self.directory_fp.size // 128
debug('loaddirectory: size=%d, max_entries=%d' %
(self.directory_fp.size, max_entries))
# Create list of directory entries
#self.direntries = []
# self.direntries = []
# We start with a list of "None" object
self.direntries = [None] * max_entries
## for sid in iterrange(max_entries):
@ -1737,8 +1724,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
# read and build all storage trees, starting from the root:
def _load_direntry (self, sid):
def _load_direntry(self, sid):
Load a directory entry from the directory.
This method should only be called once for each storage/stream when
@ -1750,7 +1736,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
:exception IOError: if the entry has always been referenced.
# check if SID is OK:
if sid<0 or sid>=len(self.direntries):
if sid < 0 or sid >= len(self.direntries):
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, "OLE directory index out of range")
# check if entry was already referenced:
if self.direntries[sid] is not None:
@ -1763,14 +1749,12 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
self.direntries[sid] = _OleDirectoryEntry(entry, sid, self)
return self.direntries[sid]
def dumpdirectory(self):
Dump directory (for debugging only)
def _open(self, start, size = 0x7FFFFFFF, force_FAT=False):
Open a stream, either in FAT or MiniFAT according to its size.
@ -1806,7 +1790,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
sectorsize=self.sectorsize, fat=self.fat,
def _list(self, files, prefix, node, streams=True, storages=False):
listdir helper
@ -1835,7 +1818,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
self.raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, 'The directory tree contains an entry which is not a stream nor a storage.')
def listdir(self, streams=True, storages=False):
Return a list of streams and/or storages stored in this file
@ -1849,7 +1831,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
self._list(files, [], self.root, streams, storages)
return files
def _find(self, filename):
Returns directory entry of given filename. (openstream helper)
@ -1881,7 +1862,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
node = kid
return node.sid
def openstream(self, filename):
Open a stream as a read-only file object (BytesIO).
@ -1903,7 +1883,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
raise IOError("this file is not a stream")
return self._open(entry.isectStart, entry.size)
def write_stream(self, stream_name, data):
Write a stream to disk. For now, it is only possible to replace an
@ -1942,29 +1921,28 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
# (sect, offset+self.sectorsize*sect))
# raise IOError('OLE sector index out of range')
# extract one sector from data, the last one being smaller:
if i<(nb_sectors-1):
data_sector = data [i*self.sectorsize : (i+1)*self.sectorsize]
if i < (nb_sectors-1):
data_sector = data[i*self.sectorsize:(i+1)*self.sectorsize]
#TODO: comment this if it works
assert(len(data_sector) == self.sectorsize)
data_sector = data [i*self.sectorsize:]
#TODO: comment this if it works
data_sector = data[i*self.sectorsize:]
# TODO: comment this if it works
debug('write_stream: size=%d sectorsize=%d data_sector=%d size%%sectorsize=%d'
% (size, self.sectorsize, len(data_sector), size % self.sectorsize))
assert(len(data_sector) % self.sectorsize==size % self.sectorsize)
assert(len(data_sector) % self.sectorsize == size % self.sectorsize)
self.write_sect(sect, data_sector)
## self.fp.write(data_sector)
# self.fp.write(data_sector)
# jump to next sector in the FAT:
sect = self.fat[sect]
except IndexError:
# [PL] if pointer is out of the FAT an exception is raised
raise IOError('incorrect OLE FAT, sector index out of range')
#[PL] Last sector should be a "end of chain" marker:
# [PL] Last sector should be a "end of chain" marker:
if sect != ENDOFCHAIN:
raise IOError('incorrect last sector index in OLE stream')
def get_type(self, filename):
Test if given filename exists as a stream or a storage in the OLE
@ -1984,7 +1962,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
return False
def getmtime(self, filename):
Return modification time of a stream/storage.
@ -2000,7 +1977,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
entry = self.direntries[sid]
return entry.getmtime()
def getctime(self, filename):
Return creation time of a stream/storage.
@ -2016,7 +1992,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
entry = self.direntries[sid]
return entry.getctime()
def exists(self, filename):
Test if given filename exists as a stream or a storage in the OLE
@ -2032,7 +2007,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
return False
def get_size(self, filename):
Return size of a stream in the OLE container, in bytes.
@ -2049,7 +2023,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
raise TypeError('object is not an OLE stream')
return entry.size
def get_rootentry_name(self):
Return root entry name. Should usually be 'Root Entry' or 'R' in most
@ -2057,7 +2030,6 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
return self.root.name
def getproperties(self, filename, convert_time=False, no_conversion=None):
Return properties described in substream.
@ -2069,7 +2041,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
:returns: a dictionary of values indexed by id (integer)
#REFERENCE: [MS-OLEPS] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd942421.aspx
# REFERENCE: [MS-OLEPS] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd942421.aspx
# make sure no_conversion is a list, just to simplify code below:
if no_conversion is None:
no_conversion = []
@ -2112,7 +2084,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
offset = i32(s, 12+i*8)
type = i32(s, offset)
debug ('property id=%d: type=%d offset=%X' % (id, type, offset))
debug('property id=%d: type=%d offset=%X' % (id, type, offset))
# test for common types first (should perhaps use
# a dictionary instead?)
@ -2121,14 +2093,14 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
value = i16(s, offset+4)
if value >= 32768:
value = value - 65536
elif type == VT_UI2: # 2-byte unsigned integer
elif type == VT_UI2: # 2-byte unsigned integer
value = i16(s, offset+4)
elif type in (VT_I4, VT_INT, VT_ERROR):
# VT_I4: 32-bit signed integer
# VT_ERROR: HRESULT, similar to 32-bit signed integer,
# see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc230330.aspx
value = i32(s, offset+4)
elif type in (VT_UI4, VT_UINT): # 4-byte unsigned integer
elif type in (VT_UI4, VT_UINT): # 4-byte unsigned integer
value = i32(s, offset+4) # FIXME
elif type in (VT_BSTR, VT_LPSTR):
# CodePageString, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd942354.aspx
@ -2152,12 +2124,12 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
count = i32(s, offset+4)
value = self._decode_utf16_str(s[offset+8:offset+8+count*2])
elif type == VT_FILETIME:
value = long(i32(s, offset+4)) + (long(i32(s, offset+8))<<32)
value = long(i32(s, offset+4)) + (long(i32(s, offset+8)) << 32)
# FILETIME is a 64-bit int: "number of 100ns periods
# since Jan 1,1601".
if convert_time and id not in no_conversion:
debug('Converting property #%d to python datetime, value=%d=%fs'
%(id, value, float(value)/10000000))
% (id, value, float(value) / 10000000))
# convert FILETIME to Python datetime.datetime
# inspired from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/511425-filetime-to-datetime/
_FILETIME_null_date = datetime.datetime(1601, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
@ -2182,7 +2154,7 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
value = bool(i16(s, offset+4))
value = None # everything else yields "None"
debug ('property id=%d: type=%d not implemented in parser yet' % (id, type))
debug('property id=%d: type=%d not implemented in parser yet' % (id, type))
# missing: VT_EMPTY, VT_NULL, VT_R4, VT_R8, VT_CY, VT_DATE,
@ -2194,8 +2166,8 @@ class OleFileIO(object):
# type of items, e.g. VT_VECTOR|VT_BSTR
# see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd942011.aspx
#print("%08x" % id, repr(value), end=" ")
#print("(%s)" % VT[i32(s, offset) & 0xFFF])
# print("%08x" % id, repr(value), end=" ")
# print("(%s)" % VT[i32(s, offset) & 0xFFF])
data[id] = value
except BaseException as exc:
@ -2267,14 +2239,14 @@ For more information, see http://www.decalage.info/olefile
props = ole.getproperties(streamname, convert_time=True)
props = sorted(props.items())
for k, v in props:
#[PL]: avoid to display too large or binary values:
# [PL]: avoid to display too large or binary values:
if isinstance(v, (basestring, bytes)):
if len(v) > 50:
v = v[:50]
if isinstance(v, bytes):
# quick and dirty binary check:
for c in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,
for c in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31):
if c in bytearray(v):
v = '(binary data)'
@ -2285,7 +2257,7 @@ For more information, see http://www.decalage.info/olefile
print('\nChecking streams...')
for streamname in ole.listdir():
# print name using repr() to convert binary chars to \xNN:
print('-', repr('/'.join(streamname)),'-', end=' ')
print('-', repr('/'.join(streamname)), '-', end=' ')
st_type = ole.get_type(streamname)
if st_type == STGTY_STREAM:
print('size %d' % ole.get_size(streamname))
@ -2295,11 +2267,11 @@ For more information, see http://www.decalage.info/olefile
print('NOT a stream : type=%d' % st_type)
## for streamname in ole.listdir():
## # print name using repr() to convert binary chars to \xNN:
## print('-', repr('/'.join(streamname)),'-', end=' ')
## print(ole.getmtime(streamname))
## print()
# for streamname in ole.listdir():
# # print name using repr() to convert binary chars to \xNN:
# print('-', repr('/'.join(streamname)),'-', end=' ')
# print(ole.getmtime(streamname))
# print()
print('Modification/Creation times of all directory entries:')
for entry in ole.direntries:
@ -2312,7 +2284,7 @@ For more information, see http://www.decalage.info/olefile
meta = ole.get_metadata()
#[PL] Test a few new methods:
# [PL] Test a few new methods:
root = ole.get_rootentry_name()
print('Root entry name: "%s"' % root)
if ole.exists('worddocument'):
@ -2332,4 +2304,4 @@ For more information, see http://www.decalage.info/olefile
## except IOError as v:
## print("***", "cannot read", file, "-", v)
# this code was developed while listening to The Wedding Present "Sea Monsters"
# this code was developed while listening to The Wedding Present "Sea Monsters"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user