Merge pull request #925 from wiredfool/hopper4

Merge of PR #919, Replacing Lena with Hopper, part IV
This commit is contained in:
wiredfool 2014-09-26 21:15:43 -07:00
commit 7ef73a2e6f
28 changed files with 230 additions and 246 deletions

View File

@ -5,15 +5,18 @@ notifications:
# Run slow PyPy* first, to give them a headstart and reduce waiting time.
# Run latest 3.x and 2.x next, to get quick compatibility results.
# Then run the remainder.
- "pypy"
- "pypy3"
- 2.6
- 3.4
- 2.7
- 2.6
- "2.7_with_system_site_packages" # For PyQt4
- 3.2
- 3.3
- 3.4
- "travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq install libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev python-qt4 ghostscript libffi-dev libjpeg-turbo-progs cmake imagemagick"

View File

@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ def tostring(im, format, **options):
return out.getvalue()
# Note: hopper() should be used in place of lena(), which will be removed.
def hopper(mode="RGB", cache={}):
from PIL import Image
im = None
@ -203,27 +202,6 @@ def hopper(mode="RGB", cache={}):
return im
# Note: hopper() should be used instead lena(), which will be removed.
def lena(mode="RGB", cache={}):
from PIL import Image
im = None
# FIXME: Implement caching to reduce reading from disk but so an original
# copy is returned each time and the cached image isn't modified by tests
# (for fast, isolated, repeatable tests).
# im = cache.get(mode)
if im is None:
if mode == "RGB":
im ="Tests/images/lena.ppm")
elif mode == "F":
im = lena("L").convert(mode)
elif mode[:4] == "I;16":
im = lena("I").convert(mode)
im = lena("RGB").convert(mode)
# cache[mode] = im
return im
def command_succeeds(cmd):
Runs the command, which must be a list of strings. Returns True if the

Tests/images/hopper.Lab.tif Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Tests/images/hopper.psd Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Tests/images/hopper.webp Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.2 KiB

Tests/images/hopper.xpm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
/* XPM */
static char *hopper[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"128 128 44 1 ",
" c #110E13",
". c #2A1110",
"X c #13122C",
"o c #25192A",
"O c #312831",
"+ c #302219",
"@ c #5F241A",
"# c #6F4832",
"$ c #17174A",
"% c #26264F",
"& c #65595D",
"* c #4B3C54",
"= c #8E1F1A",
"- c #914E33",
"; c #A75335",
": c #AC6736",
"> c #B26F4E",
", c #9B6657",
"< c #CA7652",
"1 c #CC7866",
"2 c #C25135",
"3 c #B0896D",
"4 c #D28859",
"5 c #D28E6D",
"6 c #E79371",
"7 c #E5A36E",
"8 c #D58932",
"9 c #3E65AE",
"0 c #4970B5",
"q c #606D95",
"w c #557CC1",
"e c #91778A",
"r c #6A86B9",
"t c #5C83C3",
"y c #6D8FCA",
"u c #7799E3",
"i c #A89A9D",
"p c #CFAA90",
"a c #F4B08F",
"s c #D6A799",
"d c #ECCCAB",
"f c #F9F4F4",
"g c #E3D8D5",
"h c #AAAECA",
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"pppO *rpggiqqiiiiihiphpphiio OX o.&gsieii. X+ XX+X + .@&ifseeeheeeeehq,de122=17i*. . X*yu",
"p3p. . O&&q&&iiiiiihihihiiiii X X + hp&&3O X + X+ + + +.@=,sgh1e,heeesqhe,s11222221&% + X+ X%uu",
"ppi. . +oO*&&e&i,iiiiiX XX X &i**& + X + XX X +@-,2212eeieqee,,ee*,22222222@o X X X%hu",
"ii,. .XoO +&OO+ XX ++ +..+@>6a5=2,eih*ihf*&hie=22222==1o + X XXOyy",
"5p,. X +** X +X ..*-375522=eigqeig&,ie,222222=2<oo X X X Xyh",
"5i# + O+ + XX oo.@O##O@@@@O**oo+*+OOO..@@....@. X XXX XXXuy",
"ip# X o Xoo..oo..+.. X + Xrh",
"p3@ + X oXoX .oo .oXo .oo .oo o .oo X + + X X X X XXqy",
"pi@ X XX +o+ X X XXX XX.. XOoX X oo X X + X X XX&y"

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 16 KiB

Tests/images/hopper_g4.tif Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 28 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.8 KiB

View File

@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
/* XPM */
static char * lena_xpm[] = {
"128 128 44 1",
" c None",
". c #CC9966",
"+ c #663333",
"@ c #996666",
"# c #CC6666",
"$ c #CC9999",
"% c #FFCC99",
"& c #996633",
"* c #FF9966",
"= c #663366",
"- c #FFCCCC",
"; c #CCCC99",
"> c #FF9999",
", c #993333",
"' c #333333",
") c #CCCCCC",
"! c #996699",
"~ c #CC6633",
"{ c #666666",
"] c #999999",
"^ c #666699",
"/ c #330000",
"( c #663300",
"_ c #330033",
": c #999966",
"< c #FFFFCC",
"[ c #333366",
"} c #660033",
"| c #CC99CC",
"1 c #9999CC",
"2 c #660000",
"3 c #FFFFFF",
"4 c #CCCC66",
"5 c #FFCC66",
"6 c #666633",
"7 c #993366",
"8 c #FFFF99",
"9 c #993300",
"0 c #333300",
"a c #FF99CC",
"b c #CCCCFF",
"c c #CC9933",
"d c #CC6699",
"e c #000000",
"*.*..~.~.%*.*.*# #&,&#&#&#~.#~.~#.#*&*#..@.#.$.$$.$.$;$;$%$%$-.$.&@#.#~.##.#&##.#.#....*...*.>*.#..#.~....<%%-&+++++'=+[++=++",
".%*.*.&*.*%*.*. @#&#&#.#&#.##.~.#.#..>.#.$&#$@.$$:$$;$;$;$;-;-$.@&#$#.#&###&@.#..#.>..>.>..~..*#*.*.~...%%<-@+++=++=++=++=+",
"*.%*&,&*.*.*.* @#&##&#.~&*&>~.#.>@#&.@#.@$.@$.$.$.$;$;%-;.)%-%$&@.##.#.@.##&#.>.*.#.#.*&*.*.*.#.#..*...-%-+++/+{++_++=+}+",
"*.>.~&~..%*.*. &#&#&#&#.##&.#~#&*&##.@.#&$#.@.$.$;$.%).;-;$;$)%$&@&@#.##,@@.#..>.>..>.>.~.*.#.#>.>.#.*.-$+/+=+=+=++=+=+_+",
".*.&#(#.**.%*. @#&#&##.#&*#.#..##.#&#@.$.$@>$$.$.$%]%;$;;-;)%)%--&@&@&#&#&##.#..*.#.#..>..~.*..#.*...#..++='+++=++=+'+++@",
"%.#&~&~..*c*.* #@&#&#&#.#&*&#*#.&#.#.#@##.&.@.$$.$%$$;$%]%)$;$;-<-%@&@$&##@&#.>.>.#.#&#.*.*.*.>*.~.*..>++++=+=++'=+++=++$",
"*.~&,&#.*%.*.*. &#@#&#.#&#.#.#.#&#&#&@.#..@$#.#.@.$.]%;-;-;$;$;-;)--<$@#&,@&##.*.*.>.#&#&$..*.#.*.#.*$.$&++/+++='=+}+=++@$$",
".#@&,&#.*.*%*.*& @&#&#@&#.#.#.~&*.#&#.##&@@.#.@.#.$.$.$.$%$;$)-3))-;;-;-&@@@#@#&#.>.*.#.@(,$#...*#.**.*..@++++!'+}+=+=+@+@@$.",

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 18 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class TestFileLibTiff(LibTiffTestCase):
def test_g4_tiff(self):
"""Test the ordinary file path load path"""
file = "Tests/images/lena_g4_500.tif"
file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif"
im =
self.assertEqual(im.size, (500, 500))
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class TestFileLibTiff(LibTiffTestCase):
def test_g4_tiff_file(self):
"""Testing the string load path"""
file = "Tests/images/lena_g4_500.tif"
file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif"
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
im =
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class TestFileLibTiff(LibTiffTestCase):
def test_g4_tiff_bytesio(self):
"""Testing the stringio loading code path"""
from io import BytesIO
file = "Tests/images/lena_g4_500.tif"
file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif"
s = BytesIO()
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ class TestFileLibTiff(LibTiffTestCase):
def test_g4_eq_png(self):
""" Checking that we're actually getting the data that we expect"""
png ='Tests/images/lena_bw_500.png')
g4 ='Tests/images/lena_g4_500.tif')
png ='Tests/images/hopper_bw_500.png')
g4 ='Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif')
self.assert_image_equal(g4, png)
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class TestFileLibTiff(LibTiffTestCase):
def test_g4_write(self):
"""Checking to see that the saved image is the same as what we wrote"""
file = "Tests/images/lena_g4_500.tif"
file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif"
orig =
out = self.tempfile("temp.tif")
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class TestFileLibTiff(LibTiffTestCase):
def test_write_metadata(self):
""" Test metadata writing through libtiff """
img ='Tests/images/lena_g4.tif')
img ='Tests/images/hopper_g4.tif')
f = self.tempfile('temp.tiff'), tiffinfo=img.tag)
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class TestFileLibTiff(LibTiffTestCase):
value, reloaded[tag], "%s didn't roundtrip" % tag)
def test_g3_compression(self):
i ='Tests/images/lena_g4_500.tif')
i ='Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif')
out = self.tempfile("temp.tif"), compression='group3')
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class TestFileLibTiff(LibTiffTestCase):
def test_g4_string_info(self):
"""Tests String data in info directory"""
file = "Tests/images/lena_g4_500.tif"
file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif"
orig =
out = self.tempfile("temp.tif")
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ class TestFileLibTiff(LibTiffTestCase):
self.assertRaises(IOError, lambda:, compression='group4'))
def test_fp_leak(self):
im ="Tests/images/lena_g4_500.tif")
im ="Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif")
fn = im.fp.fileno()

View File

@ -15,20 +15,20 @@ class TestFileLibTiffSmall(LibTiffTestCase):
file just before reading in libtiff. These tests remain
to ensure that it stays fixed. """
def test_g4_lena_file(self):
def test_g4_hopper_file(self):
"""Testing the open file load path"""
file = "Tests/images/lena_g4.tif"
file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4.tif"
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
im =
self.assertEqual(im.size, (128, 128))
def test_g4_lena_bytesio(self):
def test_g4_hopper_bytesio(self):
"""Testing the bytesio loading code path"""
from io import BytesIO
file = "Tests/images/lena_g4.tif"
file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4.tif"
s = BytesIO()
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ class TestFileLibTiffSmall(LibTiffTestCase):
self.assertEqual(im.size, (128, 128))
def test_g4_lena(self):
"""The 128x128 lena image fails for some reason. Investigating"""
def test_g4_hopper(self):
"""The 128x128 lena image failed for some reason."""
file = "Tests/images/lena_g4.tif"
file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4.tif"
im =
self.assertEqual(im.size, (128, 128))

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase
from PIL import Image
# sample ppm stream
file = "Tests/images/lena.psd"
file = "Tests/images/hopper.psd"
data = open(file, "rb").read()

View File

@ -31,27 +31,25 @@ class TestFileTiffMetadata(PillowTestCase):
self.assertEqual(loaded.tag[50839], textdata)
def test_read_metadata(self):
img ='Tests/images/lena_g4.tif')
img ='Tests/images/hopper_g4.tif')
known = {'YResolution': ((1207959552, 16777216),),
known = {'YResolution': ((4294967295, 113653537),),
'PlanarConfiguration': (1,),
'BitsPerSample': (1,),
'ImageLength': (128,),
'Compression': (4,),
'FillOrder': (1,),
'DocumentName': 'lena.g4.tif',
'RowsPerStrip': (128,),
'ResolutionUnit': (1,),
'ResolutionUnit': (3,),
'PhotometricInterpretation': (0,),
'PageNumber': (0, 1),
'XResolution': ((1207959552, 16777216),),
'XResolution': ((4294967295, 113653537),),
'ImageWidth': (128,),
'Orientation': (1,),
'StripByteCounts': (1796,),
'StripByteCounts': (1968,),
'SamplesPerPixel': (1,),
'StripOffsets': (8,),
'Software': 'ImageMagick 6.5.7-8 2012-08-17 Q16' +
# self.assertEqual is equivalent,
# but less helpful in telling what's wrong.

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, lena
from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, hopper
from PIL import Image
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class TestFileWebp(PillowTestCase):
def test_read_rgb(self):
file_path = "Tests/images/lena.webp"
file_path = "Tests/images/hopper.webp"
image =
self.assertEqual(image.mode, "RGB")
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ class TestFileWebp(PillowTestCase):
# generated with:
# dwebp -ppm ../../Tests/images/lena.webp -o lena_webp_bits.ppm
target ='Tests/images/lena_webp_bits.ppm')
# dwebp -ppm ../../Tests/images/hopper.webp -o hopper_webp_bits.ppm
target ='Tests/images/hopper_webp_bits.ppm')
self.assert_image_similar(image, target, 20.0)
def test_write_rgb(self):
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class TestFileWebp(PillowTestCase):
temp_file = self.tempfile("temp.webp")
image =
@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ class TestFileWebp(PillowTestCase):
# but it doesn't if the WebP is generated on Ubuntu and tested on
# Fedora.
# generated with: dwebp -ppm temp.webp -o lena_webp_write.ppm
# target ='Tests/images/lena_webp_write.ppm')
# generated with: dwebp -ppm temp.webp -o hopper_webp_write.ppm
# target ='Tests/images/hopper_webp_write.ppm')
# self.assert_image_equal(image, target)
# This test asserts that the images are similar. If the average pixel
# difference between the two images is less than the epsilon value,
# then we're going to accept that it's a reasonable lossy version of
# the image. The included lena images for WebP are showing ~16 on
# the image. The old lena images for WebP are showing ~16 on
# Ubuntu, the jpegs are showing ~18.
target = lena("RGB")
self.assert_image_similar(image, target, 20.0)
target = hopper("RGB")
self.assert_image_similar(image, target, 12)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, lena
from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, hopper
from PIL import Image
# sample ppm stream
TEST_FILE = "Tests/images/lena.xpm"
TEST_FILE = "Tests/images/hopper.xpm"
class TestFileXpm(PillowTestCase):
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ class TestFileXpm(PillowTestCase):
self.assertEqual(im.size, (128, 128))
self.assertEqual(im.format, "XPM")
# large error due to quantization->44 colors.
self.assert_image_similar(im.convert('RGB'), lena('RGB'), 60)
#large error due to quantization->44 colors.
self.assert_image_similar(im.convert('RGB'), hopper('RGB'), 60)
def test_load_read(self):
# Arrange

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, hopper, lena
from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, hopper
from PIL import Image
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ class TestImageCms(PillowTestCase):
def test_simple_lab(self):
i ='RGB', (10, 10), (128, 128, 128))
psRGB = ImageCms.createProfile("sRGB")
pLab = ImageCms.createProfile("LAB")
t = ImageCms.buildTransform(psRGB, pLab, "RGB", "LAB")
@ -179,11 +180,11 @@ class TestImageCms(PillowTestCase):
# not a linear luminance map. so L != 128:
self.assertEqual(k, (137, 128, 128))
L = i_lab.getdata(0)
l = i_lab.getdata(0)
a = i_lab.getdata(1)
b = i_lab.getdata(2)
self.assertEqual(list(L), [137] * 100)
self.assertEqual(list(l), [137] * 100)
self.assertEqual(list(a), [128] * 100)
self.assertEqual(list(b), [128] * 100)
@ -191,15 +192,16 @@ class TestImageCms(PillowTestCase):
psRGB = ImageCms.createProfile("sRGB")
pLab = ImageCms.createProfile("LAB")
t = ImageCms.buildTransform(psRGB, pLab, "RGB", "LAB")
# Need to add a type mapping for some PIL type to TYPE_Lab_8 in
# findLCMSType, and have that mapping work back to a PIL mode
# (likely RGB).
i = ImageCms.applyTransform(lena(), t)
i = ImageCms.applyTransform(hopper(), t)
self.assert_image(i, "LAB", (128, 128))
#'temp.lab.tif') # visually verified vs PS.
target ='Tests/images/lena.Lab.tif')
target ='Tests/images/hopper.Lab.tif')
self.assert_image_similar(i, target, 30)
@ -208,13 +210,13 @@ class TestImageCms(PillowTestCase):
pLab = ImageCms.createProfile("LAB")
t = ImageCms.buildTransform(pLab, psRGB, "LAB", "RGB")
img ='Tests/images/lena.Lab.tif')
img ='Tests/images/hopper.Lab.tif')
img_srgb = ImageCms.applyTransform(img, t)
#'temp.srgb.tif') # visually verified vs ps.
self.assert_image_similar(lena(), img_srgb, 30)
self.assert_image_similar(hopper(), img_srgb, 30)
profile = ImageCmsProfile(BytesIO(['icc_profile']))