Converted unittest mock to pytest monkeypatch

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Murray 2020-03-29 10:40:46 +11:00
parent cbf0bf1010
commit 30a2d694cf

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ import distutils.version
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
from io import BytesIO
from unittest import mock
import pytest
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
@ -459,10 +459,11 @@ class TestImageFont:
assert_image_similar_tofile(img, target, self.metrics["multiline"])
def _test_fake_loading_font(self, path_to_fake, fontname):
def _test_fake_loading_font(self, monkeypatch, path_to_fake, fontname):
# Make a copy of FreeTypeFont so we can patch the original
free_type_font = copy.deepcopy(ImageFont.FreeTypeFont)
with mock.patch.object(ImageFont, "_FreeTypeFont", free_type_font, create=True):
with monkeypatch.context() as m:
m.setattr(ImageFont, "_FreeTypeFont", free_type_font, raising=False)
def loadable_font(filepath, size, index, encoding, *args, **kwargs):
if filepath == path_to_fake:
@ -473,87 +474,84 @@ class TestImageFont:
filepath, size, index, encoding, *args, **kwargs
with mock.patch.object(ImageFont, "FreeTypeFont", loadable_font):
font = ImageFont.truetype(fontname)
# Make sure it's loaded
name = font.getname()
assert ("FreeMono", "Regular") == name
m.setattr(ImageFont, "FreeTypeFont", loadable_font)
font = ImageFont.truetype(fontname)
# Make sure it's loaded
name = font.getname()
assert ("FreeMono", "Regular") == name
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_win32(), reason="requires Unix or macOS")
def test_find_linux_font(self):
def test_find_linux_font(self, monkeypatch):
# A lot of mocking here - this is more for hitting code and
# catching syntax like errors
font_directory = "/usr/local/share/fonts"
with mock.patch("sys.platform", "linux"):
patched_env = {"XDG_DATA_DIRS": "/usr/share/:/usr/local/share/"}
with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, patched_env):
monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "platform", "linux")
monkeypatch.setenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS", "/usr/share/:/usr/local/share/")
def fake_walker(path):
if path == font_directory:
return [
return [(path, [], ["some_random_font.ttf"])]
with mock.patch("os.walk", fake_walker):
# Test that the font loads both with and without the
# extension
font_directory + "/Arial.ttf", "Arial.ttf"
def fake_walker(path):
if path == font_directory:
return [
["Arial.ttf", "Single.otf", "Duplicate.otf", "Duplicate.ttf"],
self._test_fake_loading_font(font_directory + "/Arial.ttf", "Arial")
return [(path, [], ["some_random_font.ttf"])]
# Test that non-ttf fonts can be found without the
# extension
font_directory + "/Single.otf", "Single"
monkeypatch.setattr(os, "walk", fake_walker)
# Test that the font loads both with and without the
# extension
monkeypatch, font_directory + "/Arial.ttf", "Arial.ttf"
monkeypatch, font_directory + "/Arial.ttf", "Arial"
# Test that ttf fonts are preferred if the extension is
# not specified
font_directory + "/Duplicate.ttf", "Duplicate"
# Test that non-ttf fonts can be found without the
# extension
monkeypatch, font_directory + "/Single.otf", "Single"
# Test that ttf fonts are preferred if the extension is
# not specified
monkeypatch, font_directory + "/Duplicate.ttf", "Duplicate"
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_win32(), reason="requires Unix or macOS")
def test_find_macos_font(self):
def test_find_macos_font(self, monkeypatch):
# Like the linux test, more cover hitting code rather than testing
# correctness.
font_directory = "/System/Library/Fonts"
with mock.patch("sys.platform", "darwin"):
monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "platform", "darwin")
def fake_walker(path):
if path == font_directory:
return [
return [(path, [], ["some_random_font.ttf"])]
def fake_walker(path):
if path == font_directory:
return [
["Arial.ttf", "Single.otf", "Duplicate.otf", "Duplicate.ttf"],
return [(path, [], ["some_random_font.ttf"])]
with mock.patch("os.walk", fake_walker):
self._test_fake_loading_font(font_directory + "/Arial.ttf", "Arial.ttf")
self._test_fake_loading_font(font_directory + "/Arial.ttf", "Arial")
self._test_fake_loading_font(font_directory + "/Single.otf", "Single")
font_directory + "/Duplicate.ttf", "Duplicate"
monkeypatch.setattr(os, "walk", fake_walker)
monkeypatch, font_directory + "/Arial.ttf", "Arial.ttf"
monkeypatch, font_directory + "/Arial.ttf", "Arial"
monkeypatch, font_directory + "/Single.otf", "Single"
monkeypatch, font_directory + "/Duplicate.ttf", "Duplicate"
def test_imagefont_getters(self):
# Arrange