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synced 2025-03-24 12:04:13 +03:00
Initial commit of binary morphology addon.
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@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
# A binary morphology add-on for the Python Imaging Library
# History:
# 2014-06-04 Initial version.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Dov Grobgeld <dov.grobgeld@gmail.com>
from PIL import Image
from PIL import _imagingmorph
import re
LUT_SIZE = 1<<9
class LutBuilder:
"""A class for building MorphLut's from a descriptive language
The input patterns is a list of a strings sequences like these:
(whitespaces including linebreaks are ignored). The option 4
descibes a series of symmetry operations (in this case a
4-rotation), the pattern is decribed by:
. or X - Ignore
1 - Pixel is on
0 - Pixel is off
The result of the operation is described after "->" string.
The default is to return the current pixel value, which is
returned if no other match is found.
4 - 4 way rotation
N - Negate
1 - Dummy op for no other operation (an op must always be given)
M - Mirroring
lb = LutBuilder(patterns = ["4:(... .1. 111)->1"])
lut = lb.build_lut()
def __init__(self,patterns = None,op_name=None):
if patterns is not None:
self.patterns = patterns
self.patterns = []
self.lut = None
if op_name is not None:
known_patterns = {
'corner' : ['1:(... ... ...)->0',
'4:(00. 01. ...)->1'],
'dilation4' : ['4:(... .0. .1.)->1'],
'dilation8' : ['4:(... .0. .1.)->1',
'4:(... .0. ..1)->1'],
'erosion4' : ['4:(... .1. .0.)->0'],
'erosion8' : ['4:(... .1. .0.)->0',
'4:(... .1. ..0)->0'],
'edge' : ['1:(... ... ...)->0',
'4:(.0. .1. ...)->1',
'4:(01. .1. ...)->1']
if not op_name in known_patterns:
raise Exception('Unknown pattern '+op_name+'!')
self.patterns = known_patterns[op_name]
def add_patterns(self, patterns):
self.patterns += patterns
def build_default_lut(self):
symbols = ['\0','\1']
m = 1 << 4 # pos of current pixel
self.lut = bytearray(''.join([symbols[(i & m)>0] for i in range(LUT_SIZE)]))
def get_lut(self):
return self.lut
def _string_permute(self, pattern, permutation):
"""string_permute takes a pattern and a permutation and returns the
string permuted accordinging to the permutation list.
return ''.join([pattern[p] for p in permutation])
def _pattern_permute(self, basic_pattern, options, basic_result):
"""pattern_permute takes a basic pattern and its result and clones
the mattern according to the modifications described in the $options
parameter. It returns a list of all cloned patterns."""
patterns = [(basic_pattern, basic_result)]
# rotations
if '4' in options:
res = patterns[-1][1]
for i in range(4):
8,5,2]), res))
# mirror
if 'M' in options:
n = len(patterns)
for pattern,res in patterns[0:n]:
(self._string_permute(pattern, [2,1,0,
8,7,6]), res))
# negate
if 'N' in options:
n = len(patterns)
for pattern,res in patterns[0:n]:
# Swap 0 and 1
pattern = (pattern
res = '%d'%(1-int(res))
patterns.append((pattern, res))
return patterns
def build_lut(self):
"""Compile all patterns into a morphology lut.
TBD :Build based on (file) morphlut:modify_lut
patterns = []
# Parse and create symmetries of the patterns strings
for p in self.patterns:
m = re.search(r'(\w*):?\s*\((.+?)\)\s*->\s*(\d)', p.replace('\n',''))
if not m:
raise Exception('Syntax error in pattern "'+p+'"')
options = m.group(1)
pattern = m.group(2)
result = int(m.group(3))
# Get rid of spaces
pattern= pattern.replace(' ','').replace('\n','')
patterns += self._pattern_permute(pattern, options, result)
# # Debugging
# for p,r in patterns:
# print p,r
# print '--'
# compile the patterns into regular expressions for speed
for i in range(len(patterns)):
p = patterns[i][0].replace('.','X').replace('X','[01]')
p = re.compile(p)
patterns[i] = (p, patterns[i][1])
# Step through table and find patterns that match.
# Note that all the patterns are searched. The last one
# caught overrides
for i in range(LUT_SIZE):
# Build the bit pattern
bitpattern = bin(i)[2:]
bitpattern = ('0'*(9-len(bitpattern)) + bitpattern)[::-1]
for p,r in patterns:
if p.match(bitpattern):
self.lut[i] = ['\0','\1'][r]
return self.lut
class MorphOp:
"""A class for binary morphological operators"""
def __init__(self,
op_name = None,
patterns = None):
"""Create a binary morphological operator"""
self.lut = lut
if op_name is not None:
self.lut = LutBuilder(op_name = op_name).build_lut()
elif patterns is not None:
self.lut = LutBuilder(patterns = patterns).build_lut()
def apply(self, image):
"""Run a single morphological operation on an image
Returns a tuple of the number of changed pixels and the
morphed image"""
if self.lut is None:
raise Exception('No operator loaded')
outimage = Image.new(image.mode, image.size, None)
count = _imagingmorph.apply(str(self.lut), image.im.id, outimage.im.id)
return count, outimage
def match(self, image):
"""Get a list of coordinates matching the morphological operation on an image
Returns a list of tuples of (x,y) coordinates of all matching pixels."""
if self.lut is None:
raise Exception('No operator loaded')
return _imagingmorph.match(str(self.lut), image.im.id)
def get_on_pixels(self, image):
"""Get a list of all turned on pixels in a binary image
Returns a list of tuples of (x,y) coordinates of all matching pixels."""
return _imagingmorph.get_on_pixels(image.im.id)
def load_lut(self, filename):
"""Load an operator from an mrl file"""
self.lut = bytearray(open(filename,'rb').read())
if len(self.lut)!= 8192:
self.lut = None
raise Exception('Wrong size operator file!')
def save_lut(self, filename):
"""Load an operator save mrl file"""
if self.lut is None:
raise Exception('No operator loaded')
def set_lut(self, lut):
"""Set the lut from an external source"""
self.lut = lut
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
# Test the ImageMorphology functionality
from tester import *
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageMorph
def img_to_string(im):
"""Turn a (small) binary image into a string representation"""
chars = '.1'
width, height = im.size
return '\n'.join(
[''.join([chars[im.getpixel((c,r))>0] for c in range(width)])
for r in range(height)])
def string_to_img(image_string):
"""Turn a string image representation into a binary image"""
rows = [s for s in image_string.replace(' ','').split('\n')
if len(s)]
height = len(rows)
width = len(rows[0])
im = Image.new('L',(width,height))
for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
c = rows[j][i]
v = c in 'X1'
return im
def img_string_normalize(im):
return img_to_string(string_to_img(im))
def assert_img_equal(A,B):
assert_equal(img_to_string(A), img_to_string(B))
def assert_img_equal_img_string(A,Bstring):
assert_equal(img_to_string(A), img_string_normalize(Bstring))
A = string_to_img(
# Test the named patterns
# erosion8
mop = ImageMorph.MorphOp(op_name='erosion8')
count,Aout = mop.apply(A)
# erosion8
mop = ImageMorph.MorphOp(op_name='dilation8')
count,Aout = mop.apply(A)
# erosion4
mop = ImageMorph.MorphOp(op_name='dilation4')
count,Aout = mop.apply(A)
# edge
mop = ImageMorph.MorphOp(op_name='edge')
count,Aout = mop.apply(A)
# Create a corner detector pattern
mop = ImageMorph.MorphOp(patterns = ['1:(... ... ...)->0',
'4:(00. 01. ...)->1'])
count,Aout = mop.apply(A)
# Test the coordinate counting with the same operator
coords = mop.match(A)
assert_equal(len(coords), 4)
coords = mop.get_on_pixels(Aout)
assert_equal(len(coords), 4)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
* The Python Imaging Library
* A binary morphology add-on for the Python Imaging Library
* History:
* 2014-06-04 Initial version.
* Copyright (c) 2014 Dov Grobgeld <dov.grobgeld@gmail.com>
* See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
#include "Python.h"
#include "Imaging.h"
#include "py3.h"
#define LUT_SIZE (1<<9)
/* Apply a morphologic LUT to a binary image. Outputs a
a new binary image.
Expected parameters:
1. a LUT - a 512 byte size lookup table.
2. an input Imaging image id.
3. an output Imaging image id
Returns number of changed pixels.
static PyObject*
apply(PyObject *self, PyObject* args)
const char *lut;
Py_ssize_t lut_len, i0, i1;
Imaging imgin, imgout;
int width, height;
int row_idx, col_idx;
UINT8 **inrows, **outrows;
int num_changed_pixels = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#nn", &lut, &lut_len, &i0, &i1)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Argument parsing problem");
return NULL;
if (lut_len < LUT_SIZE) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "The morphology LUT has the wrong size");
return NULL;
imgin = (Imaging) i0;
imgout = (Imaging) i1;
width = imgin->xsize;
height = imgin->ysize;
if (imgin->type != IMAGING_TYPE_UINT8 &&
imgin->bands != 1) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unsupported image type");
return NULL;
if (imgout->type != IMAGING_TYPE_UINT8 &&
imgout->bands != 1) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unsupported image type");
return NULL;
inrows = imgin->image8;
outrows = imgout->image8;
for (row_idx=0; row_idx < height; row_idx++) {
UINT8 *outrow = outrows[row_idx];
UINT8 *inrow = inrows[row_idx];
UINT8 *prow, *nrow; /* Previous and next row */
/* zero boundary conditions. TBD support other modes */
outrow[0] = outrow[width-1] = 0;
if (row_idx==0 || row_idx == height-1) {
for(col_idx=0; col_idx<width; col_idx++)
outrow[col_idx] = 0;
prow = inrows[row_idx-1];
nrow = inrows[row_idx+1];
for (col_idx=1; col_idx<width-1; col_idx++) {
int cim = col_idx-1;
int cip = col_idx+1;
unsigned char b0 = prow[cim] &1;
unsigned char b1 = prow[col_idx]&1;
unsigned char b2 = prow[cip]&1;
unsigned char b3 = inrow[cim]&1;
unsigned char b4 = inrow[col_idx]&1;
unsigned char b5 = inrow[cip]&1;
unsigned char b6 = nrow[cim]&1;
unsigned char b7 = nrow[col_idx]&1;
unsigned char b8 = nrow[cip]&1;
int lut_idx = (b0
|(b1 << 1)
|(b2 << 2)
|(b3 << 3)
|(b4 << 4)
|(b5 << 5)
|(b6 << 6)
|(b7 << 7)
|(b8 << 8));
outrow[col_idx] = 255*(lut[lut_idx]&1);
num_changed_pixels += ((b4&1)!=(outrow[col_idx]&1));
return Py_BuildValue("i",num_changed_pixels);
/* Match a morphologic LUT to a binary image and return a list
of the coordinates of all all matching pixels.
Expected parameters:
1. a LUT - a 512 byte size lookup table.
2. an input Imaging image id.
Returns list of matching pixels.
static PyObject*
match(PyObject *self, PyObject* args)
const char *lut;
Py_ssize_t lut_len, i0;
Imaging imgin;
int width, height;
int row_idx, col_idx;
UINT8 **inrows;
PyObject *ret = PyList_New(0);
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#n", &lut, &lut_len, &i0)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Argument parsing problem");
return NULL;
if (lut_len < LUT_SIZE) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "The morphology LUT has the wrong size");
return NULL;
imgin = (Imaging) i0;
if (imgin->type != IMAGING_TYPE_UINT8 &&
imgin->bands != 1) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unsupported image type");
return NULL;
inrows = imgin->image8;
width = imgin->xsize;
height = imgin->ysize;
for (row_idx=1; row_idx < height-1; row_idx++) {
UINT8 *inrow = inrows[row_idx];
UINT8 *prow, *nrow;
prow = inrows[row_idx-1];
nrow = inrows[row_idx+1];
for (col_idx=1; col_idx<width-1; col_idx++) {
int cim = col_idx-1;
int cip = col_idx+1;
unsigned char b0 = prow[cim] &1;
unsigned char b1 = prow[col_idx]&1;
unsigned char b2 = prow[cip]&1;
unsigned char b3 = inrow[cim]&1;
unsigned char b4 = inrow[col_idx]&1;
unsigned char b5 = inrow[cip]&1;
unsigned char b6 = nrow[cim]&1;
unsigned char b7 = nrow[col_idx]&1;
unsigned char b8 = nrow[cip]&1;
int lut_idx = (b0
|(b1 << 1)
|(b2 << 2)
|(b3 << 3)
|(b4 << 4)
|(b5 << 5)
|(b6 << 6)
|(b7 << 7)
|(b8 << 8));
if (lut[lut_idx]) {
PyObject *coordObj = Py_BuildValue("(nn)",col_idx,row_idx);
PyList_Append(ret, coordObj);
return ret;
/* Return a list of the coordinates of all turned on pixels in an image.
May be used to extract features after a sequence of MorphOp's were applied.
This is faster than match as only 1x1 lookup is made.
static PyObject*
get_on_pixels(PyObject *self, PyObject* args)
Py_ssize_t i0;
Imaging img;
UINT8 **rows;
int row_idx, col_idx;
int width, height;
PyObject *ret = PyList_New(0);
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "n", &i0)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Argument parsing problem");
return NULL;
img = (Imaging) i0;
rows = img->image8;
width = img->xsize;
height = img->ysize;
for (row_idx=0; row_idx < height; row_idx++) {
UINT8 *row = rows[row_idx];
for (col_idx=0; col_idx<width; col_idx++) {
if (row[col_idx]) {
PyObject *coordObj = Py_BuildValue("(nn)",col_idx,row_idx);
PyList_Append(ret, coordObj);
return ret;
static int
setup_module(PyObject* m)
PyObject* d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__version", PyUnicode_FromString("0.1"));
return 0;
static PyMethodDef functions[] = {
/* Functions */
{"apply", (PyCFunction)apply, 1},
{"get_on_pixels", (PyCFunction)get_on_pixels, 1},
{"match", (PyCFunction)match, 1},
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
PyInit__imagingmorph(void) {
PyObject* m;
static PyModuleDef module_def = {
"_imagingmorph", /* m_name */
"A module for doing image morphology", /* m_doc */
-1, /* m_size */
functions, /* m_methods */
m = PyModule_Create(&module_def);
if (setup_module(m) < 0)
return NULL;
return m;
PyObject* m = Py_InitModule("_imagingmorph", functions);
@ -543,6 +543,9 @@ class pil_build_ext(build_ext):
if os.path.isfile("_imagingmath.c"):
exts.append(Extension("PIL._imagingmath", ["_imagingmath.c"]))
if os.path.isfile("_imagingmorph.c"):
exts.append(Extension("PIL._imagingmorph", ["_imagingmorph.c"]))
self.extensions[:] = exts
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