mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 03:25:53 +03:00
version 0.18 2007-12-05
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ OleFileIO_PL:
Microsoft Compound Document File Format), such as Microsoft Office
documents, Image Composer and FlashPix files, Outlook messages, ...
version 0.17 2007-12-04 Philippe Lagadec - http://lagasoft.free.fr
version 0.18 2007-12-05 Philippe Lagadec - http://lagasoft.free.fr
Project website: http://lagasoft.free.fr/python/olefileio
__author__ = "Fredrik Lundh (Secret Labs AB), Philippe Lagadec"
__date__ = "2007-12-04"
__version__ = '0.17'
__date__ = "2007-12-08"
__version__ = '0.18'
#--- LICENSE ------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ __version__ = '0.17'
# - added safety check in main for large or binary
# properties
# - allow size>0 for storages for some implementations
# 2007-12-05 v0.18 PL: - fixed several bugs in handling of FAT, MiniFAT and
# streams
# - added option '-c' in main to check all streams
# TODO (for version 1.0):
@ -106,6 +109,8 @@ __version__ = '0.17'
# - add underscore to each private method, to avoid their display in
# pydoc/epydoc documentation
# - replace all raised exceptions with _raise_defect (at least in OleFileIO)
# - merge code from _OleStream and OleFileIO.getsect to read sectors
# (maybe add a class for FAT and MiniFAT ?)
# - add method to check all streams (follow sectors chains without storing all
# stream in memory, and report anomalies)
# - use _OleDirectoryEntry.kids_dict to improve _find and _list ?
@ -434,8 +439,13 @@ class _OleStream(StringIO.StringIO):
return : a StringIO instance containing the OLE stream
debug(' size=%d, offset=%d, sectorsize=%d, len(fat)=%d'
debug(' sect=%d (%X), size=%d, offset=%d, sectorsize=%d, len(fat)=%d, fp=%s'
%(sect,sect,size,offset,sectorsize,len(fat), repr(fp)))
# for debugging messages, size of file where stream is read:
if isinstance(fp, StringIO.StringIO):
filesize = len(fp.getvalue()) # file in MiniFAT
filesize = os.path.getsize(fp.name) # file on disk
#[PL] To detect malformed documents with FAT loops, we compute the
# expected number of sectors in the stream:
unknown_size = False
@ -448,6 +458,7 @@ class _OleStream(StringIO.StringIO):
unknown_size = True
debug(' stream with UNKNOWN SIZE')
nb_sectors = (size + (sectorsize-1)) / sectorsize
debug('nb_sectors = %d' % nb_sectors)
# This number should (at least) be less than the total number of
# sectors in the given FAT:
if nb_sectors > len(fat):
@ -458,6 +469,7 @@ class _OleStream(StringIO.StringIO):
data = []
# if size is zero, then first sector index should be ENDOFCHAIN:
if size == 0 and sect != ENDOFCHAIN:
debug('size == 0 and sect != ENDOFCHAIN:')
raise IOError, 'incorrect OLE sector index for empty stream'
#[PL] A fixed-length for loop is used instead of an undefined while
# loop to avoid DoS attacks:
@ -468,19 +480,35 @@ class _OleStream(StringIO.StringIO):
# else this means that the stream is smaller than declared:
debug('sect=ENDOFCHAIN before expected size')
raise IOError, 'incomplete OLE stream'
# sector index should be within FAT:
if sect<0 or sect>=len(fat):
debug('fp = '+ repr(fp))
debug('file size: %d' % os.path.getsize(fp.name))
debug('offset=%d, sectorsize=%d, sect=%d, seek=%d, len read=%d, len(fat)=%d' %
(offset, sectorsize, sect, offset + sectorsize * sect, len(sector_data), len(fat)))
debug('sect=%d (%X) / len(fat)=%d' % (sect, sect, len(fat)))
debug('i=%d / nb_sectors=%d' %(i, nb_sectors))
## tmp_data = string.join(data, "")
## f = open('test_debug.bin', 'wb')
## f.write(tmp_data)
## f.close()
## debug('data read so far: %d bytes' % len(tmp_data))
raise IOError, 'incorrect OLE FAT, sector index out of range'
#TODO: merge this code with OleFileIO.getsect() ?
#TODO: check if this works with 4K sectors:
fp.seek(offset + sectorsize * sect)
fp.seek(offset + sectorsize * sect)
debug('sect=%d, seek=%d, filesize=%d' %
(sect, offset+sectorsize*sect, filesize))
raise IOError, 'OLE sector index out of range'
sector_data = fp.read(sectorsize)
# [PL] check if there was enough data:
if len(sector_data) != sectorsize:
# Note: if sector is the last of the file, sometimes it is not a
# complete sector (of 512 or 4K), so we may read less than
# sectorsize.
if len(sector_data)!=sectorsize and sect!=(len(fat)-1):
debug('sect=%d / len(fat)=%d, seek=%d / filesize=%d, len read=%d' %
(sect, len(fat), offset+sectorsize*sect, filesize, len(sector_data)))
debug('seek+len(read)=%d' % (offset+sectorsize*sect+len(sector_data)))
raise IOError, 'incomplete OLE sector'
# jump to next sector in the FAT:
@ -494,14 +522,18 @@ class _OleStream(StringIO.StringIO):
raise IOError, 'incorrect last sector index in OLE stream'
data = string.join(data, "")
# Data is truncated to the actual stream size:
if len(data) > size:
if len(data) >= size:
data = data[:size]
# actual stream size is stored for future use:
self.size = size
elif unknown_size:
# actual stream size was not known, now we know the size of read
# data:
self.size = len(data)
# read data is less than expected:
debug('len(data)=%d, size=%d' % (len(data), size))
raise IOError, 'OLE stream size is less than declared'
# when all data is read in memory, StringIO constructor is called
StringIO.StringIO.__init__(self, data)
# Then the _OleStream object can be used as a read-only file object.
@ -597,7 +629,7 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry:
# name is converted from unicode to Latin-1:
self.name = _unicode(name)
debug('DirEntry SID=%d: %s' % (self.sid, self.name))
debug('DirEntry SID=%d: %s' % (self.sid, repr(self.name)))
debug(' - type: %d' % self.entry_type)
debug(' - sect: %d' % self.isectStart)
debug(' - SID left: %d, right: %d, child: %d' % (self.sid_left,
@ -641,7 +673,7 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry:
only be called for the root object once.
debug('build_storage_tree: SID=%d - %s - sid_child=%d'
% (self.sid, self.name, self.sid_child))
% (self.sid, repr(self.name), self.sid_child))
if self.sid_child != NOSTREAM:
# if child SID is not NOSTREAM, then this entry is a storage.
# Let's walk through the tree of children to fill the kids list:
@ -676,7 +708,7 @@ class _OleDirectoryEntry:
# get child direntry:
child = self.olefile._load_direntry(child_sid) #direntries[child_sid]
debug('append_kids: child_sid=%d - %s - sid_left=%d, sid_right=%d, sid_child=%d'
% (child.sid, child.name, child.sid_left, child.sid_right, child.sid_child))
% (child.sid, repr(child.name), child.sid_left, child.sid_right, child.sid_child))
# the directory entries are organized as a red-black tree.
# (cf. Wikipedia for details)
# First walk through left side of the tree:
@ -847,74 +879,91 @@ class OleFileIO:
header_size = struct.calcsize(fmt_header)
debug( "fmt_header size = %d, +FAT = %d" % (header_size, header_size + 109*4) )
header1 = header[:header_size]
(Sig, clsid, MinorVersion, DllVersion, ByteOrder, SectorShift,
MiniSectorShift, Reserved, Reserved1, csectDir, self.csectFat, sectDirStart,
signature, MiniSectorCutoff, MiniFatStart, csectMiniFat, self.sectDifStart,
self.csectDif) = struct.unpack(fmt_header, header1)
self.Reserved, self.Reserved1,
) = struct.unpack(fmt_header, header1)
debug( struct.unpack(fmt_header, header1))
if Sig != '\xd0\xcf\x11\xe0\xa1\xb1\x1a\xe1':
if self.Sig != '\xd0\xcf\x11\xe0\xa1\xb1\x1a\xe1':
# OLE signature should always be present
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, "incorrect OLE signature")
if clsid != '\x00'*16:
if self.clsid != '\x00'*16:
# according to AAF specs, CLSID should always be zero
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect CLSID in OLE header")
debug( "MinorVersion = %d" % MinorVersion )
debug( "DllVersion = %d" % DllVersion )
if DllVersion not in [3, 4]:
debug( "MinorVersion = %d" % self.MinorVersion )
debug( "DllVersion = %d" % self.DllVersion )
if self.DllVersion not in [3, 4]:
# version 3: usual format, 512 bytes per sector
# version 4: large format, 4K per sector
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect DllVersion in OLE header")
debug( "ByteOrder = %X" % ByteOrder )
if ByteOrder != 0xFFFE:
debug( "ByteOrder = %X" % self.ByteOrder )
if self.ByteOrder != 0xFFFE:
# For now only common little-endian documents are handled correctly
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, "incorrect ByteOrder in OLE header")
# TODO: add big-endian support for documents created on Mac ?
SectorSize = 2**SectorShift
debug( "SectorSize = %d" % SectorSize )
if SectorSize not in [512, 4096]:
self.SectorSize = 2**self.SectorShift
debug( "SectorSize = %d" % self.SectorSize )
if self.SectorSize not in [512, 4096]:
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect SectorSize in OLE header")
if (DllVersion==3 and SectorSize!=512) or (DllVersion==4 and SectorSize!=4096):
if (self.DllVersion==3 and self.SectorSize!=512) \
or (self.DllVersion==4 and self.SectorSize!=4096):
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "SectorSize does not match DllVersion in OLE header")
MiniSectorSize = 2**MiniSectorShift
debug( "MiniSectorSize = %d" % MiniSectorSize )
if MiniSectorSize not in [64]:
self.MiniSectorSize = 2**self.MiniSectorShift
debug( "MiniSectorSize = %d" % self.MiniSectorSize )
if self.MiniSectorSize not in [64]:
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect MiniSectorSize in OLE header")
if Reserved != 0 or Reserved1 != 0:
if self.Reserved != 0 or self.Reserved1 != 0:
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect OLE header (non-null reserved bytes)")
debug( "csectDir = %d" % csectDir )
if SectorSize==512 and csectDir!=0:
debug( "csectDir = %d" % self.csectDir )
if self.SectorSize==512 and self.csectDir!=0:
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, "incorrect csectDir in OLE header")
debug( "csectFat = %d" % self.csectFat )
debug( "sectDirStart = %X" % sectDirStart )
debug( "signature = %d" % signature )
debug( "sectDirStart = %X" % self.sectDirStart )
debug( "signature = %d" % self.signature )
# Signature should be zero, BUT some implementations do not follow this
# rule => only a potential defect:
if signature != 0:
if self.signature != 0:
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_POTENTIAL, "incorrect OLE header (signature>0)")
debug( "MiniSectorCutoff = %d" % MiniSectorCutoff )
debug( "MiniFatStart = %X" % MiniFatStart )
debug( "csectMiniFat = %d" % csectMiniFat )
debug( "sectDifStart = %X" % self.sectDifStart )
debug( "csectDif = %d" % self.csectDif )
debug( "MiniSectorCutoff = %d" % self.MiniSectorCutoff )
debug( "MiniFatStart = %X" % self.MiniFatStart )
debug( "csectMiniFat = %d" % self.csectMiniFat )
debug( "sectDifStart = %X" % self.sectDifStart )
debug( "csectDif = %d" % self.csectDif )
# calculate the number of sectors in the file
# (-1 because header doesn't count)
self.nb_sect = (os.path.getsize(filename) / SectorSize) - 1
filesize = os.path.getsize(filename)
self.nb_sect = ( (filesize + self.SectorSize-1) / self.SectorSize) - 1
debug( "Number of sectors in the file: %d" % self.nb_sect )
# file clsid (probably never used, so we don't store it)
clsid = _clsid(header[8:24])
self.sectorsize = 1 << i16(header, 30)
self.minisectorsize = 1 << i16(header, 32)
self.minisectorcutoff = i32(header, 56)
self.sectorsize = self.SectorSize #1 << i16(header, 30)
self.minisectorsize = self.MiniSectorSize #1 << i16(header, 32)
self.minisectorcutoff = self.MiniSectorCutoff # i32(header, 56)
# check known streams for duplicate references (these are always in FAT,
# never in MiniFAT):
# check MiniFAT only if it is not empty:
if csectMiniFat:
if self.csectMiniFat:
# check DIFAT only if it is not empty:
if self.csectDif:
@ -923,9 +972,9 @@ class OleFileIO:
# Load direcory. This sets both the direntries list (ordered by sid)
# and the root (ordered by hierarchy) members.
self.loaddirectory(i32(header, 48))
self.loaddirectory(self.sectDirStart)#i32(header, 48))
self.ministream = None
self.minifatsect = i32(header, 60)
self.minifatsect = self.MiniFatStart #i32(header, 60)
def _check_duplicate_stream(self, first_sect, minifat=False):
@ -1104,6 +1153,13 @@ class OleFileIO:
## # FAT should contain csectFat blocks
## print "FAT length: %d instead of %d" % (len(self.fat), self.csectFat)
## raise IOError, 'incorrect DIFAT'
# since FAT is read from fixed-size sectors, it may contain more values
# than the actual number of sectors in the file.
# Keep only the relevant sector indexes:
if len(self.fat) > self.nb_sect:
debug('len(fat)=%d, shrunk to nb_sect=%d' % (len(self.fat), self.nb_sect))
self.fat = self.fat[:self.nb_sect]
@ -1111,13 +1167,35 @@ class OleFileIO:
Load the MiniFAT table.
# This is stored in a standard sub-stream, pointed to by a header
# MiniFAT is stored in a standard sub-stream, pointed to by a header
# field.
s = self._open(self.minifatsect).read()
# NOTE: there are two sizes to take into account for this stream:
# 1) Stream size is calculated according to the number of sectors
# declared in the OLE header. This allocated stream may be more than
# needed to store the actual sector indexes.
# (self.csectMiniFat is the number of sectors of size self.SectorSize)
stream_size = self.csectMiniFat * self.SectorSize
# 2) Actually used size is calculated by dividing the MiniStream size
# (given by root entry size) by the size of mini sectors, *4 for
# 32 bits indexes:
nb_minisectors = (self.root.size + self.MiniSectorSize-1) / self.MiniSectorSize
used_size = nb_minisectors * 4
debug('loadminifat(): minifatsect=%d, nb FAT sectors=%d, used_size=%d, stream_size=%d, nb MiniSectors=%d' %
(self.minifatsect, self.csectMiniFat, used_size, stream_size, nb_minisectors))
if used_size > stream_size:
# This is not really a problem, but may indicate a wrong implementation:
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_INCORRECT, 'OLE MiniStream is larger than MiniFAT')
# In any case, first read stream_size:
s = self._open(self.minifatsect, stream_size, force_FAT=True).read()
#[PL] Old code replaced by an array:
#self.minifat = map(lambda i, s=s: i32(s, i), range(0, len(s), 4))
self.minifat = array.array('L', s)
# Then shrink the array to used size, to avoid indexes out of MiniStream:
debug('MiniFAT shrunk from %d to %d sectors' % (len(self.minifat), nb_minisectors))
self.minifat = self.minifat[:nb_minisectors]
debug('loadminifat(): len=%d' % len(self.minifat))
def getsect(self, sect):
@ -1133,9 +1211,13 @@ class OleFileIO:
self.fp.seek(self.sectorsize * (sect+1))
debug('getsect(): sect=%X, seek=%d, filesize=%d' %
(sect, self.sectorsize*(sect+1), os.path.getsize(self.fp.name)))
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, 'OLE sector index out of range')
sector = self.fp.read(self.sectorsize)
if len(sector) != self.sectorsize:
debug('getsect(): sect=%X, read=%d, sectorsize=%d' %
(sect, len(sector), self.sectorsize))
self._raise_defect(DEFECT_FATAL, 'incomplete OLE sector')
return sector
@ -1206,23 +1288,31 @@ class OleFileIO:
def _open(self, start, size = 0x7FFFFFFF):
def _open(self, start, size = 0x7FFFFFFF, force_FAT=False):
Open a stream, either in FAT or MiniFAT according to its size.
(openstream helper)
start: index of first sector
size: size of stream (or nothing if size is unknown)
force_FAT: if False (default), stream will be opened in FAT or MiniFAT
according to size. If True, it will always be opened in FAT.
debug('OleFileIO.open(): sect=%d, size=%d, force_FAT=%s' %
(start, size, str(force_FAT)))
# stream size is compared to the MiniSectorCutoff threshold:
if size < self.minisectorcutoff:
if size < self.minisectorcutoff and not force_FAT:
# ministream object
if not self.ministream:
# load MiniFAT if it wasn't already done:
# The first sector index of the miniFAT stream is stored in the
# root directory entry:
self.ministream = self._open(self.root.isectStart)
size_ministream = self.root.size
debug('Opening MiniStream: sect=%d, size=%d' %
(self.root.isectStart, size_ministream))
self.ministream = self._open(self.root.isectStart,
size_ministream, force_FAT=True)
return _OleStream(self.ministream, start, size, 0,
self.minisectorsize, self.minifat)
@ -1454,19 +1544,27 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print """
Launched from command line, this script parses OLE files and prints info.
Usage: OleFileIO_PL.py [-d] <file> [file2 ...]
Usage: OleFileIO_PL.py [-d] [-s] <file> [file2 ...]
-d : debug mode (display a lot of messages, for developers only)
-d : debug mode (display a lot of debug information, for developers only)
-s : check all streams (for debugging purposes)
check_streams = False
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
## try:
if filename == '-d':
# option to switch debug mode on:
if filename == '-c':
# option to switch check streams mode on:
check_streams = True
ole = OleFileIO(filename, raise_defects=DEFECT_INCORRECT)
print "-" * 68
print filename
@ -1490,6 +1588,21 @@ Options:
v = '(binary data)'
print " ", k, v
if check_streams:
# Read all streams to check if there are errors:
print '\nChecking streams...'
for streamname in ole.listdir():
# print name using repr() to convert binary chars to \xNN:
print '-', repr('/'.join(streamname)),'-',
st_type = ole.get_type(streamname)
if st_type == STGTY_STREAM:
print 'size %d' % ole.get_size(streamname)
# just try to read stream in memory:
print 'NOT a stream : type=%d' % st_type
print ''
#[PL] Test a few new methods:
root = ole.get_rootentry_name()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user